The Whispering Verses Chapter 2118: Prejudice


Chapter 2118 Prejudice

The surroundings are still dark, because although the monster that represents the source of the curse has been defeated, it has not been completely eliminated.

Iluna only talked about this issue after confirming that Shade was really fine, and Shade looked at Emilia. The elf girl shrank her head and pointed at herself, then nodded hesitantly. Although she has always been protected by her family, classmates and teachers in the college, it is not that she has not killed other lives with her own hands.

With Emilia’s temperament that dares to defy school rules, Shade doesn’t have to worry about her being really weak.

Iluna did not let her get close to the pure white light to cast a spell. Instead, she took out the pistol hidden in the gun bag on the inside of her coat, and then carefully took out a warhead engraved with runes. Put the bullet into the magazine, turn on the safety and hand the pistol to her:

“Use this.”

Miss Elf then aimed and fired. After the gunshot sounded like thunder, what was ejected from the muzzle was not a solid metal bullet, but a golden electric light. The electric light penetrated directly through the weak pure white figure, and the entire dark world was shattered like a mirror.

After a moment of weightlessness, the three of them returned to the room with the curtains tightly closed. The black monster they saw just now, curled up like a skinny monkey, was still in front of them, just lying on the ground, with electric light jumping on its body.

As the figure turned into ashes little by little, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, the steam mist that appeared behind Emilia and Iluna formed into one. The bells rang and the whistle blew. Because the eight-ring life ring and the five-ring life ring were too close, when they emerged from the depths of the steam mist, their edges collided and rubbed each other, creating dazzling sparks. But at the same time, the two high-speed rotating wheels There is also an additional spiritual rune on the life ring.

Emilia’s whisper is [Fear], and Iluna’s whisper is [Jealousy]. Iluna, who knew the meaning of the new spirit rune, was obviously very dissatisfied and quickly put away her life ring not to let Shade see it.

As for Shade, he got nothing but heard the voice in his ears:

[Outlander, you have come into contact with whispers. You understand “prejudice”. 】


While thinking, the dark figure had completely dispersed, revealing the soul wrapped inside. The soul that was about to leave crawled toward the window away from everyone. After touching the wall, it stood up with force. The soul stretched out its hand to grab the curtain, but couldn’t catch it.

So Iluna waved her hand, and the spell caused the curtain to open a gap. Compared to the darkness in the room, the ray of sunlight emerging from the gap in the curtains was even a bit dazzling.

When the sunlight shone on the soul, the three of them heard the soul’s murmur:

“As expected, I still prefer light.”

“If you like light, you shouldn’t throw yourself into darkness.”

Eluna frowned and said, it is because too many people are willing to indulge in curses and sins that her work is always so busy.

And the almost completely transparent soul also turned around in that ray of sunshine:

“If someone can give me a ray of light”

The soul disperses, leaving nothing behind. Emilia also put away her life ring in surprise, and looked at Iluna who had just made a handsome speech with reverence:

“Is it over?”

“If you don’t count the fact that I have to write a report, this matter is over.”

The eighteen-year-old girl said dissatisfiedly, and then asked about Shade’s situation again, worried about how to tell Luvia about this.

In short, although there were twists and turns along the way, the matter was resolved satisfactorily. Shade’s injuries were not serious at all. He had anticipated the incident before he tried, and even if he was hit head-on, it would not be a big deal.

What’s more, when the three of them left the embassy together, Shade looked down at his hands:

“It’s not a complete spellcasting failure. I did reverse a very small amount of energy, but the amount was too small. The stars changed and time was reversed”

To celebrate, Shade invited Iluna and Emilia to have lunch at noon. During this period, Emilia clearly felt that the hostility of the powerful Miss Iluna Bayas towards her had disappeared, and she was quite friendly when communicating with her. She felt that she had probably made another friend.

As for Iluna’s change of attitude, of course it was because she realized that the elf girl was as harmless as Shade’s cat.

“Speaking of which, Iluna, when Emilia and the others checked into the Three Cats Hotel on Tuesday, what were you investigating? Are you investigating the relics around the Three Cats Hotel?”

During lunch, Shade also asked questions that he had not had time to ask last time, worried that there were other dangers around the elf girl.

Eluna held the spoon and recalled:

“It’s not a relic. The church received a report that a pharmacist was staying at the Three Cats Inn selling illegal hallucinogenic drugs. He was just a second-level warlock. We were there to arrest him. According to regulations, such a person must be fined and imprisonment.”

“Have you finally found the person?”

Amelia asked curiously, she didn’t expect such a powerful person to live next to her. Although Shade introduced her to the local black market, in her opinion, those black markets were not as interesting as the scammers selling “smart pills”, “exam-passing spells” and “automatic writing pencils for essays” at the back door of the St. Byrons Academy City Tavern. .

“I didn’t catch him. There was no one in his room when we went that day, but all the luggage and belongings were still there. Later, we asked someone to divine, and the results showed that he was still at the Three Cats Hotel, but he was still looking for it. Not enough people.”

Eluna stirred the soup in front of her with a spoon in annoyance:

“But this is not a big deal. The captain said that if no one is found after a while, he will take people to the Three Cats Hotel to conduct a comprehensive search. Emilia, you must be careful where you live, don’t be We found it.”

Iluna left happily after lunch. Being able to meet Shade and solve the incident together and have lunch was enough to prove that today was a lucky day. It would be even luckier if a certain elf was not there. Of course, she had no ill intentions towards Emilia. Before she left, she gave Emilia a holy emblem that she carried with her and told Emilia that if she could not find Shad in an emergency, she could also go to the Black Stone. The security company is looking for her:

“I still have some respect in this diocese.”

