The Whispering Verses Chapter 2033: Detective’s birthday celebration


Chapter 2033 Detective’s Birthday Celebration

Leaving Priest Augustus at Dr. Schneider’s place, Shade returned home in the evening with worry. Unexpectedly, Dorothy and Luvia were both there. Shade also told them about Priest Augustus, and the writer and the fortune teller were also very worried.

Luvia even suggested to do a divination for Priest Augustus, but the divination card she randomly drew represented “light”.

The meaning of this card is “a hopeful future”, which can be regarded as one of the best divination results for divination, so Luvia reassured Shade that if the priest really has other situations, they Everyone will help.

Luvia actually did not leave that night, but participated in Shade and Dorothy’s classes.

Although Dorothy or Lesia would appear at Shade’s home every Saturday night for the past month, in fact, they did not conduct too many Saturday classes during this period. Instead of learning activities, there are more entertainment activities.

Now that they have been resting for a month, the writer and the princess are also interested in starting a new study. They thought that they were actually choosing the fairy tale lock for Shade, because they were the ones who started the course every time, and then Shade would obtain the fairy tale secret lock after two to three months.

“So what is the content of this study?”

Luvia, who was sitting on the side of the desk, asked with great interest. The gas light in the study illuminated the faces of the two girls. The warm family atmosphere made Shade even more grateful to Detective Sparrow for helping him. The house was left behind.

“My low-level and middle-level sublimation words are “Match Girl” and “Cinderella”, and Lesia’s low-level sublimation words are “Sleeping Princess”. Shade has already studied these three stories. Now, this time it’s Lesia’s turn to speak words of sublimation.”

Luvia already knows the secrets of the writer and the princess, so this topic can be discussed directly in front of her.

“It’s a fairy tale about mermaids, oceans and love. It just so happens that Lesia is also teaching Agelina similar content. We have a lot of related materials in hand.”

“Speaking of which, has Agelina chosen the word of low-level sublimation?”

Shad asked curiously. The princess of Delarion joined Zarath Literary Academy, so she naturally did not have to wait for half a year to read Zarath Literary Academy’s “Code of Ascension”.

Dorothy nodded:

“This week has been chosen, and the witches all agree: the silence of the soul, clearing the fog, and seeing the truth. [Mind] [Silence] [Mist] [Eye], and Agelina’s own core spiritual rune [Reality] 】.”

“So it seems that Zarath Academy of Literature and the Witch Council intend to make Agelina a ring warlock with strong perception?”

Luvia asked:

“This Word of Ascension is also available in the Prophet’s Association. If she is willing, she can even gain access to some divination knowledge.”

“Yes, the professors at Zarath School of Literature believe that Agelina’s perception and soul sensitivity are extremely high, and the [real] spirit rune is more suitable for her. Her situation is different from ours, neither is Xia A genius like De, who is a genius in moonlight spells and time investigation, is not a natural diviner like you, Luvia, nor is it a magician like me and Lesia, who specialize in enlightenment elements. She is also good at perception, although her inspiration is too high. Sometimes it can be dangerous, but most of the time it can help her avoid danger.”

Xia De also nodded, agreeing with her.

Then the writer brought the topic back to tonight’s study:

“The fairy tale called [Mermaid Princess] has long been known to every household, so there are many versions of the story that have been passed down to this day. But it is generally divided into two parts. The first part is about a mermaid princess who lives on the bottom of the sea and encounters a disaster at sea. The prince and rescued him; in the second part, the mermaid princess paid the price to become a human, but failed to get the love of the prince in the end. ”

After saying that, Dorothy still shook her head;

“That girl is really stupid. She has such a strong power, even if she wants to **** him, she still wants to **** the prince back. But she actually watched the prince get married and blessed them. I even doubted whether she was too innocent. ”

Luvia was snickering on the sidelines, while Shade suspected that it was Lesia who said this, which was in line with the character of the “overbearing” princess.

