The Legend of Bimeng: Section 2: Got thrown again

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Thrown away again in the second quarter

However, if you think about it carefully, this is normal. In modern society, the sky is full of satellites. How can the scene of crazy thunder with a radius of hundreds of miles like the catastrophe be hidden from others? Moreover, in the dark Antarctic night, these countless silver snakes were as eye-catching as searchlights, so they were easily found. So not long after Lao Xie’s catastrophe started, the boss’s enemies came looking for him. The original mortal enemies, the Holy See and vampires in the West, and the demonic path and the righteous path in the East, have now become comrades fighting side by side.

Although Lao Xie is fierce enough to die, facing thousands of masters from various factions, he can only dodge. However, in normal times, he would naturally leave whenever he wanted. These people couldn’t even touch his human hair, but that was not possible now. After all, he still had the calamity on his head. This was no joke. Lao Xie had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight with them. After the two sides fought hard for three days and three nights, Lao Xie finally couldn’t hold on any longer. He was seriously injured before the last powerful thunderbolt struck down. , dying, Lao Xie had no choice but to use the art of reincarnation, giving up his body and all his cultivation, and reincarnated.

Just when his spell was just cast, the strongest and most severe thunder struck down. In a daze, Lao Xie felt that his soul was floating and floating, and finally came to this bird. place.

Looking at Lao Xie’s life, it can be said that he is galloping around the world, invincible, doing whatever he wants, and having no taboos. That is absolutely brilliant! He has played with countless beautiful and prestigious women, and killed countless powerful masters in the world. He dared to beat the most powerful Pope, and beat the most evil Thirteen Secret Vampires until they knelt down and begged for mercy. The righteous master with the most sense of justice was frightened by Lao Xie and did not dare to meet him at all. Even the most perverted evil sect would have to kneel down and call him “ancestor” when he saw him. It can be said that when Lao Xie was alive, it was the darkest moment for all superpower masters in the world. In front of the unparalleled domineering Lao Xie, all the masters lost their dignity. They could either live humbly or die in a majestic battle. There was no other choice.

After four hundred years of this kind of life, Lao Xie was even a little tired, so after this reincarnation, he not only showed no signs of discouragement, but also felt a sense of relief and relief. He didn’t even hate those who killed him, because they were the victims. Lao Xie understood that those who came out to fool around would have to pay back sooner or later, and this was how he was paying back to them.

Now, looking at his mother who is filled with the divine glory of motherhood, Lao Xie, who has never enjoyed maternal love, suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. At this moment, his heart was filled with a feeling of happiness. This feeling was so wonderful that he was immersed in it and couldn’t extricate himself for a long time. Compared with this feeling, those beautiful women, drinking wine, and dominating the world seem to be nothing.

Lao Xie couldn’t help but secretly swear in his heart: “By the gods, Lao Xie is reincarnated this time. Although his appearance is still abnormal, as long as I have a mother, I can enjoy the maternal love in the world.” , I vowed to be a good person in this life! ’

However, Natasha’s next words made Lao Xie burst into tears on the spot. Just listen to Natasha’s sad words: “Lilith, clean up and throw him away!”

Even though Lao Xie, who was so tyrannical and invincible in the world, couldn’t restrain his grief and anger when he heard that his biological mother was about to abandon him again, his tears flowed down like a waterfall, and his four little hands clenched tightly. He clenched his fists and his veins were exposed.

“Ah!” Lilith was immediately surprised after hearing this, and said quickly: “Miss, no! If it doesn’t work, just tell the public that I gave birth to her, okay?”

“No!” Natasha said painfully: “Others will see it. My own reputation is actually nothing, but my identity is here. I can’t let the entire orc kingdom be ashamed of me!”

“But, miss, look, this child is actually crying. He has been smiling just now, but when you talked about him, he cried. Look!” Lilith said hurriedly: “He must be a god. You cannot do this to your child!”

“Lilith, as a legendary prophet, I’m afraid there will never be anyone closer to the gods than me. If the gods bless me, wouldn’t I know?” Natasha said helplessly: ” He just happened to do it!”

As she said that, she picked up Lao Xie with her own hands. Seeing Lao Xie’s sad and angry look, she felt extremely uncomfortable, so she said to Lao Xie sadly: “My child, mother knows that you have an extraordinary origin. When mother was pregnant with you, , I felt a majestic aura coming from your body, which even helped my mother to improve her strength a lot. However, my mother can only be sorry for you this time. Who told my mother to involve the country’s image? If possible, mom is even willing to use her life to compensate you, but now, mom must abandon you, my child, mom, please forgive me, okay?”

Hearing his mother’s heartbreaking plea, for some reason, the grief and anger in Lao Xie’s heart suddenly disappeared. His face gradually returned to calmness, and his clenched fists gradually relaxed, but the faint sadness on his face became more intense!

Seeing Lao Xie behave like this, Natasha couldn’t help but feel heartbroken. She hugged Lao Xie tightly and cried non-stop. However, Natasha is a strong woman after all, so she quickly put away her feelings, and then gently put Lao Xie into the cradle, clasped her ten arms in front of her chest, and muttered something, and then, a majestic magic wave appeared. came from her body. Lao Xie frowned, and he could immediately feel that she was casting a very powerful spell. When the body was still weak after childbirth, it was unwise to release such a powerful spell, which would cause great harm to the body. With Natasha’s knowledge, it was impossible not to know, but what on earth was she going to do?

Just when Lao Xie was confused, a faint green light suddenly shot out from Natasha’s eyebrows, hitting Lao Xie’s eyebrows. Then, countless complex and confusing information was transmitted into Lao Xie’s mind. Lao Xie made a little distinction and immediately knew that it was just a set of alien exercises. However, it turned out that in order to make up for her own mistakes, her mother even sacrificed her body and left Lao Xie with a basis for self-protection in the future. , it can be said that it is really painstaking.


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