The Whispering Verses Chapter 216: The meeting of three people


Even though he immediately chased towards the first floor, Shade was still a step slower.

When he came to the first floor, he happened to see Miss Bayas being dragged into the side corridor by a man wearing white gloves with a look of reluctance.

Even if ladies wear gloves when attending banquets, they are usually lace gloves with very complicated styles and craftsmanship, while ordinary white gloves are mostly worn by men.

“Miss Bayas is in trouble?”

Xia De frowned and followed immediately. Of course, before opening the door and entering the corridor, he first asked the waiter in the banquet hall what it was for.

“Sir, that leads to the kitchen and also provides an empty room for the chefs in the back kitchen to rest.”

A chef who can cook and prepare snacks and drinks for a banquet of this level is indeed worthy of arranging a dedicated lounge.

Shad nodded and walked into the corridor. Although ordinary guests are not allowed to enter this “staff area”, Xia De is not considered an ordinary guest.

The banquet was in the middle, the kitchen was still busy, and the corridor the dining car passed through was not here, so there was no one in the corridor. You could only vaguely hear the voices of men and women discussing today’s events around the corner at the end of the corridor. Dishes topic.

Due to the location and layout, the corridor in front of you only has rooms on one side, and the other side is full of walls with oil paintings. And since there was no commotion around the corner, it meant that the person who forcibly dragged Miss Bayas here did not take her out of this corridor.

“There are five rooms in total…can you find Miss Bayas?”

[My perception can only work at close range. No, even if you are close to the door, it won’t work unless the other person is also close to the door. 】

Although there is currently no sound of fighting, and there are no obvious traces of elements when thaumaturgy is released, Shade is still a little worried about the slightly immature girl.

I stood in front of the door and hesitated for a moment, and when I was about to knock on the door to test, a woman’s voice finally gave me a hint:

[There are traces of the Whispering Element behind the third door, almost right behind the door. 】

“Didn’t you say that you have to see the relic before you can feel the whisper element?”

Xia De thought as he quickly tiptoed towards the third door.

[This time is different. This time the relic is very special. You can understand that it is spreading power spontaneously. 】


Confirm that there is the Holy Emblem Brooch of the Disposable Sunshine Gun in his pocket, and then hold the gun in his right hand – the normal one. The left hand lights up the color of the silver moon.

This series of movements were kept as light as possible, and then he tiptoed to the door without hearing the sound inside. So he counted three times silently in his mind, bent his body slightly, exerted force on his legs, held his breath and slammed into the door.

The sound of the door slamming was masked by the noise coming from the banquet hall. After Xia De ran through the door, he didn’t feel that the door hit anyone, so he rolled neatly on the ground and rolled into the room.

But he was not attacked. Instead, he heard footsteps and fled towards the bedroom of this suite:

“Want to run away? This is definitely not a good person. Why would a good person run away?”

[Probably because you don’t look like a good person. 】

“Don’t disturb me.”

Miss Bayas was probably held hostage, and the footsteps were not messy, indicating that there was only one person on the other side. If the other party runs away in this case, it obviously means that the other party is not strong, or is worried that Miss Bayas will cause trouble together with the intruder.

“It should only be a low-level warlock.”

Thinking like this, he chased into the room, kicked open the closed bedroom door, and then saw a quilt flying towards him like a hard wall:

“What move is this?”

Worried that this was a trap, he just used the light of the silver moon in his hand to tear the quilt in front of him. The muzzle was pointed forward, keeping his attention ready for Silver Moon to tear the enemy apart, but when he took a step forward, he found himself stepping on a bed sheet. Before Shade could react, the sheets were quickly pulled by an invisible force, and then his whole body lost weight and fell to the ground.

The sheets quickly wrapped him up, but with just a light stroke from his hand, the sheets turned into rags. The smoke quickly spread in the room at this time, and the other party probably didn’t want Shade to see his face.

“Which direction is the whispering element?”

[Directly in front of you. 】

When he got up, he actually saw the bed in the bedroom flying straight up, as if trying to crush him:

“We can’t let him escape.”

Confirming that there was no wind in the room, and seeing through the thick fog that the thick curtains covered the windows, Shade ignored the bed that was pressed against him, but stretched out his fingers to let the silver moonlight bloom on his fingertips.

【Do you want…】

“Silver Moon!”

The next moment, it was as if a silver sun exploded in the room, and the sudden brilliance even made Shade, a thaumaturgy user, feel serious discomfort in his eyes.

The flying wooden bed was also split into two pieces by the light of the silver moon. Shade kicked the split wood open, maintaining a high-brightness light in the room, and vaguely saw two figures in the light. Trying to escape through the window.

“Why are both women? Huh? Why are Miss Bayas running away?”

He rushed over with a gun in each hand. Before the light on his fingertips faded, he pressed one on the back of the two women, one on the left and the other on the right.

“Don’t move, anyone who moves will be killed!”

The moonlight was completely extinguished at the fingertips, and the room seemed to be evaporated, making it unusually dry. All the items still have the afterglow of the silver moon, and they look so holy that it can even be said that this is an unknown sanctuary.

The figure of Miss Bayas on the left dispersed like a bubble, and at the same time there was a sound of thunder and thunder behind her.

My wrist hurt, and I dropped the pistol uncontrollably with my right hand, but Shade did not pick it up, but looked at Miss Anat in evening dress on my right in surprise:

“Is it you?”

Miss Anat heard the familiar voice, put down the golden knife in her hand, turned around and looked at Shade in surprise with her purple eyes (note):

“It’s you!”

Behind Shade, Miss Bayas, who was holding a sunlight gun and planning to stab him in the head, also stopped. Although her eyes were injured, her ears were still functioning well, and she asked in the same surprise:

“Is it you?”

The three of them were stunned, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment.

Shad and Miss Anat, whose eyes were intact, looked at each other. Shad was surprised that Miss Anat’s eyes were not injured.

This encounter was not planned, but it was obvious that we couldn’t leave at this moment. The young detective and the fortune teller both wanted to ask each other with their eyes what was going on now.

“Miss Bayas, do you actually know Miss Anat?”

Before Miss Bayas realized something was wrong, Shade asked first, as if he had been deceived:

“Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Miss Anat looked at him in surprise, not expecting Shade to ask such a question.

Miss Bayas hesitated:

“Yes, I know…wait…”

She also reacted:

“No, why should I be questioned by you? Detective, do you also know Miss Anat? Come to think of it, could it be that…”

Although Miss Bayas’s eyes were temporarily injured, her head was not injured:

“Wait a minute, how do you two know each other? No, something is wrong! Detective, tell me, what is going on?”


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