The Elysium Across Deep Space Chapter 612: 0 defense against all defenses against the king of the universe next door


“The two fellow Taoists have achieved great accomplishments, and their Taoism is really unpredictable. Welcome to the source of the myth center. Immortal.”

A veteran true sage spoke. He had yellow hair and long eyebrows, with a kind smile, filled with fairy air, gentle and calm, and expressed his kindness to the two “dragons crossing the river”.

Wang Zesheng was stunned, the highest lines in his eyes flashed and disappeared. Seeing his real body and origin, he secretly sighed, this world is really extraordinary, even a weasel has been sanctified.

In folklore, a weasel visits on its own initiative, implying that it is not very auspicious. As a true saint, Wang Zesheng naturally didn’t care, and responded with a smile.

The old man introduced himself, named Huang Shang, from Huangxian Cave, also known as Lao Huang. He is more able to ease the atmosphere, and the war is over, and people like him need to be reconciled.

In fact, he is quite famous among the royal creatures, and he is good at sending out “Forbidden Thunder”.

At the beginning, the true sage of the Evil God’s Mansion assisted the scavenger of the Dou Beast Palace, and was exiled into the Huangxian Mansion by the strange thing on the mobile phone, and was directly hit by Lao Huang’s earth-shattering “Thunder”, and the Evil God was suffocated After kicking out of the Extraordinary Center, I didn’t slow down for a long time.

Huang Shang was eloquent, but he didn’t ask much valuable information.

Besides, Jiang Yun did not agree to enter the extraordinary center, so she was on guard.

When the deceased waved his hand, in the area of ​​the highest spiritual world, fairy mountains suddenly rose from the ground, the sacred lake was beautiful, and magnificent palaces stood upright.

With the appearance of many supreme beings, even the mortal land will turn into a holy place.

“The two of you have traveled all the way, experienced the decaying universe, and saw the source of the myth. Do you feel something?” .

“Shuo Hui follows it, and the road is blocked.” Wang Zesheng looked deeply touched, and he said that the road was too difficult. “

The real saints present were a little surprised when they heard this, but such a tyrannical person is saying that the road is rough?

Wang Zesheng nodded and said: “Yes, we all want to go back now, and it is our wish to have a look at the Chaofan Center. This journey is dangerous and difficult, and it is really too difficult.”

The saints were stunned, what is the situation, this pair of mengren just came here with intentions to get rid of them?

“We feel that the Transcendence Center has a very serious problem, and leaving here is to avoid a catastrophe.” Jiang Yun said.

When the Royal Dao creatures heard this kind of words, their expressions all changed, and they attached great importance to her words.

Not long ago, this female saint wearing a silver armor stomach and holding a halberd was very strong and domineering when she did it, which left a very deep impression on them.

“What did you find?” Even the fourth-ranked “Heng” among the prohibited items in the super-shaped form came, and he couldn’t help but speak at this time.

This is definitely an elder-level creature, whose Taoism is unpredictable and unpredictable.

Originally, when they sat down, they just chatted casually to get acquainted with each other, and then discussed the current changes, which involved a very high level.

But right now, the couple seems to have discovered something extraordinary on the road? !

“On the way, we saw an extremely dangerous ‘fisherman’, who seemed to regard the Transcendent Center as a fish pond. “Jiang Yun informed.

The two of them originally intended to uncover this cauldron, but what they saw this time, if one looked at it deeply, was quite shocking and shocking.

In an instant, the scene was completely silent, and huge waves were set off in the depths of the eyes of all the royal creatures.

The deceased and Gu Jinxin said that they really shouldn’t ask. They are investigating this matter. Although they have sorted it out, it is not appropriate to officially reveal it.

There may be a serious problem with the primordial sacred object, and a group of people have already known about this major event that can shake the extraordinary center.

However, after all, the impact is too far-reaching, and it is not suitable to speak out publicly.

“This matter will be discussed later. Originally, when all the saints gathered, this issue would also be involved.” The deceased said.

