The Whispering Verses Chapter 264: Ceremony of the Chosen


Promoted to the second ring, Shade stood there and felt the changes in himself. Of course, punching through the ground was just an illusion, but after using a complete drop of divinity to wash the first-level spiritual runes and advancing to the second level based on the power of divinity, Shade understood that he was not an ordinary second-level warlock.

His foundation is more solid, his thaumaturgy and incantation are more powerful, and he has more reserves of spirits and elements. Even this body has become stronger due to excessive impregnation of divinity and special sublimation rituals, and the essence of life is transforming.

Even if he cannot easily defeat a higher-level warlock at the second level, as long as he continues along the “Twelve Divine Ascension Road”, he can obtain enough to rival him without even reaching the top of the thirteenth level. The power of any ring sorcerer in the material world.

[You have not actively used your power, so the divine overflow state is still continuing and is expected to end in 7 minutes and 32 seconds. 】

She whispered in his ear.


Still listening to the voices in my ears, the two ladies have already walked over. Miss Anat just looked at him with a smile, and Miss Bayas gave him a hug directly.

“It’s okay, it’s all over.”

Xia De said with some embarrassment. Fortunately, the light was very dark now and no one saw him blush.

Miss Bayas hugged him and let go. She also blushed a little:

“No matter what, it’s all thanks to you this time.”

“But I’m more curious, who is this one?”

Miss Anat’s voice came, so the three of them looked at the ghost next to the statue.

She once spied on Shade in the tomb, gave him a candle in the battle just now, and not long ago she briefly helped him drive out the cracks.

A somewhat melancholy transparent woman in a white robe finished her prayer and stood there looking at the three people. She looks about thirty years old, with bare feet, hair hanging down behind her, and a crown of thorns on her head.

Her body was extremely unstable, and her transparent body was flashing, as if it would disappear in the next second.

The woman bowed slightly to Shade:

“Good evening, blessed one.”

Shad understood the origin of this title, Miss Bayas was a little confused, and Miss Anat said nothing.

“You are…”

Xia De asked hesitantly, actually already guessing the answer.

“Gina Angela Sewell. The last guardian. I did not leave after I died, but stayed here to guard this tree and guide those who came after me to completely solve it. It has not eaten for a long time, and its strength Weakened to the lowest point.”

The ghost replied, Shade and his companions looked at each other:

“Yes, but we have to do our own thing first, and we don’t know how to destroy a relic.”

“No problem, I will guide you. My body is in that tree and has not been completely digested. With your power, it is enough to make this tree die. And you will get my gift. ”

The Order donated almost all of its inheritance, and there are no valuable relics here for Shade to take away, so the so-called “gift” is probably the inheritance of Miss Sewell.

Xia De held the [God’s Gift Box] and returned to the tree trunk with the two ladies. The souls from the past temporarily disappeared, waiting for them to finish their affairs.

At this time, more and more vines were hanging down from the crown of the tree, making the bottom of the tree trunk become blue.

Probably because he absorbed the vampire’s body or was frightened by Shade, Shu still didn’t attack the three of them. The silver-eyed man continued to be trapped under the tree by the vines, leaning against the trunk with a pale face and watching them coming:

“You will all die and no one will survive.”

There seems to be something wrong with him mentally.

“Do you still know me?”

Miss Bayas lowered her head and said viciously, and kicked him very unladylikely. The silver-eyed man smiled miserably. After witnessing what just happened, this middle-aged man seemed to be about to Crazy:

“I have offended countless people in my life. Why do you think I can remember everyone?”

“So, do you remember Hawthorne, the tomb robber, and do you remember the [Truth Society]?”

Miss Bayas asked again.

“What happened to that old guy Hawthorne…[Truth Society]?”

The man with silver eyes was stunned and looked at Miss Bayas with wide eyes:

“Oh, it turns out you are the first-level warlock who ran away. Back then, I helped the [Truth Society] **** the stone slab with part of the “Mumbling Psalm” engraved on it from the Zhengshen Church. It seems that a person was indeed left alive. . ”

Miss Bayas pursed her lips and kicked him in the chest, causing him to hit the tree trunk backwards:

“It’s you!”

He laughed maniacally, and his smile made people unable to help but feel hairy:

“I understand, it turns out that the chosen one is you! The prophecy was talking about you! Why couldn’t we understand it at the time?”

Miss Bayas lifted up the hem of her skirt and wanted to kick her again, but Shade coughed and she gave up.

