The Whispering Verses Chapter 2201: Professor Evans’ regret


The terrible guess was expressed in his heart, but Shade still couldn’t believe it:

“But isn’t that evil thing hiding in the abyss deep under the sea? How could it get here? I understand. I’m afraid things are really troublesome.”

Shad looked at the lightless turbulent sea again, and the sound of the roaring water made his hair stand up. Ever since he heard about the “Seven-Tailed Player”, he has been speculating that the sinking of the “Glory Messenger” was caused by this evil thing. After obtaining some information related to evil objects in the Sixth Era, he even speculated that the thousands of people on board the “Brilliant Messenger” were just flesh and blood sacrifices for the ritual of summoning evil objects.

“But I originally thought that the summoning ceremony failed. After all, Miss Teresa, Miss Maxim and Professor Evans did not mention that they noticed the monster that was bigger than the mountain when they fell into the sea and escaped. It seems now.”

He turned back to the two witches who were still leaning against each other in fear, and told them his suspicions. In these adventures in the past, most of the time he just witnessed the stories, and rarely encountered scenes that required him to take the initiative to fight. But this time, ancient evil objects are very likely to be lurking underfoot, and Shade must be fully prepared:

“The sacrifice ceremony of the Radiant Messenger may have been successful, but in the process of your ‘death’, in order to protect yourself, you subconsciously forgot about the indescribable things you have seen.”

The witches looked at him blankly, and then confirmed in a low voice:

“So the monster also came here with us and was suppressed by the power of this ocean?”

Xia De nodded slightly:

“Now it seems that your actual experience is: escaping from the sacrificial ship, witnessing the death of the evil thing, entering this lightless light with the evil thing, God saves your souls, evil thing The twisted power shaped that strange body. If I didn’t exist, you would probably have to realize something was wrong with you before you could get rid of the shackles of that false body. But I appeared, so I took your real body from the sea. Catch it.”

“So we have to face it later?”

Miss Theresa asked, holding on to Shade’s arm, but Shade neither nodded nor shook his head:

“God is still here, and I am also here. Don’t think so much. You will be able to get out safely, I promise.”

Afterwards, he woke up Professor Evans and Miss Malone. They were both frighteningly cold. Compared to the young witches who came to their senses immediately after waking up, their consciousness was slightly slower to awaken.

Xia De doesn’t have much time, but he has a lot to do this time. So he asked Miss Theresa and Miss Maxim to take care of the professor and Miss Malone temporarily while he went to meet the gods.

Miss Theresa had a lot to say to Shade, but Shade left in a hurry. She supported the drowsy Miss Malone, while the maid beside her whispered:

“Miss, you said this was the last time he appeared.”


“Then you have to seize the opportunity.”

The maid reminded softly, Miss Teresa pursed her lips and already had a plan in mind.

On the other side, when Shade came to the god’s side again, a light symbolizing divinity appeared in the cracks on his body. The cat poked its head out of Shad’s arms. It was not curious about the light on Shad’s body. Instead, it looked curiously at the fishing **** in front of it.

God took back the fishing rod and asked him with a gentle smile in the stormy waves:

“It seems that you have found the power of dragons?”

“Found it, why do you want to mention this”

Shad suddenly looked back at Miss Malone beside the flame, but the latter just sat there with her eyes squinted and being supported by Miss Theresa.

God said:

“Do you feel it?”

“I didn’t feel it before you reminded me, but after you reminded me, I did feel it. Miss Malone has the power of a dragon, which is difficult to detect, probably because her real body is not here yet.”

Shad replied, this is the special perception brought by that drop of new divinity. Although this is not as direct as directly seeing the little bats on the heads of the vampires, it is absolutely no problem to sense carefully and confirm the power of the dragonborn.

“So do you want to fish first, or answer my question first: How did the Radiant Messenger sink?”

The **** continued to ask with a smile, and Xia De reached out and took the fishing rod:

“I already know the truth, but I don’t have enough evidence yet. I think the remaining evidence is in those memories, please give me more time.”

Using Professor Sarah Evans’ ring as bait, the fishing rod was thrown far away by Shade and fell to the position that Shade had noted last time.

The fishing line undulated with the wind and waves. Shade, who was fishing in a standing position on the edge of the floating board, quietly waited for the response from the deep sea. Miss Theresa next to the campfire looked at his back that seemed to be wrapped with embers of golden flames, her eyes flickering and she finally made up her mind.

