The Whispering Verses Chapter 2186: A temporary farewell


Chapter 2186 Temporary Farewell

Although the summer rain in Tobesk was not rapid, it continued until the evening and showed no signs of stopping. People entering and exiting Tobesk Railway Station were in a hurry, as if they were being urged not to slow down their journey by the raindrops.

When Amelia arrived at Tobesk, they were greeted by Shad, the doctor and Dorothy. When leaving after a short stay of ten days, the farewell people became Shade, Luvia and Dorothy.

Because they were worried about delaying the train, Mr. Rio Emhyr and Miss Matila Deras took a carriage and set off from the Three Cats Hotel an hour in advance. Luvia and Dorothy also helped them check out of the Three Cats Hotel. When the four of them appeared at the entrance of the train station, it was still early for the departure time.

“Mr. Hamilton, haven’t they come yet?”

Mr. Emhyr, who was carrying his suitcase, looked around. Dorothy shook her head slightly:

“Shad just said he would take Emilia around and meet us here in the evening. We don’t know where they went, but Shad probably won’t forget the time.”

It was raining and it was not convenient to talk on the street. The group quickly squeezed into the train station and found Platform 3 to wait. Shade and Amelia didn’t delay too long either, appearing on the platform only ten minutes later than them.

Shad stood with the cat on his shoulder, helping Emilia carry the suitcase in his hands. The blonde elf girl’s face was red, she pulled Shade’s sleeves, and said hello excitedly on the platform:

“Good afternoon, I really didn’t expect to leave so soon.”

Except for Shade, the four people present thought that she would be extremely reluctant to leave at this time, but it seemed that Emilia’s face could not suppress the excitement.

The suitcases of the three people were stacked together. When Mr. Emhyr went to check the train timetable, Miss Mattila Dras asked curiously:

“Emilia, where did you go today? You look so happy.”

“Let’s go”

The elf girl glanced at Shade with her lips pursed, and the memory of not long ago flashed through her mind quickly.

On the wild plain, Shade dropped his umbrella and turned his back to the elf, opening his arms toward the mountains in the distance. The dazzling light and violent wind forced Emilia to retreat while squinting her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, in front of her was the silver dragon as tall as a mountain lying on the ground.

Emilia still remembers how it looked when every scale on its body was glowing, she still remembers the ridiculous look when the dragon looked at her with little Mia standing on its head, and she still remembers herself lying on the dragon’s back. , when she was flying with the cat and riding the dragon, she felt that no matter how old she lived, she would always remember this afternoon due to the warm temperature on the dragon’s body.

After recalling, she said smoothly:

“We’ve been at Shad’s house.”

Although she was very excited because of today’s experience, she still remembered Shade’s instructions not to talk about him turning into a dragon again.

Miss Dras glanced at Shade suspiciously:

“So how was your time at Mr. Hamilton’s house?”

Emilia, who was still thinking wildly, replied:

“It feels like flying to the top. He is very gentle. I mean, this is an experience I have never had before. Well, but Xia De was mean and deliberately scared me when I was happy. At that time, I almost wanted to I rolled my eyes and passed out, but it didn’t feel bad.”

She meant that after Shade flew to a high altitude, he suddenly landed almost vertically downwards. This was not Shade’s evil intention to scare Emilia and little Mia. She just wanted to make this flying experience more interesting. He himself also has to adapt to various flying postures.

The ladies who didn’t know the truth, including Luvia and Dorothy, looked at Shade in surprise when they heard Emilia’s description.

The waiting platform was extremely noisy, but no one spoke for a while. Shade also looked at them in confusion, not knowing what their eyes meant, until Miss Delas sniffed lightly. After a few moments, he asked the young elf again:

“Emilia, are you taking a bath?”

“While playing at Shade’s house, I accidentally got my clothes wet.”

She explained, and then she saw Luvia and Dorothy pulling Shad aside, looking serious as if they were questioning him. Before the curious elf could eavesdrop on their conversation, Miss Delas also pulled Amelia to the other side of the luggage, and then whispered a few questions in her ear with some concern:

“Amelia, you have to tell me the truth, are you and Mr. Hamilton…”

As a result, the expression on Amelia’s delicate little face changed from excitement to confusion, from confusion to surprise, and finally her face turned completely red. If Miss Delas hadn’t supported her in time, she would have almost become shy. About to faint:

“How is it possible, what are you thinking? We are just, just, oh, Father God, if you continue to guess, I will lose the qualification to touch little Liana.”

