The Legend of Bimeng: Section 3: Meeting strangers

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Section 3: Meeting strangers

However, no matter how much Lao Xie complained about God’s arrangement, he could not change the fact that he had become a baby, and he was abandoned again. The only difference is that last time he was thrown into the ice and snow and almost froze to death, but this time he was thrown into the river and drifted with the current, not knowing what his future fate would be.

“Well, now that it’s here, let’s make peace with it!” Lao Xie had no choice but to comfort himself.

Shortly after being thrown into the river, Lao Xie began to look inside in order to fully understand his strange body. After a careful inspection, Lao Xie almost wanted to yell in excitement. Voice. But it turned out that he found that the height of the bones of this body was simply unbelievable.

Actually, Lao Xie’s bones were pretty good in his last life, and he was a rare talent that could only be seen in a thousand years. However, compared with this body, he was far behind! If Lao Xie’s base in his previous life was ten, then his base in this life would definitely exceed ten thousand. Where is the human body here? Even an elephant can’t compare?

In fact, Lao Xie didn’t know something. His body was really much stronger than an elephant’s! Speaking of which, this so-called root bone actually refers to physical fitness, which is directly related to bloodline, just like the physical fitness of elephants is definitely higher than that of humans. And Lao Xie’s bloodline is an ancient behemoth that is countless times more powerful than an elephant, Behemoth!

It turns out that Natasha was able to become pregnant entirely because of the attack that day. The arrow that hit Natasha’s lower abdomen first penetrated Beamon’s **** before hitting Natasha. When the arrow passed through the Beamon egg, it carried a small amount of Beamon sperm. After being injected into Natasha’s body, it caused Natasha’s pregnancy. So Lao Xie’s father is actually a Behemoth beast. How can Lao Xie, who has Behemoth blood, not have high physical fitness?

This surprising discovery made Lao Xie shake off the decadence he felt when he was thrown away, and he began to gradually become excited. You must know that to become a master, you must look at talent, and talent is mainly divided into two aspects, basic skills and understanding. The understanding refers to wisdom, and both are indispensable. Without a good foundation, it means that a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice, and no matter how smart a person is, he cannot practice magical skills. And if there is no understanding, of course an idiot cannot become a master no matter how strong he is.

Obviously there is no need to mention Lao Xie’s wisdom. After all, Lao Xie’s soul is still the same as before, and his wisdom has not changed at all. He is definitely extremely intelligent. Coupled with his almost perverted nature, it is already destined that Lao Xie will still have the ability to conquer everything in this life. As long as he has strength, what else can he fear? Thinking of this, Lao Xie immediately put aside his distracting thoughts and began his first foundation-building practice since arriving at this time.

By the way, the technique that Lao Xie practices is incredible, called the Yin and Yang Double Xiu method. However, despite its name, it actually has little to do with the kind of duality between men and women. This set of exercises was created by Lao Xie by combining two magical skills. It emphasizes the external training of the physical body, the internal training of the soul, and the internal and external cultivation.

The original name of the method of external body refining is “Jade Refining Art”. Legend has it that it was created by Chi You. It focuses on absorbing the most powerful and yang essences in the world to make the body as strong as a magic weapon. It is said that, When he reaches the extreme level, his physical strength alone can withstand heavenly tribulations. He is truly indestructible. Coupled with the abnormal power he has cultivated, he is absolutely indestructible!

As for the technique of internally refining the soul, it was originally called “Bu Tian Jin”. Legend has it that it was created by Emperor Xuanyuan. It focused on absorbing all kinds of yin and soft essences in the world, training the soul to be extremely strong, and then performing It is said that once you practice it to the extreme, you will not only be invincible with all kinds of feminine spells, but you can also control space and even time! This is simply the power that only gods can possess!

Back then, with the help of various geniuses and treasures, Lao Xie had developed his external skills to an astonishing level. His physical strength was no worse than the advanced flying sword magic weapon. Once, Lao Xie was plotted with a hydrogen bomb, and the nuclear explosion that destroyed an entire city only slightly injured him. From then on, no one dared to plot against him anymore, and everyone called him the Immortal Strongman behind his back!

As for the internally refined soul, although Lao Xie did not realize the last stage of controlling time, he could already control space. When he fights an enemy, he usually controls space so that he comes directly to the opponent, and then punches to break all the opponent’s protection and body. Basically, there are very few people who can catch his punch, because all the space is blocked by Lao Xie, and the opponent cannot escape even if he wants to. As for the result of a hard attack, he will naturally be defeated by his tyrannical punch. The iron fist was shattered on the spot. That is to say, with these two magical skills, Lao Xie can conquer the world and become invincible.

After this rebirth, the old evil soul is still there, and the skills are also there, but the aura is extremely weak and needs to be practiced again. Under such circumstances, Lao Xie would certainly not easily give up his magical power that once dominated the world. As for the set of exercises his mother gave him, Lao Xie hasn’t quite understood it yet. Maybe he can practice it occasionally in his spare time, but he will never take it seriously. After all, Lao Xie can see that his mother’s strength is Although he can definitely be regarded as a top expert, he is quite inferior to Lao Xie back in the day!

Thinking of this, Lao Xie did not hesitate and immediately began to practice meditation. As Lao Xie began to use the remaining Xuanyin Qi in his soul, a dark aura gradually enveloped him. If anyone was watching by the river at this time, they would definitely be surprised to find that the cradle on the river was gone, and instead there was a moving black mist. A powerful coercion surged out from the black mist. The fish, shrimps and even crocodiles in the river were frightened and fled far away, not daring to get close at all.

I don’t know how long it took before Lao Xie finally gave up. At this time, he had some exquisite colorful tattoos on his body, including the white tiger on the chest, the Xuanwu on the back, the green dragon on the left arm, and the suzaku on the right arm. The last two tattoos were on both of his thick arms. This is no ordinary tattoo. It is actually the most basic four-image formation in Lao Xie’s “Jade Refining Technique”. The biggest feature of “Jade Refining Technique” is that the formation is engraved on the body in the form of tattoos, thereby greatly increasing the various attributes of the body, just like refining a magic weapon.

For example, in this most basic four-image array, the white tiger can increase the strength and strength of the body, the black dragon can increase defense and recovery, the green dragon can increase agility, and the red bird can increase destructive power. As Lao Xie’s skill increases, just these four formations can increase his physical fitness several times. Other formations can be added in the future. How heavy it can be in the end, Lao Xie himself doesn’t know. It’s about There is no limit!

At this moment, Lao Xie suddenly felt a little hungry. Come to think of it, he had never had a single meal of milk since he was born. Maybe several days have passed since this period of cultivation. It would be strange if you are not hungry! But now he didn’t have the energy to find something to eat by himself, so he had to start sleeping depressedly to kill the hunger in his stomach.

When Lao Xie woke up from his daze again, he suddenly found that there were several strangely dressed humans in front of him. This is definitely a human being, the same human being as Lao Xie’s previous life, except that their body shape and skin color look a bit European, especially their yellow hair and blue eyes.

For the first time, Lao Xie saw a human being who was relatively close to him. He couldn’t help but feel a little excited, thinking that he was saved. But unfortunately, as soon as he heard their conversation, all that excitement turned into anger.

“What is this thing?” asked a guy with a sinister eyebrow. Lao Xie cursed in his heart, “Damn it, how dare you call me a ‘thing’?” When I grow up, I will kill you! ’


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