The Whispering Verses Chapter 2701: Snow in Dreams


Chapter 2700 Snow in Dreams

When Shade closed his eyes, the edge of life and death became calm again. Thick fog quickly filled every space, and ghosts emerged from every corner.

A heavy fog enveloped the boat going down the river, and Shade did not realize that even if he was not driving it, his current status still gave the boat the ability to “penetrate time and space” for a short time.

The boat in the heavy fog seemed to be getting more and more blurry, and as the sound of ???? came from the boat, the surface of the river where Shade was soaked began to freeze.

(Little Mia is running.)

This time’s “sleep” was a little too fast, so that when Shade felt a little cold, it even took him a few seconds to remember what happened before he closed his eyes.

“Is it time to wake up?”

He felt that he was in excellent condition at this time, and all the injuries on his body had healed, and “she” replied with a smile:

[Let’s see where you are now. 】

At this time, Xia De felt that there was no liquid around his body. Although it was a little cold, he seemed to be hugged by someone.

So he opened his eyes and saw big golden eyes looking at him with a smile, and behind the messy silver hair were the mountains and the heavy snow.

He was still on his boat, surrounded by a large lake as calm as a mirror, and some figures seemed to be shaking around the lake. Snowflakes were falling in droves, and a layer of snow had accumulated elsewhere on the ship, but there was no snow on him and Chloe at all.

“I slept through winter?”

After this stupid idea appeared, Xia Decai said in surprise:


The demigod witch who lived in the early fifth era smiled and tapped Shade’s eyebrows with her finger. The coolness for a moment made him completely awake, and then he realized that he was half-lying on the witch’s lap just now. She hugged.

He sat up hurriedly, and Qiu Shu told Shade that the time at this time was still 1854 in the Sixth Age, but at a certain moment it seemed like it was the Fifth Age again.

The short silver-haired witch saw the confusion on Shade’s face. She reached out and gently hugged Shade, who was looking around, again. Shade felt herself calm down and reached out to hug her.

No matter whether the surroundings are false or not, at least she is real:

“Long time no see, Chloe.”

Since Miss Feliana and the others can be found across time, it is not surprising that Chloe can also be found.

“Long time no see, Shade, it seems that you have been having a bad time recently.”

His injuries have healed, probably because the demigod witch helped with the treatment, but the clothes on his body have not recovered.

Due to his height, Chloe’s head was actually on his neck when she held him. Therefore, when the witch with chills all over her body approached Shade, her kiss was imprinted on Shade’s. Chest.

The snow-covered lake is like a silver mirror, and not many sounds can be heard in the swirling snow. But unlike the equally quiet edge of life and death, where there was deathly silence, here it was peaceful and reassuring.

“When I just saw your boat carrying you floating up from the fog rising from the lake, I couldn’t believe that I really succeeded.”

Chloe said softly, sniffing the scent of Shade carefully. She had tasted his blood in the snowy mountains, and she knew how charming his blood and body were:

“But it seems that it is not my good luck, but that your location is unstable in time and space. Who hurt you? Do you need my help? The current lake is located in the gap of time. Both in the past and in the future, if you need it, I can find a way to make some of my power manifest in your time.”

Her voice was gentle, with no murderous intent at all. Shade hugged her gently. Among all the girls he knew, only Chloe had silver hair:

“I encountered some things, but the enemy is not invincible. I am much stronger now than when I first met you. I can handle it myself. I am really happy this time Reunion.”

He said this, and the silver-haired Witch Emperor hummed softly, and put her face against Shade’s body to listen to his heartbeat. Her face was also a little cold, but the coldness was not unpleasant:

“This meeting probably won’t last too long, but we will meet again, Shade. As long as we succeed the first time, there will be a second time.”

Xia De then asked:

“Have you contacted Miss Feliana and Miss Violet?”

The Ice Witch nodded slightly:

“We are all looking for you, even if you hide until the end of time, we will meet you again one day.”

“Don’t say such terrible things.”

Xia De touched her head gently, and then remembered another thing:

“I met a **** who said that as long as I pay a soul that is completely frozen by the coldness inside, he can carry me to your time. Do you know how to do this?”