In order to prevent Emilia from running around, Shade personally sent her back to the Three Cats Hotel. In fact, Miss Elf did not want to return to the “surveillance” of her teammates so soon. On the carriage, she pitifully asked Shade if she could continue such an interesting adventure with him next time:

“I promise to listen to you in everything!”

She raised her right hand and said, full of expectations for this summer. After all, she had only arrived in Tobesk for two days, and already very interesting things had happened.

“You’d better solve the mission of the three of you first, and you have also seen that Tobesk seems peaceful, but in fact, there are dangers everywhere secretly.”

Shad exaggerated the local danger level:

“Maybe there is danger right next to your hotel room. Although Tobesk can’t say that there are cultists lurking everywhere, relics, monsters, curses, monsters from urban legends and criminals who like to murder beautiful elves But there are quite a few. So you still have to stay with your teammates and don’t run around casually.”

Emilia giggled:

“Is this a story to scare children?”

After saying that, he showed a disappointed expression again:

“I understand, I will follow my teammates well, you don’t have to worry about me running around.”

Xia De then comforted him again:

“When you complete the task, I will take you to a safe place in the city. The opera house, the racecourse, the theater in the lower town, the noble manor outside the city, and even if there is a chance, I will take you into Yodel It’s not impossible. Miss Carina I met today, well, I won’t mention her. The two princesses I met today have a good relationship with me. I think you and Her Majesty Agelina have a good temper. They will agree to help.”

The elf girl’s eyes immediately lit up:

“Then we made an agreement! I will not cause trouble in Tobesk, Shade, and you don’t have to worry about my safety, look at me.”

Pull out the wooden elf rune pendant around your neck:

“This is a sacred object passed down by the clan. It can be completely exempted from magic spells such as the Finger of Death. And this.”

He shook the silver bracelet on his wrist again. The filigree process made the veins on the surface very clear. Shade even felt a familiar power:

“This is a magical item enshrined in front of the altar of the ancient divine tree Father. It contains enough power to heal any injury. Oh, and this!”

She unbuttoned the lady’s coat again, letting Shade see the red wool vest underneath:

“This was given to me by everyone from Unicorn. They heard that I was coming to Tobesk and they all gave me blessing hair. This sweater contains 10% unicorn hair. It was made by my sister. I knit it.”

Shad stared at the little vest with his mouth open. He couldn’t calculate how much the clothes were worth, but it shouldn’t be a big problem to buy No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. Seeing Shade staring at her, the elf girl in her fifties turned red again. But because he mistakenly believed that his figure was still very attractive in Xia De’s eyes, he actually felt a little proud in his heart.

Although Emilia has a lot of protection, Shade considers that the dangers in the city are not all related to ring magicians. Emilia’s appearance may also attract unfriendly people to her. So after asking and learning that Amelia had no firearms on her, Shade sent the carriage heading north to St. Teresa’s Square first, where he took an automatic pistol he had never used and two Box bombs and two steam bombs that seemed to be obtained from Lesia, and gave them to the elf girl.

For an underage elf, although these things may seem inappropriate, considering that she is a five-ring warlock, if she really takes action seriously, the damage caused will be much greater than the weapons of these ordinary people, so Shade is very rest assured. If she was really caught casting a spell, it would be very difficult to get her out; but if she was just caught with a gun, Shade had a thousand ways to help her get out of Ridwich Field.

“Yeah, it’s a steam bomb!”

Emilia held the black metal in surprise and shouted:

“When I was in Randall’s Valley, I couldn’t get this kind of weapon. When I was in school, the goblins in the tavern never wanted to sell me alchemy bombs and steam bombs. Look, I finally Got it! ”

Xia De has begun to regret a little.

He sent Emilia, who had gotten the “new toy”, back to the door of the Three Cats Hotel, but in order to avoid suspicion he did not follow her, but watched her enter the hotel door.

The elf girl also abided by her agreement with Shade and did not walk out after entering. She was in a good mood and greeted her two teammates who were waiting for her in the hotel. Miss Mattila Dras also asked with a smile:

“Why are you so happy, Amelia? Was it a fun morning with Mr. Hamilton?”

“Yes, it’s fun!”

She said happily, and then asked her companions to wait on the first floor. She went to the room to change clothes, and then went out with them to continue the preliminary investigation of the mission.

When Amelia took out the key and was about to open the room, the door to the room of the “Goodman family” living next door was opened again. This time, the one who leaned out from the crack in the door was still the smiling Mrs. Goodman:

“Good afternoon, do you want to come to my place for afternoon tea? I got some nice tea.”

“No, thank you, I have something else to do.”

I was still thinking about completing the mission and walking around Tobesk with Shade, so that I could brag to my classmates when I returned to school. The elf girl who showed off that she could share her knowledge with her classmates decisively refused, and then quickly entered I went to my own room, closed the door and locked the interior to feel safe, planning to pick out a set of clothes suitable for going to the black market.

Before the door closed, Mrs. Goodman tried to reach out her hand behind her back, and then retracted in fear. The unicorn’s voluntarily given fur protects the pure girl, the ancient god’s magical items protect the descendants of the loyal tribe, Iluna’s holy symbol shines slightly, and the slight “cat” smell on her body is… It reminded the woman of the group of people who appeared that night.

Mrs. Goodman still maintained a smiling expression. After Amelia’s door closed, her body returned to the non-existent room like a snake returning to the grass.


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