The Whispering Verses Chapter 2073: Chasing the murderer in the daytime


Chapter 2073 Chasing the Murderer in the Day

“The woman from the Society of Truth is indeed crazy, but isn’t it crazy that you are openly provoking the church like this?”

Mr. O’Connor of the Dawn Church asked, and the witch Bella Belindel was even more confused:

“Forget it if you provoke the church, what are you doing by provoking me? Although I have some issues with you, there is no need to involve me in this matter, right?”

The woman in the black dress hesitated:

“Mr. Light Chaser, I suspect you are a member of the Witch Council.”

Under the mist that no one could see clearly, the witch’s face suddenly darkened:

“That’s right.”

“Mr. Light Chaser knows what he wants to do. This time he just wants to invite the church and this diviner lady. If you win, you can naturally catch us. If you lose, then Sorry, you will be held hostage.”

The beam of skylight made the stone table where the three people sat around was particularly bright. Mr. York O’Connor frowned slightly:

“Wait, I seem to recognize you, you. Are you Lana Fresnel from [Light Worshiper Training Society]? I actually sent you to complete this mission? What do you want to do in Moon Bay? What?”

The woman in the black skirt didn’t answer, she just threw the dice in her hand onto the table with a clatter. A large amount of complex information about the specific rules of this game immediately poured into their minds through the “other selves” of the three people at the table.

At the same time, on the only west side of the table where there were no chairs, in the corner of the dark terrace that was not illuminated by the skylight, a figure wrapped in a black robe and a hood walked to the table, as if He was standing there, waiting for the three of them to get ready.

No one can clearly see any of its physical features. The robe touches the floor, the sleeves wrap around its arms and hands, and it is even darker under the hood.

Under the tower is the city center of Yuewan City, a bustling city of wealth. In the completely enclosed space on the tower, the strange whispering elements made everyone frown. Behind the woman in black skirt are her companions, behind the witch are two maids, and behind Mr. York O’Connor of the Church of the Dawn are two middle-circle warlocks.

But the only ones that can play a role are the three “players” at the table. The great witch of fate once heard the red-haired duchess talk about this game, and later studied the rules carefully because this relic involved “destiny”. She didn’t dare to say that she knew the game very well, let alone that she had the luck of the chosen one to balance it, but she trusted her ability to guess destiny.

The figure in the black robe on the west side of the table did not speak. He just raised his right arm that was shrouded in the robe, and six ten-sided ivory dice slipped out from the cuffs. The sound of falling made everyone It feels like the heart is changing its beating frequency with the sound.

The surroundings suddenly seemed to become colder, and six dice automatically rolled towards the three people on the table. Each person has two coins, one with ten numbers from 0 to 9, and one with ten numbers from 00, 10, 20 to 90.

The rules and details of each “Dice Story Collection” will be slightly different, but the meaning of the dice will never change. The woman in the black dress picked up the dice and observed her opponents this time; the witch rolled the dice, and the maid behind her had handed over a stack of divination cards; Mr. O’Connor from the Church of the Dawn rolled the dice, frowning and thinking about his past I have read about the rules for using this relic:

“According to the rules, three players must have opposing camps. They can obviously occupy two positions, why only sit on one chair? The accident that happened in Tobesk was strictly kept secret. I don’t know the balanced selection. It doesn’t matter who you choose, but according to the information, it seems to be very beneficial to choose local people with pets.”

The man in black robe raised his hands under the gaze of everyone, and the hoarse but unusually vicissitudes of voice finally came from all directions:

“Sixth Era, Year 1854 in the Universal Calendar, Scene 1474 of Dice Stories – Blood Sorrow”


The woman in black skirt pressed a blue coin on the table:

“Pay one [Coin of Wisdom] to make additional event selections. The event selection is stolen.”

“Pay a [compensatory coin] for additional random event selection.”

An unexpected voice interrupted her words. “Ms. Amethyst” pressed a gray coin on the table. Although no one could see her expression, there was clearly a smile in her tone:

“The clerical-level relic [Compensated Coin] can be regarded as other coins within a ten-meter range. Although it cannot be regarded as a high-level coin-like relic, fortunately [Coin of Wisdom] is only Just a poet.”

Pause for a moment, feeling glad that I took this coin with me through divination before going out this morning:

“I’m curious, how dare you drag a high-level fortune teller like me into this game? Do you want to lose on purpose?”

After speaking, he smiled and “reminded”:

“To be fair, let the secret keeper decide the theme of the story by himself, and no one should cheat. Or, you can take out more [Coins of Wisdom] to change the result. But if I remember the extra rules correctly, I want You have to pay more coins to make another change. Do you want to guess if there are other ways I can stop you?”

