The Whispering Verses Chapter 2188: Old Vows (asking for votes)


The countess held Shade’s arm and told the story of ancient witches blessing children. She subconsciously wanted to discuss the problem of witches being unable to leave offspring, but she swallowed the words before she reached her lips.

She doesn’t want to talk about this kind of topic here.

The Hawthorne family put a lot of effort into this banquet, but in fact the seven most critical people who participated in the banquet left the banquet hall after the banquet started. Old Earl Hawthorne has prepared a room similar to a conference room in his house. After the representatives of the seven major families and their confidants arrived and took their seats, the door was locked from the inside, and Old Earl Hawthorne spoke. is the most critical question:

“Now, what are we going to do?”

Three earls, two viscounts and two barons were all present. The seven people here are the real people in charge of the city. But no one spoke immediately. After a moment of silence in which they looked at each other, Miss Belindel finally said with a smile:

“Since the elders are unwilling to speak, let me, the youngest junior, make a suggestion.”

Although she calls herself a junior, she is not polite at all when she stands up and speaks. Of course, Shade didn’t have a seat. He was standing behind the countess with Miss Matilda.

“When I was young, I regarded dragons as legends, and I never thought that my generation would be responsible for repaying the power and wealth bestowed upon my family. But now that things have become like this, we must also accept the reality. How about it? Do you agree with my previous proposal? Since everyone knows something, why not take out those family secrets and parchments passed down from generation to generation? Since our seven surnames have gone through such a long time together, this time we Still standing together, right?”

“Count Belindel, but… are you really sure that the one who appeared at the dock last weekend was a dragon?”

The chubby Viscount Wright asked while wiping his sweat. Shade usually used the adjective “chubby” to describe some fat people. This time he used “chubby” because the other person was really fat. The others were sitting on ordinary-sized chairs, but the Viscount’s chair was a wider and thicker one.

Looking at his body shape and considering the medical technology of this era, Shade doubted that the other party would survive more than ten years.

“We have also heard some news from the church, but indeed, there is no definite evidence yet to prove that a dragon really appeared that night. We want to believe that dragons really exist, but we must not be careful. Maybe it’s Willendale’s conspiracy.”

Viscount Silver also said that this viscount was the only lady among the seven people present except Belindel. However, although she took good care of herself and the cosmetics helped her cover up her skin color and wrinkles, looking at her age, this viscount He is almost fifty years old.

“At this time, is there any point in denying this kind of thing? Are you expecting the church to publish a newspaper to tell the citizens that creatures like dragons really exist?”

Baron Wood asked angrily, this gentleman Shade had met at the card game that night. Director Anlos said that the Wood family has a good relationship with MI6, and the Witch said that the Wood family can be regarded as an ally of Belindel. Therefore, if there are no surprises, Baron Wood and Shade have the same position.

“It’s better to be more cautious. After all, we are all just ordinary people. Even if we enjoy the highest power in this city, we are still just ordinary people. I think it is best to make sure that the dragon really appears.”

The Baron Black who spoke was a gloomy-looking middle-aged man with a mustache and white gloves. Although it is not good to judge people by their appearance, Baron Black’s appearance is probably that of an actor who specializes in playing villains in opera performances.

Listening to what they said, Miss Belinder snorted:

“Sure enough, even though I had thought of this before coming here, at this point, if you still care about what you are holding in your hands and don’t look at the more distant future, how can you really still be regarded as Yuewan? Noble?”

“If you don’t care about what you have in your hands, you can take out Princess Margaret’s profit-sharing business and let everyone do it together. The inevitable demise in the legend of Mingyue Bay is right in front of you, Beilin However, the Del family only cares about eating alone. By cooperating with the descendants of the Anjou royal family in such a business, we do not suspect that you are flattering the Anjou family, which is enough to trust your performance.”

Viscount Wright continued to wipe his sweat and said, and the countess’s face became more and more gloomy:

“Earl Hawthorne, Earl Eddington, what do you think?”

Today, among the seven major families, only they and Belindel can claim to have complete control over Yuewan, so in fact, what the three of them say has the most weight.

As the owner of this place, Old Earl Hawthorne spoke first:

“I agree with your point of view, we really need to look to the future.”


Xia De thought in his heart.

“However, it is also very necessary to determine whether what appeared last Sunday was really a giant dragon. The two things can be done together. I know that everyone has access to the church. The archbishop and priests of Yuewan Diocese, We have a close relationship with the seven major families, and we can always find out something. This is impossible in other places, but this is Yuewan.”


