The Whispering Verses Chapter 2184: “Holy Sword”



The unexpectedly mentioned cat looked up at her on the coffee table. The elf girl was still sobbing:

“It’s really great here. I will be happy for many years if I live here for a summer. I obviously didn’t do anything wrong, why should this happen? Is this retribution for me sneaking out of school before? ?”

Agelina handed the letter to Shade, and Shade scanned it briefly. The letter did not say that Emilia and her group should return to school immediately. Now we just want them to leave the “dangerous city where cultists are entrenched” first, and then make other arrangements.

But no matter what, Emilia’s “Journey to Tobesk City in 1854” came to an end today. The elf’s long lifespan means that she will still spend a long time, but this week and a half will probably be etched in her mind forever. Thinking of this, Shade also felt sad for her.

Of course, the school’s arrangement cannot be refused, and even Emilia herself knows that such an arrangement is for her safety. Therefore, although she was reluctant to give up, she could only accept it.

The luggage in the side bedroom on the second floor had to be repacked. Although Lecia had other things to do in the morning, Agelina volunteered to stay and help. While Agelina and Amelia were packing their luggage, Shade went to Coldwater Port to meet Mr. Edmund. He planned to come back within an hour and then fulfill his promise to take Emilia for a nice tour of the city.

It was raining lightly in Coldwater Harbor on this Thursday morning, causing the carriages that were willing to take Shade out of the city to ask for an extra 10% fare. When Shade came to the old lighthouse on the sea cliff with an umbrella, he found that the old man guarding the tower was not drinking tea in the tower to take shelter from the rain. Instead, he was standing on the edge of the sea cliff, looking at the depths of the ocean with a monocular telescope.

“Good morning, Mr. Edmond.”

Xia De took the initiative to say hello. The old man recognized Xia De’s voice and said without looking back:

“Good morning, wait for me.”

Xia De then came to him and looked at the sea. I wonder if it was because of the hazy drizzle that there seemed to be a layer of mist in the depths of the ocean. The slowly rolling fog was hazy and strange. A foreigner who had never lived in a coastal city was very curious about it, but he did not notice anything unusual about the rain and fog on the sea.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Mr. Edmond put down the telescope, hesitated, and handed it to Shade:

“Come and see.”

The brass-colored retractable telescope is an alchemical product, and the traces of elements are very strong:

“Which direction are you looking at?”

“Deep in the ocean, look at the fog.”

After closing his left eye, he put the telescope in front of his right eye, and the originally distant scenery suddenly came into view. Shade could see almost every detail of the rolling fog very clearly. But he knew that Mr. Edmond certainly didn’t let him see the scenery, so he looked at the details of the fog more carefully, and his brows gradually wrinkled:

“Wait a minute, is there an island deep in the fog? I remember there shouldn’t be such a big island off the coast of Coldwater Port, right?”

He put down the telescope, and the old folklorist nodded happily:

“Very good, you can indeed see it. Yes, of course there is no island off the coast of Coldwater Harbor. The island is actually just a phantom now. You have experienced so many things in the Green Lake area, I think you should know what this means. What are you wearing?”

Xia De hesitated to answer:

“The space on the other side of the normal space in the material world?”

“Yes, after the Green Lake incident, although with the efforts of the Chosen Ones of Balance, the Chosen Ones of Space, and the ‘God Caller’, the spreading space instability disaster was temporarily stopped, but the entire world’s The trend of space becoming unstable has not been completely reversed. Something that was originally unobservable is now accelerating its return to our world, and that island is like this Dragon Island.”


Shad looked at Mr. Edmund in surprise, and the old man motioned for him to go back to the lighthouse to talk.

Compared to the rainy and cold outside, the inside of the lighthouse separated by an iron door is warm and comfortable, and there is a faint fragrance of tea. After Shade sat down, Mr. Edmond continued to say while preparing hot tea:

“The ancient legend believes that the dragons did not disappear, but received the blessing of the ocean gods, went to the deep sea and settled down. Originally, when the New World was discovered, the Orthodox Church once thought that that was The island where the lost dragons last settled, but now it has been so many years since the discovery of the New World, no one has found a dragon there.”

White smoke came out of the teacup as hot water was poured into it. Shade thanked him and picked up the teacup:

“So, the dragons that began to disappear in the fifth era were actually hiding in a strange space like Green Island? Moreover, they are now preparing to return because of a series of events in Green Lake? ”

“I can’t say for sure whether it will return, but the barrier between that island and reality is definitely getting weaker.”

