The Whispering Verses Chapter 2074: The special abilities of “Miss Charlotte”


The witch was the last one to make the choice. After her words fell, three volumes of parchment appeared in the hands of the three of them. At the same time, densely packed building blocks fell from the sky on the huge round tabletop.

The falling building blocks made a strange sound. The seemingly messy small squares built up a detailed schematic diagram of the terrain and street architecture of Yuewan City on the desktop. The building block map does not cover all areas of the city, only about one-third of the city centered on Belindale Big Ben and the city council.

But it is already big enough. The water flow that symbolizes the Taton River appears out of thin air and fills the position of the “river channel” in the building blocks. Every workpiece as small as a grain of rice on the unfinished “Moon Bay Bridge” is extremely fine. It can be said that except for the large number of people in the “Brick City”, it is almost equivalent to a smaller version of a real city.

Everyone heard the sound:

“The Dice Story is about to begin. The abilities of each character are recorded on the parchment. When performing actions, roll the dice for judgment, and obtain additional bonuses based on the character’s special characteristics and abilities. Certain unique symbols, You can give your characters special powers to make the story more interesting.”

But before the impatient witch could flip through the rolled-up parchment to check and confirm the authenticity of the “seven rings”, the woman in the black dress threw out the [Coins of Wisdom] again, and this time there were four coins. :

“Although Ms. Amethyst and the priest are not in alliance, they are both hostile to me. In order to balance the story, I hope this game can be more interesting——

In the parchment information that everyone sees, all values ​​are hidden, and only up to four special abilities can be displayed. This kind of information hiding will not affect the actual performance of the ability, but the hidden value can only be known when the dice are thrown. ”

“The numerical value can be displayed when used, but if you don’t know what the special ability is, you cannot use the special ability.”

Miss Marlena, who was behind Mr. York O’Connor, immediately discovered the real trap of such additional rules. The man from the [Light Worshiper Training Group] nodded to her:

“So, it’s not just about luck, it also depends on how well you know the person you choose. You wouldn’t just choose someone you don’t know very well just to win, right?”

The witch, who had an ugly expression, clearly felt that there was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

The three of them picked up their respective parchment rolls together. The witch looked at the large letters painted in black squares, and first looked at the title of the person marked at the front:

【Outlander, Miss Charlotte】

“Huh? Is her real name really Charlotte?”

Then she read about the four special abilities she could see:

[■■■■Witch’s Words: This is an innate talent. Someone once said that even if the whole body is **** and only the mouth is left, the holder of the ability can give himself an advantage. The so-called words The pinnacle of the art is probably nothing more than this. Any time a woman is judged on “Speech Skills”, “Charm”, “Persuasion”, etc., “Speech Skills” will be given an additional bonus of 20, and “Charm” will be given an additional bonus of 31. 】

Because of the word “witch”, the Great Witch of Destiny considered this to be the unique talent of the witch’s followers. Although the full name of the special ability cannot be seen, the numerical value is truly astonishing. It’s just that she can’t let Miss Charlotte use this ability, because the specific content of using the special ability must be revealed, but the word “witch” must not be revealed.

She is very curious about how Miss Charlotte acquired this ability from the opera troupe:

“Vanessa has really good taste, and she really knows how to enjoy her speaking skills and charm.”

Then the second article——

[Power of the Earth: Standing on the earth, the ancient earth gives strength. This is the blessing of the earth as the foundation, proof that we have accomplished a great deed, and proof that we have been recognized by you. When both feet do not leave the ground, the “Strength” judgment will gain a 3.0-fold coefficient increase and an additional 90-point bonus. 】

In other words, even if the strength judgment roll is “33”, it is equivalent to “99+90+the character’s own basic strength”. Miss Belindel is not surprised by this special ability. In her opinion, this is just a special blessing given to her followers by the witch of the earth who has been promoted to the twelfth level. After all, she has never played “Dice Stories”, so she doesn’t know what this exaggerated bonus means:

“Vanessa is quite capable, and the girl she works for is very good. It seems that it is indeed necessary to let Miss Charlotte do something for me locally.”

After that comes the third article——

[The Blessing of the Red Butterfly: It brings an end to the originally tragic story and adds a new dimension to the story that has ended. Inhuman things can still be saved, and inhuman things are willing to sacrifice themselves. In addition, having a close relationship with a humanoid relic is enough to demonstrate the courage of a human being. There is an additional 50 bonus to illusion resistance, and an additional 73 bonus to mental resistance when facing relics. 】

For a moment, Bella Belindel thought she was dazzled. She took a deep breath to calm herself down, and there was actually an additional column under this special ability:

[Legendary – Butterfly Player: Playing with butterflies, flying together with two wings, under the snow in the forest, becoming a legend. When determining charm, the total points will be multiplied by a factor of 2.0. Facing human relics, you will gain an initial additional 30 points of good points. It will cause an additional 1.8 times factor bonus to intimidate all those who know the concept of “relics”. 】

“What about relics?”

