The Whispering Verses Chapter 2657: Containment


Chapter 2656 Containment

The power of time reversal seems to be pushing Iluna back. No matter how bright the light of the dark golden scale in her hand is, she cannot stop the power of time. Fortunately, before she was about to be forcibly “pushed” out of the performance hall, a hand pressed down on her shoulder from behind, and all the abnormalities caused by time disappeared instantly.

Eluna turned around and saw that it was indeed Shade behind her:

“Okay, I admit it was a little accidental. Your eyebrows are really nice.”

Xia De looked at the situation on the stage and couldn’t help but sigh:

“Don’t make fun of me. How did it happen here? People in the entire corridor outside have disappeared. Did the negative effects of this relic spread so quickly?”

As he said that, he took Iluna’s hand and pulled her behind him. The girl didn’t even hold the scale anymore. She directly pulled Shade’s clothes with one hand and held the hand that Shade handed her. Jar of umbilical cord.

Iluna poked her head out from behind him holding the bottle:

“The results given by the fortune tellers of the Seer Association are wrong. This relic did not appear here by accident. The guy on the stage brought it here! He fell in love with a local actress and used this relic. It froze the other person’s time. What he said just now was that he would stay with her until the end of time.”

“Time stands still, it’s a classic theme. If you can’t control your greed and desire, just say it and say ‘until the end of time’.”

The man who was half-fused with the clock pointed at the two people at the door of the performance hall again, but this time instead of saying a command about time, he fired his flesh and blood fingers directly towards them. But what was wrapped in that layer of flesh and blood was not bone, but a metal pointer.

Where the blood-red pointer crossed, a slender white bright line appeared in the air. And from that bright line, gray-white fog is quietly seeping out.

This pointer seems to be able to directly pierce the stable time. If it is hit by it, then it will regress back to the baby age or turn into a pile of withered bones. I am afraid that even the crazy man does not know.

But faced with such an attack, Shade just lifted the black key in his hand forward. While reciting the incantation, the ritual matrix of the sun, moon and stars emerged under my feet, and the black staff “drilled out” from the palm of my hand clanged, and the pointer flew away.

The blood-red pointer flew diagonally towards the seat beside it and pierced into it, so the seat squirmed and turned into a piece of wood covered with sheepskin:

“It turns out it’s really a wool cushion.”

Thinking in his mind, the emerald green light spreading from Shade’s hand has extended to the entire long staff. And as he pierced the [Staff of Yggdrasil] into the floor tiles with force, the long staff stood erected in the aisle of the performance hall:

“The stability principle of ancient elves!”

The green glow spurted upward, and the flickering light actually formed a large tree with a long staff as its trunk, and slowly extended its branches towards the roof.

As a result, the gray-white mist that just appeared slowly dissipated, and the time anomaly effect exerted by the relic on the stage was quickly compressed to only cover the stage.

Shad doesn’t think that he can completely offset the effect of the relic by casting a spell, so he is very satisfied with the effect of this magic:

“Iluna, how should we store this relic now?”

“A special piece of red velvet cloth is needed. It only needs to cover the dial position. Just before the secret keeper sent by the church disappeared, the piece of cloth was thrown to the front.”

She pointed from behind Shade to a red cloth with a corner exposed under the chair on the left not far in front of the aisle. Shade walked over and picked it up. Iluna quickly followed, and [Yuke Staff of Trasil] will remain in place for a sustained period of time.

Xia De hopes that no one will ask him to pay for the damage to the floor afterward.

The red velvet is quite thick and seems to be made of the fur of extraordinary creatures. The front and back sides of the velvet are embroidered with a huge sun pattern using gold thread and the runes representing the “World Tree” are embroidered with green thread.

Shade checked it and walked to the stage. Iluna immediately said worriedly:

“It’s dangerous on the stage, be careful.”

As the two approached the stage, the green light caused by the thaumaturgic effect almost enveloped the entire ceiling of the room, but they could not reach the top of the stage. The crazy guy on the stage who merged with the clock seemed to understand that the area under the stage was already a “safe area”, so he did not continue to attack.

Its one eye, which was gradually becoming mechanized, stared at Shade. While Shade tried to lift his legs to step onto the first step under the stage, it actually hugged the clock in front of it with one hand, and then used the remaining His right leg jumped suddenly, and half a person and the clock crashed into Shade like a cannonball.

The time that had gradually stabilized in the room suddenly became abnormal again. Even though Iluna behind Shade was holding the jar of umbilical cord, for a moment she felt like she wanted to hold on to Shade’s clothes and cry like a baby.

