The Whispering Verses Chapter 2182: Re-verification and new secret medicine


“Don’t worry, I won’t forget about the banquet. Oh, and also, I still remember that when we went to the dock on Sunday, the guy we met in the alley was hit by my [Black Moon Talisman] but he didn’t die. Is that thing? I suspect that it is the vampire monster hatched from the female corpse. I want to investigate it. Do you have any clues here?”

“Give me some time and I’ll help you with your divination. However, since the accident at the dock last weekend, that thing has been silent and has not killed anyone in the past half week. If you want to investigate, you may have to wait for a while.”

After having lunch with Miss Belindel at noon, Shade returned to his home in Tobesk. There is still only little Mia at home, and it looks like Emilia should have really gone out of town with Agelina.

Lecia will most likely follow them, so Shade is not worried. After preparing lunch for the cat, they set off to Fort Midhill again.

The exit of the [Space Maze] in the Midburg area is located in the ruined tower on the mountainside of Sikal Mountain. The scenery of Sikal Mountain in summer is indeed different from that in other seasons. The abnormal climate does not seem to have much impact on this mountainous city in the middle of the continent. The mountains are dyed emerald green, and the giant trees on the top of the mountain that can be seen when looking up are symbols of the vitality of summer.

The city of Fort Midhill is still the same as before. After the big incident that confused life and death last autumn, the place has returned to its former peace.

It was still Miss Swift who greeted Shade at the Cassandra Auction House, and then he met Granny Cassandra, Grace and Helen on the third floor.

The Hongdie sisters accompanied Shade to the basement first, and used the clerical-level (level 4) relic [Sad Nurse Statue] to determine whether Shade’s bloodline was still human, or whether he had become a dragonborn.

The identification results this time are no different from the last time:

“Sir, you are still a pure human being, you have nothing to do with dragons.”

Xia De was relieved now. He was very satisfied with his human identity and had no intention of changing.

Grace and Helen had their own rooms in Cassandra Auction House, and the room in the basement was originally used to suppress themselves when they lost control. Shade still remembers it vividly. That afternoon, the twin sisters arranged a rare “date” there and asked Miss Swift not to let anyone enter the basement before dinner.

The room and bed where the “giant” sisters once rested, after the fireplace was lit and the curtains were raised around the huge bed, an extremely alluring nectar-like smell appeared out of thin air. Grace and Helen pulled Shade into the room. After the door was closed, the flaxen-haired witch apprentice who was about to turn around and leave even saw a seal with “Red Butterfly” as the core appearing on the surface of the door. The ritual completely cut off the connection between the inside and outside of the room, as if someone was afraid of someone escaping.

She pouted, very dissatisfied with the behavior of the twin sisters, but still turned around and left. As for the two-in-one gentle girl in the room, she had already thrown Xia De onto the bed.

There is no wind in the room, but the pink curtains are still swaying slightly like the flames. No one knew what happened in the room, and a few hours later, when Shade held the eighteen-year-old girl in his arms and told her love words, the girl in his arms already knew Shade’s current situation through the close contact just now.

“Sir, it’s best not to use the Transformation-Dragon spell frequently.”

The soft voice is very charming:

“Your body is very interesting. It seems to have the ability to swallow and assimilate more powerful forces. We don’t know the source of this ability, but the piece you swallowed this time was described by you as suspected of being the ‘flesh and blood of God’. It was still successfully assimilated into the body. The power of that piece of flesh was too strong, causing your body to break and reorganize into a dragon. Although you have recovered with the help of the elf secret medicine, you will definitely be transformed into a dragon once again. Will once again face the dilemma of not being able to return to being human.”

“So this thaumaturgy can no longer be used in the future?”

Xia De asked, the girl in his arms smiled and shook her head, but in fact it was more like rubbing her head on his neck:

“Of course not, you can still use it if it is really necessary, but you have to prepare in advance how to change back, otherwise you will have to be a kitten for a long time. The elf secret medicine combined with [Youth Leaves] will Very good, but even the elves won’t be able to prepare a lot of this secret medicine. I’m afraid the elf girl from the Yuexi clan can only provide you with two or three more bottles.”

She said softly:

“But the good news is that this situation will not last forever. Just as it took you a long time to completely digest the ‘origin of the twisted earth’, it also takes time to digest this piece of dragon meat. But Since even the power of the earth’s origin only took more than half a month, it shouldn’t take more than a month for you to adapt to the power of the dragon.”

