The Whispering Verses Chapter 2200: The last 5180 years


Although the information about “Ritual: Calling the Shadow of [Seven-Tails Player]” that Miss Belindle gave to Shade is not complete, it at least has the necessary parts, the most important of which are the content of the ritual and the prayer. word. Starting the ceremony requires the sacrifice of a large amount of fresh blood, flesh and bones. If the quantity is not enough, flesh and blood such as that of a giant dragon can be used to replace it with “quality”.

As for the prayers, they were recorded on a parchment scroll handwritten by the witch. When Shade unfolded the parchment roll in the study room at home, Miss Carina also looked at it with interest, and then frowned at the words on it:

“If Bella hadn’t been dizzy when copying, then this horrible note-shaped writing would be really strange. I have never seen this kind of writing, but just looking at it, I can hear the sound in my ears. ”

“I haven’t seen it either, it doesn’t matter, we don’t plan to summon it anyway.”

Xia De said, writing down all these contents. Because “she” is here, there is no need to worry about not remembering clearly. After he confirmed that he had read all the information in the document bag, he reached out and picked up the wooden key that was covered with fine cracks on the table:

“It’s time to go.”

When he stood up, the cat that was originally lying on the desk jumped up and refused to leave after being hugged by Shade. Shade could see that it wanted to go with it this time, and thinking that nothing happened to the cat last time, Shade turned it into a toy and put it in his pocket.

“Sometimes I really envy that cat, who can get your love at any time.”

The red-haired duchess said this deliberately, Shade winked at her:

“You can also get my love at any time.”

“But I’m not always available.”

She felt sorry for herself, and then followed Shade to the door of the study:

“Three seconds, right? I’ll wait for you here, be careful when you go over there. Come, my knight, please let me give you a kiss of victory.”

As he spoke, he hugged Shade’s neck, stood on tiptoes and kissed Shade’s forehead. Shade raised his hand and touched his forehead, smiled and nodded:

“Then please wait for the story I bring back. I bet it will be interesting this time.”

The witch pursed her lips and did not speak any more, but watched as Shade took out the key and inserted it into the keyhole on the inside of the study door.

“May the World Tree protect me in time.”


Facing the white mist that squirmed like cotton behind the door, Shade waved his hand behind him again, and then strode in.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the “corridor of time”. 】

[Message from the ancient **** “Father of the Infinite Tree”:]

[In the spring of 5180 in the Fifth Age, the outer sea was a lightless sea. 】

[Event: The “Glory Messenger” cruise ship crashed. 】

【Duration is forty minutes (3/3). 】

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the Infinite Tree is watching you. 】

[The ancient **** of time gives you a test. 】

[Help the old **** “The Giver of Dreams” complete four fishing trips. 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: Thaumaturgy-Dragon Roar, Thaumaturgy-Corrupting Blood Mist. 】

“Thirty minutes turned into forty minutes. Where was the progress last time?”

Xia De, standing in the white mist, asked in her heart, “she” smiled softly:

[The fishing of Witch Teresa and Maid Maxim has been completed, and they are “alive” again. Professor Evans from Zarath School of Literature, you just tried fishing twice. The first time the “Rainbow Bird” was scared by little Mia and couldn’t fly. The second time the professor longed for the “Black Flame Ice Wine”. 】

“Thank you.”

Xia De nodded, took another step in the white mist, and then as expected, his body fell straight into the sea:

“Oh! I would rather be chased by activated plants in the Black Mist Camp than come to this ghost place again!”

He struggled to resist the pull of the deep sea and surfaced. He took a few big breaths and squinted his eyes in the rain to look at the lightless but rough sea. Uncontrollable and inexplicable fear surged into his heart again, and Shade also saw the light of the campfire in the distance in the undulating water:

“Over here!”

He swam hard in the water and finally managed to grab the edge of the floating board before the unknown giant at the bottom caught him.

After climbing up hard, Shade felt that he was so tired that he almost didn’t want to move. This sea area is very abnormal. He completely believes that if it were not him but any other seventh-ring or seventh-level witch, none of them would be able to swim here alive.

Fortunately, after devouring the flesh and blood of the unknown dragon, Shade’s physical strength was further enhanced. After taking a few deep breaths, he wiped the water from his face and sat up. Then he saw the child-like **** still sitting on the edge of the floating board fishing. Seeing Shade looking this way, he turned around with a smile and asked:

“Have you found the truth?”

The sound reached Shade’s ears clearly in the rain and strong wind.