“This story is indeed very famous. I have heard of it too. Speaking of which, Miss Aurora’s family has been friends with mermaids for generations. During the Battle of Green Lake, she even asked mermaids to help. She didn’t know about the mermaid race itself. , what do you think of this story? Maybe this is also a true story. ”

Shadow said, Dorothy thought for a while:

“This is a very interesting research direction. Lesia and I have not seen similar papers. However, the mermaid race lives in the sea. In the sixth era, it is rare to talk to human ring magicians. This is not the case. Very good investigation. Lecia has two mermaid scales in her hand. I can bring them to my study next week. This will help us feel the power of the sea.”

Xia De originally thought that he had other plans tonight, but he didn’t expect that the night class lasted until after 9:30, and “Teacher Louisa” actually got up and said she was going to rest.

She wasn’t joking. After washing, she actually went to the first floor with Luvia. When Shade was holding the cat on the first floor and watching the girls waving to him and saying good night, Luvia even warned:

“Shad, don’t knock on our door tonight. If you respect the girls, just spend the night in your bedroom with your cat.”

Shad believed that the expression on his face at this moment must be wonderful, but since both Dorothy and Luvia rejected him, he did not go downstairs that night, and little Mia also rarely came downstairs on Saturday. Locked in a closet at night.

After a peaceful night, at 6:30 on Sunday morning, the sound of a cat meowing woke up Shade on time. The stranger stretched out his hand and pressed the cat’s head. The small cat knew that Shade had woken up, so it squatted there and stopped making any sound.

“The 22nd of the Sunshine Moon, today is Sunday, and a year ago it was Saturday.”

He looked at the now very familiar ceiling, and then thought that one year ago today, this was Sparrow Hamilton’s bedroom, and the detective lying in the same position at this time was also there. And one year ago today, on the side of the bed, a foreigner who had just “awakened” was panicking because of the unfamiliar environment.

“That was also an early morning.”

He continued to think in his mind, while the cat next to him started barking impatiently. It was urging Shade to get up quickly instead of lying in bed and wasting his life in a daze.

“I know, I know.”

I sat up from the bed, waved my hand, and the curtains opened automatically, revealing the gray morning scenery outside the window.

“A year ago, I got this house here, got [The Impermanent Silver Moon], and heard your voice.”

Someone chuckled in my ear, and the gentle smile cleared away the tiredness when I first woke up.

【Do you need me to say something? 】

“She” asked softly, Shade said while putting on slippers:


[When the cold wind in early summer blew away the heavy fog, the outsiders woke up again on the shining day of the silver moon. The adventures of the past year have made you tired, but the strength and emotions that have settled in your soul have also enriched you. After passing the first year, the wind blows the fallen leaves into the second year. This world, the sixth era, the summer of 1854, the day when the silver moon shines, good morning, I wish you like this world, my dear stranger. 】

Xia De’s mood suddenly became very good, and even the steps he walked out of the room became much lighter.

Unexpectedly, a hot breakfast was already placed on the dining table, but there were no girls making breakfast on the second floor. And when Shade went downstairs to find Luvia and Dorothy for dinner, the two girls were actually gone.

I went to get goat milk and newspapers outside the door, only to find a letter in the milk box.

There is no stamp on the envelope, and there is no writing address. The content of the letter is spelled out one by one with words cut out from newspapers:

[Tobesk’s Detective:

The treasures you cherish have been taken away by me and hidden in every corner of this city. You must find them all before sunset, otherwise]

The words in the crooked newspaper are too big, so after reading this part, you have to turn to the next page.

【Otherwise you will not be allowed to attend tonight’s party. The first clue is in this letter, and you will be able to find it with your wisdom.

Note: Remember to have breakfast before searching, don’t run around the city hungry. Your babies won’t be hurt by your late arrival, so don’t worry. 】

“A challenge for famous detectives? A creative way to celebrate a birthday, but I feel like they are treating me like a child.”

Xia De thought to himself and walked up the stairs with the things in his hands:

“Let’s leave after eight o’clock.”

【Did you find the first clue? 】

“This is too simple. The material of these cut-outs and pasted newspapers can be seen from the “Steam Bird Daily” at a glance. The newspaper office starts at eight o’clock, and there is nothing to do if you go there too early.”

At eight o’clock sharp, Shade, wearing a black coat and a brown deerstalker hat with little Mia on his shoulders, arrived at the Steam Bird Daily newspaper office in the University District. But after entering the newspaper office, apart from greeting acquaintances, he did not find any girls he knew well. He even learned after asking that he was the first outsider to enter the newspaper office this morning.