Xia De stroked her black hair:

“So how do I judge that I have completely mastered the power of transforming into a dragon? After actively transforming, is it enough to feel that I can transform back into a human form at any time?”

The girl in her arms laughed and kissed Shade’s skin gently:

“Of course it’s not that troublesome. Didn’t you find a dragon altar? If one day you don’t use the gloves given to you by Miss Fiona Drago, the altar will recognize you as a dragon. Then it means you have full control of this power.”

She knows what Shade is worried about:

“Don’t worry, absorbing the power of the earth did not turn you into stone. If you completely absorb the power of the dragon, your bloodline will not be shifted.”

“So, am I really human?”

Xia De asked with some annoyance, but the girl in his arms answered with a smile:

“If you were really a human being, it wouldn’t be us who begged for mercy just now, but you.”

“A lady would not say such things.”

“But we are the only ones here. We are allowed to say anything on the girl’s bed. This rule applies to both the fifth and sixth eras. Sir, do you want to stay for dinner?”

In fact, Shade originally planned to go to Coldwater Port to visit Mr. Edmond while he had time in the afternoon. But now that he has received the invitation, of course he will not refuse:

“Although little Mia is alone at home, the elf temporarily staying with me will take care of her.”

“Really, sir, don’t mention other girls at this time. Besides, no matter how young the elf is, can he look younger than us?”

The one person in his arms became two people. Amid Shade’s panicked “blocking”, the two sisters held his left and right arms respectively and let out light laughter.

Of course, although Grace and Helen couldn’t help Shade digest the power of the dragon, they still had great experience in adapting to the transformation technique. They stayed in the basement room with Shade that afternoon. After dinner, one of them returned upstairs holding one of Shade’s hands. During dinner, they mentioned that there is a suitable “Red Butterfly Secret Medicine” here, which can replace the effect of “Eternal Youth Leaf” when Shade drinks the “Elven Secret Medicine” again, preventing it from being wasted every time the transformation ends. a leaf.

As for the Red Butterfly Secret Potion that helps Shade adapt to a higher level of transformation without using the “Elf Secret Potion”, of course they can also prepare it, but that will take a long time, and Shade himself will have adapted by then. The power of the dragon.

“Wait a minute, how did you come up with the potion right away? Did you know I would have a problem?”

Xia De was very surprised. Grace in the white dress said quietly:

“Because we have come into contact with your life information.”

Helen smiled and hugged Shade’s left arm:

“This potion was originally used to help you gain more power from Red Butterfly, but the principle is the same. The potion this time is very similar to the potion we prepared for you when you were sick in spring, sir. Thanks to Little Rita helped us produce it, and now she can take on her own role. Watching generations of witches grow up, time flies really fast. ”

The dining table for dinner is a round table. Although the Helen who is talking looks young, she speaks in an old-fashioned way, which is particularly interesting.

The young girl with flaxen hair nodded immediately, and Granny Cassandra beside her smiled kindly:

“Rita will be promoted to the sixth ring recently. Shade, I won’t go to the Moon Bay incident in person this time. Why don’t I send her to bring someone to the Moon Bay to help you.”

Xia De, who was still recalling how to make the “Red Butterfly Secret Medicine” just now, thought for a moment:

“Are you worried about Rita?”

“A witch’s apprentice cannot grow up without experiencing any dangers. Rita, are you willing to go?”

The old witch asked her apprentice.

“Yes, teacher.”

Of course, she would have to wait until the council made unified arrangements before setting off for Moon Bay.

Before bidding farewell to Grace and Helen that night, Shade did not forget to ask about the “Sword of Light”. The Red Butterfly Twins, who have been alive since the middle of the Fifth Era, know many secrets of the past and can still help Shade even if they have lost a lot of their memories.

When faced with this problem this time, they do have an answer:

“During the short years we lived in St. Byrons, we not only learned a lot of knowledge from Miss Feliana, but also listened to various legends and stories told by witches from all over the material world in the academy. At that time Most of the witches who were willing to go to St. Byrons to study had different stories. When we participated in the student club “Red Dragon Jewel” founded by Miss Fiona Drago, we heard that lady mention her childhood. A story I heard before leaving the Dragon Kingdom.

The specific content of the story is probably: Before the ancient dragon **** left, he forged a powerful sword that could suppress any dragon. Any dragon is just the most fragile mortal creature under that sword. Waving that sword can kill any giant dragon. ”


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