The Legend of Bimeng: Section 1: The Devil is Born

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The devil is born in the first section

Time flies by, and years fly by.

One year later, late at night

In the Orc Kingdom, Natasha’s secret villa.

Natasha was half lying on the bed, and Lilith was standing alone on the side. The two looked very solemn, and they were both staring at a basket on the bed. There was a newly born baby in it. Born in the previous life.

It turns out that since Natasha was injured last time, she was surprised to find that she was pregnant. This discovery caught her off guard and was a little baffling at the same time. You know, Natasha has been so outstanding in her life that almost any male can’t help but feel inferior when facing her, but she has her eyes set high, she is clean and self-sufficient, and she usually devotes her time to hard practice in order to achieve her goals. As for still being a virgin. How can a virgin get pregnant? This result was really hard for Natasha to accept.

However, no matter what she thinks, pregnancy is pregnancy. This is an ironclad fact, and she cannot deny it even if she wants to. Originally, given Natasha’s status, giving birth to a child was a very important, even sacred matter. Because this child will definitely inherit Natasha’s status in the future. Even if he doesn’t know anything, he can still rely on Natasha’s huge connections to become a pivotal figure in the orc kingdom. Besides, how could he accomplish nothing if he has the bloodline of a legendary prophet?

So, if word spreads about Natasha giving birth, not only will the Orc Kingdom pay great attention to it, but even the entire continent will cause a huge shock, and all of this is due to Natasha’s power. Influence.

But Natasha concealed such an important matter, and quietly took Lilith to this border area far away from the capital of the Orc Kingdom in the name of seclusion. Because the origin of this child was so weird, Natasha instinctively felt that the matter was not that simple, so she planned to decide whether it should be announced after the child was born.

Sure enough, it turned out that Natasha’s worry was very necessary, because the child she gave birth to was really weird. How should I put it, this child doesn’t look much like a Naga, but rather resembles a human being.

Just looking at his head, his face looked mature and resolute, not like a newly born baby, but like a weathered wise man, but this was still reasonable. But it doesn’t work when you look down. You can see that he was born with four arms, a pair of long legs, and a long tail.

Even his four arms are different. The two upper arms are almost the same as those of Naga children. They are both slender but powerful arms, white and tender, and they look very cute. But his two lower arms were surprisingly thick, more than twice as thick as the upper arms. Instead of flat nails, the fingertips had sharp claws. Moreover, his arms will grow longer. If he stood up straight, his upper arm could touch his knees, but his lower arm could touch the soles of his feet. You know, his two arms on the same side share the same shoulder. The length of this arm is almost as long as that of an orangutan.

In addition, the lower arms are covered with dense short fine hairs. These hairs are very fine and tough, like armor worn on the body, which is a very good protection. It’s a pity that these hairs are very gray in color and look very unsightly.

The last thing worth mentioning is its tail. This tail grows on the buttocks and is in the same position as a monkey’s tail, but its shape is exactly like a Naga’s snake tail. Not only is it hard and tough, but it’s also covered in tiny scales. It’s almost one meter long, longer than his height!

Natasha has never seen such a monster in her two hundred years of life! If this is taken out and said to be born by her, the legendary prophet Natasha, then the orc kingdom will be in chaos? The whole continent will laugh at her because of this, and the face of the orc kingdom will be completely lost. How will she see anyone in the future? That’s why Natasha and Lottie are worried here.

As for the little guy, he didn’t cry or fuss, he just stared curiously at his ten-armed mother with his **** eyes. At the same time, he sighed in his heart, “Hey, old evil, I opened my eyes today and saw such a wonderful monster, and she is also my biological mother, haha, this is so **** interesting.” ’

Speaking of which, is it too much to say that a little guy who has just been born has such complex thoughts? In fact, to put it bluntly, it’s not surprising at all, because this guy came through time.