Earl Hawthorne also looked at the others with a smile:

“Everyone is getting into Ring Warlocks, aren’t they?”

All the people sitting had different expressions. Baron Wood raised his eyebrows:

“Earl Hawthorne, there are some things that do not need to be made clear. Since the death of Mr. Charles Wood of the Wood family in 1581, there has never been a ring magician in the seven major families. Our power only comes from the ancestors. We have to protect these legacy, so we sit together and stand together at this moment.”

“So we must unite.”

Earl Eddington finally spoke at this moment, but I don’t know how many people are laughing in their hearts because of the word “unity”:

“The situation in the Old Continent is now unstable, and Willendale will attack us at any time; the dragon’s roar seems to have sounded, and the disaster in Moon Bay may be around the corner. Everyone contacts the church to find out the truth about the dragon. As for what Earl Belindel proposed, collect the documents and secret texts collected by each family.”

He observed the expressions of others present:

“This involves to some extent the past events and each family’s own secrets. I think it is okay to compile the documents, but it is not mandatory to produce as many documents as possible.”

The Countess snorted again, sat down again and crossed her arms, but made no objection. She had long known that what these people expected was “limited cooperation,” and she just wanted to make sure what each family knew. Once she obtained those secret texts, she could do a little divination and find out where the library where those texts were originally hidden was located.

“I have no objection.”

Then the witch said:

“But as we sit here tonight, instead of going out to attend the banquet, we must reach this consensus: We all believe that the arrival of the dragon will destroy the legend of Moon Bay. It is not just a legend, it is going to happen. ”

People who originally had opinions on other things nodded together, and their expressions were serious:

“Yes, we all agree that this is not a story, this is the future.”

“We don’t know exactly what our ancestors encountered or what they promised, but we know what they got. The stories of the past have become the past, and everything must be repaid in our generation. Earl Hawthorne , is there any wine?”

The countess asked the owner of the manor, who smiled and nodded:

“Of course.”

The servant left and came back, seven wine glasses were lifted by seven hands. Shade and Miss Matilda retreated to the wall like everyone else, watching their loyalties stand up at the table and raise their glasses. :

“First, Yuewan belongs to us.”

“Second, Yuewan will definitely belong to us forever.”

“Third, Willendale can gain our allegiance, but cannot get anything beyond the promise.”

“Fourth, the sacred covenant will always be maintained. We can be enemies, but we will not be the ultimate enemies.”

“Fifth, when the sword needs to be raised, the sword must be raised together and the blood must flow out together.”

“Sixth, we have no retreat, even if we die, we will die in Moon Bay.”

“Seventh, even the ancient dragon cannot take away what we have. Moon Bay is our Moon Bay.”

The seven people drank the wine. The first seven people met the dragon together in ancient times and founded Yuewan together. Time flies, the sea changes, and the wind takes away the past stories. Countless years later, with tall buildings rising and steam gushing out, in this small room, the former bloodlines, although they had different plans, were still willing to recognize the covenant of their ancestors.

“Everything in Yuewan, past, present and future, will belong to us!”

“I thought we could really discuss some countermeasures tonight.”

When the secret meeting ended, everyone returned to the banquet hall in their own way. When the dance music started and Shade danced with his arms around the waist of the blonde countess, he finally said:

“I can understand the short-sightedness of ordinary people, but it is still like this now. It seems that everyone is hiding a lot of secrets.”

Belindel’s secret is that the head of the family is a high-level witch, which means that no matter what happens, the family has the possibility to continue. But what kind of secrets other families have, Xia De can’t tell yet.

“I don’t expect these ordinary people to have any foresight.”

The Duchess looked at the man in front of her. She was probably happiest at this time tonight. The more she cooperates and works with the young and handsome man in front of her, the more she understands that she really needs him:

“Huh, either, they have more and in-depth knowledge about dragons than I do, and they think they can take advantage of this matter on their own; or, someone gave them a promise and told them this matter. After the incident, the others will fall, and the winner will divide the worldly power that the ring wizard does not care about.”

The dance music was very soothing. Shade put his hands on the countess’s waist, while the countess’ head leaned forward until it was lying next to his ears. This made the two dancing people look different to others. It’s basically flirting. Although it doesn’t seem wrong to say so.

PS: Although there will be double the number at the end of this month, I still ask for votes (face covering). If the ranking in the monthly vote list is too low during the month, it will not be conducive to attracting new readers.


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