The Whispering Verses Chapter 2142: Shadow’s request for help and the witch’s speculation


Chapter 2142 Shade’s request for help and the witch’s speculation

Although there is more progress in the investigation, Shade’s investigation with Mr. Bernhardt will be suspended until Shade can get a map of the sewers near the steam bathhouse. It would be unwise to enter an unknown area in the sewer without a map, and they were almost certain that there must be traps waiting for them in the underground laboratory that was most likely abandoned.

Seeing that Mr. Albert was still working, Mr. Schad and Mr. Bernhardt did not disturb him again and quickly left. They then sat at the Spider Hotel for a while, and Mr. Bernhardt was very interested in asking about last night’s card game.

When he heard that Viscount Guerra, the champion of “Big City Players 1850”, was actually present last night, he was particularly regretful that this card game could not be announced as “a match between two Big City Players champions”:

“If we can let everyone know, this will definitely become a hot topic among the Rhodes players in Yuewan City for several months. Did Viscount Guerra show anything unusual last night?”

He asked suddenly, Shade shook his head:

“Viscount Guerra also has a problem? But he is just an ordinary person.”

“No, no, it has nothing to do with what we are investigating. I just heard about it locally, just heard”

He lowered his voice and said to Shade:

“More than one person has mentioned that Viscount Guerra cheated when gambling with other people. There are some bad local rumors about him, but they are just rumors. For example, he controls several Rhodes casinos, and He is also involved in the high-priced Rhodes brand trading business on the black market. I want to emphasize again that it is just a rumor, maybe spread by someone who is jealous of him.”

Shad nodded knowingly, but even if it was true, at least Viscount Gera did not cheat yesterday.

There was nothing else going on in the morning. When I said goodbye to Mr. Bernhardt, I saw that the weather was particularly gloomy, and I knew that Luvia’s statement that there would be a thunderstorm this evening should be accurate. Combined with the rumors he heard from Professor Manning, Shade felt that his investigation of the divine war that took place in the early fifth era would definitely make progress today.

Of course, that was in the evening. So he went to Belindel Manor again this morning to meet the great witch of fate. Even the busy witch was at leisure on Sunday morning. She listened to the progress of Shade’s investigation in the study with a teacup in hand, and was quite satisfied with his progress:

“If you can come up with evidence beyond memory that Georgia Black is really related to the secret laboratory, I can make the Black family pay the price with this alone.”

She saluted Sha De with the teacup in her hand:

“It seems that I made the right choice to ask you to come here to help me. Let my girls investigate this matter. Although the vampire monsters can also be found, I’m afraid the bathhouse and the secret passage will be difficult. Some. ”

“Then the sewer map”

“Come to me on Monday. The sewers in Yuewan City were built in a very early era, and the map can only be used as a reference.”

“I understand.”

When the time comes, he will definitely need to use “strong spatial perception” to determine the terrain.

“Then I will investigate this matter with my vampire friends next week. I think there will be results soon. I originally suspected that the egg-shaped object was a dragon egg, but now it has become a vampire. Monster. I hope my guess is wrong, I don’t want to face a monster that is a mixture of dragon and blood-sucking creature.”

Seeing Shade say this, Miss Belindel confirmed it with a divination card. She did not tell Shade the results of the divination, but after taking a look at the cards in her hand, she told Shade to be more careful.

“Speaking of which, I have something to do in the dock area tonight.”

After hesitating, he still said this:

“No, it’s not about [The Silmarillion of Hope], it’s my own private matter. I’m looking for a trace of the Fifth Age, and I should be able to find something tonight. Miss Belindle, if you have time”

He said embarrassedly, and the witch raised her eyebrows:

“Are you asking for my help? Matilda, check today’s schedule.”

The blonde maid quickly responded:

“You are going to attend the salon in the afternoon. If the salon can be concluded in the evening, there will be nothing else to do in the evening.”

“Well, I will go to the dock area to help you, just as a way to relax. But what a coincidence, I received information that starting from yesterday, the Five Gods Church has been acting collectively, and I don’t know what they are preparing in the dock area. They seem to Preparing for some unexpected situation, my people made some inquiries, and it seems that an informant from the church discovered that the [Dragon Feast Order] was also making moves at the dock tonight. Could this be related to your matter?”

Shad doesn’t know either, but if the cultists are also after that rumored trace, then Shad is even more looking forward to tonight’s harvest:

“Miss Belindel, the salon you are going to attend in the afternoon won’t be the one held by the Marquise of Ankara, will it?”

“Yes, you also know? The Marquis of Ankara is not a local, but is stationed here with the navy. His wife likes to hold various salons, and I plan to introduce Sylvia’s products to her in the afternoon. But the local The ladies should all have their own sources of information. The fabric has been sold in Willendale’s store, and they should all know about it.”

