The Whispering Verses Chapter 2086: Dragon and legend


Chapter 2086 Dragons and Legends

The blue-eyed girl still looked at him with a smile:

“Since you insist, I can indeed share some stories. But it’s getting late today, and I have something else to do.”

She thought for a moment and took off the silver anchor-shaped ornament on her hat. But that is not pure silver jewelry, it looks like it is just plated with a layer of silver:

“This ornament is made from part of the ship’s hull fragments that were salvaged together with two planks. It is not valuable, but please accept it and don’t think of these two ship planks again. ”

She seemed to have guessed that Shade didn’t want to give up easily:

“Please don’t refuse, just take it as a ticket for our next meeting. Next time I will tell you some stories related to the sunken ship, that will be interesting.”

The silver anchor jewelry came into Shade’s hands. It was an ordinary item, very delicate, but really worthless.

He wanted to say thank you, but the girl had already waved and turned away. Shade wanted to catch up, but the badge on his chest was already heating up. He didn’t want to involve this strange girl in the witch’s matter, so he had to watch her walk up the stairs.

Miss Elesetrius also happened to pass by the great witch of fate on the stairs leading to the first floor. The latter glanced at her, and Miss Elisetris nodded politely to her.

“Good morning, Mr. Watson. Were you talking to that girl just now?”

The witch is still accompanied by two maids behind her. The dark red birthmark between her eyebrows has been cleverly made up so that it does not appear to be clear at this time. Xia De explained casually:

“Talk to her about the exhibits. There is no boat museum in Randall Valley.”

“Yuewan City is the richest city on the west coast. The spring in Spring City may be beautiful, but it is really not as good as here in other aspects.”

She was proud of her hometown, and then she did not dwell on the topic of the girl just now. She looked around to make sure there was no one nearby:

“I communicated with Vanessa last night, and she also said that Xiwei also knows about you.”

“Madam, you don’t need to conduct such testing. Currently only Miss Benanis and Miss Sylvia know about me.”

He corrected:

“I have only heard of Miss Aurora, not familiar with her.”

Miss Bella Belindel nodded:

“Let’s get down to business. Vanessa promised me that she would do something for me during your stay in Moon Bay. This is Vanessa’s letter to you.”

Xia De opened the letter whose content he already knew, and read it carefully with a frown on his face:

“Since this is the case, there is no problem. Miss Belindel, I hope that our cooperation will go smoothly in the next two months. But I also hope that you will fulfill your promise and help find the whereabouts of the [Hope Diamond].”

“But I can only send a small number of people to help you. This is not a good place to talk recently. Let’s change places. Now that we have established initial trust, you probably won’t mind leaving with me. Right? ”

She suggested, her eyes quickly passing over Shade’s face. For some reason, the more she looked at it, the more satisfied she felt.

Xia De will naturally not refuse:

“Of course, Miss Bernanice asked me to fully trust you, but please also keep my identity confidential.”

“But before that I want to make sure of one thing.”

The witch looked at him with her golden eyes:

“Although you admitted it yesterday, you really”

Shade then stretched out his wrist again, and Miss Belindel stretched out her hand to grab the wrist. After a few seconds, she looked at the palm of her hand in disbelief just like yesterday:

“Although it was indeed confirmed yesterday, it is true that many incredible things have happened in recent years, but your appearance is the most surprising to me. But why is this? There must be a reason for the carriage to be parked next to the museum. In the alley, Mr. Watson, you take the carriage and we will set off later. Don’t let anyone see us together.”

Shad nodded and walked toward the stairs alone.

Waiting until his figure disappeared at the top of the stairs, the witch took out the divination card and cut it quickly:

“The girl just now must be related to him. I want to see who she is. Is she John Watson? Don’t think that if you can’t divine your situation, I really have no other way.”

The two maids looked at their master in silence. She seemed to be competing with the man just now. This time, it is normal to turn over the cards, but this card is not easy to interpret:


The witch frowned and thought for a while, not wanting to understand what identity this card represented.

The Belindel family has many local properties, among which the Belindel Manor, located in the city center, is the first and most important real estate of the Belindel family.

Although the land and properties at “No. 6 St. Teresa Square” held by Shade are very valuable, the house is probably less than one-tenth of the total value of the Belindel Manor. After all, the area of ​​​​the manor itself exceeds the entire Saint Teresa Square, which is unimaginable in the center of Yuewan City, where land is also precious.

