The Legend of Bimeng: Section 539 Investigation

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Section 539 Investigation

A few days later, Lao Xie successfully received the supplies from the third prince, no matter what, exactly according to Lao Xie’s order. Of course, the reputation of the two sword masters was involved, but it was also related to the third prince’s worry about Lao Xie causing trouble.

You know, the involvement in this warehouse theft case is really too big. Although the third prince tried his best to cover it up, in a shabby place like the imperial capital, how can there be an airtight wall? Especially those boring ladies who like to spread all kinds of gossip. As long as one of them knows something, it means that the entire imperial capital knows. So in just one night, almost all the nobles and nobles in the entire imperial capital got the news, and it was also extremely detailed. Not only did they know that the two sword masters and Little Stephen had uncovered the matter, but they also knew that the third prince almost used pleading to get Little Stephen and others to remain silent.

In this way, anyone with a little bit of brains would deduce that this matter was related to the third prince. Most people definitely thought that the third prince did this. Although these nobles didn’t have many good things, and almost everyone was a little corrupt in private, they were still extremely shocked, and even a little angry, that the third prince dared to embezzle the entire military supplies warehouse. Because they are not stupid either, they all know that this matter will have a very bad impact on the Griffin Kingdom’s army. On this continent, without strong military support, national security cannot be guaranteed, and nobles like them may be completely destroyed in the chaos of war. Therefore, they are still extremely taboo about such things that may cause catastrophe to themselves. of.

Some mature and prudent ministers have made suggestions to His Majesty, demanding that the matter be dealt with seriously and the stolen goods be recovered as soon as possible.

In fact, the emperor is not a fool. He knows the seriousness of this matter without these people reminding him. In fact, he just got the news. He was so angry that he overturned the table on the spot. You know, the total contents of that warehouse are worth millions of gold coins. It’s gone all of a sudden, who would feel bad if it were replaced?

Moreover, this is not just a matter of gold coins, but also related to national security! You know, there’s a lot in it. It can’t all be put together in a short while. For example, if you want to assemble enough food to feed an army of 100,000 people for 10 months, it would normally take at least two years to accumulate it. Temporary conscription can easily lead to civil unrest. There are also weapons and armors, which take time to build, especially large-scale war equipment. The inventory in the warehouse has been accumulated for many years to reach a scale. But now that all these important supplies are gone, what if the Burning Legion breaks through the frontline obstruction and reaches the imperial capital. What can the emperor do to resist?

When he thought about this serious consequence, and when he thought that the frontline commander was Catherine who had no war experience, the emperor’s head almost exploded. Especially when he later learned that the military supplies for the front line had been secretly detained by the Third Prince, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood! My heart said, what does this idiot son want to do? It is also a hindrance to the front line. After draining the defense force from the rear, does he want the Burning Legion to destroy the Griffin Kingdom?

Thinking of this, the emperor’s anger could no longer be suppressed, and he stood up in front of a group of ministers for the first time. He slapped the third prince hard, then imprisoned him directly, and asked the royal spies to investigate the matter.

The efficiency of the royal secret agents is still very satisfactory to His Majesty, and the investigation results were produced in just two or three days. In fact, this is not because they are powerful, but because the people below have been frightened out of their wits. Even the third prince has been detained. How can they still have the courage to fight against the state machine? So I told him everything honestly right away without any punishment.

After the emperor got the report. After two glances, he became very angry. It clearly stated that the third prince and his men had embezzled a lot of supplies. Looking at the long list, the emperor felt his head spin, and he almost fainted on the spot. .

According to the investigation report of the royal spy, during the years when the third prince was responsible for managing the warehouse, he always drew three out of ten when purchasing goods, which means he embezzled 30% of the total amount. These 30% of supplies are simply not as good as warehouses. He was directly transferred to his manor by the third prince. And his subordinates secretly divided up another 20-30% of the supplies in the warehouse by exchanging old ones for new ones. This is why there are so many junk items in warehouses. In other words, after the efforts of the third prince and his men, the huge military supply warehouse had been half emptied, and Lao Xie had only taken the other half after working hard for so many days.

It is conceivable that the emperor would be in a bad mood when he saw this report. Although he had a premonition, when he actually saw it, he was still so angry that he almost burst into tears.

After finally calming down, the emperor took a closer look, then frowned and said: “Strange, why is there only a place for 50% of the supplies? Where is the other half?”

“The other half is missing!” the leader of the Royal Secret Service said with a cold sweat.