Miss Malone, who was helped by her to sit down, also saw the back figure after she woke up. Her blue eyes seemed to be lit up by those golden light traces. Broken memories flashed through her mind, but then fell silent again. She suddenly felt like she had remembered something.

“Took the bait!”

The sudden huge force almost dragged Shade into the sea, who was holding the fishing rod, but he regained his balance as soon as he reacted. Before leaving last time, he felt that the resistance was getting stronger every time he “fished”, but this time he gritted his teeth and very steadily retracted the fishing line bit by bit.

After devouring the piece of meat of the “Nameless Dragon”, the increase in strength he gained was definitely not only reflected in the fact that even when Miss Carina was at her most distraught on the bed, Shade could rely solely on The force suppressed her and prevented her from rolling over. The re-strengthening of the body brought about a qualitative change, and Shade couldn’t exactly describe how powerful he was at this time. This afternoon’s punch through the wall was just a small test, and using such power was still more than enough to deal with this fishing trip.

What was finally pulled out of the sea by a fishhook was a very delicate white porcelain tea cup. Shade held the tea cup and let the **** flick it, and then the two witches appeared in the dim light.

One of them is naturally Professor Evans. Her age and clothing at this time are not much different from the one not far behind Shade. The other witch looked much older, because the witch’s age could not be judged by her appearance alone, so Shade could only say that she looked very similar to Granny Cassandra.

Professor Evans was holding a teacup and sitting on the sofa talking to the strange old witch. Their bodies and the sofa are both phantom-like and transparent, proving that this scene still comes from Professor Evans’ memory.

“Sarah, why did you take an ordinary person’s ship on this expedition? Does the college even refuse to reimburse the travel expenses? Do you need me to lend you a flying carpet?”

The old witch asked with a smile, and Professor Evans said cheerfully:

“Professor Enzo, you have been retired for too long. In the eyes of young girls, flying carpets are already a very outdated flying tool. If today’s girls don’t use space jumps for long-distance travel, then they either like to use Transfiguration, or like animated construct aircraft.”

She held the teacup:

“This time I went to the outer sea to conduct inspections and collect data. I actually wanted to take the opportunity to go out and relax. Although taking a boat is a bit slower, it is more like a vacation.”

“Is the college going to carry out the next step of ocean development? Oh, don’t tell me, this has nothing to do with me, a retired old lady.”

Professor Enzo said with a smile, adding sugar to his teacup with a spoon:

“But I have news here that interests you. But Sarah, let me first test whether you have fallen behind in your studies during your teaching career over the years.”

The old witch seemed to be a retired professor from Zarath Academy of Literature, but she did not take out a book or brochure, but moved forward slightly, and three budding roses appeared. In the air:

“Tell me which one is the product of illusion.”

Professor Evans put down the tea cup and tried to distinguish them. Shade also stepped forward to carefully observe the details of the three flowers. Because there are differences in the principles of illusions, it is difficult to find a universal way to break all illusions. Even Shade, who is proficient in illusions, was confused by the authenticity of the three roses this time.

Of course, he thinks this is also because the three roses are transparent to him.

【Need a hint? 】

“She” asked in a light voice, like a silver bell ringing under the silent moonlight, or like a seagull soaring under the blue sky.

“No need for the moment, I want to test my idea.”

Thinking in his mind, he pulled out the cat hidden in his clothes, and then held it up to the three roses. The cat saw the flower, so he stretched out his head and sniffed it with his little nose, then curiously patted the middle and left flowers with his paws as usual, but had no intention of touching the right one.

“So good~”

After gently rubbing little Mia’s head, Shade confirmed that this cat’s inspiration was really powerful. In fact, Shade has always known that little Mia can see and hear things that ordinary cats and even ordinary people cannot see or hear. From this point of view, the strength of this cat’s inspiration does not seem to be inferior to that before awakening. Agelina.

It’s a pity that although non-human races can also become ring magicians, little Mia’s intelligence and soul strength are obviously not enough.

Professor Evans is still thinking about the three roses, and since this memory is shown here, in the real past, it seems that the professor must have chosen the wrong rose, so he left such regrets. .

Xia De reached out and picked off the one floating on the right side, handed it to the professor, and the professor took it smoothly and said to Professor Enzo:

“Professor, do you think this is correct?”

The old witch looked a little surprised, but then she showed an expression of relief.


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