Of course Shade knows what “fabric” is. He just came into contact with the fabric at the red-haired princess last night. Although Miss Sylvia is not with him, the girls around him still have those expensive intimate clothes. Except for Helen and Grace, who were conjured by themselves, everyone else probably got the goods directly from Miss Sylvia. Sometimes Shade was also curious about how they contacted Miss Sylvia.

“Why, are you invited to the salon too?”

The witch asked with a smile, Shade immediately shook his head:

“Of course not, it’s just that my vampire friend asked me to find someone. There are three people in total. I have already met the first two, and the last one is going to attend the salon. I plan to go to the door in advance to wait for her.”

Of the three kin mentioned by the coroner, the last was a woman. Although Shade knew where she worked, the other party was a staff member of the city hall, so Mr. Albert also suggested that he had better visit her while she was resting.

“That’s it, then you can go with me in the afternoon. I’ll help you in the evening, and you can come and help me in the afternoon. Do you remember that werewolf woman? Her identity is actually related to the Marchioness. ”

Shad doesn’t mind accompanying her to social activities, and he is also interested in werewolf matters:

“But that’s a ladies’ salon. Is it appropriate for me to go there? Oh, I want to declare that I will never dress up as a woman.”

The witch was amused by him:

“I didn’t want you to pretend to be a woman. Don’t worry, although it is a gathering of local noble ladies, most people will bring male companions. You are still my cousin, stay with me when the time comes. I won’t embarrass you.”

Xia De then agreed.

While he was conducting investigations in the city, Miss Belindel was not idle either. Not only the werewolf matter, she has never forgotten the incident of the [Light Worshipers Training Group] sneak attack on a group of people in the Whispering Hills that night. She is also investigating the matter of the [Dragon Eater Order].

At the same time, she is also actively collecting and organizing clues in the family book collection and the other six major families. That morning, Shade saw those precious ancient texts in the underground library of the Belindel family.

It is normal for aristocratic manors to have basements, but the area of ​​Belindel Manor’s library alone exceeds the total area of ​​an entire floor of the Shade family. The collection of books here definitely exceeds 10,000, including many rare and unique copies. The witch knew last time that Shade was proficient in dragon language, so she wanted him to read these books, maybe he could gain something, but unfortunately he didn’t.

At noon, Miss Belindell asked Shade to stay at the manor for lunch again. Shade felt that Mrs. Belindel looked at him strangely during lunch. So after lunch, he specifically asked the witch, and the latter told him not to worry:

“My mother rarely sees me in contact with men.”

The afternoon reading salon starts at 1:30. It is said to be a reading salon, but in fact it is just a social tea party where local noble ladies gather to drink afternoon tea and talk about opera and fashion. Shade’s toys included formal clothes, so he didn’t have to think about what to wear.

Miss Belindel arranged for the maid to help Shade tidy up his clothes. When he was about to get on the carriage, Miss Matilda whispered in the witch’s ear:

“Handmade custom-made formal suit. Mrs. Granger said that the craftsmanship of the person who made it is not inferior to hers. And the fabric is very unusual. You can’t find anything like it on the market, let alone in Randall Valley.” tailors and materials.”

Mrs. Granger is Miss Belindle’s personal dressmaker.

Seeing that the witch hesitated, the maid added:

“Mrs. Granger said that the tailor who customized that dress may not be able to be found in the entire Yuewan City. The dress may come from the royal capital.”

“Willendale? He and Vanessa went to Willendale together? That’s right, Emma also knows about him, he must have been to Willendale.”

The witch nodded and was about to continue walking down the stairs on her high heels when she was suddenly startled:

“Wait a minute, even if Emma or Vanessa want to give him clothes, do they know such a good tailor? Matilda, according to you, this kind of clothes cannot be made by someone if you have money. ”

So the maid on the side consciously handed over the divination card. When Bella Belindel stretched out her hand, she realized that the divination felt very good this time and she would definitely get the result:

“This card is. Queen/Princess?”

I was startled for a moment, and then I understood:

“This country has not had a queen for several generations, as for the princess.”

Her eyes suddenly widened:

“Wait a minute, is it Emma, ​​Vanessa, okay, you actually rely on men to please Princess Margaret, right?”


The blond maid reminded softly, and the witch who continued down the stairs still felt like she was holding a breath:

“Everything makes sense. Her Royal Highness Margaret became Vanessa’s apprentice, and when she visited the Randall Valley this year because of the shipyard, there were rumors that a man appeared next to her at that time. It turned out that the young and handsome strange man was like this. Her Highness Margaret met him when she visited Randall Valley, and Vanessa and Emma introduced him to Her Highness. Her Highness must have taken a liking to him. No doubt, that’s why he has that formal suit, and that’s why he has the background of Gray Gloves. Emma, ​​Vanessa, you two are really cheap.”


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