The tree crown swayed, and rustling sounds continued to echo. The [Corpse Tree] seemed to understand that its prey was about to be killed, but Shade didn’t care. The divine overflow state is not over yet, no one here can beat him:

“Now hold a ceremony to make Miss Bayas the chosen one. We have to leave here as soon as possible.”

He is very tired now:

“It’s time to end. Oh, one more thing, there is more than one Lawrence of the evil god’s container. I was reminded just now, and I probably understand it now.”

He glanced at the crazy silver-eyed man:

“Remember the doctor’s bulimia patient?”

Miss Bayas didn’t understand, but Miss Anat immediately understood. There was a look of horror on her face. She didn’t have such an expression in the situation just now:

“The wife and daughter of Count Abrash?”

“Yes, but don’t worry too much. As long as the banquet cannot be held, the extra two containers are useless. But to be safe, we need to let the church know about this as soon as possible. This variable is really too big. ”

“I’ll tell the church later that you have worked hard and don’t have to show up in front of the church.”

Miss Bayas said that Shade and Miss Anat also meant the same thing.

The two stepped aside. Miss Bayas held the [Judge’s Sacred Bell], but looked up at the tree crown above:

“Speaking of which, how do I hang upside down?”

“I prepared the rope.”

Miss Anat said with a smile, but Shade shook his head:

“Don’t go to such trouble, I’ll use the spell [moving object] to make you lift into the air.”

“Can it be done?”

Miss Bayas asked sheepishly.


Actually, his spells are not that strong. Even after being promoted to the second level, it is difficult to move small animals like little Mia. But now that divinity is overflowing, this is not a problem. The coma time after divinity overflows is determined by the amount of active use of power. The last time I struck with all my strength was one day, and [Moving Object] probably fell asleep for dozens of minutes:

“Attention, it’s about to begin.”

Xia De gestured, and Miss Bayas subconsciously covered her pants. Only then did Sha De understand that the other party was not wearing a skirt today, and it turned out that she had this meaning.

“Look, I was ready.”

The seventeen-year-old girl said uneasily that after the life and death battle, everyone was in a good mood, and both Shade and Miss Anat smiled.

Shad asked Miss Bayas to slowly rise into the air, put her in an upside-down position in the air, and then stood there with Miss Anat without speaking.

The girl with long brown hair hung upside down under the tree, her face became serious, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and then the golden scale phantom appeared directly above her body.

“It’s begun, Shade, let’s witness the epic together.”

The female fortune teller on the side whispered. Shade nodded and looked forward without blinking.

Miss Bayas took a deep breath and said loudly:

“I, Iluna Emilia Bayas, hereby declare…”

She breathed heavily and looked at her friends again. Pale golden light emanated from her body, and thousands of overlapping voices of prayer came from nowhere. The wind has picked up again here, and the treetops are rustling in the wind.

Hanging upside down under the tree, Miss Bayas put her hand to her left eye, gritted her teeth and dug out her eyeball with her hands. Shade sincerely admired her courage. If he were in this position, he might have hesitated for a few seconds.

The **** eyeballs were dripping with blood, but she did not make any cry of pain:

“Sacrifice your left eye to the ancient **** [The Hanging Judge] in exchange for wisdom.”

The light of the golden scale above her head enveloped her, and Shade suddenly discovered that a strange force took over his actions to maintain Miss Bayas, so he stopped the spell.

Exhaustion came over him, but he persisted.

The left eye dug out by Miss Bayas floated to the left side of the scale above her head. The scale was tilted, but then ancient runes appeared on the right side of the golden scale.

Even if he interpreted this rune in a state of overflowing divinity, he still felt severe dizziness and discomfort. The rune he exchanged for his left eye was called “Balance”.

“I will judge my enemies fairly.”

The girl hanging upside down said tremblingly, and with difficulty she used her right hand to shake the holy bell in her hand. The sound this time was different from the past, and the bell itself was also soaked in the luster of the golden scale at this moment, and it was undergoing transformation.

“I…Diak the Silver Eyed One, you…”

No method was used to stop the bleeding. The blood in Miss Bayas’s left eye continued to drip downwards, and she became weaker and weaker:

“You kill innocent people, harm the weak, steal the remains of pagans, and together with the cultists, try to call evil gods to come to the material world.”

My eyes gradually became misty, but the light on my body became more and more obvious. Miss Bayas’ second-level sorcerer’s life ring appeared behind her, gradually rising into the sky and overlapping with the golden scale.

The white skylight penetrates the soil and shoots down from above, covering the person hanging upside down under the tree. A ritual halo composed of thirteen different-colored light points extends from the feet above to the head below.

She said with difficulty:

“As the chosen one of [Balance], I sentence you…”


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