The Legend of Bimeng: The wedge begins to move

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The wedge starts to move

In a desolate mountain range in the northern part of Yilan continent, the midday sun shines on the land covered with shrubs, making people feel the lazy spring breeze blowing gently. In the breeze, a cavalry team of about 200 people was walking leisurely. Baron Rank is the leader of this team. According to the custom of Yilan Continent, he is also called a hero and is leading his team to travel on the continent.

Of course, this is actually what he thinks, but in fact it is not the case at all. Real heroes cherish their feathers very much. Almost all of them come from noble families and take their family’s reputation very seriously. When they traveled on the mainland, they always did some good things, such as destroying the monsters that disturbed the villages, or killing evil creatures, etc. Through these battles, you can not only gain a good reputation, but also obtain valuable property. Once your reputation is enough, you will not only be favored by beautiful women, but you can even be rewarded by the king. Why not?

But Baron Ranke is not like this. His way of making money is to catch slaves. To be precise, he appears to be a respected hero, but in fact he is a notorious slave trader. At this time, he was in the hinterland of the Orc Kingdom, and he had just looted a large fox tribe three days ago, killed most of the people, and then took away all the young women who were specially captured alive. .

Baron Rank believed that because he did it very neatly and killed all the witnesses, it would take at least a few days before the orcs discovered the matter, and he should have left the orc kingdom by then.

Actually, this is not the first time something like this has happened. Baron Rank has come here several times to catch slaves. The people in the Orc Kingdom have long hated him, but there has been no good solution. However, it is no wonder that everyone is incompetent, the situation is really compelling!

You must know that the total area of ​​the Orc Kingdom is more than 7 million square kilometers, but the total population of the Orc Kingdom is only more than 10 million, with an average of less than two people per square kilometer. Moreover, the terrain in the Orc Kingdom is very complex, mostly mountains and hills, which is extremely suitable for sneaking into. In this case, not to mention 200 people coming in, even if 20,000 people come in, they may not be able to notice it?

In fact, in order to put an end to the intrusion of slave traders, the Orc Kingdom also made some arrangements. They arranged those powerful fighting races on the border and moved the races that were not good at fighting into the hinterland of the kingdom. This curbed the activities of human slave traders to a certain extent.

However, for Baron Rank, this arrangement is not very good, because his specialty is pathfinding. Baron Ranke was very knowledgeable about the choice of marching routes. He could always find unexpected paths for others to pass through, thereby bypassing the Orc Kingdom’s border guards. This was why he was able to enter the Orc Kingdom’s hinterland to plunder safely several times.

Just like this time, he successfully made a fortune again, a dozen beautiful fox slave girls, each worth two hundred gold coins, plus some animal skins and magic cores seized from the tribe, As well as a gemstone ring on the hand of the tribal leader, this harvest can reach almost five thousand gold coins. For Baron Rank, this is definitely a huge sum of money. The total investment of the 200 people he leads, including the people, horses, and equipment, is only 2,000 gold coins. The annual expenditure is only a few hundred gold coins.

However, for Baron Rank, how to sell the stolen goods is still a headache. After all, the relationship between the human kingdom and the orc kingdom is good, and each party has explicitly prohibited the sale of the other’s slaves. Of course, this is just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, whether it is a human noble or an orc leader, who does not have a few female slaves of the other race? Where do these female slaves come from? Isn’t it relying on slave traders for trafficking? When humans were plundering the orc kingdom, the so-called heroes of the orcs were also running rampant in the human-controlled areas. Everyone was the same.

So these female slaves can only be sold on the black market, and the black market is naturally not very safe. His last partner took his goods and ran away, making him almost bankrupt, so he must be careful this time. Just when Baron Rank was thinking about how to sell the stolen goods back home, his deputy Lottie suddenly ran over anxiously.

“Sir, is something bad?” Lottie said anxiously.

“What’s wrong?” Baron Rank asked in confusion.

“Our gryphon cavalry hasn’t come back yet, it’s already an hour late!” Lottie said worriedly: “Will something happen?”

When Baron Rank heard this, he immediately became excited. You know, even though he brought 200 soldiers, their combat effectiveness was not very strong. Half of them were ordinary spearmen. After a few months of training, they could not do it. Just a little better than farmers. There are no experts among the remaining people. The only ones who are good at it are more than 20 heavy armored infantry. It’s no problem for these people to bully the Fox tribe, but to face the fighting race among the orcs, it is tantamount to seeking death. Even a dozen warriors from the smallest tauren village can easily kill them all with a battle axe. Chop into pieces.

That’s why Baron Rank spent a lot of money to equip everyone with horses, so that they could escape when they had to encounter the enemy. As for the only griffin cavalry in that team, they were also the aerial scouts specially hired by Baron Rank in order to detect the opponent in advance. Generally speaking, the Griffin Cavalry flew back to report the situation at a specific time every time, and things that were one hour late never happened.

