The Whispering Verses Chapter 2655: Afternoon at the Opera House


Chapter 2654 Afternoon at the Opera House

After breakfast, Shade went to the corner of the street to find a carriage and personally sent Luvia to work at the Prophet’s Association. Although the girl with purple eyes said there was no need to waste it so much, it could be seen that she was still very happy.

The lightning and thunder of autumn are announcing the arrival of late autumn. Today is the last day of the Harvest Moon, and September has come to an end. Amidst the sound of rain, Shade broke into the Dawn Church with little Mia in his arms again this morning.

The weather obviously also affected the number of believers who came to the church to worship, so Priest August was very free today. He received Shade in his room in the church.

“Vestal Grove? No, I haven’t heard any rumors about angel bones there.”

The priest poured Shade a glass of water, frowned and thought for a moment:

“Are you sure it’s the angel’s power?”

“I have no direct contact, I just feel it is very similar, but intuitively it must be.”

“That’s it, your intuition is very accurate.”

Priest August nodded, and Shade asked the question:

“If that is really an angel skeleton, then is it possible for you to restore something that was conceptually shattered by that skeleton?”

“No way.”

The priest destroyed Shade’s hopes in one fell swoop:

“Just like the dead cannot be resurrected, but the injured can be healed. Damaged things can be repaired, but there is nothing I can do about conceptually damaged items.”

Seeing Xia De’s disappointed expression, he smiled and comforted:

“Okay, I won’t make fun of you anymore. Although I can’t restore what you said, I know that some relics can be restored. No matter how strong the angel is, he is not the strongest existence in the material world. Do you understand? ?”

“Understood, priest, what do I need to find?”

The priest paced back and forth in the room:

“There are some things that you can’t find even if I tell you, and even if I find some things, I’m not sure whether they will be useful. The key now is that I don’t know how powerful the bones are. Only with certainty, Only then can we find the right relic.”

“So, I need to bring the bones back?”

Xia De asked, and the priest immediately shook his head:

“It would be better if I could bring it back directly. If not, I can see it with my own eyes.”

“You don’t have to think about going to other places. I’m not completely sure that the power still exists in the forest.”

He briefly described the story of the young witch from the fifth era to the priest, and then mentioned the Nightsong elves:

“I’m waiting for news from the Nightsong elves. If they don’t have any records about that thing, I’m afraid I will really have to try my luck and search for it in the forest.”

After speaking, he asked curiously:

“Speaking of priests, you have a lot of skeletons now. Isn’t it possible to make alchemy tools like ‘detectors’?”

When talking about this issue, Priest Augustus shook his head in embarrassment:

“It can’t be done yet. The angel’s power represents the end. This not only means that the skeleton itself has similar power, but also makes any method trying to detect it ineffective. Your pendant is now Being able to detect bones at close range is already the limit, or I can go there myself.”

“No need for the moment.”

The situation in Vista City is now so complicated that even the church only dares to send one Thirteenth Ring to handle the affairs of the local Natural Church. Before gaining the power to effectively restrict the “Twisted Tree Hole”, Shade will not let any of his friends go there. The current curse of the two ladies is already troublesome enough.

Although it rained heavily and nothing happened to the priest, Shade still did not disturb him for too long. After talking to him about the rumors about Vista City, he took little Mia to say goodbye. However, thinking that he seemed to have not been to the church for a while, Shade did not leave in a hurry, but talked to Bishop Owen of the church. Talked.

The old bishop obviously had a lot of free time today. Just as Shade mentioned that he was worried about famine this winter, he told Shade that the church was already preparing for disaster relief activities this winter.

Bishop Owen did not want to persuade Shade to donate, but he wanted to use Shade to influence Miss Carina so that the royal family would cooperate with the church in advance and make corresponding preparations. Of course, Delarion has actually made plans to deal with the food harvest failure since this summer, but the priorities of the church and the government are still somewhat different after all.

Obviously, it is a very convenient way to influence the Grand Duchess through Shade, the “Duke’s Lover”, and then directly influence the kingdom’s decision-making.

Once the old bishop started talking, he couldn’t stop. Shade originally planned to chat with him for half an hour before leaving, but by the time Bishop Owen stopped to talk, it was already lunch time.

Seeing that the rain outside seemed to be getting heavier, Shade had no choice but to have lunch with Mia in the church. However, he left after lunch. He originally planned to go home, but when he got on the carriage, he thought about Vanessa and Sirius after they came to Tobesk. They visited him, but he did not go to them:


“Anyway, we have wasted so much time, why not go see them. Today is Tuesday, the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe is rehearsing at the Queen Maria Opera House.”