However, after careful inquiry, I learned that the newspaper received a strange anonymous letter this morning. After asking for permission, Shade opened it and saw a riddle written inside:

【Like a painting but not a painting, like a mirror but not a mirror. During the day it is a painting, and at night it is like a mirror. 】


The confused detective walked to the window and saw the carriage parked at the door of the newspaper office downstairs. Shade went downstairs, and sure enough he saw Dorothy smiling happily at him at the carriage window. The carriage obviously belonged to Miss Carina. The driver looked normal, but was actually a maid dressed as a man.

Stepping onto the carriage, Miss Writer kissed the side of his face, but then another person in the carriage, Luvia, pulled Dorothy aside.

The girl with purple eyes in a black dress hugged Dorothy’s neck. With her right hand under the white lace cuff, she placed a sharp silver table knife in front of the writer’s neck.

The girl in black skirt said to Shade:

“Oh, detective, I didn’t expect you to solve my mystery so easily. But you are still a step late. Now, I want to hide this blonde girl again. Go, get out of here quickly and find the third Don’t be proud of one of them, you will never find the other darlings.”

Xia De blinked:

“If I want to fight you here, what are you going to do?”

As he spoke, he grabbed Luvia’s hand holding the knife. The purple-eyed girl did not struggle, but said with a smile:

“Then let’s fight.”

The car started slowly and drove into a side alley, and the two girls in the car had already grabbed Xia De’s arms. Amidst the meowing of cats, workers carrying a pile of boxes happened to stack those boxes at the entrance of the alley, blocking the parked carriage.

Half an hour later, the carriage left the alley, and the disheveled detective, whose face was covered with lipstick marks, was “kicked” out of the carriage because he “failed” in the fight.

He hurriedly arranged his clothes, and then caught the handkerchief floating out of the carriage compartment.

“Miss Carina’s perfume.”

He knew it after a slight sniff. He watched the workers blocking the alley carrying boxes away, and then noticed the twelve strangely arranged stitches in the lower left corner of the handkerchief:

“This is the star map of the Southern Cross? Oh, I know, Lucky Southern Cross Club!”

So the detective, who had tidied his clothes, adjusted his mood and took the unhappy cat with him to the club on Glass Mountain Avenue in the north of the city, where Shade and Miss Carina first met.

As expected, the club that has now become a “kidnapping accomplice” will not let Shade enter easily. From the moment he entered the door, the detective with the cat defeated a total of 7 maids with Rhodes cards before entering the third floor, and completed the final multiplayer card game with three maids including Tifa at the stairway of the third floor. Bureau, was allowed to enter the room deep in the club.

In that dark and familiar study, Shade met the beautiful Duchess. Similarly, a purple-eyed female fortune teller wearing a long black dress has also arrived here in advance.

Tifa temporarily retreated with the maids, and the two ladies who were drinking tea and chatting just now also put down their teacups:

“Oh, detective, detective, maybe I really underestimated your ability. But so what if you find your second treasure, she still fell into my hands after all.”

Shad doubted that these lines were written by Dorothy. Luvia spoke them as if she were reading lines from a stage play.

The fortune teller in black dress took out the silver table knife again and put it against the neck of the duchess, who smiled happily:

“Save me, detective, I am willing to use everything I have to repay you.”

“Yes, I’m here to save you.”

As he spoke, Shade put the cat on the sofa, took off his coat and hat, and reached out to the kidnapper and the duchess.

The fight in the room continued for more than an hour again. When the disheveled Shade walked out of the room holding the cat, it was already eleven o’clock that morning.

The maids outside the door were laughing, but they still helped Shad tidy up his clothes under the leadership of Tifa, wiped off the lipstick marks on his face and neck, and sprayed perfume to cover up some strange things. the taste of.

After finishing this, Shade still wanted to talk to the two ladies inside the door, such as having lunch together, but the maids surrounded him and returned to the first floor. The black-haired maid said seriously:

“Detective, your lateness caused you to miss the second treasure. Fortunately, the loyal maid took down the key clues when the master was taken away. The clue was cats, and there were three of them. The detective’s wisdom He will definitely be able to bring back the poor mistress for us.”

