The Whispering Verses Chapter 2658: Mermaid Shadow


Chapter 2657 Mermaid Shadow

“Judging from today’s performance, it is only reasonable that this [Damaged Antarctic Constellation Clock] should be classified as a sage level. If you weren’t here, few people in the entire Tobesk Diocese could deal with this thing.”

Eluna continued, while Shade was confused about the scene he just saw:

“The man was not affected by the effect of the relic just now because he had branches wrapped around his body. What is the principle behind this?”

“I don’t know this either. This requires investigating his identity and background.”

Although Iluna was answering the question, her eyes were actually staring at the weapon in Shade’s hand:

“This staff of yours is really powerful.”

“Of course, these are the branches of the World Tree.”

“You know?!”

Iluna was startled and immediately asked:

“So can it still grow into the original World Tree?”

“If” among the five conditions “fire, cards, resurrection, power, and love” provided to her to help Shade, “resurrection” should refer to the resurrection of the World Tree (2016). It’s just that “if” also said that Sha De couldn’t be told about this matter, so she could only ask after Sha De knew about it.

“This is a dead time key. Of course it cannot grow again. What a strange question.”

Xia De shook his head, put away the staff, bent down and covered the red velvet cloth on the dial of the fallen clock:

“It is estimated that the people lost in the narrow space of time are coming back. I will leave here first, and you can handle the rest. Remember to think clearly about how to explain. I will not leave the opera house before ten o’clock in the evening, If something happens again, remember to come to me.”

Eluna also returned the jar of umbilical cord in her hand to Shade. In fact, she still wanted to stay with Shade for a while:

“If those lost people can’t come back within half an hour, they probably won’t be able to come back. I’ll look for you in the evening. It seems that I have to find a way to improve my time resistance.”

Vanessa and Sirius were not surprised at all that Shade solved the problem so quickly. After seeing Shade come back, they organized everyone to have dinner together.

Although something like this happened, the opera house has not yet received a notice that it will not be open tonight, so the girls of the opera troupe will still perform on the stage tonight.

Vanessa seems to often have dinner with her followers backstage like this, and everyone is talking and laughing around the dining table with multiple tables put together.

The rain gradually stopped in the evening, so when well-dressed men and women climbed up the grand steps in front of the opera troupe as usual, there were no umbrellas in their hands.

Tonight’s audience was as expected, and every seat that could be sold was filled. Shade sat in a remote corner with Vanessa and Sirius to enjoy the opera in the audience.

At nine o’clock in the evening, when the opera ended and the audience left the stage talking about tonight’s wonderful performance, the tired Iluna found Shade backstage who was about to take little Mia home:

“The investigation has results.”

The girl who had been busy all night sat on the chair in front of the dressing table. Sirius, who felt sorry for her, poured a glass of water for her, while Iluna drank the whole glass of water in an unladylike manner. After drinking it, he continued to say to Shade:

“The dead man was a handyman at the theater, and he bought the clock from a local thrift store. The thrift store also sent people to investigate. The clock was purchased from an out-of-town businessman more than ten years ago. What I bought has never been sold, and the account books can prove this.”

That is to say, the origin of the relic cannot be traced, but it does not appear that anyone deliberately wanted to destroy it.

“The handyman bought the clock to put in his home. According to the church’s tracking of his home in the afternoon, he seemed to have found an instruction for the clock’s containment inside the clock, but it was not the church’s containment. Reports, presumably left by other organizations that had previously housed it.

We found the instructions written under his mattress, probably written around the year 400 of the Sixth Era. In addition to explaining ‘time suspension’, it also said that tying specific tree branches could make people temporarily Immune to the time-stopping effect of this relic. ”

As he said that, he took the teacup from Sirius again, but this time he just held it in his hand.

The witch of the thirteenth level earth confirmed:

“So the truth of this matter is: driven by desire and greed, men who are greedy for beauty, and of course, under the influence of the whispering elements of the relics, let the relics get out of control and cause today’s consequences? This is not a good story , but it does serve as a warning.”

Xia De originally thought so too, but unexpectedly Iluna shook her head:

“It’s not that simple. The other protagonist of the story, the girl in costume, did not come back and was one of the victims this time. But we also carefully inspected her apartment. To put it simply, she also had question.”

Seeing that everyone looked at her in surprise, Iluna continued to explain:

“Is it normal for the handyman to be so obsessed with her? Shade, you and I have seen the past scenes. I admit that men will do many irrational actions when they are obsessed with girls, but that handyman’s obsession Isn’t that a bit excessive? ”


Xia De nodded hesitantly, suddenly having some bad guesses:

“Go on.”