In short, the trip to Tobesk with Emilia and her party ended on this Thursday afternoon, which was not a complete success, but at least it did not leave too many regrets. When the train was about to depart, Amelia finally hugged Shade, Dorothy and Luvia goodbye with red eyes. She even wanted to hug little Mia, but unfortunately the cat rejected her “ruthlessly”.

Mr. Emhyr and Miss Dras also shook hands with Shade and said goodbye. They thanked the Schneider team for taking care of them in the past two weeks, and promised to protect Amelia in the future and not let any strange people do it again. People approach her on the train.

Therefore, although Emilia was extremely reluctant to leave, when the train whistle sounded, she could only lean out from her compartment window, wave her hat and say goodbye to Shade and the others in the swirling steam mist. . The train started slowly, and Shade quickly followed the moving carriage until his walking speed could no longer catch up with the moving speed of the train. He could only stand there and watch Amelia waving her hat from the window. Further and further away, until it completely disappeared.

The stranger sighed softly, feeling a little melancholy for a moment.

“So, you turned into a dragon again today and took her to play all afternoon?”

Luvia put her hand on Shade’s shoulder, Shade turned around and saw that Luvia and Dorothy had also walked behind him.

“You actually guessed it?”

“Otherwise, can you still take Emilia into the Soul Cemetery and call out her dead ancestors to play with her?”

Dorothy also teased:

“What a lucky girl. Luvia, Lesia, and Carina and I couldn’t fly on you.”

The tone sounded like a joke, but it also seemed to be expressing a small dissatisfaction.

Xia De has already prepared his words:

“It will take me less than a month to adapt to this new power. When the transformation technique is completely stable, you can do whatever you want. Just fly on a dragon. I don’t care about this. When the time comes, we will Go again when you have time.”

The two girls then smiled with satisfaction and walked towards the exit of the station with Shade. Shade will go to Yuewan City to attend a banquet soon. They have to help Shade take care of his clothes and clothes, but they can’t let the witches of Yuewan think that he doesn’t have a girl around him who knows how to take care of his life.

However, Xia De suddenly had a question at this time:

“When elements like dragons appear in other stories, the protagonists usually become dragon knights. But in my case, I became the one being ridden. Is there something wrong with this?”

“She” smiled softly:

[Because you are not the protagonist of this story. 】

“Iluna is the protagonist. Wait a minute. Are you implying that Iluna will also ride on the dragon I turned into in the near future?”

[It depends on your own wishes. 】

“Her” laughter became lighter and lighter.

Of course, Shade was not just focused on making Emilia happy this afternoon. Just like what he said, he also wanted to know how much spirit it would take to turn into a dragon under normal conditions, and how much power he could exert. .

On the carriage returning home from the train station, Shade, Luvia and Dorothy discussed this issue:

“Maintaining the form of a dragon consumes a lot of spirit. Even if you just stand still, it consumes more. Once you fly or even cast a spell, it consumes even more. I don’t know if this is because I haven’t yet Being able to fully control this power, after I turned into a dragon, I became terrifyingly big but completely uncontrollable. This afternoon I maintained my dragon form for less than three hours. You see, the bottle was already empty, and this was after I was completely. Without casting a spell.”

He took out the small perfume bottle. Unexpectedly, little Mia rushed over, stretched out her little head and sniffed at the mouth of the bottle, and then lay back on Shade’s lap as if she was very satisfied.

Xia De smiled and stroked the hair on the cat’s back, and the purple-eyed fortune teller asked curiously:

“What impact will it have on your strength after becoming a dragon?”

The bumpy carriage has passed through Beicheng District and will arrive home in more than ten minutes. Xia De recalled carefully:

“The dragon form can still summon life rings, but all thaumaturgy that requires gesture assistance, such as [Heton’s Seal] cannot be used. The physical strength and defense of that form are much stronger than mine now, but the change It’s so big, and it’s easier to be hit by attacks. In fact, the main attack method of becoming a dragon is energy breathing. I have used the ‘Higgs Dragon Head Stone’ many times and I have learned how to breathe energy with all my strength. You can use this move well without even practicing.”

“It’s a pity that the dragon language spell has been lost long ago, and there are no inherited dragon-born magicians around us. Otherwise, Shade would still be able to learn some dragon spells.”

Dorothy said with regret, and Shade nodded. He was about to say that he could only wait until next time to meet Fiona at the other end of time, but then he immediately thought of the reward of the time key this time. , the “Thumbs-Dragon Roar” might be a power that is very suitable for the dragon form.

“Could it be that Tree Father already knew that I could find the evil god’s divinity in Moon Bay and have a brand new transformation technique?”

No one can answer this question yet.


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