The Whispering Verses Chapter 2666: York Bronte


Chapter 2665 York Bronte

The closer the distance between Acorn’s perceived target and Shade is, the clearer Shade is able to know the other party’s position. Therefore, the cat keeps asking the owl to adjust its direction in the sky, and finally the owl lands at the Accordion Hotel. In a very low-key four-story building not far away.

The witch knows this place:

“The Philharmonic Club, the most high-end club in the local area. It adopts a membership system, and only musicians who can attend the Golden Music Hall and the nobles of Willondale are eligible to enter.”

Xia De knew that she must have been here before asking:

“Wait a moment, I feel it again, yes, the destination is here, in the big room on the left on the fourth floor.”

The cat jumped lightly on the roof and reached the position above the room. The owl also landed on the messy metal steam pipes on the roof. Because it just rained yesterday, there are still large areas of water on the roof, which makes the place look even more messy:

“It’s a clever composition to have a beautiful cat like you standing in such a dirty place, but don’t you feel sorry for your fur?”

She looked at it condescendingly.

“I’m not a real cat, why would I consider such a problem?”

“Are you sure this is the location? This room is reserved for members of the Anjou royal family. There are not even ten people in Carsonlik who are qualified to use this room.”

Miss Owl said slightly surprised, just because she didn’t know what was going on inside, it was not convenient for Shade to directly use “Raglai’s Jump” to enter. But the witch doesn’t worry about this problem, because she is really just an owl.

So she flew down smoothly, circled around the window and flew back again, still standing on the steam pipe in front of the silver cat:

“There are four people inside. I don’t know which one is your target. Two are maids from the club. These two are definitely not. They have been in the club all the time and are not from outside.

One of the remaining two is the young ensign you asked about who appeared next to Linda Bennet, the third daughter of the Bennet family, when we went to the concert on Sunday. ”

“York Brontë?”

This is also the name provided by Eric Foran. The Bronte family, like the Bennet family, are aboriginal nobles in Ximu Town. Today Baron Brontë serves as a staff officer in the First Army Corps, and York Brontë is the second son in the family.

“Another person I know is a bit surprising.”

Miss Owl flapped her wings:

“William Anjou, I didn’t expect him to be here.”

The silver cat was also very surprised:

“The second prince of the Anjou royal family?”

The witch is not surprised that Shade knows who this is. After all, the southern royal family does not have as many heirs as the northern kingdom:

“He handled the Randall Valley Stonemason’s Association unfavorably earlier this year and was overpowered by Princess Margaret of Anjou. I heard that he has been trying to repair his role in the King’s position in the past six months. The image in front of me wants to do something big.

But he doesn’t have his eldest brother’s skill or connections, nor can he outwit his sister Margaret. He didn’t even get an errand to visit the Moon Bay area in the summer. How could he show up in Vista? city? ”

There are five Margaret brothers and sisters in total. Except for the three mentioned by Miss Winslet, the eldest princess has long since married and no longer participates in politics. The youngest prince is still underage and has no influence, so the eldest prince Samuel・Anjou, the second prince William of Anjou and Margaret are the actual contenders for the throne in the next generation.

Shad met William Anjou while he was in the Randall Valley, but his deepest impression of him was that he was assassinated by an old stonemason from the Masons’ Guild at a banquet.

At least at the beginning of this year, William Anjou was not a ring warlock. As for Second Lieutenant York Brontë, the last time he was in the concert hall, the distance was too far and there were too many people. Shade was not sure whether he was a ring warlock:

“Since time travelers are involved, our safety comes first. When they leave, I will confirm with my own eyes which one used the tree hole. What are they doing in there? They can’t be drinking afternoon tea, right?”

“Talk. When I flew over, the two maids were preparing to leave the room. It should be a very private conversation.”

So the silver cat also jumped onto the pipe where the owl was standing and squatted beside it. The owl carefully moved closer to the cat, letting its wings almost touch it.

“Is there any way to hear the conversation between York Brontë and the prince? The soundproofing effect of this room is great.”

“There is a way.”

As he said that, the owl launched his own thaumaturgy, then spread his left wings and held the cat to his side, so Shade also heard the sound coming from downstairs.

The sound of the maids closing the door completely turned the downstairs room into a “secret room”, and then William Anjou and York Brontë began to talk. This was the first time Shade heard the latter speak. Although he was from Ximu Town, his accent was a very authentic Willendale accent.