The girls laughed again, and Shade nodded to Tifa:

“I know, this time it’s the Three Cats Hotel.”

The Three Cats Hotel, like the Club, is located in the north of the city, so it can be reached quickly even on foot.

Because it was already noon, there were quite a lot of guests at the Three Cats Hotel and the business was quite busy. When Shade walked in, he glanced around and saw no familiar girls, so he went to the female shopkeeper, Mrs. Sangmei, for help.

The middle-aged woman wearing an apron immediately smiled when she saw Shade coming over:

“I don’t know what you are doing, but young people today are really good at playing. Listen, young detective!”

Her rich voice almost scared the cat on Shade’s shoulder:

“Yes, a strange stranger did appear here today. A strange lady who imprisoned two butterflies in a cage, wore a black dress full of malice and curses, and rented the room upstairs.”

As she spoke, she put the key into Shade’s hand and winked at Shade:

“Detective, I don’t want bad people living in my property. Please help me get rid of her.”

Shade then took the key to the third floor and opened the door to the room. Grace and Helen, who were sitting on the sofa talking, saw that it was Shade who opened the door and immediately kicked him out:

“Get out quickly, get out quickly, the kidnappers haven’t arrived yet, you can’t come in.”

“Wait a minute, can’t you just leave Middleburg so easily?”

“Oh, get out quickly, the kidnappers haven’t arrived yet!”

Of course Luvia hasn’t arrived yet. She should still be cleaning up and washing up in the club. Shade is deliberately testing whether she can get in front of him every time.

So Shade went downstairs to have lunch with Mia first, which took twenty minutes. When the door to the room was opened again, Luvia had arrived this time.

Behind the purple-eyed fortune teller, the pitiful girls in white and black skirts had their hands tied together. Their blue eyes looked at Shade with a look of help.

Shad wanted to step forward, but was glared at by Luvia, so he asked:

“It seems that this time, I am a step too late. So, you are going to threaten me with a knife again?”

“No, detective, you have been against me so many times today, I want to punish you.”

The purple-eyed girl said, pointing to Helen and Grace:

“I’m going to humiliate you three. Now do as I say or I’m going to hurt them with a knife. You have no choice. Now, take off your coat and put that dangerous cat aside.” ”

The knight of justice originally just wanted to rescue the butterfly sisters who were captured by the “bad guys”, but in the end he did various things under coercion.

By the time he took a shower and left the room with Mia in his arms, it was almost two o’clock in the afternoon.

The cat lay in his arms with a stinking face, perhaps regretting following the detective out today.

The next clue is not here. The detective who was kicked out again left the Three Cats Hotel by following the last clue left by the Butterfly Sisters before their “coma”, a red butterfly that only he could see. . Walking less than a hundred steps north along the street outside Psalm Square, we stopped in front of the gate with a kerosene lamp hanging at the door.

This is the theater in the north of the city where Dorothy once brought Shad, where the Jasmine Opera Troupe performed.

After paying the 8 pence ticket, Shade followed Red Butterfly and walked in. After watching the slightly vulgar stage play “The Serpent of Love” performed in the afternoon, he received a quill and understood himself. Where to go next.

Take the cat to Quill Street where Dorothy lives. After knocking on the door of Building B at No. 211, the landlady looked him up and down before letting Shade in.

Dorothy rented the entire third floor, but the first thing Shade saw was Lesia sitting on the sofa, and then he saw the writer lady holding a knife and wearing a very familiar black skirt. Said:

“Detective, you do it again.”

“I’ll interrupt, why did you change the actor? Is this Luvia’s dress? Where is Luvia?”

The writer frowned slightly, dissatisfied with Shade for interrupting her:

“Don’t talk nonsense. Luvia has performed three performances and is going to rest. Do you think she is the same as you? Now I will take over her. This time the Red Butterfly Day starts from now. You remember the date, You can arrange it next time.”

Her Royal Highness the Princess on the sofa coughed twice and signaled them to return to the topic, so Dorothy continued:

“Detective, you have found clues and traced it here again, but this beautiful princess is still my prey. If you want to take her away, you must defeat me.”