Of course Shade didn’t want to come into direct contact with the relic. He pulled Iluna behind him and stepped back before appearing next to the Staff of Yectrasil, making the “flying” of the clock fail.


The clock was smashed on the steps, and there was a mechanical damage sound inside. Then the half man picked up the clock again, and the next moment it appeared directly in front of the two of them, and once again hit Shade like a cannonball. chest.

This is not a space jump, this is a time jump.

“Disappear, all of you!”

The sound coming out of his half-open mouth was almost indistinguishable. Sparks, springs, screws and other small parts kept popping out of his mouth. At the same time, the sunlight gun in Iluna’s hand stabbed forward from Shad’s side.

The golden lightning penetrated the lower half of the base of the clock, but this did not affect the monster’s continued collision with the two men. The green light on the surface of the long staff was continuously weakening its own time anomaly characteristics. Seeing that the other party really dared to follow him, Shade reached out and pulled out the long staff that was pierced into the ground. Blood-red light and shadow flashed in his eyes.

The long emerald green staff thrust forward, and then easily penetrated the dial. It was obvious that the long staff penetrated the wood under the clock dial, but the thud~ sound was clearly the sound of flesh and blood being penetrated.

The beating heart of flesh and blood hidden in the wood was pierced by the [Stand of Yggdrasil]. Then, under the extremely surprised gazes of Shade and Iluna, the heart actually seemed to be pierced by a long staff. What was absorbed turned into dust.

“How do you know”

The crazy man used his last strength to point at Shade.

“Because I have a thaumaturgy that allows me to see the modified parts of the human body. Unfortunately, I saw that your body is full of unnatural ingredients, but there is a heart shape inside the clock.”

This refers to the “Eye of Edwards”.

The man who exhaled his last breath turned his finger into a pointer wrapped in flesh and blood and shot at Shade. But even at such a close distance, it still just brushed against Shade’s cheek and he dodged it. The flying pointer passed over the two of them and pierced the wall behind them. As the wall quickly decayed and collapsed, Iluna screamed in surprise and looked at Shade’s face:

“Your face is bleeding!”

Xia De raised his hand to wipe his cheek, and sure enough he saw blood stains on his fingers. He shook his head indifferently:

“It will heal soon. I don’t look smaller or older, do I?”

“No, no.”

Eluna stared at his face and shook her head, but she was also puzzled as to why Shade was not affected by the pointer. Even though his resistance is amazing, it is impossible to completely resist the effects in front of the relic.

Xia De didn’t think so much. He raised his hand and pulled out the long staff that penetrated the clock.

Of course the relic was not destroyed so easily. As the hands of the clock rotated counterclockwise, half of the corpse behind the clock was quickly absorbed by it, and the damage to the clock itself was slowly repaired.

A bit of gray mist drifted out from the damaged part of the clock. Shade frowned and was about to give it another shot, but he didn’t expect that an unfamiliar picture appeared in the gray mist.

It was still this performance hall, but the lights were not turned on. A girl in costume walked in alone with a letter in her hand, but not long after entering the door, she froze in place like a wax figure. .

The man who had just died immediately rushed out from behind the door, with densely packed fresh branches with green leaves tied to his arms, legs, chest, back and head.

He was not affected by the relic, but as if admiring some peerless treasure, he kept circling the girl with wide eyes and looking at her. Finally, he even moved a chair in front of the girl, then sat on the chair and stared at her with his head stretched out.

If it weren’t for the fact that his chest was still rising and falling when he breathed, Shade would even think that he had been stopped by time.

The scene in the gray fog was accelerating, because many people came here one after another, and then froze in place one after another, making this small hall seem to have turned into a wax museum.

But this did not disturb the man’s obsessive viewing. It was not until those people who were stilled, including the first girl, were suddenly swallowed up by the mist and disappeared at a certain moment that the man stood up in surprise.

He turned around and came to the stage and kept tapping the clock whose second and minute hands had stopped spinning, as if he wanted to repair it. But he didn’t notice that the gray mist overflowed from the connection on the surface of the clock, so with a panicked cry, the hand that should have landed on the clock’s outer shell “pierced” into the interior of the clock, and half of his hand The body thus becomes one with the clock.

The screen disappeared. Seeing that the gray mist was still trying to spread, Shade waved his staff to disperse them. Things are similar to what Iluna described, but Shade still has questions:

“Did this Keeper-level relic have this property before? Will continuous slapping cause humans to become one with it?”

Eluna immediately shook her head:

“It was not written in the containment file at the beginning of the Sixth Era. It is not certain whether this characteristic was not discovered before, or whether the disaster of time spread in the material world, causing the time relics to change.”



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