The Whispering Verses Chapter 2117: Failed cast


Chapter 2117 Failed Spellcasting

The strange black humanoid was not sensitive to sound at all. Instead, after being illuminated by the light ball summoned by Iluna, it jumped from the sofa to the floor. Then its joints flipped and its limbs were stuck to the ground, like a giant Like a bug, it crawled to the unlit area behind the sofa, startling the three of them.

“This is the source of the curse. This is what Old John described. This is a rare situation. This is not a naturally occurring dark creature, but the source of the curse transformed by humans!”

Shad said, protecting Emilia behind him. Iluna wanted to say something else, but the light ball in her hand suddenly went out.

Darkness enveloped the three of them for a moment, and an unusually powerful whispering element swept through them. At the same time, there was a feeling of space transformation.

And in the darkness, the faint silver light shining on Shade guided the two girls to move closer to him. Iluna also grabbed Shade’s sleeve, frowned and looked around:

“This malice is really strong. Look ahead.”

A ray of white light appeared in the darkness, and the space at this moment was no longer the real world. Shade did not go there immediately, but first summoned the moonlight sword, and then looked at Emilia behind him:

“If a fight breaks out later, you have to be more careful.”

“Got it.”

The elf girl hid behind Shade, looking pitiful. This wasn’t a pretense, she was really scared. Seeing her like this, Iluna subconsciously raised her chest, but then realized that her emotions were wrong, and immediately reflected on whether she was affected by this place.

The three of them approached the only light in the darkness. When they got closer, they found that it was the figure of a pure white middle-aged man. He was silent at first, but when the three people came to him, he suddenly asked:

“Is everything I’ve been doing wrong?”

Eluna looked at Shade, and Shade asked:

“What did you do?”

“Assist the Gray Gloves in stealing Delarian’s secrets in Tobesk.”

“Why do you think this is wrong?”

“Gray Glove said, I did this for the sake of peace between the two countries. But in the conflict last month, my only brother died in the Green Lake area. My parents died young, and I raised him with my own hands. He is also my only relative.”

The pure white figure looked at Sha De:

“Two weeks ago, Gray Gloves awarded me a commendation for providing information on the movements of the Royal Army of Delrayon around Green Lake during the negotiations at Green Lake. It was precisely because of this intelligence that Carson Rick The troops of my younger brother, who is serving in the Kasenlik Army, were dispatched to the border area in advance.”


The soul stretched out its hand as if to grab Shade’s shoulder, but Shade dodged it. There was no pity in Iluna’s eyes, but she was considering the whole thing. Emilia hid behind Shade and only exposed her eyes from Shade’s shoulder, looking at the pure white figure nervously.

Only Shade is thinking about the other person’s bad story:

“So, you think your brother’s death has something to do with you?”

“It’s also about this bad, dark world.”

The pure white figure lowered his head with a sad expression on his face:

“So I curse this world, I curse you living people!”

The light on his body became brighter and brighter, and the tragic white light slightly illuminated the surroundings, which gradually revealed the figure of the giant-like dark monster lying behind him.

The pitch-black body seemed to be made of flowing pus, and the completely black eyes had clearly been watching the three of them at close range since just now. It could even be said that the eyes were right on top of their heads.

Without giving them time to react, the monster opened its mouth and swallowed the three of them into its mouth. But then the figures of the three people appeared ten meters away. Shade, who was trying to jump with two people for the first time, gasped for air, and then raised the long sword in his hand:

“Iluna, let’s do it. Once this is solved, I’ll treat you to lunch.”

The huge moonlight sword mark was cut out by the silver sword. The gorgeous arc of light in the darkness was brighter than usual, but it was blocked by the crouching giant monster who raised his alienated right hand. And Iluna, who jumped up, put her hands together in the air and formed a huge golden thunder spear.

As Emilia looked up in envy, the huge sunlight gun penetrated the monster’s body and exploded. But the monster with most of its body shattered and thunder dancing on its surface still jumped up, as if it was going to swallow Iluna in the air.

The chain thrown out by Shade was faster than it. When the chain wrapped around its right leg, he used both hands to force the monster back to the ground.

The monster’s size is more than ten times that of Shade, probably because it is not a pure flesh and blood creature, and [Sin Chain] is not very effective against it. The chain prevented its regeneration, but after the monster landed, it also grabbed the other end of the chain, trying to drag Shade over.