Then, he contacted “You” directly, and even told him to invite “Wu” to sit in charge, and made it clear that the Royal Dao creatures present would not leave early.

Obviously, this is mentioning

What to guard against.

In the Extraordinary Center, there are several big camps, which are not very peaceful, and they all have their own interests.

“Everything that needs to be reminded has been said, and we have fulfilled our obligations, so that’s it, we want to leave and go back.” Wang Zesheng said.

People are speechless, these two are going to leave right after they arrived?

Even Yu Jin felt unbelievable. The evil dragon said earlier that he would go back and polish another era. Could it be true? Off the charts!

“Why?” asked He Sheng, the true sage of Yaotian Palace.

“The Extraordinary Center is too dangerous. There are always people who want to deal with us. We have no choice but to go back and avoid disaster.”

Jiang Yun said calmly, after she stopped holding the halberd, her demeanor was soft and elegant, not at all like a war goddess.

Are you serious? Many people want to ask this question. Since they met, the two of them have been forcefully fighting against the ruthless stubble of the extraordinary center, and now they are actually going away.

Wang Zesheng said: “On the way, not to mention the Jedi in the highest spiritual world, the destructive avenue vortex, the chaotic 14-color wonderland, etc., there are actually man-made disasters.” Please download the app to love the latest content of the app.

Then, he sighed: “At the Transcendent Center, there used to be a true sage who went to stop us and carry out attacks secretly.”

Everyone was slightly startled when they heard this, and then someone showed a strange expression. Could it be Sansheng Qigu he was talking about?

However, Qi Gu was killed!

As the two talked about it, people realized that Qi Gu died in vain and became a despicable hunter in the two populations.

“He is dead, there is no need for the two of you to leave in a hurry.” The deceased said, smoothing things over.

“This is just a small section.” Wang Zesheng said.

Some supreme beings couldn’t bear it anymore, and took a deep breath of Dao Yun, and the death of a very famous Sansheng is only a small festival?

“The most important thing is that the entire Transcendence Center has a lot of malice against us.” Wang Zesheng said with a serious face.

“How could this happen? Fellow Daoist Wang, please tell me the details.” Gu Jin said.

Wang Zesheng said: “We are new here, and we asked ourselves if we have offended anyone, but when we set foot on the edge of the extraordinary center, we were blocked by the Four Saints and wanted to take our lives.”

Didn’t you forcefully kill one of the four true saints with strange expressions on the faces of the saints, and you also killed all the incarnations of the other three saints?

The people present were all thinking, these two dragons who crossed the river didn’t suffer a loss, why did they still look like victims, and it was extremely difficult for them to say it.

However, the deceased felt that these two people were more suitable for him, and said: “That’s the reason. The two fellow Taoists were blocked for no reason. The Four Saints are really going too far. Fortunately, you two should be more generous if there is no accident.” , don’t argue with them.”

Yu Jin’s eyes changed. His man died, but he was a true saint. In the end, he had to ask these two people to be magnanimous. He really couldn’t sit still.

However, people from several major camps cast their gazes at the same time, and he had no choice but to hold back, because if he looked deeper, it was indeed the Four Sages who made trouble first.

Of course he knew that the Four Great True Sages had misunderstood, thinking that there were enemies coming to help True Sage Wujie, the main reason was that a dragon came here to make a big fuss back then.

Yu Jin sighed. Originally, this time he was going to sacrifice blood to the True Sage of Wujie, and the script had been written, but he took all precautions. He never expected that an old king would come from the universe next door.

“I think it’s not suitable for us to live in the extraordinary center for a long time. The main reason is that this place is too complicated. Even in **** battles, we have to talk about human relationships. There are inexplicably true saints coming to stop us, or even intimidate us.”

Wang Zesheng talked about the phantom of the old sage in the picture of the old sage’s study room who wanted to use his corpse to revive his soul. As for the old boy, since he gave the “Afterlife Sutra”, there is no need to mention it.

The eyes of some true saints have changed. Are these two talking about this openly in order to clear up the relationship and let the relevant parties solve these troubles?