The opera house is closed on Tuesday afternoons, and a closed opera house will not remain idle forever. In addition to arranging cleaning and rehearsals for upcoming theater groups, theater managers also rent out certain performance rooms for events such as seminars and private celebrations.

For this reason, despite the pounding rain, the Queen Maria Opera House was not deserted at all on Tuesday afternoon. Although Vanessa and the others didn’t know that Shad would come to visit, the janitor of the opera house obviously knew “Rejed’s Hamilton”, so they let him in directly.

The first thing Shade saw backstage was not Vanessa but Sirius. When he walked into the collective dressing room backstage, the young blonde girl was holding a script and standing in the corner with the screenwriter girls in the troupe. In front of the cabinets stacked with costumes, they discussed whether some lines should be adjusted during the official performance to prevent further trouble when the North and the South were already facing the haze of war.


Shade, who was holding the cat who was about to take a nap after lunch, waved hello, so the other girls smiled and gave up the space to them, and even “kindly” moved a floor-length mirror to block it. Views from other directions indoors.

Hiris was wearing a blue dress today. Because she had to work, her long blond hair was tied behind her head. Seeing that it was Sha De who came, she was of course very surprised and happy:

“It’s raining so heavily outside, why are you here? Is something wrong?”

“Can’t I come and see you if I have nothing to do?”

Shad asked with a smile, and then took out the parchment he bought from the hermits yesterday from his pocket:

“Look at this, I found this from the Vesta Grove. That woodland also has traces of your Forsaken Order.”

The young girl took the parchment and glanced at it quite unexpectedly, then looked at Shade. Then she carefully placed the roll of parchment on the short cabinet aside, then stood on tiptoe and kissed Shade:

“Thank you for this gift. I thought you only remembered Vanessa these days and forgot about me.”

Shad put the cat on the short cabinet, looked left and right, then stretched out his arms to hug Sirius, who also smiled and hugged his neck, then closed his eyes and waited for Shad to come closer. . Of course, the kiss ended before Vanessa, who came after hearing the news, appeared. When the witch saw Shad, the floor mirror had been moved away, and Sirius was reading the script to him sitting on the dressing table.

“You have Hillis’s lipstick marks on your face.”

The witch reminded, but Shade, who had already been teased by Carina in this way once, was not fooled this time:

“Why do I have Hillis lipstick marks on my face?”

Sillys on the side covered the lower half of his face with a script and smiled happily. Vanessa, who was pouting slightly, came over and kissed the side of his face:

“Then I have to ask you what you just did. Then leave my lipstick mark.”

Vanessa is also very happy that Shade can come to visit. They arranged for someone to take care of the cat taking a nap, and they took Shade to see the girls rehearsing on the stage, and jokingly asked Shade if he also wanted to perform on stage.

And Shade thought that the afternoon would continue like this, but around three o’clock, the girl from the fourth ring, Qin Lansheer, who was in a hurry, found the Witch who was watching the rehearsal of “La Traviata” with Shade under the stage:

“Captain, a group of police officers came to the theater. They said there was an accident in the small hall on the second floor and asked us not to stay in the corridor until evening.”

“Accident? What accident? It can’t be a homicide, right?”

Vanessa asked suspiciously, Shade took her hand and asked her to sit down, while he stood up:

“Let me go and have a look. I am considered a local celebrity and the police will not refuse my inquiry.”

There were many police officers who came to the Opera House despite the rain, but most of them set up barricades and cordons in the corridors and stairs. What was blocked was the small performance hall in the corner of the second floor of the Opera House.

Shad found a police officer with a police rank on his shoulder and wanted to ask about the situation. Although the other officer knew about “Rejed’s Hamilton”, he shook his head in embarrassment:

“Sorry, we don’t know the situation here. We are responsible for preventing people from breaking in on the outside. The person who specifically handles the matter is the professional investigation team sent by our superiors.”

In this way, Shade understood that this was the standard way for the church team to appear. It seemed that something related to the Ring Warlock had happened.

He was originally curious about what was going on, but he didn’t expect that after saying goodbye to the big-nosed police officer, he turned around and saw Iluna in a police uniform with her ID hanging around her neck walking from the other side of the corridor.

Shad rarely saw her wearing a uniform like this, but at least she looked good.



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