“I don’t know?” The emperor’s eyebrows immediately stood up, and he couldn’t help but said angrily: “Then what do I need from you idiots?”

“Your Majesty, forgive me!” The spy leader was so frightened that he quickly knelt down to apologize.

“Humph!” The emperor snorted coldly, and then said: “Tell me, what is going on?”

“Yes!” the spy leader hurriedly agreed, and then explained helplessly: “According to those guarding the warehouse, the warehouse was indeed robbed on the front line, and two or three warehouse supplies were stolen each time. , no matter how they guard, there is nothing they can do!”

“Do you believe such a simple lie?” the emperor immediately said angrily.

“My subordinates didn’t believe it at first, but then we interrogated dozens of officials, large and small, and hundreds of officers guarding the place, and they all said so unanimously. My subordinates carefully checked their testimonies, and all the officers The details are all consistent, obviously, they are not lying!” the spy leader explained hurriedly.

“What? You’re not lying?” The emperor was startled and said hurriedly: “Then what do you think is going on? I really can’t imagine anyone who could steal such a thing under the eyes of thousands of people. Lots of supplies! ”

“My subordinates have also thought about it carefully. I think that if we can do this in front of everyone, there may be only two situations!” The spy leader explained: “The first one is that there is a person with a large number of people. A master of space rings! Only in this way can he take away so many supplies quietly.”

“But this is too ridiculous, isn’t it?” The emperor immediately smiled bitterly and said: “Can space rings be easily obtained in large quantities? You know, even I, the king of a country, don’t have even a single space ring. Even in the entire continent After all, there are only a few people who can get a large number of space rings, and only the Elf King can, but with his status, he will not be able to steal a mere military warehouse, right?”

“Yes! My subordinates think so too!” The secret agent leader said hurriedly: “If this is not the case, I am afraid that only the second explanation is reasonable!”

“What’s going on?” the emperor asked hurriedly.

“To put it bluntly, it was the insider who took action, but the insider was smarter and could hide it from all the guards at once!” the spy leader explained.

“Are there such clever thieves? How could they steal so many things under the eyes of thousands of people?” the emperor asked hurriedly.

“To do this, first of all, we need to have insiders who are familiar with the warehouse situation, so that the thieves can easily knock down the guards with hallucinogens, and secondly, we need the help of a large number of experts!” The spy leader solemnly said: “If there is Some mages can apply levitation to the materials, and if dozens of master warriors are responsible for transporting them, two or three warehouses can be emptied.”

“That’s right!” When the emperor heard this, his eyes immediately lit up and he said: “The mage’s floating technique can make batches of supplies fly up, and then let a few warriors with nimble hands and feet push them away. Naturally, they will be gone quickly. It’s done!”

“But~” the emperor suddenly frowned again and said: “A mage who can use the floating technique to take away so many supplies is also an intermediate mage. And the mages in the empire are more arrogant than the other. Asking them to become thieves, this is possible ”

“Ordinary people can’t, but some big shots can still instruct them to do this!” the spy leader said hurriedly.

“Oh~” The emperor was stunned for a moment, and then asked: “Who do you think these people are?”

“Of course you can, it goes without saying. In addition, Lord Lightning Magic Saint, as the leader of the Royal Magic Group, it is obviously easy to assign a few spells to do this!” The spy leader continued: ” There is also the patriarch of the Hercules family. Their family has some connections with the elves, so there are several half-elf mages serving in his family.”

“But it’s impossible for the people you mentioned to steal military supplies, right?” The emperor frowned.

“Yes, both the Stephen family and the Hercules family have been passed down for hundreds of years, and their family wealth is extremely rich. Especially recently, they have acquired two rich cities from the White Bird Principality. I don’t know how many families there are. If you have money, there is no need to steal the military warehouse!” the spy leader said calmly.

“Then what you said is all nonsense, isn’t it?” The emperor immediately said angrily.

“This~” the spy leader hesitated for a moment, and finally said cruelly: “Your Majesty, there is another person who has the ability to order the mage to become a thief, and he is also very familiar with the situation in the warehouse!”

“Huh?” The emperor was startled, and then he realized: “Are you talking about the third prince? He does have this ability, but if he wants to embezzle, he can do it more secretly, so why does he have to do it secretly? What to do?”

“Of course he doesn’t want this matter to be exposed, so those who guard the warehouse must also hide it!” the spy leader said boldly.

“Oh? Why is this?” The emperor said in confusion: “I still can’t figure out why he is so crazy!”


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