Shad, who had his feet on the ground, was not afraid to compete with it for strength. He leaned back slightly and the monster staggered forward and was dragged for a distance. Emilia hurriedly stretched out her hand to help, but as soon as her white hand came into contact with the chain, she let go as if she had been burned. At the same time, Iluna’s second sunlight gun had already been fired after landing.

This time the sunshine gun flew parallel to the ground, and the golden thunder exploded in the dark space like ancient gods dispelling evil.


The monster that was wrestling with Shade raised its head, opened its mouth, and swallowed the sunshine gun into its stomach. As it screamed, the light was transformed into darkness containing a curse, and then accumulated into a sphere similar to a “shadow ball” that condensed in its mouth.

It simply abandoned the chain in its hand and sprayed out the dirty energy towards Iluna.

“I’ll do it!”

Xia De originally took this opportunity to make a sneak attack, but he suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity to try. Confirming that the lethality of the shadow ball was completely acceptable to him, he gave up the chain, appeared in front of Iluna out of thin air, and threw out the moonlight:

“Look here!”

After confirming that the monster’s mouth was aimed at him, he jumped into the air. He raised his hands with his palms upward, and while twisting his palms, a faint color of the starry sky appeared above him. He tried to grasp the feeling that Miss Adele Isabella left in his soul, and recalled the appearance of the great witch of time when she cast the spell. This was the first time he tried to formally use this thaumaturgy:

“Return to the original”

The black energy ball crashed into the illusory starry sky. After the starry sky shattered like a mirror, it hit Shade head-on and exploded on the spot. When Shade, who seemed to be seriously injured, fell next to Iluna, and then groaned and tried to get up with a cough, the gentle and balanced chosen one went completely crazy:

“How dare you?”

Her eyes seemed to be burning with golden light for an instant, and along with the violent anger, there was also a circle of blazing flames that turned into substance and surrounded her.

The rising flames even made Emilia take a few steps back. The heat reminded her of the feeling of walking on the streets of Academy City without any protection in the middle of summer.

But after taking two steps back, she hurriedly stepped forward and helped Shade up, who had just stood up. Then, while the life ring, which was also wrapped in hot flames, rotated rapidly, the dark golden scales were suspended in the air. On top of Iluna’s head.

The scale tilted slightly, and the furious Iluna did not even use her talent. Instead, taking advantage of the surge of elements in her soul at this moment, she jumped up and waved a fiery trace of light in front of her.

The shape of this attack is very similar to Shade’s “Moonlight Slash”. After the surging flames melted the shadow monster’s right hand, Iluna’s figure jumped into the air and flickered. The flames seemed to turn her into the sun, but in the end, the whole person turned into a huge golden thunder, completely penetrating the body of the dark monster from top to bottom.

The huge black body fell down. A somewhat frightened Emilia carefully supported Shade and looked at the top of the black body. The whole body was wrapped in flames, and the brown hair was floating behind him in the golden light. Iluna, whose eyes were filled with dark golden light, floated in the air and reached out to pinch the neck of the pure white figure just now.

The shadow’s legs were connected to the black monster, and the flames spread along Iluna’s arms to the figure’s body, and the screams penetrated the silent dark space. The girl’s furious flames were enough to melt even the hardest metal in the world, not to mention the shadow of a soul.

Fortunately, before she really destroyed that soul, Shade put his hand on her shoulder:

“Iluna, I’m fine.”

Iluna, who was still slightly suspended in the air just now, was startled, and then all the abnormalities around her body disappeared. She hesitantly turned her head to look in front of her, then said “Yeah~”, shook off the shadow in her hand, and covered her red face with both hands. She was obviously extremely shy.

Shad was a little worried. The blow that Iluna transformed into a “sunshine gun” and penetrated the enemy just now looked like the mature but cold-hearted Iluna in the memories of the deep-sea murloc Mrs. Flamel. moves.

“I don’t know what happened just now. I just felt angry, and then I lost my temper. Shade, are you okay?”

The blushing Iluna hurriedly asked, not caring that Emilia had been supporting Shade. Shade shook his head:

“Pay attention to adjusting your mood changes. I’m fine. I thought I was really a genius. I could cast a spell successfully in one go. I could recover after just taking a breath. Fortunately, I am very resistant to malice and curses. It’s just that The energy shock is a bit unbearable.”

After coughing a few times and drinking some water, his complexion became much more normal. Iluna brought the holy water with her, and Emilia also had the healing potion that her family gave her before going out. Although Shade didn’t think it was necessary to waste it so much, he still couldn’t refuse their kindness.


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