“The remnant soul of the old sage, he should not provoke the two of you.” Said a top expert from one of the camps.

“Actually, we mainly feel that hard work is not enough, it is difficult to protect ourselves in the extraordinary center, and there are too many dangerous villains, such as this one, and him, and that person.”

Wang Zesheng pointed directly at Yu Jin, Magician, and Kong Sha, saying that these three people attacked the couple out of nowhere.

Up to now, all the supreme beings present have thought about it. The extraordinary center he said is too dangerous to protect itself, which is different from what everyone understands.

All the saints pondered, didn’t those three people suffer? Yu Jin was almost cut off an arm by the halberd, the magician was so shocked that his blood boiled, and the empty sand was smashed to pieces the hourglass, the supreme holy object.

“The misunderstanding has been cleared up. These three are reasonable people, and there will be no conflict with the two of them.” A top true saint whose name was on the first half of the kill list said.

Huang Shang, whose body is a weasel, also asked in a low voice: “Fellow Daoist, these are not serious matters. By the way, what you understand is not very dangerous, what should we do?”

Wang Zesheng thought for a while and said, “A foreigner like the Patriarch of the Tattoo Palace is not dangerous.”

All Saints: “….”

All the creatures of the Royal Dao have strange eyes, and they are not in danger if they can be grabbed to death by Ye? !

Yu Jin, Magician, and Kong Sha were all furious. This domineering man had been saying that they were dangerous just now, which brought him pressure, and he had no choice but to leave.

At first, the three strong men thought that they were able to frighten this person, but now it seems that it is not the same thing at all. It is all because the three of them cannot be crushed by him!

“Spicy chicken!” None of them had good words in their hearts, and their eyes were extremely unfriendly.

Wang Yusheng also came, but he changed his appearance and pretended to be the disciple of the True Sage of the Demon Court. Even he was speechless for a while.

“Along the way, it was so difficult for us to arrive at the Chaoxian Center. Even a dog dared to bark at us.” Wang Zesheng sighed.

“Me!” The mechanical tengu ran back after seeing the situation calm down, eavesdropping in the depths of the highest spiritual world, and now the metal fur immediately stood up.

It felt that the whole person was not good, and said to itself: “This guy is too dangerous, he holds more grudges than me, after depriving me of a battle body, he still misses me!”

“Huh?” Jiang Yun and Wang Zesheng got up abruptly, stood in the highest spiritual world, and looked at the center of the extraordinary, both showing extremely dignified expressions.

“The extraordinary source is really malicious, there is such a murderer, is it going to endanger our lives?” Wang Zesheng said, his brows were deeply furrowed, and his expression was more serious than when he was facing Yu Jin and Kongsha.

The deceased said: “Fellow Taoist just came to the Transcendence Center, did you feel something? In fact, this time we discussed together to solve it.”

At this moment, a beam of light piercing the heavens and the earth appeared, from the 36th heaven to the highest spiritual world.

“Ye” is here, and it shows how much attention is paid to it in person at the Supreme Council. It hardly shows up on weekdays.

It was actually a wisp of hazy mist, changing between human shapes and various utensils, without normality, and not really turning into a fixed creature.

This is definitely one of the strongest in the extraordinary center. After all the ups and downs of the world, it is a supreme existence that can stand the test of time!

And it informs that “Nothing” is also out and will be there soon.

All the saints were shocked when they heard the words.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please read the latest chapter content. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu looked around subconsciously, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

As well as my own body…how could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflects his current appearance, he is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looks very handsome.

But the problem is, it’s not him!

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, this appearance is only the age of a high school student…

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don’t tell him that the operation was a success…

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to operate or not, but a fairy technique.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be… that he crossed over?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside which was obviously not well positioned, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title made him silent for an instant.

“Necessary Beast Breeding Manual for Novice Breeders”

“Postnatal care of pet animals”

“Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls”

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are not’s the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu’s eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories flooded in like a flood.


Pet animal breeding base.

Practice pet breeder. The website will be closed soon, download the Star app to provide you with the great **** Chendong’s other side of the deep space

Beast Master?


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