The Whispering Verses Chapter 2083: Story of Parliament


Chapter 2083 Parliamentary Story

Although he expressed his willingness to cooperate with the witch through the sunset handshake, Shade still shook his head when he retracted his hand:

“I’m sorry, I have my own things to do tonight. I don’t know what you are worried about, but I won’t give up the operation in the Moon Bay area until I find the diamond.”

Speaking of this, Shade sighed softly, not knowing when he would find the [Simultane of Hope]:

“Let’s make an appointment to meet again. I will go to the appointment. Although you are confused about my identity, doesn’t at least Miss Vanessa admit that I am hers?”

The evening breeze on the river blew the two people facing each other in front of the railing. The witch’s hair swayed back. She looked at the serious young man in front of her and nodded. Although she had countless questions in her heart, she did not expect Xia Dezhen. Are willing to go with her:

“Okay, today is Sunday, we’ll see you on Monday morning. The time is ten o’clock in the morning, you decide the location.”

“City Ship Museum.”

“It’s an odd location, even for me as a local, but no problem.”

Xia De did not explain that he wanted to see the sunken ship deck, but reminded:

“[Light Worshipers Seminar] still requires vigilance. Madam, please also pay attention to your safety.”

“This is what I want to say to you, Charlotte”

After a pause, she asked the man in front of her again:

“I don’t want to call you ‘Charlotte’ anymore. What is your name? Don’t tell me it’s Charlotte.”

The golden eyes looked at him, as if they were about to shine. Shade smiled:

“John Watson, I will still use this name for a while.”

“You can tell it’s a fake name as soon as you hear it. I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Mr. Watson. If you don’t show up, I will make it impossible for you to set foot in the Moon Bay area again. The Belindel family has such ability.”

Although she said threatening words, she still politely said goodbye to Shade. Shade also wanted to ask her what she saw on that piece of parchment that made her call herself a “pervert” so rudely just now, but the witch’s face turned red:


Then he boarded the carriage again with the maid holding the crystal ball, but when he waved goodbye again through the window, he hesitated and asked him:

“So you, you really, and the butterfly relic”

Xia De understood it now, and while complaining in his heart that “Dice Stories” had leaked his privacy, he reluctantly responded:

“Didn’t you see everything? Madam, this is my privacy. I don’t remember you and I knowing that we can discuss this kind of thing casually.”

Miss Belindel snorted again as if she was angry, waved goodbye, and then urged the carriage to leave.

Xia De stood in front of the railing and watched the carriage leave. When he finally relaxed, he felt that today was a magical day.

【So, what do you think of this great witch? 】

“She” asked with a smile.

“She’s funny.”

(Little Mia is running.)

Sunday, night, ten o’clock.

The skylight fell from the fog layer high up, illuminating the round table of the parliament and the thirteen great witches surrounding it. As Adele Isabella, who was sitting in the “Time” seat, announced the end of the meeting, another regular meeting of the Witch Council finally came to an end:

“This meeting is officially over. You can go and have a rest. Girls, I wish you a good dream.”

“Have sweet dreams, Miss Isabella.”

A neat voice said.

“Oh, it’s really tiring to have meetings at night.”

The thirteen ladies stood up one after another, packing up the documents and items at hand while chatting with the ladies nearby. Miss Carina and Miss Aurora chatted for a while, while Megan walked towards Granny Cassandra and whispered something.

Soon, the great witches passed through the fog doors behind their seats and returned to their respective places. In the end, only the three ladies who deliberately packed their things were left in the suddenly quiet parliament.

Miss Bella Belindel glanced at Miss Sylvia, and Miss Benanis, who was sitting in her seat sorting out the pile of documents for the third time, said:

“Let Emma stay, I know what you want to ask, and she is also an insider.”

As she spoke, Miss Benanis and Miss Sylvia looked at each other and smiled. This expression made the fat-red birthmark between Miss Belindel’s eyebrows tremble:

“She knows too? Oh, Vanessa, Emma, ​​do you know what you are doing?”

The great witch, who had endured her fate all night, finally found the opportunity to vent her doubts. She put one hand on the table, stood up, and looked at them with what she thought was a stern questioning look:

“That’s a man, you know? That’s a man!! Where did he come from? Why didn’t you tell the rest of the council about his existence?”

“Don’t be so excited, Bella, it’s easy to get wrinkles. John Watson is my follower, as I said last time.”

The female opera singer who is still popular all over the world even today, holds her face with her palms, sits there and looks at her standing colleagues:

“I never said he was a female. You may not have noticed that I used gender-neutral personal pronouns. As for his origins, I once encountered a troublesome relic, and he saved me. and Hillis.”

When she thought of herself being turned into a puppet and being tied up, and then seeing the puppet knight riding a cat saving her, Miss Benenice couldn’t help but smile:

“That’s a very helpful guy, and who’s to say I didn’t tell the rest of the council about him? Look, didn’t Emma know?”

