The Legend of Bimeng: Section 533 Ward Round 1

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Section 533 Ward Round 1

“You guy!” When the Gale Sword Master heard Lao Xie’s words, he immediately couldn’t laugh or cry. Then he threatened: “I said, are you too stingy? Are you careful that I won’t care about your business in the future?”

“It doesn’t matter!” Lao Xie said with a smile: “If you don’t care, I will let Vivian find you!”

“You~” Gale Wind Sword Master was speechless immediately, and could only shake his head and complain with a bitter smile: “Really, why should I get involved with myself after losing my daughter?”

“There is no way, pity the hearts of parents in the world!” Lao Xie said proudly.

“Tch, look how proud you are!” Gale Wind Sword Master rolled his eyes at him helplessly, and then suddenly his face straightened, and he said solemnly: “By the way, I suddenly remembered something, supposedly this Cassia can be considered a People over there, why haven’t these provisions been distributed even after he took office? Aren’t they all in the same group? Why would this happen?”

The Gale Sword Master doesn’t know the reason, but Lao Xie is from Menqing. The reason is simple. When Cassia was about to set off and asked for supplies from the warehouse, the warehouse happened to be stolen for the first time. In order to make up for this gap, the people in the warehouse had to dispatch supplies from various places, so they temporarily requisitioned the supplies for Cassia. Since they were all in the same group, Cassia could not intimidate them too much. In addition, the people in the warehouse cursed and swore that the supplies would be shipped there soon, so Cassia did not bring the supplies to the front line. As a result, the situation in the imperial capital suddenly changed and Catherine came to power again, so the supply matter was completely ruined.

Lao Xie knew the reason, but it was impossible to tell the Gale Sword Master, so he just smiled and said: “Maybe they are fighting among themselves!”

“Internal strife? How is this possible?” Gale Wind Sword Master immediately asked in confusion, “With the Third Prince here, we wouldn’t let them get into such trouble? Besides, they are not on the same level at all, are they? Cassia If you want supplies, those little guys in charge of the warehouse dare to say no?”

“Why don’t you dare?” At this time, the heavy-armored sword master suddenly walked in angrily and grabbed a person. Then he threw the guy to the ground fiercely and said angrily: “Not only Cassia can’t do it, but even when I ask him for supplies, he says he doesn’t have any!”

The Gale Sword Master was stunned for a moment and quickly looked down. On the ground was a middle-aged general wearing a crisp military uniform. He knew Stanford, the landowner who was officially in charge of military supplies. This guy is a direct descendant of the third prince. To be more precise, he was the father of a concubine of the third prince. He relied on his beautiful daughter to rise to power. The Third Prince is his absolute supporter, so he obeys the Third Prince’s words, even more obedient than a pet dog.

At this time, this chubby guy was getting up from the ground in embarrassment. Although he had practiced, his strength was low. In the hands of the heavily armored sword master, he was as helpless as the little white rabbit in the mouth of the big bad wolf. The heavy-armored sword master threw him just now, almost breaking his bones.

“Ha!” Gale Sword Master said in a funny tone, “Stanford, two military commanders asked you for military supplies, and you dared to say that you don’t have any? You are really talented!”

“No!” Stanford hurriedly got up and explained: “Yes. It’s really not!”

“Hey!” The Gale Sword Master and the Heavy Armor Sword Master sneered almost at the same time.

Then the Gale Sword Master curled his lips and said, “The Imperial City Military Supplies Warehouse is responsible for the supplies of hundreds of thousands of Imperial City garrison troops. In addition, there are also some other supplies that are to be sent to the main legions. How much is in it? Do you think we all have it? Don’t you know?”

“If you don’t even know this, then we, the two military commanders, can both die!” The heavy-armored sword master said maliciously: “Boy, you have only been working in the military for a few years. ? You dare to play tricks in front of the two of us? Do you know how to write the word ‘death’?”

“No~” Stanford was so anxious that he almost burst into tears. He kept shaking his hands and said, “I really don’t mean to play tricks. In the warehouse, the old and new supplies are being rotated. There really is no extra supplies. La! ”

“Bullshit!” The Heavy Armor Sword Master immediately said angrily: “There are so many supplies, and the old and new are rotated every day. What does this have to do with the lack of supplies? Do you think we are all laymen?”

“The reason why a material warehouse is established is so that materials can be allocated from it at any time to cope with emergencies!” Gale Sword Master also said angrily: “This is the most basic common sense, but now I have to use materials. But you told me no? Boy, do you want to play tricks on us?”

“No, no, how dare I?” Stanford said anxiously: “But, there is really nothing in it!”

“No?” The heavy-armored sword master then said with a ferocious smile: “Okay. Then I will take you to see it now. If there are no supplies, I will kowtow to you to apologize. If there are, humph, I will **** smoke Damn you!” As he said that, he grabbed Stanford like a chicken and walked out.

