The Whispering Verses Chapter 2094: The Elf’s Summer Vacation


The six people took two carriages and arrived at the Three Cats Hotel. The doctor took them to see the hotel owner and asked for the keys to the rooms they had booked in advance. Mrs. Sang Mei, the hotel owner who was very familiar with Sha De, saw that the three of them were friends of Sha De, and she smiled and said that she would reduce the rent for them:

“Detective, you must always come and take care of my business.”

“Mr. Hamilton is very respectable in Tobesk.”

Behind Shade, Amelia pulled Dorothy’s sleeve and said softly:

“I knew he was very powerful before, Miss Louisa. Is he famous in the city?”

Most students at school know about Tobesk’s famous detective from Dorothy’s novels.

Miss Writer smiled and nodded. She had a very good impression of Emilia. Just as he was about to explain Shade’s reputation in the city, noisy sounds came from the hotel door behind everyone.

Turn around and see a group of police officers in police uniforms walking in from the door. Mrs. Sangmei hurriedly left the counter to greet him. After saying a few words at the door, she reassured the guests not to panic. The police were just looking for a wanted criminal, so they had to go upstairs to check the room.

“Church people.”

Dr. Schneider said softly, with the volume controlled so that only a few people near the counter could hear him clearly. He and Dorothy moved slightly to cover the three people behind them, but soon Dorothy started laughing.

Xia De also knew that these were people from the church, because in addition to normal police officers, two of the people in the team were clearly “employees” of the Blackstone Security Company. Standing at the end of the team, the “female police officer” who was in charge of taking notes was holding a notebook and took notes. When she looked up and looked around, she happened to look at Shade.

Iluna Beas suppressed the smile that was about to appear on her face, looked around, and after making sure that no one was watching her, she put up the notebook in her hand to cover the lower half of her face. Then he winked at Shade.

The eighteen-year-old girl’s captivating eyes and the affection in her eyes made even Shade blush for a moment. Seeing that Shade was a little afraid to look at her, Iluna greatly appreciated Luvia’s specially trained expression for her.

The police quickly took action, and the people standing at the counter preparing to rent a house naturally needed to be interrogated. But Dorothy gave Dr. Schneider a look, and the latter became less nervous.

But the three people who came from the academy were extremely nervous. Emilia even moved behind Shade and tugged on the hem of his clothes, hoping that Shade’s body would cover her. Then, while the cat’s tail was dangling in front of her eyes, she saw herself being “glared” by the young female police officer, which made her even more nervous.

“Good morning, Detective Hamilton, are you here to investigate the case?”

Although Shade didn’t know the police officers, the sergeant leading the team knew the gentleman in front of him. He greeted Shade warmly, and Shade also introduced that he was entrusted by someone to rent a house with three people who came to spend the summer in Tobesk City.

The sergeant glanced at the three people who seemed to have something wrong with their expressions, and then looked back at the old man and female police officer in the team. Shade and Blackstone Security Company had cooperated last month, so the two parties were quite familiar with each other. So they said a few words warmly. They didn’t even talk directly to Emilia and the three of them. They just heard Shade introduce the origins of the three of them and let them pass the inspection:

“I wish you a pleasant stay in Tobesk, but the city is not very safe recently, so don’t stay out late at night.”

The kind-hearted sergeant said, and then led the team upstairs to continue the inspection.

But Emilia, who breathed a sigh of relief, noticed that the female police officer in the team looked at her again before going upstairs, which made her wonder if there was something wrong with the charm she was wearing.

After completing the check-in procedures, the six of them also went upstairs together. Of course the three guests who came from afar were staying in single rooms. Dr. Schneider helped Mr. Rio Emhyr to see the room, Miss Matila Dras was familiar with the environment with Dorothy, and Amelia followed Shade. Entered his room.

When there was no one else around, the blond elf walked around in the room where he would live for a month, opened his arms as if to embrace the sun and praised:

“This is what freedom tastes like!”

“After what happened in Randall Valley, were you never able to leave school again?”

Shad asked while teasing the cat on his shoulder. Emilia turned to look at him, with a pitiful look on her face, and nodded quickly:

“Yes, yes, although Miss Danister said she would not hold me accountable, and the college did not mention this matter again, she still wrote a letter and told my family about it.”