The cat and the owl listened carefully. They exchanged a few words at first, and it sounded like they were familiar with each other before.


Then the prince brought up the business:

“My trip to Vista City is not a secret one. I received a secret order from my father. Now people who know my whereabouts think that I came here secretly to relax and have fun. In fact, I brought The elite agents of the Gray Gloves.”

The young second lieutenant exclaimed:

“Your Highness, are you here to investigate spies?”

“I can’t tell you the specific purpose, but York, you are my friend, and a very capable friend. I need some help from you. My purpose this time is ‘Twilight Forest Post’ and’ Aronson River Campground.” Although there are many good players in the Gray Gloves, I still have to rely on local officers like you. ”

“Of course, Your Highness, I am willing to serve you.”

William Anjou was very cautious, and then asked York Brontë about the private affairs of some local nobles and the general conditions of the two military camps in the forest, but he did not tell what secret order he had received.

Of course, York Bronte, who came from a noble family, also introduced the local “fun” places to His Royal Highness during the conversation. When the two talked about the private life of the young second lieutenant, William Anjou also said jokingly:

“I don’t understand why your father insists on letting you marry a local girl in Vista City. I have no regional discrimination, but compared with the girl in Willondale, the girl in Vista City Really just a country girl.

Girls in big cities are a little different from girls in the country, you know what I mean. ”

“Of course, Your Highness. But although country girls don’t have the etiquette models of the girls in the royal capital, at least some of them are pretty good-looking.”

William Anjou asked curiously:

“Why, your father specially arranged for you to be sent to the military camp in Vista City. It seems that his expectations have been realized?”

“She is the daughter of the Bennet family. I think she looks very beautiful. Although the girl is a bit rude and lacks education, she is at least very simple and can be considered a good marriage partner.”

“Does she know what you were doing in Willendale?”

“Oh, Your Highness, we don’t have to tell women everything, do we?”

The cat, which was covered by half of the owl’s wings, felt that the owl turned its head to look at it, so the misunderstood cat explained:

“I heard that York Bronte was generous, hung out in the Lord’s Casino, and had some problems in his private life. He should be the kind of dissolute aristocratic kid in people’s traditional impression. It seems that Mrs. Bennet gave The marriage partner my third daughter is looking for is not very good.”

The two people downstairs talked for a while. Because His Royal Highness the Prince had something to do in the afternoon, they made an appointment to attend an acquaintance’s wedding together tomorrow evening, and then left separately.

The two did not go downstairs together, but William Anjou left in a carriage from the back door first, and then York Bronte walked out from the main entrance of the club in a generous manner.

The silver cat looked down from the roof of the building, and found that the target was very simple:

“It’s not William Anjou. The target Acorn senses is York Brontë.”

The owl standing behind the cat’s tail then asked:

“Want to follow?”

“Of course. Huh? This person is actually a ring warlock? No, don’t worry, it’s just a low level. Things seem to be getting more and more interesting.”

The owl grabbed the cat and took off from above the club, while York Bronte on the ground rode a carriage towards the north of the city.

Seeing that he was alone in the city, Shade originally thought that he would carry out some secret activities. Unexpectedly, the carriage finally stopped at the entrance of a remote alley in the old city in the north of the city, and then entered an ordinary building in a low-key manner. Ordinary building.

So the owl went to the window and circled around again:

“Illegal Rhodes casino, I don’t know the specifics, but it should be run by local gangs.”

The two of them waited outside the casino until four o’clock in the afternoon before the young officer with an unlucky look walked out cursing. But at least he still had the money to continue taking the carriage, and then took the carriage to the northwest of the city and arrived at the entrance of the Ximu Town Conservatory of Music.

This is the city’s original school and currently the best music conservatory in the south of the Old World. After getting off the carriage, he first went to buy a bouquet of flowers, and soon he saw the third daughter of the Bennet family.

The beautiful Miss Linda Bennet walked out of the castle with her friends. When they saw the young officer holding flowers and looking over, they all laughed. Then Linda Bennet walked over sheepishly and took the flowers from York Bronte.

“The young girl seems to be moved.”

Above the covered bridge high in the castle, the owl said to the cat, Shade was also watching this scene:

“Maybe we should give that girl a heads up, of course, after this matter is resolved.”


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