The Legend of Bimeng: Chapter 540: The Depressed Third Prince

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Chapter 540: The Depressed Third Prince

“Oh!” The secret agent leader hesitated for a moment, but then continued: “Your Majesty, it is said that Princess Catherine has not received supplies for more than two months. Now it seems that the Burning Legion is about to attack, if the supplies are not distributed again If so, the consequences would be disastrous!”

The words of the spy leader seemed to have nothing to do with what happened just now, but when the emperor heard them, he suddenly became enlightened! Obviously, the emperor misunderstood that the third prince wanted to use this despicable method to assassinate Catherine again. He wanted her to be completely defeated, and it was best to die on the spot. Because only in this way can he eliminate the biggest threat on the road to the emperor. The reason why he used secret theft is also easy to explain. The purpose was to remove himself from the matter. In this way, even if Catherine is held responsible after the defeat, the third prince in charge of logistics can say that it was not him who did not provide the supplies, but that they were all stolen! Then the blame can be passed away.

After the emperor wanted to understand this, boundless anger shot out from his eyes, and then he immediately said: “Is there any other evidence? For example, those lost items!”

“Yes!” the spy leader said hurriedly: “Although we dare not investigate the situation inside the third prince’s manor, our people have received news that little Stephen has received a large batch of supplies sent to the front line. , loaded with hundreds of vehicles, and set off from the imperial capital. We quietly checked, and the marks on those things showed that they were originally military supplies in the warehouse, and this batch of goods happened to be sent by the third prince. Give it to him!”

As the spy leader spoke, he wiped the cold sweat from his head and said in his heart, ‘His Royal Highness, Third Prince, don’t blame me for betraying you. Your Majesty is really pushing too hard. If I don’t find the real culprit. Will my whole family have to be beheaded by the angry emperor? For the sake of my family, I can only tell the truth! ’

After hearing what the spy leader said, the emperor immediately frowned and said, “Since the third prince was willing to steal the military supplies warehouse in order to murder Catherine, why did he give the supplies to Catherine?”

“It is said that this fraud was only uncovered after Mr. Little Stephen brought the matter to the two sword masters. It seems that at that time, Little Stephen had grasped the handle of the third prince, forcing the third prince to have no choice but to They agreed to give him supplies and were even forced to ask two sword masters to bear witness. “So, my subordinates thought that the third prince had to give him supplies as a last resort.”

The emperor suddenly became furious and said: “What an idiot. As a prince, you can’t do anything well, and you deserve to be caught by a little brat! It’s really embarrassing!”

Hearing this, the secret agent leader immediately felt dumbfounded, thinking to himself. Sure enough, His Majesty the Emperor still cares more about his children! Of course he didn’t dare to get involved in this matter, so after hearing this, he could only lower his head and dare not reply a word.

Of course, the third prince was actually wronged. He really wanted to defeat Catherine, but he didn’t steal so many supplies. However, in the eyes of the emperor, the spy leader and others, the third prince not only had the ability, but also had the motive to do so. Even had a couple of criminal records. So under this series of coincidences, they had a gorgeous misunderstanding.

After scolding the emperor, he seemed to realize that he had lost his composure, and then he coughed twice and said, “So, the third prince is really responsible for the warehouse matter?”

Although the spy leader was certain in his heart, how could he be so shrewd that he could directly convict the third prince? After all, he is the prince, and even if he is guilty, His Majesty has the final say. So he immediately said slyly: “Although His Highness the Third Prince has the strength, motive, and some military supplies in the warehouse, we still cannot be so arbitrarily certain that he did this!”

When the emperor heard this, he was so angry that he said to himself, “He has the strength, the motive, and even the stolen goods.” Are you saying you’re not sure? Isn’t this shirking responsibility? ’ Fortunately, the emperor also knew the concerns of the spy leader. So I didn’t bother to blame, I just shook my head helplessly. Then he said: “According to you, should this case continue to be investigated, or should it be closed here?”

Although the emperor seemed to be asking for the opinion of the spy leader, the spy leader had already heard what he meant from His Majesty’s tone. Now that things are almost clear, the emperor even asked if he wanted to close the case. He clearly wanted to protect the third prince!

The secret agent leader was not stupid either. Since the emperor revealed this intention, he immediately followed suit and said: “Your Majesty, I think a robbery can be carried out. This matter is definitely caused by the collusion between internal and external officials in the warehouse to commit the crime. It is completely unnecessary. Investigate further! ”

“Yes!” When the emperor heard this, he immediately nodded with satisfaction and said: “That’s right, let’s do it.”

