The Whispering Verses Chapter 2110: Detective’s investigation


Today is Wednesday, and Mr. Albert also reminded Shade not to contact the two people on the note at the same time in one day for safety reasons. Just do it before the end of the week. Therefore, Shade could still follow his original plan and take advantage of the afternoon to deal with Freeman Hawthorne’s matter.

As for the current whereabouts of this guy who had just emerged from the “haze” of amnesia, Shade still went to find his contact with MI6, the reporter codenamed “Bondman” Cooper who worked at the “Sunday Review” Sir help.

“Oh, just go to Parsifal Club.”

When I met Mr. Cooper at the newspaper office, the latter was “composing” content for a news article about a nobleman’s affair. Seeing Sha De coming, he put down his pen and invited Sha De to have a drink at the pub next door:

“It’s Wednesday afternoon and he must be at the Parsifal Club.”

“You seem to have said the same thing last time. Does Mr. Hawthorne have nothing else to do?”

Xia De asked with a smile. Mr. Cooper, who was still thinking about how to arrange the affair news, scratched his hair, which was in danger of losing weight:

“When his ancestors took refuge in Carsonric and were willing to serve the Angevin royal family during the Civil War in the Old World, they had already completed their lifelong work as a nobleman. It is not surprising, so if he becomes a nobleman in a few years No one would find it strange that he died of illness. Freeman Hawthorne’s daily schedule was quite simple. He was either at the Parsifal Club or inspecting his gang industry, but he didn’t spend much time at his manor. ”

Shad nodded to express his understanding, and Mr. Cooper said again:

“Some time ago, Freeman Hawthorne was attacked at the Parsifal Club.”

As soon as Xia De asked about the other party’s whereabouts, the other party was attacked. However, when Mr. Cooper mentioned this topic, he was not curious about whether it was the man in front of him. He knew the rules of the Sixth Office:

“If he is attacked again at the Parsifal Club after a week, it will not be so easy to go to the club to find him next time.”

“But why would I go to him a third time?”

Xia De asked in his heart, but felt that he couldn’t say it so harshly:

“That makes sense, so what else do you suggest? Attack his manor in the middle of the night?”

“His manor is very well guarded. He controls the gang himself, and of course he is afraid of being retaliated by others. But if you are willing to sacrifice your dinner time today, you can go to this address.”

He wrote a note in his notebook and handed it to Shade. After Shade read it, he lit the note with a match.

“I received news that this evening Freeman Hawthorne led people to pick up a very valuable shipment of illegal narcotic drugs grown in the New World at the dock. Yes, it’s the kind you guessed.”

“Boatman” nodded:

“Carsonrick’s control over this type of herbal medicine is also very strict, and even Hawthorne dare not act openly. What’s more, the dock business belongs to the Eddington family, and Freeman Hawthorne does this kind of thing secretly , I definitely don’t dare to let anyone know, there shouldn’t be many people with me by then.”


Xia De knocked on the table and had already made a plan.

There were still three hours before evening arrived. Taking advantage of the fact that he had nothing to do for the time being, Shade went to visit his fellow vampires mentioned by the coroner.

In Shade’s view, most vampires should be engaged in relatively high-end and upper-class professions, but the first vampire he visited at the [Rhine Theater] a block away from the “Sunday Review” newspaper office was a theater A magician for hire.

[Rhein Theater] is located in Lower Town. It is not a large theater, but it is not an underground theater performed by the “Jasmine Theater Company” that Shade came into contact with in Tobesk. The theater is not large and can only seat seventy or eighty people at most at the same time, but it is also large enough for opera, circus, magic and other performances. There was a performance of “Shaun the Magician” this afternoon. When Shade saw the magician backstage who was looking in the mirror and letting his assistant help with makeup, he was still thinking about the name of his friend Mr. Shaun Asmon. “Sean”.

But compared to that weird “demon scholar”, this man with a small bat mark floating on his head and a somewhat feminine face is much more normal.

He thought Shade was his admirer at first, but he understood after hearing Shade mention the name “Ptolemy”.

Seeing Shade glance at his female assistant – this is a human being, Mr. Magician doesn’t care:

“Just tell me, Nina knows about me, and we plan to get married next spring.”

As he spoke, he raised his orchid fingers, and Shade blinked:

“It’s not a big deal. The church is investigating the vampires in the city because of a female corpse whose blood was sucked. Mr. Albert would like to remind you to keep a low profile recently and be careful of the church’s interrogations.”

