The Whispering Verses Chapter 2140: Persistence and bottom line


Chapter 2140 Persistence and Bottom Line

When the sun rose as usual and shined through the snowflakes and mist into the restaurant on the second floor of No. 6 St. Teresa Square, Shade at the table had no intention of thinking about the game he played with the girls last night.

He was not woken up by little Mia early this Saturday morning. Twenty minutes ago, Miss Carina brought a group of maids to the second floor, and then excitedly opened the door and saw the scene in the bedroom. He still hasn’t forgotten the expression.

“Shad, you had a great time last night, didn’t you?”

Shadow, Dorothy, Luvia and Miss Carina were sitting at the dining table, and the one who spoke was naturally the red-haired duchess. The maids were busy in the kitchen. Dorothy was not Lesia after all, and she was a little shy and pretended to read the newspaper.

Luvia glanced at Shade and helped him block this sentence:

“Okay, our Mr. Knight is very experimental in his research. But in my opinion, Carina, if you were here last night, Shade would probably be more happy.”

The witch, who thought she was very bold, blushed, while the maids in the kitchen were all sullen and did not dare to laugh, for fear of being punished by the head maid who was frying eggs in front of the pot.

“Actually if you write to me, I”

The red-haired witch muttered quietly, and then stopped continuing the topic. It’s not that she was angry because of what happened this morning, she just wanted to show that she couldn’t be indifferent to it:

“How is things going in Yuewan? Is that gun useful?”


Xia De also wanted to talk to her about this matter:

“The memory has been collected, but the memory itself is incomplete. After dinner, I will return the gun to Green Island. Please inform Miss Sylvia to recycle it and ask Sirius to help process that memory.”

“They will be happy to do this, so there really are dragons in Moon Bay?”

Xia De couldn’t help but sigh as he touched little Mia:

“Yes, vampire monsters, werewolves, dragon beasts, I have never seen so many alien creatures in other places. Now that the council has interpreted some fragments of the poem, I think the chosen ones may be chosen soon. It will appear, and the chosen one may even have appeared this time, but I didn’t realize it.”

He mentally counted the people he knew in Yuewan, and then discovered that everyone, even those who seemed to be ordinary people at the moment, might be the chosen one.

“I think Miss Elisa is the most suspicious.”

Dorothy said.

“I think there’s something wrong with Xia De’s new vampire friend, the coroner.”

Luvia said.

“I suspect that the seven families in Moon Bay, including the Belindel family, must have something to do with the chosen one of light.”

Miss Carina also said.

Shad was not embarrassed to say that he doubted the six-ring warlock holding the [Wind King’s Sword], but smiled and thanked the maid who brought breakfast, and then asked:

“Carina, why are you here so early today? Is there anything going on in the city? It was not even half past six when you opened the door downstairs.”

I touched the little head of the cat at hand, and the latter was waiting for its breakfast very obediently,

“It’s true that I have something to do. I’m going to the Yodel Palace at eight o’clock this morning to meet with the ambassador of Kassenlik in Tobesk together with my anxious nephew. I just received the news last night. You know I spent the night at your place last night.”

As he spoke, he glanced at Luvia again. The purple-eyed girl smiled sweetly:

“Is it still a conflict between the two countries?”

“Yes, this time the ambassador is going to hand over the credentials of the ‘Lion’ of Kasenlik, which is considered to be a formal characterization of the Green Lake border conflict. It is unlikely that a full-scale war will break out before winter comes, but The conflict will not end. Both sides want to stabilize the situation temporarily, at least before the autumn harvest.”

She sighed, and was about to say that she was going to stay tonight, but then she remembered that today was Saturday, which was Lesia’s time. As a result, the duchess became more and more depressed, and she thought about going to Yodel Palace for a while, and she must meet and have a few words with Lesia, which would make her mood worse this morning.

This Saturday, Shade will not go to Yuewan City again. Miss Belindel will help him find a detailed map of Yuewan City’s sewers. Before that, he will not rush into the sewers to investigate. So I took a rare break today. In the morning, I accompanied Dorothy and Luvia at home to talk about the exam week at the end of the month. After having lunch together, we went to Dr. Schneider’s place for this week’s meeting in the falling snow. .

This meeting was nothing major, but the approach of exam week once again put Dr. Schneider in that nervous emotional state. Not only was he nervous himself, but he also successfully transmitted his nervousness to everyone, including Sha De, by analyzing for everyone the courses to be taken and the time that would be lost if they failed.

From this aspect, Bill Schneider’s appeal as a psychiatrist is indeed quite strong.

