The Whispering Verses Chapter 2166: Temporary “tenant”


The long sword that was pulled out was not the [Night Watch], but the dragon scale sword. When the sword light fell, the black light on the strange ring warlock overflowed like a crow just now, but the next moment it was burst by the sword light like a bubble.

“I thought there was some huge conspiracy involved in this. After working on it for a long time, you really just got unlucky and fell in love with Emilia.”

Shad did not pursue the victory, but led Emilia forward. The ring warlock wearing a clown mask was already vomiting blood and lying on the ground. He watched Shade and the two getting closer and closer, and then a cloud of black mist was released, and he turned and fled into the distance. Shade did not chase him, because not long after, Emilia’s two companions, Mr. Rio Emhyr and Miss Matila Deras, came back with the escaped man.

The mask on his face was removed, and Emilia, who was holding Shade’s arm, immediately recognized him:

“It was him who sold me that metal dice on the train!”

“Don’t even think about knowing the secrets of the Order!”

Even after being controlled, the man was still yelling and cursing everyone present with very vicious slang.

“You want us to ignore your other companion, the one who freed the crow?”

Shad asked, and then heard another set of footsteps. Luvia, Miss Selina Mullis, and two ring warlocks whom Shad didn’t know were escorting another man wearing a black cloak. The ring warlock wearing a mask came over.

Miss Salina Mullis was also from St. Byrons. After graduating as a sixth grader in 1852, she was assigned to manage the business of the Tobesk Regional College in the region.

No matter how much Shade wanted to help her, Emilia was being targeted by cultists, and he would definitely not hide it from the academy again. After receiving the news, the college immediately contacted Miss Mullis. In fact, there are more than just these people in this small forest. In order to ensure that the arrest plan is foolproof, in addition to Shade, Luvia, and Emilia’s two teammates, Miss Mullis mobilized her ring warlocks and There are more than ten reliable ring warlocks hired, and they are all on standby around the grove.

After catching the two people in front of them, everyone conducted a blanket search around them, but in the end they did not find the third accomplice. Although the two cultists have not yet been questioned about the specific situation, it seems that this incident is really due to Emilia’s bad luck.

“Mr. Hamilton, thank you for your hard work tonight. Mr. Rio Emhyr and Miss Matila Dras and I will send these two cultists to the transfer station first. The college will soon send them Take it away, the college needs to determine how they are targeting our students. I would also like to trouble you and Miss Anat to take care of Miss Siam Nord for the time being.”

After the search was over, Miss Mullis said to Shade. Shade didn’t mind this, and it wouldn’t be troublesome to let Luvia and Emilia stay at his home tonight. Anyway, his house was big and the bed was very comfortable.

The elf girl still pulled Shade’s sleeve and asked Miss Mullis:

“The college will let us end our summer practice early. Should we go back now? We have only been in Tobesk for a week, and the original time was four weeks.”

Miss Mullis shook her head:

“Sorry, I am not responsible for this aspect. Please follow the official notice from the college for your specific arrangements. But Miss Siam Nord, please do not leave Mr. Hamilton until the college issues an official notice.”

In other words, until the academy decides on the next plan for Emilia and the others, the elf girl will have to live in Shade’s home. As for choosing Shade over others, it is naturally because although Bill Schneider has the highest level among the five people in the group, due to some unspeakable reasons – that is, except for Shade, all four people in the group may have problems, so he is Shade, who is Miss Danister’s student, is the one who reassures the academy the most.

Of course, Dr. Schneider recently left Tobesk temporarily to attend an academic conference in a city not far next door. He will not be back until Friday, so the college does not even need to find a reason to explain why this matter is not arranged for him.

Tonight’s action started quickly and ended quickly. After saying goodbye to the others, Shade took Luvia and Emilia through the small village outside the city again. After entering the city, they found the carriage and set off in the direction of the Three Cats Hotel.

This time they will take away all of Amelia’s things from the hotel and move them into Shad’s home, but Amelia will not stay in Shad’s house for too long, St. Byrons There is no bureaucracy, and it takes at most two or three days to arrange the whereabouts of Emilia and the others.

Of course, because this cultist attack mainly targeted Emilia, the other two people in the group did not need to move from the Three Cats Hotel. Emilia was the only one living in Shad’s house.

“It was hard to leave the academy”

On the carriage, the blond elf said pitifully. Luvia, who was sitting next to Shade, comforted her and said:

“The academy may not necessarily let you leave Tobesk. Maybe they will just give you a few letters to pay attention to safety and let you continue to carry out tasks locally.”

