The Whispering Verses Chapter 2031: Funeral rumors


Chapter 2031 Funeral Rumors

The mourning music is still playing, and the people who have just walked out of the church are looking at the coffin covered with the Delarian flag, and the people carrying the coffin slowly sink into the dug grave.

The atmosphere is solemn and solemn, sad and touching. Beside the king at the front, Queen Diana was not seen. Queen Diana, who is now six months pregnant, was dissuaded from attending the ceremony. This is not because of superstition, but out of physical and emotional considerations for pregnant women, believing that the funeral may have a negative impact on the health of the queen and the health of the child.

In addition to Miss Carina and His Majesty the King, everyone else in the Cavendish family that Shade knew also arrived. Lecia stood relatively forward, behind Shade and Miss Carina. Agelina stood further back with her three younger sisters, Her Royal Highness Alice, Her Royal Highness Elena, and Her Royal Highness Anastasia.

The ladies all wore black veils, while the men wore black formal suits and black hats. Even though it was snowing, no one showed any impatience or boredom.

“Death is the end of life, so what does the end of the world mean to us?”

Xia De was really bored, and his thoughts wandered randomly, and then another voice sounded in his heart:

“It’s boring, isn’t it?”

This was Miss Carina’s voice. Shade did not turn around to look at her, but also asked in his heart:

“Do I look obvious?”

While asking questions, he widened his eyes and made a sad expression.

The witch on the side seemed to curl her lips:

“I guess you are not interested in this kind of activity. But he is my brother after all, so please bear with me. Or, we can talk about your birthday tomorrow.”

Today is the 21st of the Sunshine Month in 1854, and tomorrow will be the one-year anniversary of the arrival of the strangers in this world.

“It’s better not to talk about this kind of thing at a funeral.”

Xia De replied in his heart, and then thought of Lesia behind him.

Red Butterfly Day ended in the early morning of Friday, 23rd last month. Originally, the next Red Butterfly Day should have arrived long ago. But in order to be able to come with Dorothy to congratulate Shade on his birthday, the princess and the writer unexpectedly postponed the precious Red Butterfly Day to tomorrow.

The arrival of tomorrow, the 22nd of the Sunshine Moon, also means that Shade can use a new time key again. After living leisurely for a month, it seems that a new adventure is about to begin.

Of course, although the funeral feels boring, there is nothing new happening here.

Miss Carina introduced most of the members of her large family to Shade. In addition to the gentlemen and ladies with the surname “Cavendish”, there are also a large number of descendants of the princesses who married out and the matrilineal family. relatives. The duchess was able to completely understand the extremely complicated relationship between relatives. She even quietly told Shade which of her cousins ​​was not happy in their marriage, which cousin was on the verge of bankruptcy because of a failed investment in the New World business, and which grandnephew was almost caught by his wife because he had a mistress. Face.

When Miss Carina introduced her aunt, Marquise Josephine Michael to Shade, the 69-year-old old lady looked at Shade with kind eyes and told Miss Carina to let her hurry up. After the marriage is completed, the Marchioness will pass on to Miss Carina the beautiful set of gemstone tiaras that her mother, Miss Carina’s grandmother, passed down to her when she got married:

“Carina, it was passed down from generation to generation from mother, grandmother, grandmother’s mother, and grandmother’s grandmother. I don’t have a daughter, only a son. This set of jewelry must be passed down to you. You must get married as soon as possible so that I saw you wearing it. Only the fairest Cavendish can get it from me.”

After speaking, the old lady asked Xia De with a smile:

“Rejed’s Hamilton, don’t you think so?”

In addition to communicating with Miss Carina, Shade also found an opportunity to talk to Lesia.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Shade has seen Lesia wearing a black dress and veil. Although the dress resembles what Sea Oxenfurt once looked like, her temperament is different from that cold and calm person. Ladies are completely different. Shade didn’t know how to describe it, but in short, it was very beautiful.

Lecia just took the opportunity to hug Shade in the church, but she looked quite anxious:

“The deadline is coming, and this time it’s going to be really troublesome.”

“Wait a minute, you are Miss Writer! Weren’t you a princess just now?”

The anxious red-haired girl grabbed Shade’s sleeve:

“Oh! Lecia said that she stayed up late yesterday to perform a ceremony to learn thaumaturgy. Because she failed once, she was mentally exhausted and couldn’t bear to rest. She just asked me to replace her! But I also have to rush the manuscript. When would this funeral end? The manuscript would be due next Monday! If I had known better, I wouldn’t have wasted my time attending Miss Pinkie’s reading salon on Wednesday afternoon.”