“Could it be that he was shot down?” Lottie guessed.

“Impossible. There is no orc air force or even an orc tribe nearby. This is a complete wasteland, with nothing but stones and grass. Even Warcraft is not rare. How can there be a force that threatens the Griffin Cavalry?” Ranke The baron shook his head.

Just when the two people were wondering, the ground suddenly began to shake slightly, as if a well-trained cavalry army was approaching. However, neither Lottie nor Baron Rank were stupid. They thought it was the cavalry coming. On the hilly terrain, it was impossible for the cavalry to move in such a neat pace. However, as that pace approached, they were soon shocked to see the owner of that pace.

On the top of the hill a hundred meters away from them, a huge head slowly rose up. It was a head with a **** mouth. The sharp teeth were at least a foot or two long, and the mouth was huge. One piece can definitely swallow a whole war horse. Although only one head was raised, the terrifying momentum had already scared everyone present to a standstill.

As the monster’s body reached the top of the hill, a terrifying monster with extremely muscular muscles appeared in front of everyone. Although it was on all fours like a gorilla, half crawling on the ground, even so its height was more than Ten meters. Its thick forearms are three meters thick, and its open forepaws have extremely sharp claws. No one doubts its power, even the giant dragon’s scales will be easily torn apart by this claw.

After reaching the top of the hill, it stopped, then opened its mouth and let out a huge roar. An almost visible sound wave was ejected from its mouth. Sand and rocks flew everywhere it passed, and the sound shook several times. inside. All the horses in Baron Rank’s team were so frightened that they fell to the ground and urinated. Such power shows the terror of the King of Beasts.

“Bi, bi, Beamon~” Baron Rank was already frightened and stuttered. Even if you have never seen this famous seventh-level unit, you can recognize it. Its terrifying legends are all based on a series of **** battles. This is a guy that even the dragon dare not easily provoke, so why does it suddenly appear here? What’s up? The 200 people in total are not enough for it to fill its teeth.

While Baron Rank was still shocked, some strange creatures appeared on both sides of the Behemoth. These were about twenty beauties with human heads and snake bodies. They wore well-made leather armor, and their six arms held knives, swords, shields, bows, guns and other different weapons. They looked murderous.

“Oh my god, six-armed naga!” Baron Rank almost wanted to die.

Naga, also known as the Snake Girl, is one of the most famous fighting races among the orcs. Nagas have only two arms when they are born. They will grow two more arms when they reach adulthood. Four-armed Nagas are the fifth-level upper-level arms. Most Nagas will remain in this form until they die. However, there are also a small number of Nagas who have successfully advanced through hard training and grown two more arms.

The six-armed Naga is a sixth-level military unit. Among the Naga tribe, they are also one of the elites among a thousand. Among the Naga tribe’s population of hundreds of thousands, there are only a few hundred six-armed Nagas. All of them are He is a noble among the Naga tribe. But 20 of them appeared out of thin air. This is incredible. What is going on?

Just when Baron Rank was puzzled, two more beautiful Naga women came out from behind. The one on the left has eight arms, while the one on the right actually has ten. They were all dressed very gorgeously, with gold and silver jewelry and various gemstones all over their bodies, shining brightly in the sunlight.

Baron Rank understood them all as soon as he saw them. Among the Nagas, there is only one person with ten arms. She is the legendary prophet Natasha, one of the three giants of the Orc Kingdom. In the Orc Kingdom, her The power may not be the greatest, but her status is the highest, even higher than the king. The current king is not as good as her, and he must bow to her first when meeting him.

As for the eight-armed naga beside her, she must be Natasha’s personal guard, Lilith. She and Natasha are inseparable and are called Natasha’s shadow. At this moment, she was playing with the head of a griffon. The blood on it had not yet dried. Baron Rank recognized it at a glance as the griffin he had sent out.

After figuring out the identities of the people in front of him, Baron Rank was so frightened that he almost lost his mind. He said to himself, no wonder his gryphon scouts didn’t come back, it turned out they met such a group of perverts! Even the dragons could only walk around when they saw them, let alone a small gryphon, which was not even qualified to escape.

“Damn human, how dare you come here, how brave you are!” Lilith sneered: “If we hadn’t seen this thing when we were passing by, you would have slipped away!” As she spoke, she threw the gryphon’s head to the ground.

When Baron Rank heard this, he wanted to slap himself in the mouth, thinking, damn, what kind of **** griffon should I buy? Not to mention spending so much money in vain, and attracting such a group of perverts, I said, the legendary prophet Natasha and her Behemoth alone can kill an army of 20,000 people, but I only have 200 people, how can I live like this? ah?

Natasha pointed at the **** Fox women on the horse and asked coldly, “Evil slave trader, do you have anything else to say?” Her voice was clear and sweet, but it was He is powerful without being angry, and has an aura unique to those in power.