The silver-haired girl was finally willing to let go of Shade. She smiled and sat on the boat and looked at Shade’s face. The boat floats slowly in the snow, there are no ripples on the side of the boat, and the big lake in the snow is so quiet that people can’t even have distracting thoughts:

“Are you coming to me? To freeze a soul requires not only the temperature of the outside world, but also the sins of the soul itself. Can you find a soul with huge sins?”

“It’s very simple, my current opponent is.”

Because it was winter, the neckline of the long dress she wore also had silver fluff. When she got closer to Shade, the fluff gently swept Shade’s body.

“Then you still need a materialized sin. Do you have this?”

“This is needed. Wait a minute, I really have it!”

Shad used the method given by the doctor to extract two copies of “Cowardice”, but only Father Francois’s copy was turned into a ship ticket, and the worse quality one was still with him. Even if you count the time and find no use, the sin must be dealt with.

“This is enough, I know that fate is also guiding you to meet me.”

She kissed the corner of Shade’s lips gently, her lips were also slightly cold:

“Use his own sins to freeze his soul. When the sins are shattered in the ice, the wrapped soul will be completely frozen into unmeltable ice.

This is very simple, you need to blow a chill, let this chill flow through the embodied sin, and then touch the soul. Sin will turn into ice and immobilize him, and he will be punished for his evil deeds. ”

“So how do I blow the chill away?”

Shade asked again, looking at him with golden eyes, and then Chloe hugged his neck and sat on his lap and kissed him. Although the Ice Witch’s lips are cold, her/tou are warm.

But that was not what Shade cared about. He was more concerned about the extremely cold breath that she blew into his mouth as she kissed him.

This chill even made Sha De feel a little unbearable, but fortunately with the movement of the witch’s head, the chill was completely restricted in Sha De’s mouth.

As soon as the kiss ended, Shade immediately covered his mouth to prevent the chill from accidentally leaking out. This power is definitely no less than the peak strike of the demigod witch, and Shade even suspects that once he opens his mouth and spits out this cold air, it will be enough to turn the hot summer into the deep winter.

Chloe’s strength has undergone qualitative changes compared to when he was in the Silver Mountains. Although demigod witches are not gods after all, in the eyes of ordinary people they are actually similar to gods.

“Look at you like this, you just covered your mouth, the cold air is about to pour out of your ears.”

The silver-haired Witch Emperor said with a smile, and Shade wanted to cover his ears, but immediately realized that she was joking. He complained a few times, and Chloe smiled even happier:

“I know that if there is anyone in the world who can bear my coldness, then that person can only be you.”

She leaned against Shade’s chest again, letting the boat continue to take the two of them drifting on the lake in the snow. People by the lake dare not look here, and the mountains in the vast snow background seem to disappear in the snow:

“There’s not enough time, you want to go back, right?”

There was no sadness or melancholy in her tone:

“Then I look forward to you coming to me, Shade, and I will wait for you. Of course, if you don’t come to me, then I will go find you.”


“You are so cute.”

She used adjectives that would not normally be used to describe men, and then kissed Shade on the face:

“Then sleep a little longer, your enemy is still waiting for you. Sleep, Shade, sleep peacefully in my arms. Ice and snow bless us, the long winter is coming, in Please sleep until then.”

She hugged Shade, who could not speak, into her arms again, but she had to admit that although Chloe was small, her figure was definitely not comparable to Agelina’s.

The ancient language sang a gentle song, and the lullaby of the fifth era was hummed hoarsely by the little ice witch, and the sleepiness really began to rise.

In the smell of Chloe’s cool perfume, Shade fell into sleep again.

The heavy snow in the dream was no longer cold, but when Shade held the edge of the boat and opened his eyes and looked around, he found that it was still the edge of life and death shrouded in heavy fog.

It’s just that he was very sure that the boating trip on the snowy lake with Chloe just now was not his dream, because there was really a strong chill in his mouth at this time.

Snowflakes were falling in the heavy fog on the edge of life and death, and ice crystals had appeared in the river water on his body. If you look closely, even the river surface around the boat was slowly freezing. The power given by the demigod witch was really brought back to the sixth era of the present world, but Chloe’s slightly cold but gentle lips seemed to still be imprinted on Shade’s lips.

The foreigner has never mentioned it to anyone. In fact, his favorite among the four seasons is winter.


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