It turns out that this person’s surname was Xie, his given name was Xie, and his courtesy name was Wuwei. He was from the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. Because when he was born, his left eye was more than three circles larger than his right eye. One looked like a bull’s eye and the other looked like a mung bean. It was so scary that even his mother-in-law was scared to death, so he was immediately abandoned by his family. . Fortunately, Lao Xie’s fate should not have been cut off, and he was saved by a childless teacher. It was this old gentleman who gave him his name.

Because Lao Xie’s appearance was too shocking, he was bullied by others in his childhood and developed his cynical temperament. Although Lao Xie is ugly, he is very talented and capable. He can do anything he learns, and he is extremely strong. When he was young, he often beat the children who bullied him until their teeth were all over the floor. This made his adoptive father angry. Later, when he was twelve years old, the old gentleman died of illness. At this time, Lao Xie had already learned a lot of knowledge under the influence of the old gentleman.

It’s a pity that his appearance determined that he would not be able to take the right path. After the old gentleman died, he was driven away by the people in the town. After wandering around for a year, he finally turned around after being bullied. I met a famous and evil devil.

The old devil was very optimistic about Lao Xie’s talent and accepted him as his apprentice. From then on, Lao Xie began to formally contact evil cultivators, and he became uncontrollable from then on. Lao Xie has been suffering from hardship since he was a child. He knows that good times are hard to come by, so he cherishes them very much. He practiced extremely hard, coupled with his astonishingly high talent and ability to endure loneliness, his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

In just one hundred years, Lao Xie has become one of the top masters of the evil sect. After another hundred years, he has dominated the world and is invincible. Originally, after 200 years of hard training, he was ready to go through the tribulation, but he suppressed his strength and refused to leave. Relying on enjoying life in the mortal world, Lao Xie is lustful and lustful, and behind his back he is called the Silver Evil Demon. He has dominated Middle-earth for decades and plundered countless female monks. Relying on his super strength, he has countless minions, so no one can do anything to him.

Later, a female cultivator took the initiative to feed the tiger. After gaining Lao Xie’s trust, she said she wanted to go to the West to have fun. Lao Xie happened to be tired of playing in the east, which was exactly what he wanted. So, amidst the cheers of the Eastern monks, this old devil ran to the West to cause trouble.

The saints of the Holy See and the princesses of the vampire family were all taken into his harem. The Pope refused to accept it and beat him until he could not take care of himself. The twelve Knights of the Round Table were either dead or injured, so the Holy See obeyed! The Vampire Secret Party also complained a lot, so three of the thirteen families were completely wiped out, and the remaining ones were all honest. There are also werewolves, wizards, onmyojis, head-turning masters, etc. Anyway, he has conquered almost all the capable alien races in the West!

Because Lao Xie is so perverted, he attacks both the east and the west, and both good and evil factions are invincible. So later people privately called him East and West Undefeated! It was obviously a compliment, but secretly it was a curse on him to become an eunuch.

Lao Xie also knew that he had many enemies, so he also recruited a group of lackeys and accomplices. In addition, he has always been cautious and careful, so he has been living a prosperous life. Although he has been assassinated countless times, he can always avert danger. .

It’s just that people can be bullied, but God cannot be bullied. Although he is already invincible in the mortal world, he will face the danger of heavenly catastrophe sooner or later. At that time, his enemies from all over the world will definitely not let him go easily, and his group of coercion and inducement will come to him. His lackey may not necessarily help, and he may even take the opportunity to trick him.

Lao Xie knows these things well. Therefore, he has always refused to overcome the tribulation. It was not until he was more than 600 years old that he finally could not suppress the powerful magic power that was about to move in his body, so he had to hide secretly and survive the tribulation quietly.

It’s a pity that by the time he survives the tribulation, it’s already a modern society. There are more people than ants. How can there be a quiet place in the world? Forced to have no other choice, Lao Xie had no choice but to hide in the deepest part of the Antarctic continent during the polar night period, trying to sneak through the robbery, but unexpectedly, his enemies came to his door in the end.



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