“If you are talking about the truth about the sinking of this ship, you will know it soon; if you are talking about who Miss Maggie Malone is, I can only say that I have a guess now, but it still needs to be verified.”

Propping up his body with his arms, Shade climbed on the floating board towards the fire in the center. After getting close to the campfire, not only were the clothes on my body drying out quickly, but even the most of my physical strength that had been lost was slowly recovering. However, around the campfire, the four ladies were still as sleepy as when Shade came the first two times.

Among them, the blond Miss Teresa and the maid Miss Maxim were cuddling together, and their blankets were also covering both of them at the same time. Professor Evans was slightly closer to them, while Miss Malone was further away from the three of them.

Without waking up the ladies first, Shade reached for the campfire and spent dozens of seconds to allow his body temperature to return to normal. Then he took out the cat toy in his pocket and let Mia come to this lightless place. sea ​​areas.


The small cat was held in Shade’s hand, and then slowly approached the black-haired Miss Malone as Shade moved:

“Mia, take a whiff, is her smell the same as Miss Elisa we saw in the cemetery this afternoon?”

The stranger who used his pet cat as a dog asked nervously, fearing that his guess would be wrong. Although little Mia was very dissatisfied with the rainy weather, she really stretched out her little head and sniffed, and then called out “Meow~”.

“Not bad, not bad.”

Shade breathed a sigh of relief and stuffed the cat into his chest.

[So, do you really understand its language? 】

“You know me best, and of course I don’t understand. But looking at little Mia, I know that Miss Malone is at least harmless to me, otherwise this cat would have exploded.”

In fact, Shade was not able to make a good judgment on whether Miss Theresa and the others were in a coma or lethargy. But at least it is easy to wake them up. You only need to call their names softly and shake them a few times, and those beautiful eyes will slowly open, showing confusion at first, and then softly thank Shade after they are fully awake.

For Miss Teresa, there was also the process of holding Shade’s arm tightly and taking the initiative to kiss the side of his face. The young witch was still completely frightened during Shade’s absence.

Because Shade woke her and the maid Miss Maxim up first, the two were able to tell Shade what happened this time:

“Shortly after you left, we all fell asleep one after another. Later we were woken up by strange sounds. We heard strange music amidst the sound of the waves. We even wanted to get up and dance in the sound of music. ”

Miss Theresa was trembling, and Miss Maxim continued to add that although the young maid is one level lower than Miss Theresa, she is obviously better at controlling her emotions than Miss Theresa:

“We saw Professor Evans and Miss Malone standing up with their eyes closed, dancing on the edge of the floating board. Then, then, a huge shadow appeared in the depths of the dark sea.”

She opened her palms, letting Shade see the amulet she was holding tightly that had been broken into several pieces. This is not a common metal or stone talisman in the Sixth Age, but a bone product. When the witches escaped from the sunken ship, their luggage sank into the sea. This was a rare personal item she had on her when she was “caught up” by Shade.

The young maid also had a look of panic on her face:

“If it weren’t for the amulet given by His Majesty, we would have gone crazy now. That is, that is”

“Don’t say it.”

Shad stopped her and took out the holy water and handed it to them for them to drink. Then he stood up, but Miss Teresa pulled her sleeve again:

“You, you want to leave, right?”

She looked at Shade pitifully from bottom to top, and Shade could see the fear and uneasiness in her golden eyes:

“I’ll go check out the place Miss Maxim pointed out. Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”

That’s the other side of the floating board, which is farthest from where the **** is.

“You must be careful.”

The maid said quite worriedly, but still took the initiative to hold Miss Teresa’s hand to reassure her. Shade intentionally left the cat on his chest to prove that he just went and came back, but at this time the cat huddled in the clothes clung to the clothes, and Shade didn’t want to ruin a piece of clothes just because of pulling with little Mia. So we can only give up.

He came alone to the edge of the other side of the floating board. Just like he felt the power of the sea at Yuewan Pier not long ago, he closed his eyes and felt it with his heart in the rain. This time, Shade opened his eyes in just a few seconds, and his expression became extremely solemn:

“The power of familiarity.”

[Yes, the evil thing of the deep sea – the power of the Seven-Tailed Player, but it is stronger than the phantom you defeated at Moon Bay Port. 】

The gentle “she” tells the terrible truth.

The stormy sea seemed more terrifying to Shade than ever before. He subconsciously took a step back to the inside of the floating board and hesitated for several seconds before asking:

“You don’t want to tell me that there is that ancient evil thing hidden under this sea area, do you?”


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