She even forgot to breathe at this moment. She was afraid that she had read it wrong, so she read it again. Then her mind inevitably imagined a tall and attractive human girl who spoke high-level love words and had a charming expression on her face. She stretched out her hand. The scene of flirting among the weird relics while holding up the chin of a pitiful, strangely beautiful relic with tentacles and other strange organs.

She swallowed. If the time left to view the information was not long, she would even want to read it again:

“Vanessa, do you know what your followers do? Wait, you don’t really know, do you? What do the girls of the Golden Dawn usually do? Oh, you anti-marriage person , not behind my back.”

Although surprised, or rather stunned, at least judging from the current situation, the girl who calls herself “Miss Charlotte” is indeed a ring warlock. After all, even a ring warlock cannot be intimate with a relic.

She shook her head, forcing herself not to think or imagine, but continued to read the fourth article——

[Impermanent destiny: The stranger arrived due to an impossible accident, and no one knows the next story. Not in destiny, sitting under the stage. Divination resistance bonus? ? . 】

Although the last special ability is short, the great witch of fate is most concerned about this special ability. After all, the powerful third one is too shameful. There is more fire in her eyes, she likes this kind of girl with a special destiny:

“Although the effect may have been exaggerated by [Dice Stories], this special fate is really charming Vanessa, where did you find this kind of girl? After the story is over, I must give her Divination once. No, maybe two or three times.”

The witch with a fat-red birthmark on her eyebrows licked her lower lips, her curiosity about “Miss Charlotte” reaching its highest level.

Although the four abilities are not comprehensive, the witch believes that “Miss Charlotte” has absolutely high basic values. Of course, since there are no other abilities besides these four special abilities, maybe the woman from the [Light Worshipers Training Association] has other plots. You still have to be more cautious in the next game. Bella Belindel also plays Rhodes and knows very well that a lead at the beginning does not necessarily mean victory.

Especially when it is clear that the other party will definitely cheat.

Of course, although the basic values ​​​​and special abilities are hidden, the “symbols” carried by each character can be seen. Miss Belindel saw that “Miss Charlotte” was carrying a total of three tokens, one of which even originally belonged to her.

[Special Divination Card-Queen: When the person of destiny chooses the person of destiny, it is a symbol of the bond. Luck boost, whenever you roll the dice, you will automatically get a 5-point bonus. 】

This is the item that the witch left in Shad’s hands when they met on Friday night.

[Exceptionally expensive Rhodes deck: No one can imagine the contents of that deck. Luck boost, whenever you roll the dice, you will automatically get a 5-point bonus. 】

This is actually the “Invincible Rhodes Deck” that Iluna saw originally, but the name is different.

[Beloved glass slippers: The shoes of a certain red-haired lady, which are carried around and carefully preserved, and used frequently when no one is around. When judging female charm, an additional 10 bonus points are obtained. 】

“The glass slippers of Miss Charlotte’s beloved girl. Carry other people’s shoes with you and use them frequently”

The image of “Miss Charlotte” became more vivid in her eyes, even a little too vivid:

“Private use is just for trying on, nothing else.”

She told herself in her heart.

As for the origin of the glass slipper, she didn’t think much about it. “Miss Charlotte” is a girl from the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe. It’s normal to carry around “glass slippers” and other items that you can tell are props for the troupe’s performances:

“Wait, these aren’t Vanessa’s shoes, are they? But she’s not a redhead.”

After the witch finished reading all the contents on the parchment scroll, the woman in black dress from the [Light Worshipers Training Group] and Mr. O’Connor from the [Church of the Dawn] had also finished reading the contents. The latter, like the witch, could not see many entries, while the former already knew all the information about the ring warlock he had chosen, so he already had confidence after a cursory glance at the four special abilities.

“This is an ordinary afternoon in summer. People in the city center of Yuewan, the city of wealth, have no idea what wonderful story is about to happen here. The audience is in place, the players are seated, and the protagonists of the story-[The Silent Ones] George Pitt, [Detective] Cornelius Osborne, and [Outlander] Charlotte have already realized in a trance that the gears of fate are spinning again at this moment.”

With the introduction of the hoarse voice, people on the clock tower terrace looked at the building block city scene on the huge round table. Three small dolls suddenly appeared. The dolls had completely similar body shapes, but they were wearing different clothes, showing the location and status of the “story protagonists” at this time.


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