The magician looked at Shade in the mirror of the dressing table. Although he couldn’t make a big expression because he was putting on makeup, Shade could tell that he was frowning:

“Is it done by fellow racers from other places? Are you too brave?”

“It is not yet certain whether it is really related to you. This matter seems to involve a lot, and the gentleman who asked me to come is also investigating.”

The magician nodded to express his understanding, while the female assistant on the side expressed her gratitude to Shade. Shade was about to talk to him about the local vampires again. After all, although the tooth marks on the corpse were a culprit, it was hard to say whether they really had nothing to do with the vampires. But at this time, someone at the door called the magician and said that the police were coming. Ask him something.

The three of them immediately closed their mouths. Magician Sean shook his head at the other two people and signaled them not to follow. Then he picked up his hat and walked to the door of the dressing room alone.

Miss Nina grabbed her right arm with her left hand and watched her fiancé leave. She was very worried:

“Mr. Watson, are you curious as to why I, a human being, choose a partner of a different race?”

She was asking the right person this question.

“Not curious. I also have a partner of a different race.”

Xia De raised his eyebrows, so the woman looked at him in surprise, only to see Sha De smile and say:

“Just make sure you don’t regret it before making a choice. Adults can take responsibility for themselves.”

Fortunately, the police only came to see the magician because of the theft at the theater last night, and they wanted to conduct routine questioning of everyone here. While he breathed a sigh of relief, the magician also admitted that he was a little too nervous just now when he came back:

“I definitely don’t want to be taken to a church for questioning and then have to live under the church’s surveillance from now on.”

He thanked Shade for making the special trip to inform him, and gave him a few tickets to the [Rhine Theater]. He welcomed Shade to come and support him at any time. However, Shade didn’t really stay to watch the performance. He chatted with them for a few more words and then left:

“This kind of task is easy, and you can make new friends. Mr. Ptolemy Albert is really a good person.”

As soon as he walked to the street outside the theater, someone handed Shade a flyer. Xia De originally thought that the theater was promoting himself, so he took it and looked down, and actually saw the “Eternal Light” logo.


He looked up in surprise at the man in a brown jacket who gave him the flyer, who asked softly:

“Are you interested in learning about ‘Eternal Light’?”

After more than a week, Shade met this group of people again. But this time he did not answer in a hurry, but looked left and right to confirm that there were no police officers on the street at this time:

“What is that?”

“Let’s come together as an organization to bring light to this city.”

Seeing that Xia De did not leave immediately, the strange man became slightly excited:

“Please listen to me, sir. In Yuewan City today, wealth has been flowing to nobles and businessmen who do not create wealth, while the poor people around us who work in factories, restaurants, and shops remain poor. This is obviously not right, so we have come together to bring light to the oppressed people of this city. If you are interested in this, can you leave your address and we will look at you and we will be able to do so. Take you on a tour of our organization and let you know what we do.”

As he spoke, he was about to take out his notebook, but suddenly a whistle sounded, and two patrolmen who blew the whistle quickly ran over from the corner of the street:

“What are you doing? As for you, don’t run!”

They ignored Shade and chased the man in the leather jacket into the alley. Therefore, no one confiscated the leaflet in Shade’s hand this time. He stood there with his head lowered, looked at it, folded the leaflet and stuffed it into his pocket.

Because he had to go to the Yuewan City Pier in the evening, Shade returned to his home in Tobesk early at around four o’clock and took Mia for dinner. This cat was confused about other things, but was always very smart about eating, so it judged that this meal was a bit early.

It looked very excited, probably thinking that Shade had finally made up his mind to change his meal from three meals to four meals a day. But soon Shade took it to the Seer Association, entrusting Luvia to take care of the cat, and specifically reminded the purple-eyed fortune teller not to feed the cat at night:

“I have already taken it for dinner. Luvia, go to my house and wait for me in the evening. I came across a fragment of a poem. This time it may be related to dragons.”

In the divination room on the second floor of the Prophet’s Association, Luvia, who was sitting opposite Shade, was not concerned about the fragments of the poem, but Shade’s active invitation:

“Okay, I’ll go to St. Teresa Square after get off work. I’m not surprised at all that you came across news about the Chosen One again. Is the seventh Chosen One on the stage the light? I don’t know. What kind of guy is this? I’m curious, Shade, is that a formal invitation tonight?”

Xia De blinked:


The fortune teller girl held her face up and smiled brightly at him.


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