“Yes!” The spy leader nodded hurriedly in agreement.

“Also, go and give the third prince a message!” The emperor suddenly said coldly: “I don’t care what method he uses. In short, the supplies in the military warehouse must be replenished within three months. If it is less, or There are also those rags that make up the money, I no longer recognize him as his son!”

After saying that, the angry emperor turned away and left, leaving only the spy leader still trembling on the ground.

You can imagine how sad and angry the third prince was when the spy leader brought this to him. In his opinion, it was obviously just thieves causing trouble, so why should all the responsibility be put on him? Why should he be asked to find a way to make up for the shortfall of several million? Such a large amount is not enough even to sell him as a prince?

However, he seemed to have forgotten that as the top manager of the military warehouse, it was his responsibility to have the warehouse stolen. He even forgot that 30% of the gaps in his warehouse were eaten by himself, and another 20% to 30% were eaten by him. It is divided among his direct subordinates. So strictly speaking, he should have paid for these things.

As for the gap that Lao Xie took away, it was actually not enough interest. You must know that the materials in the warehouse are not static. In fact, most items are rotated almost every year, and items with high consumption, such as grain, are replaced every six months. Therefore, during the years when the third prince controlled the warehouse, he had accumulated enough embezzlement to fill two military warehouses. Now the emperor only asked him to pay one, which was originally a very lenient thing.

Although the third prince was dissatisfied with the emperor’s order, he also knew that his mistake this time was too big. The emperor was obviously furious, and there were a group of ministers behind him to add fuel to the fire. If the emperor doesn’t teach himself a lesson, he may not be able to convince the public. So in the end, the third prince could only knock off his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, and accepted this huge sum of money.

Of course, even if he is a prince and has embezzled supplies for so many years, it is impossible to come up with so much money in one go. After all, he has spent money over the years. In order to consolidate his position, whether it is to bribe the nobles or to train his close relatives, he needs to spend a lot of money. In addition, he himself is also a person who likes luxury, so the expenses are naturally huge. So the money from corruption has almost been spent long ago. Even with a little savings, it is obviously impossible to fill such a big hole.

So in desperation, he could only cruelly kill his subordinates. Not a single one of Stanford or the warehouse supervisors escaped; all their homes were confiscated and their families wiped out. Although they are all small nobles, each family has more than a dozen people, and the total number of them is several hundred! After all of them were beheaded, the entire imperial capital seemed to be filled with the strong smell of blood.

Although these little nobles do not have high titles, they have been sitting in the positions of fat and oily warehouse supervisors for several years, so their families are still very rich. The money copied by more than a dozen nobles actually exceeded one million, and the gap in the warehouse was almost filled, which made the third prince somewhat relieved.

However, although the third prince himself was freed, his reputation in the aristocratic circle also suffered a serious blow. The slightly upright nobles looked down upon his greedy behavior of depriving the frontline of military supplies and embezzling all the military supplies warehouses; while the despicable nobles themselves were frightened by the third prince’s crazy killing of his subordinates, so they also kept a distance from him, for fear of getting involved. The third prince later also ended up having his family confiscated and his family wiped out. As a result, the poor third prince suddenly became the most unpopular figure in the aristocratic circle of the imperial capital.

Although on the surface, everyone was still smiling and being indescribably courteous in front of him, the third prince could clearly feel a sense of alienation, which naturally made him very moved and annoyed. But knowing that he was in the wrong, he had no choice but to suppress his anger and take the initiative to show kindness to others, hoping that he could win everyone’s trust again through his own efforts!

Not to mention how the third prince tried to please the nobles in the imperial capital. After Shan said that Lao Xie obtained the military supplies, he was naturally in a great mood. This time he not only took revenge on the third prince and vented his anger on Catherine, but he also made a lot of money. Half of the supplies in the imperial capital’s munitions warehouse are enough to support Catherine’s army to deal with the Burning Legion’s attack, and the things extorted from the third prince are the icing on the cake. At least for a period of time in the future, Lao Xie and Catherine will no longer need to She was worried about logistics, and Lao Xie cleverly eliminated domestic pressure, so that Catherine no longer had any worries and could devote all her energy to the war.

Catherine, who was completely freed, seemed like a different person in the days when Lao Xie was playing tricks on the third prince. Catherine tried her best, and everything in the camp was completed. She no longer needs to hold wrangling meetings with the generals every day. After being baptized by Lao Xie, Catherine has established complete prestige, and her subordinates are extremely obedient. As long as she is given an order, they will act immediately without any sloppiness. , and will not bargain as before, which makes Catherine feel very comfortable.


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