“The church investigated that she is not a well-known actress herself. Although she belongs to the Tobesk Art Performance Troupe, she only plays an unimportant supporting role at best.

In order to make herself famous and be liked by more people, the girl arranged a ceremony in her home. ”

Witch, Sirius, Shade and the two high-level girls who were listening all shook their heads. Of course Iluna understood what they meant:

“Yes, it is the kind of incident where ordinary people are involved in the mysterious world. It’s just that she doesn’t know which book she found the ritual from, but it is not a formal ritual. Judging from the traces left at the scene, she paid I paid a certain price in exchange for a bottle of magical perfume that can make myself very attractive.”

“What a stupid girl, so she died because of herself?”

The witch sighed softly, and Shade asked:

“Is the church sure that the perfume catalyzed this incident? So what did she make a deal with? The devil? It can’t be the evil god, right? I don’t think gods can easily make such a deal with mortals.”

Gods are not wish-granting machines, and being able to communicate with gods is not something that ordinary people can easily do.

“It shouldn’t be the devil. The church’s detection ritual found no traces of the devil. It shouldn’t be the evil **** either. We didn’t find any blasphemous elements. The ritual arranged by the actress shouldn’t have any effect. What worked was a piece of seaweed wrapped around it. Stone.”

She paused slightly:

“I didn’t go with the actress when I was investigating her apartment, but I just heard that the stone looked like a mermaid.

Also, the remaining half of the bottle of perfume was found in the girl’s cosmetic bag. The ingredients are still uncertain. But it is certain that it was indeed her use of too much perfume that made the handyman who bought the clock have inappropriate thoughts. To put it simply, both people are responsible.

As for the perfume bottle, I heard from my colleagues before coming here that there is an abstract mermaid symbol at the bottom of the bottle. ”

She stopped talking because both the witch and Sirius looked at Shade. So the thirteenth-level witch waved the girls who were listening to the story to move away temporarily. She cast a spell to block the sounds nearby. Iluna looked at Shade this time and said:

“Last fall, the church discovered traces of an extremely dangerous agnostic-level relic in Coldwater Port, and continued to track it throughout the following year.

In fact, within this year, things similar to this incident occurred in every corner of the Old Continent, and this incident is also suspected to be related to the unknown relic. The Holy See paid direct attention to this incident of runaway relics. Although the impact this time was small, with only more than ten people dead and no property damage caused,

If nothing else happens, Miss Bernanice, Miss Lassus, and the Golden Dawn Opera Company may have to change their performance in the future. The Holy See will send a special team to thoroughly inspect the Queen Mary Opera House. Again. ”

Vanessa and Sirius did not say anything, but continued to look at Shade.

Although Shade never took the initiative to talk about “desire”, he did mention that his perfume bottle was related to mermaids. Moreover, in many incidents since last year, many girls have had direct contact with the “mermaid” around him.

For example, during the Moon Bay incident, Miss Belindel was on the rocks below Earl Darmanin’s manor. She was held by Shade and saw the beautiful woman’s head appearing in the water; and during the Green Lake incident, Megan turned her back to the lake. and Shade, have also heard each other’s voices.

As for Iluna, the comment “Desire” made on her on the shore of the island in the middle of the Pantanal lake that “she is really too innocent” still bothers her now that she is eighteen years old. (Chapter 1112).

“I think it’s probably that thing.”

Xia De nodded slightly, but comforted them:

“Don’t worry, she’s not in Tobesk. The lost actress praying to her should be just an accident. Since she broke away from the seal of the fish people during the Coldwater Harbor incident last fall, I haven’t discovered the material world until now. Who can seal her again?”

He hesitated for a moment before saying:

“Actually, I’m pretty sure she is in Moon Bay now, but she promised me that she would not provoke Miss Belindle or anyone around her. I know it may be wrong to say this, but for the time being we can only She treats it as a moving disaster.”

Unless he burns his divinity, Shade feels that even if he reaches the thirteenth ring, there is probably nothing he can do to her. And she helped him so many times, even if he knew she was evil, Shade couldn’t really do it without hesitation.

Even now, he still owes a “debt collection” job that has not yet been completed. The timeline of Vista Grove is quite confusing, and he is still not sure which generation class the “Bennet” he is looking for is. Nat.



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