Shad was still worried about Priest August, but the old priest seemed to be in much better condition than before. Even his “doctor” Bill Schneider believed that the priest’s psychological condition had been significantly improved, and when he talked about it with Shade after the meeting, he used a vivid example to explain the effectiveness of his treatment. :

“If Priest Augustus a month ago, when he heard that exam week was coming, he would immediately think that one of us would face the risk of dropping out of school or even leaving the group because he failed the exam, then he only thinks now Thinking of one of us being sad about not passing the exam, because of emotional issues that led to the winter exam week. ”

Xia De thought for a while and saw Dr. Schneider looking quite proud, so he asked a simple question:

“Well, actually, the treatment result I want to see more is that Priest August will not be sure that one of us will fail the exam. This is not a probability issue, this is a psychological issue.”

“Treatment takes time, detective. We have already achieved good results. You have to be patient. I am a professional.”

Saturday night is as usual a class for princesses and writers. Last week Dorothy performed “The Mermaid Playing in the Water” in the lake on Green Island, so this Saturday night, she took Agelina with her. Time to visit Lesia again at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

Since Agelina came with her, she did not leave Agelina idle, but asked her younger sister to join the course as well. The course started as normal as before. By analyzing and explaining different versions of the “Mermaid” story, Lecia allowed Shade and Agelina to understand the traces of the story being influenced by the ideological trends of different times during its dissemination.

During the break during the course, the little princess expressed her own opinions on the story:

“I can understand that mermaid princess.”

While eating gingerbread, he looked at his sister carefully:

“Now that you have chosen your own prince, even if you know that you will face tragedy in the end, you will never let go. This may seem like a stupid behavior, and it may seem like giving up your life for love, but it is actually own honor.”

She raised her chest slightly, hoping she could speak louder:

“Go for it if you like it, even if you know the road will not work, you have to try. This kind of persistence can create miracles. The princess in the story just didn’t succeed.”

The two legs wrapped in white stockings under the skirt swayed slightly. After eating the gingerbread in his hand, he wiped his hands with a handkerchief and went to pick up the tea cup.

Of course Lesia could hear what she was talking about. While she was amused by her sister’s behavior, she asked Shade, who was standing by the window holding the cat and looking at the night scene:

“Agelina, don’t eat so many sweets at night. Shade, Agelina said she saw persistence from this story. Persistence is also a good virtue, but it must be distinguished from stubbornness and paranoia. What do you think?”

“Judging from the results, successfully achieving the goal is perseverance, and failing to achieve the goal is stubbornness in not listening to others.”

Xia De looked at the night scene and said, Her Royal Highness the Princess smiled and nodded:

“You are indeed like this. I remember that you evaluated courage and recklessness a long time ago, and you also distinguished between the two by the results. Shade, do you think you are a very persistent person?”

Agelina also looked at Shade. Shade hesitated for a moment, then turned around with the cat in his arms:

“This needs to be discussed on a case-by-case basis. For example, I hated tobacco, alcohol, and gambling from the beginning, and I still do so now. Although I have killed people, I will not take the initiative to kill people if it is not necessary. I am very persistent in myself. The bottom line. But from another aspect, at first, I actually thought that I was a very dedicated person, yearning for the kind of life where a husband and a wife would grow old together, but then now.”

The little princess blinked in confusion. When she met Shad, Shad already had Luvia, Lesia, and Dorothy around him, and the scandal with Miss Carina had also begun. Lesia laughed directly because of these words. Because of Dorothy, she even knew Shade earlier than Luvia, so she felt deeply about this sentence:

“I would also like to thank Luvia. It was she who prevented you from insisting on this principle. Otherwise, Luvia might have put on an engagement ring and moved in here, and pushed the door angrily in the next second. , accusing me of being so shameless as a ‘teacher’, even having an affair with my own sister.”

The red-haired princess stood up and hugged Shade, squeezing the cat between them, and said in a very gentle voice:

“Nice to meet you, Shade, and glad you want to love me.”

“Me too, I’m glad you love me.”

The two hugged each other tightly by the window, making Agelina, who was still sitting at the desk holding a teacup, feel like she was the only superfluous person here.


The soft cat struggled to squeeze out from between the two of them, pushed Lesia’s shoulder with its paws, and when it couldn’t be pushed away, it jumped onto the desk and lay down next to Agelina’s hand. The seventeen-year-old girl glanced at the cat at hand, and somehow she felt even more pitiful.

PS: The previous article has been modified. The cards that Shade got in the card game in the previous article were adjusted from [Ancient Fairy Tale – Mermaid] to [Ancient Fairy Tale – Mermaid Song] that appeared in Chapter 502, and explained this The reason why Zhang Pai met again.

It is stated here that the card rules and points will not be modified.


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