Mr. Edmund also took a sip from the teacup:

“This tea is really good. Let the church worry about the Dragon Island matter. They are probably more anxious than us. But now that the chosen one of light is about to appear, Dragon Island happens to return because of the Green Lake matter. This Is it a fateful coincidence or an arrangement of fate?”

Xia De was also startled. Because of his presence, the matter in Green Lake could be resolved relatively satisfactorily, so the Dragon Island would appear at the right time. I just don’t know what the past time would have been like without him.

“Yes, so the order in which the chosen ones appear is different.”

He understood in his heart, raised his eyebrows and asked:

“Did you just say the chosen one of light?”

Mr. Edmond smiled and said:

“I bet you are in Moon Bay right now, right?”

“Yes, and there was a little trouble.”

Xia De told the truth, and the old man nodded:

“There are also some fragments of poems in [Guiding Light Hermitage]. Although they are incomparable with the Five Gods Church and the Three Major Colleges, the part of the information we have this time points directly to Yuewan. This news church and The academy probably doesn’t know that the chosen one of light has the power to directly control the dragon. In other words, once the chosen one of light appears, the dragons are willing to obey his or her orders, although it is impossible to directly become one. The so-called ‘King of Dragons’, but those dragons won’t mind helping when the time comes.”

Xia De pursed his lips:

“This news is really amazing, it means that the chosen one this time not only has great power himself, but also has an entire powerful race”

“It is not certain whether those dragons are powerful now. They are indeed stronger than ordinary humans. Ancient dragons can also compete with thirteen-ring warlocks, but don’t forget that this is the sixth era. Human beings have become weaker because of the change of eras. So far in the Sixth Age, except for the ‘God Caller’ who is rumored to have touched the realm of demigods, there is no demigod. So how can the dragon be as powerful as in ancient times?”

Mr. Edmund asked, and Shade also expressed his understanding:

“That’s the truth, but if all the dragons return, even if their power becomes relatively weak, they will still be a big force after all. Therefore, in addition to seeking the power of the chosen ones this time, the Dragon Feast Order also wants to ? Oh, I came here to ask you about an ancient legend. Do you know the ‘Sword of Light’?”

Mr. Edmund frowned at first, and then put down the tea cup in disbelief:

“Is this ceremony of the chosen one about pulling out the sword?”

Xia De was not surprised but was pleasantly surprised:

“You really know.”

“This makes sense, why the dragons are willing to help the chosen ones of ‘Light’. With that sword, of course they can’t resist.”

The old folklorist laughed:

“The answer is simpler than I thought. I thought the dragons respected the mortals who inherited the power of the ancient gods. It turned out that they were threatened. Don’t worry, I won’t tell this news.”

“Actually, it’s okay to tell them. Judging from the situation of the six selected people in the past, knowing the ceremony of the chosen ones has no effect at all, and it may even help others.”

Shad waved his hand indifferently, and Mr. Edmund agreed:

“That’s right. Then let’s get back to business. I do know about the ‘Sword of Light’, but I don’t know much about it. After all, it is a story circulated in the early days of the Second Era. Even I can’t be sure. Then How much do you know now about whether the sword really exists?”

“The origin of the sword and its ability to restrain giant dragons are suspected to be the legendary ‘Dragon Sword’.”

“Then what you don’t know is probably the existence form of that sword. Specifically, the ‘Sword of Light’ is not a definite sword.”

Mr. Edmond said with certainty. When Shade frowned, he knew that he did not understand this sentence:

“The ‘Sword of Light’ is a powerful weapon forged by the ancient gods. Because of its particularity, theoretically speaking, since the birth of that sword, any sword related to justice and light that has been forged in the material world is The extension of the power of the “Sword of Light”, I call those swords holy swords. This sounds incredible, but it is only a mystical connection. Therefore, no one knows the identity of the sword of light, but those powerful holy swords. A sword can become a ‘sword of light’ through certain special methods.”

“In other words, if you can’t find the real ‘Sword of Light’, you can use other swords to summon it. Which swords meet the requirements?”

The old gentleman immediately shook his head:

“All I know is the story, and I don’t know the specific details. But I am almost certain that the Demon Buster [Night Watch] in the hands of the ‘Godcaller’ must meet the requirements. I can’t even think of anything more powerful than it.” Meet the requirements. ”

“So, if the specific rituals or requirements are known, the Godcaller can draw the Sword of Light through the [Night Watch]?”

Shad asked again, Mr. Edmond thought for a moment before nodding:

“This is the case in theory, but it is easy for us to say it, but it is very difficult to do it specifically. I also want to see the legendary weapons left by the ancient gods. The Dragon Sword must be more powerful than the [Night Watch] It must be stronger. Even if the sword is not a relic, its power can easily match that of an unknown sword relic, right?”


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