“Yes, Vanessa thinks this matter is difficult to accept at once, but she has never wanted to hide it for her whole life, so she plans to slowly let everyone in the parliament know. We know that gentleman very well, He has no ill intentions towards the Council. Instead, he has been helping us and has contributed to the matter of the chosen ones. You see, counting you, there are already three people who know about it. We originally planned to reveal it to Granny Cassandra first. , but it’s not simple.”

The great witch of space also has a smile on her face:

“Sit down, Bella. You are so unhappy. Did he cause trouble for you in Yuewan City?”

Miss Belindel choked for a moment, and when she sat down again, she was embarrassed to say that she had been rescued. The skylight filtering through the fog from a high place illuminated three beautiful faces, but the three people had two different thoughts.

“No, Vanessa’s follower didn’t cause any trouble and helped me a lot. Although he is not Gao Huan, he is very powerful. But that is a man, a man who ignored the witch’s curse!”

The first half of the sentence is low, and the second half of the sentence is high-pitched:

“Do you know what this weird existence means to us? The witch will no longer be special and pure, and his existence provokes the concept of witch! Are you confused, or is the world becoming crazier? ”

Miss Benenice then spoke again, but her tone was more cold:

“Please calm down, Bella. I know his existence is surprising, but I said, I don’t intend to hide it forever, but this matter needs to be slowly accepted by everyone. One thing you You’re right, he is indeed a very capable person. This time I sent him to the Moon Bay area to find the unknowable relic [The Diamond of Hope] because he is very reliable. I know you still have many questions. Confused, why don’t you divine what he means to us?”

Miss Belindel became even more angry:

“He has a special destiny. I have never seen such a person. I can’t predict his affairs.”

He was startled for a moment, and then hesitantly looked at the expressions of his two colleagues:

“Wait a minute, special destiny. He won’t be the chosen one, right?”

Miss Benenice and Miss Sylvia both laughed, and the latter even said:

“Yes, if you think so, it is really possible. Bella, anyway, he has been active in the Moon Bay area recently, and he can be considered in your territory. How about this, you keep this secret with us first , let him move under your nose, and if you still insist on letting others know about it after a month or two, we will not stop you.”

This suggestion pricked the mind of the great witch of fate. In fact, she had no intention of reporting Shade. She was just unsure of Miss Benanis’s attitude, and she really wanted to safeguard the commonwealth of the witches. Benefit.

Of course, in order to show that she was a staunch “witch supremacist”, Miss Belindel did not agree directly.

Miss Benenice made an expression that was helpless but had to agree. Her soft and sad expression was performed very well:

“Emma, ​​how can you propose this? I thought you would support me. If you insist, this is the only way. Bella, aren’t you curious about him? If everyone in the parliament is allowed to Knowing him, he will definitely not be able to move around in the Yuewan area. Why don’t you take this opportunity to study carefully what kind of strange fate he has.”

“How do I feel that you are working together to deceive me?”

Miss Belindel asked suspiciously. Of course she would not object to this proposal:

“I happen to be short of manpower recently. I can help you keep the secret temporarily, but Vanessa, I want to borrow his power.”

As he said that, he remembered the amazing performance of “John Watson” in the afternoon. Although the Seven Rings are enough to be called the backbone, the expressiveness is still far beyond the normal level:

“While he is in Yuewan, if I ask him to do something, he must help. Of course, I will not harm him, and I will also pay him.”

“I promise you for Vanessa.”

Miss Sylvia answered first, glanced at Miss Benanis with a smile, and the black-haired space witch said jokingly:

“Then for these two months, that handsome gentleman will temporarily belong to you. I met him when I was in Green Lake. He is indeed a very capable man, sometimes even too capable. Just don’t be too surprised. Oh, I have to remind you, you have to be careful when using him, otherwise some people will be heartbroken.”

She used plural pronouns to describe her, but the witch with the birthmark between her eyebrows didn’t notice:

“Heartache? Speaking of which, you two won’t have anything to do with that man, right?”

The golden eyes were filled with doubts and some unnoticeable panic.

“Of course not.”

The great witches of earth and space shook their heads together, and their voices completely overlapped:

“What are you thinking? We are witches, Bella, you should be ashamed of your thoughts.”

Miss Benenice explained again:

“It’s Siris who has a crush on him. He is also an important member of the Golden Dawn now. Let him help you for the time being, but you have to protect his safety. If he is in danger, Siris will hold the knife The sage-level relic [Faded Memories] obtained from Megan went to Yuewan City to settle the score with you.”

“The Moon Bay area is very peaceful. Do you think Tobesk is everywhere?”

Although she simply stated the facts, Miss Benenice and Miss Sylvia laughed again for some reason:

“Yes, I hope the Yuewan area will always be peaceful.”


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