“You can understand.”

Then he was warned by the writer lady with the eyes of the princess. Tomorrow is Sha De’s birthday, which is also the day of the red butterfly they agreed on. It must not be used to write manuscripts.

In short, amidst Shade’s various random thoughts, the second half of the funeral continued. After the coffin entered the tomb, the current Duke of Rhodes expressed his gratitude to all the guests, and then King Larousse III led everyone in the final mourning.

After the process, the group returned to the No. 2 Prayer Hall specially prepared for the Duke’s funeral in the Peace Church today to conduct what some people consider to be the most critical process of the funeral, which is the reading of the will.

Only a few people knew the contents of this will, so most people were curious about it. Duke Rhodes of Verne had a son who inherited the title, but anyone who knows the character of the old Duke knows that although he gave the title to his son, he would never leave most of his property to the younger Duke of Rhodes. Father-son relationship Extremely bad, that’s no secret in Delarian.

Everyone sat down in the prayer hall. As an immediate family member, Miss Carina sat directly in the first row, and Shade also sat in the first row.

The lawyer appointed by the Duke before his death, and the uncle of Miss Carina, the oldest and most respected member of the Cavendish family, read the will together.

Even Xia De, who had nothing to do with the matter, could feel that the atmosphere at the scene had changed a lot. Except for the lawyer who read the will, almost everyone held their breath. Shade even believed that once the lawyer closed his mouth, he could hear a pin drop.

The old Duke had no right to dispose of the land corresponding to the title, but he “generously” left about a quarter of his private property and fixed assets to his son. The generosity here is definitely not ironic, because Shade heard Miss Carina say that she thought the old Duke would leave at most a tenth to his son.

The Duke’s property was quite generous, with one quarter left to his son, one quarter donated to the Peace Church, and the remaining half listed in detailed entries and distributed to his friends and relatives.

Among them, Miss Carina received three holiday estates. In addition to the estates, there were also a large number of private antiques and books. The old Duke had a very good relationship with his little sister.

The old Duke also left his king’s nephew the private collection of books and all the red wine cellars, and left Lesia some shares in the Delrayon National Steam Railway Company. Even Agelina, who had barely spoken to him because she was born too late, was given two sets of jewelry from the Duke’s wife’s collection.

It can be seen that everyone except Little Duke Rhodes is satisfied with this will. The priest of the Peace Church even said that he would keep a portrait oil painting of the old Duke in the local church to thank him for his generous donation.

At the end of the will reading, he was wandering around thinking about going to report to Miss Denister recently. Shade, who got clues from Laplace Howard’s collection of books, unexpectedly heard his name being mentioned. :

“Finally, I would like to give some of the medals in my collection to Shade S. Hamilton. The names and origins of the medals are shown in the appendix. I don’t know Red Jade’s Hamilton, but I have read about him in the newspaper. News, I have read his story in the book, this is the greatest pleasure I have had in the last stage of my life. I hope that Knight Hamilton can always walk with honor, and may the God of War and Peace bless him.”

Xia De, who had never thought that he could also receive an inheritance gift, didn’t know what to say for a moment.

The funeral ended after the will was read out. Shade said when he followed Miss Carina and left the church to board the carriage:

“The old Duke and I have never known each other, and he actually left something for me. I have begun to feel guilty because I was distracted at the funeral just now.”

“Don’t feel guilty, you are already a serious person attending the funeral.”

She took Shade’s hand and boarded the carriage, looking at the other side of Little Duke Rhodes who was returning to Yodel Palace with King Larousse III:

“This will will definitely cause a bigger disturbance. The new Duke will not be willing to let the family property be lost like this.”

“But this is his father’s will. Does he want to overturn the old Duke’s will? Oh, Tifa, good morning.”

Xia De greeted the maid in the carriage, who nodded slightly, with an expressionless face.

After sitting down, Miss Carina looked out the window and watched the people who had attended the funeral standing up and down the steps of the church talking:

“There can be some legal issues. It mainly depends on whether the young man can really be shameless. Funerals are obviously meant to say goodbye to those who have passed away, but they always bring trouble to the living. I hope my brother Be able to sleep peacefully, and don’t let these scandals disturb the peace after death.”

With the veil removed, that extremely beautiful face appeared in front of Shade again. Seeing Shade staring at her, the witch turned around and hugged his neck and kissed him:

“Thank you for coming to accompany me to the funeral. So, you are going to have your group meeting in the afternoon? Your birthday is tomorrow, can’t you take a break?”


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