Lecia said cooperatively:

“Detective, you can defeat this woman, right?”

The writer snorted:

“Your Highness, shut your mouth. You have been kidnapped by me now. Just watch here and let me compete with this detective.”

“That’s not right, Dorothy, although we are one, you cannot eat alone.”

As she said that, she actually stood up, and then walked towards Shade with Miss Writer.

Dorothy did not fulfill her promise this time. Even though Shade defeated them, he still failed to get his princess back. At around three o’clock in the afternoon, he walked out of the apartment and returned to Quill Street. The cat that had just been lying on the windowsill taking a nap was now sleeping soundly in his arms, and the last clue was the last words Lecia said to him before leaving:

“The girls of the Cavendish family will not give in.”

“The Impossible Yodel Palace of Cavendish House, Miss Carina’s Manor.”

This time, Shade didn’t even need to rent a carriage. The carriage that had been waiting for him had already arrived at his side.

We took a carriage and arrived at the manor on the northern outskirts of the city. The place looked no different from before. As soon as they entered the mansion, they saw Megan being dragged upstairs by someone. But Megan was out of town, and Shade was surprised that she could come.

So the detective investigated all the way and finally came to the bedroom in the manor that belonged exclusively to the duchess.

The maid outside the door took away little Mia, and opened the bedroom door. Shade was shocked by the red and brown hair hanging down everywhere, making the whole bedroom look like a spider’s nest. .

Looking carefully, it is obvious that the witches have made their hair grow to the limit, and then it has spread like silk and satin throughout the bedroom.

When Shade walked out of the hair hanging from the ceiling, spreading and intertwining, and came to the bedside, he saw Miss Carina in a black dress holding a table knife and leaning against the brown-haired witch on the bed. neck:

“Detective, although you found the last treasure, you also fell into my trap.”

“Changing actors again? Oh, I mean, what trap?”

The red-haired witch dropped the knife with a smile. Megan also sat up, holding her hand at the same time. Audrey, who was hiding under the quilt, also appeared with a smile:

“I’m so sorry, detective. In fact, I was the one who directed all this and deliberately lured you to come here exhausted after a day of running around.”

“And now, do you still have the strength, are you ready to face the final enemy?”

Red, brown and brown, the long hair of the three people were under control, all gathered towards the bed, and then really like a trap, entangled Shade, the witches smiled and took his hand:

“Let’s see where you hide now.”

In the evening, the setting sun dyed half of the sky red. Shade, who had been busy all day in a practical sense, walked out of the manor’s bath while wiping his hair with a towel.

The maid led the way. After entering the manor’s dining room, the white tablecloth was filled with gold and silver utensils and delicacies, and a huge five-layer cake was placed in the center of the table. On the top of the cake, there is a chocolate sign featuring a detective in black and an orange and white kitten.

Luvia, Lesia, Dorothy, Carina, Megan and Audrey, and Helen Grace, all dressed in gorgeous dresses, were already waiting for him in the restaurant. Even Agelina and Iluna stood with them with a smile.

Seeing the protagonist of the banquet arrive, the ladies who were standing at the table chatting and laughing just now picked up the wine glasses at the table. Under the crystal chandelier, their eyes sparkled as brightly as their jewelry.

The foreigners a year ago are now wondering at dusk whether they can still receive relief food in time, but the foreigners a year later no longer have to worry about this problem.

“Happy birthday, Shad.”

They raised their glasses together and said. Tifa, who was helping to hold little Mia, gave Shade a gentle push, causing Shade to be surrounded by the ladies who came:

“Happy birthday, Shad.”

“Happy birthday, Shad.”

Light and smiles surrounded him, and the outsider felt like he had been lost in the congratulations. I don’t know if the blurred lights were enchanted by magic, but those familiar faces, laughter, and this night will surely remain in his heart forever.

[Xia De, happy birthday. 】

“She” also whispered in Shade’s ear at this time.

“Is this really my birthday?”

When Luvia pulled his sleeves to cut the cake, Shade asked in his heart.

【Is this important? 】

One year later, “her” laughter is still as pleasant as it was at the beginning. Like the light night wind, like the gentle night moon, and more like the gentlest shadow in Xia De’s heart.

Yeah, that’s not important at all.


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