The woman in the black skirt whispered to her companion behind her, but in the end she did not take out the coins again.

So the man in black robe who hosted the game officially announced the beginning of this story:

“Sixth Era, 1854 Universal Calendar, Scene 1474 of the Dice Tales – Daytime Chase: Tracking down the culprit who hurt Freeman Hawthorne. Storyteller: Priestess, Lady Amethyst, Priest . Only one person is allowed to win in this story. No alliance is allowed when starting this story. The winner can make a wish about the loser. ”

The three people at the table frowned together. The story chosen in [Dice Story Collection] must be something that all three of them know, and it will most likely involve extraordinary power. On Friday afternoon, the three of them obviously knew about Freeman Hawthorne, who was injured at the Parsifal Club and lost a lot of memory after waking up.

However, this matter was not publicized publicly, and it was normal for the church to know about it. Ms. Amethyst is well-connected locally, and since it involves the Hawthorne family, it makes sense that she would know about it. It is really surprising that the [Light Worshipers Training Association], which has just penetrated into the local area, knows about this.

It’s just that this is not a good time to think about this matter, because the game in front of us has officially begun.

“Please choose an ordinary human being as the manipulated character. The target is required to be familiar with you, and the current activity area is under Belindel’s Big Ben.”

The black-robed secret keeper raised his right hand again. In the wide sleeve, a silver hourglass landed on the table with a thud. The fine sand continued to flow downward, representing the countdown to the selected time.

As expected, the “Priestess” Fresnel in black dress took out a coin again:

“Pay a [Coin of Wisdom] to make additional choices. Choose George Pitt, the first-circle warlock, as my control character. He is currently located under Belindle Big Ben.”

“I said, you cultists, can you stop using the same trick every time? Didn’t the failures of [Truth Society] and [Doom Cult] last year teach you a lesson?”

The witch said sarcastically, and the woman in black skirt shook her head slightly:

“This is the choice of Lord Light Chaser. Now the advantage lies with me, not you.”

Mr. York O’Connor, known as “Father”, discussed with his companions behind him and quickly made a choice:

“Choose Sergeant Cornelius Osborne, who now patrols beneath Belindall’s Big Ben.”

Now that they are sitting at the table, they naturally have their own ideas. Because of what happened to Tobesk, the rules of angel-level relics like [Dice Story Collection] have been known to most people, so as long as they make the right choices, even ordinary people can defeat low-level relics with a gun. Ring Warlock.

The police officer has cooperated with the team many times, and it fits the characteristics of Tobesk’s winner described in the information as “having weapons, fighting ability, strong spirit and will that is not easy to collapse, strong investigative ability, and sharp thinking.” Cornelius Osborne even knows the Supernatural and the Ring Warlock. The only thing missing is the “amazing charm” described in the information:

“The church has the most comprehensive information. This choice is definitely the right one. This time the advantage is mine!”

As for the great witch of fate, Miss Bella Belindel is not worried that she has no choice. Her ordinary maids are all in the clock tower, and many of them are young girls who are amazingly inspired, although not as good as the red-haired duchess. nieces and nephews, but they were also trained by her as follower reserves.

Although she had a suitable candidate in mind and believed that the ordinary girl she chose would not lose to the crappy foreign warlocks and ordinary policemen, she still reached for her fortune telling card as usual.

After the cards were opened, she and the two maids behind her saw that the card showed “Earth”. The witch hesitated at first, and then the name she had only heard on Friday night suddenly jumped into her mind:

“The follower of Vanessa, the Witch of the Earth, that Miss Charlotte?”

The voice of “her” came to my ears:

【No problem, you can select this target. 】

It is a pity that she was not in Tobesk at the turn of autumn and winter last year, otherwise she would have found that her expression at this time was almost exactly the same as that of Iluna:

“But can’t we only choose ordinary people? And I don’t even know what she looks like, can I choose this? Wait, did Vanessa give her a precious relic that completely conceals her identity?”

But if you want to break through the rules of the top angel-level relic [Dice Story Collection], you need at least a relic of the same level or a relic of the same origin. The great witch of fate can’t believe that her colleague in the council gave it to him. “Miss Charlotte” something.

Although she was surprised by the result, she believed in the result of her divination:

“I choose Miss Charlotte.”

She did not explain who the other party was. The more she explained in her own territory, the more likely she was to expose herself:

“But can I really choose a seven-ring warlock? This is really my luck. This time I have the advantage. Vanessa, you were definitely not kidding me last night.”■


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