The young elf pursed his lips, and the expression on his face was easy to read:

“I finally managed to go out this time, but you would never have guessed that Mr. Emhyr and Miss Dras were both sent by my family to monitor me. They are both half-elves, and they can probably be regarded as relatives of me. That’s it. How can I still not understand how to form a team?”

“After all, this is the core parish of the Five Gods Church. The management is stricter than that of the Randall Valley Diocese, so it is better to be more cautious.”

Although her companions were related to her family, Amelia was not disappointed at all. Instead, she walked to the window again, stood there and looked out:

“Pearl of the North – Tobesk City. It’s so nice here.”

She has taken off her hat, and even the charm has been temporarily removed. The blond elf girl with pointed ears stood at the hotel room window in the steam city and saw the bustling square in the lower city, which was more shocking than any other scene.

“It’s a pity that I left my little Liana. I can’t see her for a month. I’m really worried about her health. I’ll bring her some candies when I go back.”

“Liana” is the name of the young unicorn.

“Can unicorns eat candy? I have a nice jar of honey there that you can take with you when you leave.”


“I can buy more, don’t get angry. Did you understand what I said just now?”

The silly cat rubbed Shade’s hand, of course unable to give an answer.

“Anyway, summer has begun. Welcome to the city of Tobesk, Emilia.”

Xia De said seriously, and the elf girl turned around again and looked at Shade with her big beautiful eyes:

“After we finish our work, can I go to your house to play with you? Then please take me around the city. The next time I want to come to Tobesk, I don’t know how many years it will be. ”

“Of course, my family lives here.”

He gave his business card to Amelia:

“If you encounter trouble in the city, you can come to me here. If I’m not at home, just leave a letter. I still have a lot of face in the city.”

Then Emilia also thought of the scene just now:

“Yes, yes, I didn’t expect you to know people from the local church. This is even better than when I was in Randall Valley. I have always known that correspondence students are very capable, but you must be the best among them. Skilled! ”

Because during the Battle of Randall Valley, Shade went to Emilia to help find the “Night Road”, so the elf girl could vaguely sense something.

“What do the students at school think of us correspondence students?”

“Good at fighting, often killing people, meeting in secret while wearing a hood while being chased by the church, and trading illegal items in the alleys at night.”

At the end, Emilia herself laughed. She knew the correspondence students in the Randall Valley area and knew that this stereotype was not entirely wrong.

Dr. Schneider spent his own money to treat everyone to lunch at the Three Cats Hotel. They said goodbye to the three people at the college after lunch, but the doctor also left his contact information in case they encountered problems and couldn’t find help.

Of course, before leaving, Shade also gave the elf girl the contact information of many local black markets, which were far more numerous than the only large-scale trading place introduced by the doctor. Judging from the way Emilia’s eyes were shining, she probably wanted to take advantage of this trip to do some shopping. But Shade was not worried about her safety. It was Tobesk in the summer of 1854, not the summer of 1853. Compared to Moon Bay, where he was conducting investigation work, Tobesk was definitely a safer zone.

Then the summer practice activities of Emilia and the three of them officially began. Although the elf girl really wanted to visit Shade’s house today, considering that she had just arrived in Tobesk and there were still many things to do, We still need to get familiar with the environment, so we can only give up temporarily.

She and her companions talked about the local scenery and future sightseeing plans, and then returned to the third floor of the hotel to continue cleaning up the room. In addition to Schneider’s group, the college also arranged for them to have other contacts and meet in the afternoon.

When Amelia took out the room key and opened the door, the door of the room next to her happened to also open. The middle-aged woman with a kind face smiled and greeted the elf girl:

“Oh, good afternoon, miss. Do you live next door?”

“Yes, ma’am, good afternoon.”

Emilia also responded, but she actually didn’t want to talk too much to strangers. She does not have the racial concept of “elf supremacy”, she just doesn’t want to cause trouble when she goes out, and her enthusiasm just now was just because she knew Shade.

But the middle-aged woman next door didn’t seem to notice this, and enthusiastically invited her to be a guest next door, but of course Amelia refused.

However, they still told each other their names. The elf girl used a pseudonym because her last name was too elf-like. At the same time, she also learned that the Goodman family lived next door.

“Interesting last name.”

Thinking in her mind, she closed the door and took out Shade’s business card and held it in her hands, smiling as she imagined how she would spend this summer that would surely be a pleasant one after the college’s mission was over. But outside the closed door, on the other side of the room, was clearly the wall at the end of the corridor.

She has no neighbors on that side.


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