Although she said this, even Shade could guess that the academy would most likely not let Emilia and the others stay. Emilia was quite sorry about this, and Shade was also very sorry. After all, he promised Emilia to take her around the city, and seeing that there was not much time left;

“Stay at my place these days, and you don’t have to continue your mission. Just treat it as a vacation and have a good rest for a few days. If there is a chance, I will contact Agelina Cavendi, who made friends with you last time. Your Highness, please ask her to take you around the Yodel Palace.”

If she heard this news normally, Emilia would be very happy. But now she just lowered her head and said “hmm”, and even her pointed ears seemed to be drooping downward. Shade always felt that her appearance was very similar to that of his own cat when it was sad.

“Shad, Luvia, thank you.”

The sensible elf did not forget to thank him for this matter.

“Don’t be so polite. Didn’t you help me so much in Randall Valley? Besides, we are friends. It’s a pity that the unicorn can’t just come to Tobesk, otherwise little Mia will be very happy. .”

At the mention of unicorns, Emilia’s mood improved slightly. Although leaving Tobesk meant the end of her vacation, she still felt regretful thinking that she would still have many friends after returning.

The night is not very dark yet, and the Three Cats Hotel has officially entered night mode. There are still many guests on the first floor, and the scantily clad orioles against the wall are also waiting for them. There is no need to check out Emilia’s room, she will just take her luggage away tonight. Shade and Luvia wanted to help her go upstairs to pack, but Emilia claimed that she didn’t have much luggage and declined Shade and Luvia’s help, asking Shade and Luvia to wait for her on the first floor. , she came down quickly with her luggage.

Considering that the elf girl also had some private belongings, Shade and Luvia did not insist on helping her. Instead, they ordered two cups of hot tea at the counter and sat down at the table to the left of the bard who was playing the piano. .

The poet who is good at singing is playing and singing an ancient legend about a hero and a dragon. The general content is that the dragon kidnapped the princess. The hero went to rescue and exchanged himself for the princess. From then on, he and the dragon The story of living happily together.

“You look a little regretful, is it because you couldn’t bring [Night Watch] out with you?”

Holding the teacup, Luvia smiled and said to Shade.

“Of course not. How could I bring it with me tonight when I am acting with other people in the academy. However, I originally wanted to demonstrate to you the thaumaturgy I just learned, but Dorothy was unable to come because of something else. In the end, there was no chance to use magic, the believers of doom were too weak.”

“I always knew you were great.”

The purple-eyed girl squeezed Shade’s hand and said jokingly:

“Amelia will probably stay at your house for two or three days. I can’t go to your place to spend the night every day. Dorothy will probably be the same as today, there will always be something that can’t come. So, you and Ai Milia’s night alone.”

“Oh, Luvia, are you so unsure of me?”

Xia De’s eyes widened, and then his hand was pinched by the girl with purple eyes. She said angrily:

“What are you talking about? I can’t have confidence in you? I’m afraid that Emilia will do something irrational. A man and a woman are alone in the house. You have saved her many times and you are so handsome. I know you are attractive.”

“Well, aren’t you making fun of me?”

Luvia smiled, she just needed to give Shade such a reminder. Just like what she said just now, she has great confidence in Shade and believes that Shade will do the right thing.

Holding the tea cups, the two talked about the Moon Bay again, and how Shade would go into the sewers and track down the laboratory of the [Dragon Eater Order] with Mr. Bernhardt.

Originally they were just talking in a low voice, but the bard’s voice completely drowned out the two voices. Just as he was talking, Xia De suddenly raised his head and looked upward:

“Somehow, I always feel that this matter has not passed yet. After all, everything tonight went so smoothly. Besides, there is still doubt about this matter, isn’t it? The first thing Emilia obtained I’m not sure if the dead leaf bookmark was given by the cultists. Moreover, didn’t Priest August also say that Emilia’s bad luck was too exaggerated?

We were a little careless in letting Amelia go upstairs alone. When Amelia first asked me for help, she said that she had been having nightmares since she moved in here, but the three incidents that have appeared so far There are several relics, but none of them have the characteristics of giving people continuous nightmares. ”

I suddenly said this just because I felt a little uneasy, and Shade believed in his sixth sense very much.

Luvia then took out the divination cards. This action reminded Shade of the blond witch from Moon Bay. It’s just that Luvia’s divination is obviously more helpful to Shade than Miss Belindel:

“This is a sign of doom. Is this thing really not over? Is there a murderer behind it?”

Purple eyes have a suspicious look, but Luvia, who has always been cautious, will not let go of any doubts:

“Shad, maybe you still have a chance to show me your new thaumaturgy tonight, but I’d rather you just show off your skills in bed tonight. Come on, let’s go upstairs and have a look.”

PS: In order to prevent anyone from saying that Emilia’s line in this volume is too high, let me tell you in advance that her line will eventually overlap with Yuewan’s line.


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