The Whispering Verses Chapter 2068: Shipwreck


Chapter 2068 Shipwreck

Obviously he had just told Miss Carina a few days ago that he would not meet the witch so soon, but on Friday night, these words turned into a boomerang and hit Shade himself.

Although he was a little embarrassed, early on Saturday morning, Shade went to the manor outside the city to find Miss Carina and explained that he had met Miss Belindel.

The duchess, who was eating breakfast and listening to Shade, squinted her eyes and smiled after Shade finished speaking:

“I have told you a long time ago that the encounter with the witches is your unavoidable fate. You cannot escape the witches of today and the witches of ancient times.”

In fact, there are also witches from the “past life”, and Shade has already met all three witches.

“Please stop making fun of me.”

Shad sat across from the long table holding little Mia. They had already had breakfast at home before coming, but it seemed that the cat still wanted to eat more:

“This time I learned the lesson from Randall Valley. As long as she doesn’t find out that I am a man, what will happen if I meet the great witch of fate? She asked me to see her on Sunday, I’m afraid If you want to give me any difficult tasks, that’s fine. I can also use the power of the Belindel family reasonably.”

“Remember what you said now, I hope you won’t regret it.”

The red-haired duchess said, and then looked at the cat in Shade’s arms with pity:

“Look at it, it’s so pitiful, can’t it be given something to eat?”

“Don’t let little Mia fool you, this cat has had enough for breakfast.”

Xia De shook his head and continued the topic:

“Please tell Miss Bernanice so that she can be prepared to respond to Miss Belindel’s inquiry and not reveal my identity. Also, are there any precautions when getting along with this witch?”

Miss Carina motioned to Tifa:

“Tell Shade.”

Then the black-haired maid answered responsibly:

“As the lady once said, Miss Belindell trusts divination very much. So if she suddenly tosses a coin or draws a divination card when communicating with you, please don’t worry about it. In addition, Miss Belindel She is a very easy-to-get-together lady. As long as she does not accuse her of having problems with her fortune-telling, Miss Belindel will not lose her temper.”

“Then her divination must be correct?”

Shade asked again, and the duchess shook her head:

“Didn’t Luvia tell you? Sometimes the accuracy of divination is not the most important, what is important is how to interpret the divination results. I admit that Belindel is a very capable fortune teller, but I trust Luvia more than her, she is more in line with our perception of the genius diviner.”

She paused and added:

“There are thirteen seats in the parliament. Before Sylvia was promoted, she was at the tenth level like Granny Cassandra, so they were at the twelfth or thirteenth level. Belindel was at the eleventh level and was at the tenth level. . Her own fighting ability is not strong, she can be regarded as the last among all the eleventh-level witches, and she only plays a supporting role in many actions of the council.”

“Is she the weakest eleventh-level witch?”

“It is considered the second to last. The weakest one has some physical problems, so there is no need to consider her combat effectiveness. In short, if Luvia has other wonderful methods besides divination, but Belin Del is really good at divination. Although he doesn’t know how to fight, he is still very weak.”

She commented unceremoniously, and then gave Shade an idea:

“In a fair fight, you are at the seventh level and she is at the eleventh level. You may not be able to defeat her in normal state. But her divination has a high probability of being ineffective against you. If you carry out a sneak attack, you should not be able to subdue her. Question. I can’t tell you what Belindel’s attitude is towards men. She is always mysterious and not the kind of witch who is willing to reveal her life.

So if you are discovered by her, you can attack her directly and kidnap her to the secret ancient dragon lair you mentioned. I think you have the means to make her surrender. ”

“In your eyes, am I this kind of person?”

Xia De knew that she was teasing. No matter how close her relationship with Sha De was, she would not allow him to use this method to deal with his colleagues in the parliament. The maids all chuckled, and of course the duchess also smiled:

“I know you have a lot of means to deal with witches. I even believe that even if your whole body is **** and only your mouth can move, you can coax a witch. It’s Saturday now, and it’s just a few days until you arrive at Moon Bay. Three days have passed, but you have already met the witch of fate. Let us wait and see when you will tell me that Belindel can no longer escape your grasp.”

Even Tifa smiled at this time, and Shade stroked the restless cat, not knowing what to say.

“But you came just in time, I also have something to ask you.”

After breakfast, Miss Carina took Shade to the study and handed him a document bag:

“I have found the information about the ‘Brilliant Messenger’ cruise ship. You are very lucky. Although most of the ships of the Fifth Era have disappeared over the years, the Radiant Messenger lying on the seabed is still with us. This era still exists.”