There are many members of the Belindel family. In addition to Countess Bella Belindel, there are also many people who hold important government positions in the local area. Among the city councilors, there are even more people with the surname “Belindel”. few. But now the only people living in this manor are the great witch of fate, her widowed mother and several unmarried sisters. Shade did not have the honor to see them. He got off the carriage and was taken directly to the study on the second floor of the manor.

Shad, who was used to seeing the luxurious manors of Tobesk nobles, was not surprised by the solemnity and solemnity of the ancient manor. After the witch, who arrived a little later, also sat down on the sofa, the two got down to business.

“John Watson.”

The witch who was seated said Shade’s name at this time and looked at him sitting opposite her. Shade also moved his eyes away from the Dragon Quest oil painting on the wall and looked at the witch with a dark red birthmark between her eyebrows.

“Mr. Watson, you may have noticed that I have no fewer girls than your opera troupe. I loaned you out from Vanessa this time not just because there are some things that are inconvenient for the girls to handle. .”

The maids brought tea and quickly exited the room. Because it was dark, the lights were still on in the study even in the morning:

“I need a reliable ring wizard who is clearly not related to the Belindel family to deal with the next things.”

“Resolve the Hawthorne and Eddington families? I heard that your three families have been fighting each other.”

Xia De asked, the witch shook her head:

“It’s a very interesting joke, but at least the direction is good. It is indeed related to the seven glorious families of Yuewan. But before getting down to business, I want to ask you about your impression of the entire city. Mr. Watson, Fanny Sha said you have only been here for a week or two, so what do you think of the Yuewan area?”

Xia De thought for a moment:

“It’s pretty much the same as what I heard from others before I came here. Wealth and prosperity, but also undercurrents. I just moved around Xiacheng District, met friends living in Xiacheng District, saw the life of small citizens, and interacted with gangsters. I also came into contact with members of the Hawthorne family due to certain matters.”

The witch smiled and did not ask what the grudge between Shade and Hawthorne was.

“I even had a relationship with an organization called Eternal Light in Xiacheng District, and I can see the contradictions. But in general, these contradictions are not so sharp that they are about to explode immediately. Economic development It’s enough to cover up most of the problems. In fact, in my opinion, you manage the city pretty well.”

This is definitely not a deliberate compliment to the witch, but the truth. A perfect social form is difficult to achieve for outsiders. With the current level of productivity, the situation in the Yuewan area is indeed not bad. The wealth here is not just what is advertised in newspapers.

“The development is enough to cover up the problems… It seems that you are also somewhat capable. Yes, although there are undercurrents, Yuewan is generally good. This is our city, and the seven families that check and balance each other have a common protection The tacit understanding of Yuewan.”

She picked up the teacup and continued to look at Shade with her beautiful golden eyes:

“So I came to you not to solve the conflicts among the seven major families or social conflicts. What I want to talk about involves prophecies and legends, yes, very ancient prophecies and legends. You seem to have learned from Huo Did you hear a prophecy from the ring warlock that the Sang family contacted?”

“When wealth accumulates into sin, the ancient dragon will return here and purify the land of Moon Bay with light.”

He repeated it, and the witch corrected:

“There are many versions of this prophecy. The second half of the sentence also includes ‘burning Yuewan with flames’ and ‘burying everything in the roar of destruction’. In short, no matter what version it is, it all indicates that Yuewan City will Facing a catastrophe related to dragons.”

“But this is just a prophecy. The Prophecy Society has failed to fulfill more prophecies than the hair on my pet cat’s tail.”

The witch smiled and thought of the special abilities the man in front of her had because of raising cats:

“That’s why I think the Prophet’s Association is unreliable. But you are right, prophecies are not always reliable. It’s just that someone has confirmed it. This prophecy passed down from ancient times has credibility.”

“Who confirmed it?”

So the witch pointed at herself:

“Myself. In addition to me, I also discovered some content from the teacher’s notes after her death, but the teacher did not complete this work in her later years, so she never mentioned it to me during her lifetime, but I believe The level of the teacher and myself. Maybe our understanding of the ancient prophecy is wrong. It may not necessarily be the destruction of the city, but something big will definitely happen that changes the fate of the city. I was originally convinced that the time mentioned in the prophecy was. In the past ten years, and since last year, the world has become increasingly strange, which has made me more certain of my thoughts.”

“You mean that seemingly unthinkable things are happening all over the world one after another, and Yuewan will also be in danger like those cities or regions?”


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