“That’s fine!” Gale Sword Master also stood up and said: “Since this **** became the quartermaster, we haven’t inspected the warehouse for a long time. Let’s make a surprise inspection today!”

After speaking, he turned his face and smiled at Lao Xie: “How about it? Do you want to go and see it together?”

“Okay!” Laoxie immediately said with a smile: “I have known for a long time that there is a huge warehouse in the imperial capital, but I have never seen it. It would be good to go and take a look today!” With that, Laoxie followed the Gale Sword Master. We walked out together behind us.

When the Gale Sword Master and Lao Xie came out, they found that the Heavy Armor Sword Master had already mounted his mount, still holding Stanford in his hand. Apparently the heavy-armored swordsman was so angry with Stanford that he just grabbed Stanford and walked away.

Poor Stanford was caught in the hands of the heavy-armored sword master. He watched the ground fly past his eyes. The strong wind blowing in front of him caused his hair to fly around and his hat to fly off. He was so frightened that he screamed and begged the heavy-armored sword master to stop, but unfortunately he was ignored at all.

When the Gale Sword Master saw this, he just shook his head with a wry smile, took the reins sent by his men, mounted his horse and chased after him. Lao Xie was too embarrassed to ride in a carriage, so he used a horse guarded by the Swift Wind Sword Master and set off with a group of guards.

So a group of people galloping on horseback appeared on the streets of the imperial capital. The heavily armored swordsman took the lead, holding a howling officer in his hand. People who saw this scene along the way couldn’t help but widen their eyes, wondering what kind of trick this was.

Of course, being so ostentatious can easily be discovered by interested parties. After several seemingly idle personnel recognized the identity of the heavy-armored sword master and the Stanford in his hand, their expressions immediately changed and they hurried back to report the situation to their master.

Of course the Heavy Armored Sword Master was unaware of this, and even if he knew, he wouldn’t care. After running wildly for nearly an hour, the group finally arrived at the important place where the military supplies warehouse was located.

As soon as he entered the gate, the heavily armored swordsman threw the frightened Stanford to the ground, then dismounted and looked around. I saw this large warehouse full of guard sergeants. There were more than a dozen people guarding each warehouse, and there were more than a hundred large warehouses here. In other words, during the day alone, there were thousands of people standing guard. Moreover, each of these people had solemn expressions and wide-eyed eyes, and they looked like they were guarding seriously.

Seeing this, the heavy armored sword master’s original anger finally dissipated a little, and he couldn’t help but nodded and said: “Yes, the guards here are quite decent. It seems that you are very attentive!”

Lao Xie, who followed me later, burst out laughing when he heard this. He thought to himself, “Of course you are serious now. You are afraid of being cheated by me. How dare you not be serious?” But what amused Lao Xie the most was that in the past, everyone here was extremely lazy. Especially on the day when Lao Xie came for the first time, there were only about ten guards in the entire warehouse. There are more than a hundred warehouses, and they are all sleeping. Isn’t this a joke? But now that the warehouses here are empty, they have become serious, but what’s the use of being serious? Could it be that thieves can still come and steal the air?

Of course, Lao Xie couldn’t say these words, so he pretended to follow: “Well, with such strict guards, the warehouse must be extremely safe! There is absolutely no possibility of theft!”

“Humph, not necessarily!” Sword Master Gale sneered: “Outside thieves are nothing. No matter how powerful they are, how much can a few people steal? What is really scary are domestic thieves!” Obviously, he is an understanding person. , knowing that these guys guarding the warehouse must be corrupt.

After hearing this, the heavy-armored swordsman nodded in agreement, and then said: “Indeed! House thieves are the most terrifying! By the way, that Stanford, go and open the warehouse, I want to check today , see if there is anything I want inside! ”

Stanford didn’t say a word, he just kept shaking. His face was as pale as a zombie, and it seemed that all the strength in his body had disappeared.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?” The heavy-armored sword master couldn’t help but asked strangely when he saw this.

He didn’t know the whole story, but Lao Xie knew that Stanford was clearly frightened. You know, if such a big case broke out, the consequences would be more than he could handle with his head. !

At this time, other officials in the warehouse also appeared one after another. The leading guys were also pale and trembling. Two of them could not even stand and sat down on the ground.

The Gale Sword Master is a shrewd man. He saw something was wrong at a glance. He immediately frowned and asked loudly: “Are you all deaf? Didn’t you hear the commander order you to open the warehouse?”

“I’m sorry, sir!” One of them seemed to have recovered, and hurriedly stood up and said: “I didn’t know that you two were here, so I missed the welcome. Please forgive me!”

“Stop talking nonsense to me!” The Heavy Armored Sword Master immediately said angrily: “We are here to check the warehouse today, open it for me immediately!”

“Check the warehouse?” The guy pretended to be stupid and said: “Okay, why do you need to check the warehouse?”


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