If it weren’t for those female slaves, Baron Rank could still pretend that he was lost, but now that there are both human and physical evidence, what else can he say? The only thing he can do now is to surrender. So he quickly begged for mercy loudly: “I surrender! I am a noble, and I am willing to use double the ransom to redeem myself, no, three times, five times, ten times will do! Please, give me a chance?” ”

“I refuse!” Natasha said angrily: “Keep the money for you to buy a coffin. In the name of the prophet of the Orc Kingdom, I now sentence you to death. Kill me!” With that, Natasha A heavy wave of his hand.

Except for Natasha and Lilith, the other six-armed Nagas immediately shouted and killed Baron Rank and others.

“Roar!” As for the Behemoth, it squatted down heavily amidst the roar, and then jumped up suddenly. Beamon has extremely strong jumping ability. It can jump dozens of meters high and span hundreds of meters. It uses its huge tonnage to fall from the sky to kill. This is its favorite way of attack.

When Baron Rank saw this, he became desperate on the spot. Facing such a group of opponents, not only did they not have the qualifications to fight, they even had no possibility of escaping. Even the war horses might not be able to outrun the six-armed naga, let alone their The war horse was still crawling on the ground, unable to move at all. In this situation, Baron Rank had no other option but to wait for death. A deep sense of powerlessness filled his heart. At this time, he felt the mood of the weak races he plundered.

However, although Baron Rank was dumbfounded, his deputy Lottie was not willing to die. He only heard him yell, “The archers release arrows, and the others line up to meet the enemy! Oh~”

It’s a pity that after Lottie said this, a long arrow unique to the Naga tribe pierced her throat. The others were immediately frightened to death and no longer had the courage to fight. Almost all of them turned around and ran away. As a result, only a few sparse arrows shot at Behemoth who had just jumped up.

However, just when everyone thought that this battle would end easily, suddenly, a blue lightning suddenly struck down in the clear sky. This weird lightning hit the highest arrow ever shot by humans. Under the influence of the huge energy of lightning, this ordinary arrow underwent wonderful changes. First, the wooden arrow shaft turned directly into fly ash, and then , the metal arrowhead was filled with powerful energy. In just a moment, this ordinary iron arrowhead was tempered into hundreds of refined steel.

At the same time, the huge impact of the lightning itself also fully acted on the metal arrow, causing the speed of the arrow to reach the extreme in an instant. People only saw a flash of silver light, and the legendary prophet Natasha was struck by the lower abdomen. Severely injured. The arrow pierced the dragon skin armor on her lower abdomen and penetrated deeply.

Not only that, Behemoth who was in the air suddenly let out a scream, and then fell heavily to the ground. There was blood flowing between its legs. When people took a closer look, they discovered that it had a hole in one of its balls. Behemoth’s lower body was similar to that of a dog, half-retracted inside the body, with only a little exposed, but the little bit exposed caused Behemoth to be injured. Obviously, the arrow just passed through Beamon’s **** first and then hit Natasha.

Behemoth is the king of beasts after all. After being injured, it not only did not look cowardly, but became even more violent. It suddenly jumped forward, and then stretched out its huge right palm and struck hard He slapped Baron Ranke who was still in a daze.

Then a loud bang was heard. Baron Rank and the war horse lying on his crotch were beaten to pieces on the spot. His remaining torso and half of the war horse flew out a hundred or two hundred meters away, with a heavy blow. It hit a rock and clung to it so tightly, then slowly slid to the ground, completely turning into a pile of rotten flesh. This shows how terrifying the power of Behemoth is!

The other Naga warriors are also filled with grief and anger. As Natasha’s bodyguards, they have their master injured at the hands of such a group of stupid humans. Isn’t that a huge humiliation? So each one of them became fierce, and the various weapons in their hands danced like windmills, directing towards the humans. Anyone killed by them was chopped into several pieces. The humans who escaped were also shot to death by them and then cut into pieces. In just a few minutes, these two hundred people were all wiped out!

Next, the Nagas began to clean up the battlefield and rescue their fellow Fox tribe members. Natasha also began to treat herself and Beamon. As a legendary prophet, Natasha’s healing spells were naturally extremely powerful. A few flashes of green light healed Beamon’s and her own injuries, and even the arrow was forced out.

Natasha looked at the arrow in her hand curiously. She couldn’t figure out how such a piece of iron could have such great power. You know, whether it was Behemoth’s skin or Natasha’s dragon skin. Armor is extremely tough and can be slashed with ordinary swords without any damage. How come it was penetrated by such an arrow so easily? And what’s going on with that weird blue lightning?

With this question in mind, Natasha and her party embarked on their journey again. As time went by, Natasha quickly forgot about this incident. No one, including herself, knew that in this incident, a demon from another world successfully came here and caused chaos later. The seeds of the entire Yilan Continent were thus laid.



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