“That’s really…what?”

Xia De looked up at her quite unexpectedly:

“Wait a minute, you said the wreckage of that ship still exists?”

He frowned slightly:

“But how is this possible? The ship sank in the mysterious sea called the ‘Sunless Sea’. How could it be possible to return to reality? What did I do after that? But it’s not right either, Even if the ship was made of the best alloy steel of the era, and even had its keel processed by a witch hired at a high price, how could there still be wreckage of that ship after being in the water for so many years? It’s not a ship made with alchemy technology, it’s just an ordinary industrial product.”

The marine environment is different from the land environment. If some kind of wreckage buried deep underground may still exist after being closed for thousands of years, but there should be very few shipwrecks left in the sea in a few hundred years. .

So Shade made a guess:

“The Radiant Messenger has become a relic?”

“Of course not, otherwise I should have thought of it when you mentioned this matter to me last time. This kind of relic turned into a relic from an item at the end of the Fifth Era, because its origin is relatively easy to find, so I should remember it. .”

She motioned to Shade to open the document bag:

“Around 1380 in the Sixth Age, that is, more than four hundred years ago, people accidentally discovered the wreckage of an ancient ship in the waters off the west coast. However, due to the technology at the time, it was difficult to explore the trench. What happened to the sunken shipwreck? More than a hundred years later, the sunken shipwreck is still in that location, and it doesn’t seem to have changed much. This caused the church to have similar doubts as you, thinking that this is not normal. phenomenon, so around 1500, five groups of ring warlocks were sent to investigate, and it was finally confirmed that the ship came from the Fifth Age.”

Xia De opened the document bag while listening. There was not much information inside.

“As you know, the Parliament is very interested in the relics of the Witch Emperors of the Fifth Era, so the Great Witch of Destiny at that time also went to investigate this matter and left the ‘Brilliant Messenger’ in the Parliament’s information. No.’. According to the council’s information, because the wreckage of the sunken ship had no other abnormalities except that it would not rot in the sea, the church did not perform any other treatment on the wreckage. Around 1530, they made it semi-permanent. The illusion ritual concealed the location of the wreckage and took several pieces of wooden deck back for study.”

Xia De had already seen the black and white photos of those wooden boards.

“It was later determined that the planks separated from the hull would gradually lose the property of being extremely resistant to decay, and this property could not be replicated. So more than two hundred years after the planks were brought back, around 1800, Two of the wooden boards were verified to be completely safe and separated from the monitoring and containment sequence. Later, the ownership of those antiquities changed several times and they were donated to the City Ship Museum for display as ‘ancient shipwrecks’.”

“Those two wooden boards are still in the museum?”

Xia De asked, the witch nodded slightly, so he asked again:

“That museum, isn’t it the Ship Museum in Yuewan City?”

The witch smiled and nodded again:

“Yeah, you see, what happened to you in the past is once again related to the ‘present’.”

“Then the wreckage of the Radiant Messenger is located very close to Moon Bay?”

Compared to two pieces of deck wood, it is obvious that the whole wreckage is the most valuable.

“It takes about four or five days to get there by boat, depending on the weather. In addition to the time you spend exploring the underwater wreckage, it will take less than half a month to go back and forth. Moreover, there is no record of the wreckage in the Parliament Regarding the specific location, even if you really want to spend time going to sea, you probably have to determine where the ship is. By the way, you can also bet on whether you can find the entrance and exit of the [Space Maze] near the ship.”

The last suggestion was that Shade was not going to try it. Although he did not know the distribution pattern of those hidden spaces, he instinctively felt that even if he used the luck-increasing relic again, he would not be able to find the target entrance.

As for spending less than half a month to go to sea, you not only need to determine the target location first, but also prepare a reliable ship and a group of reliable sailors. Although it is not impossible to inquire about the location, and Miss Aurora would be willing to help with preparing the ship and sailors, the problem is that these will take time.

Seeing Shade thinking, the red-haired witch smiled and said:

“You’d better explore the Moon Bay area. Check the wooden planks in the museum yourself, the location of the sunken ship and the way to get out to sea. I and other ladies will help you find a way. If you are afraid of wasting time, let Xiwei After finishing what I’m doing, I’ll find you in Moon Bay and fly you there, or Vanessa should have time too.”


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