The Elysium Across Deep Space Chapter 599: From the other side of the myth


The unknown and decaying universe, corresponding to the highest spiritual world, is no man’s land, desolate, dilapidated, devastated, and beaten up. Please download the latest content of the app Iread app

Wang Zesheng frowned deeply, with an unprecedented solemn expression, staring at the deep space, looking at the unknown area beyond the highest spiritual world.

The induction in the dark made him feel that outside the highest spiritual world, at the end of endless time and space, there were supreme beings watching.

“Very dangerous creature, but he can’t make it through.” He frowned and muttered to himself, then glanced at the man in black armor and the **** spider on his head.

“His real body is so sensitive that he can feel it.” Jiang Yun said.

The man in the black iron armor and the blood-colored Fate Spider are only materialized, not the real body, but they already have powerful true saint-level strength.

All these are enough to show that the end of the deep space, the unknown place, is really dangerous and must be extremely terrifying!

“It’s a bit tricky. Is he fishing in an unspeakable place across time and space?” Wang Zesheng frowned; the most important thing is that the other party can feel it from such a distance.

Jiang Yun said: “It’s very difficult for him to come here, otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to pass the fate line and use the highest spiritual world to connect with the extraordinary center.

“Well, the far shore, what is that place, even the creatures of the Royal Dao can hardly break through?” Wang Zesheng whispered.

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Naturally, he knew that the other party was using special means to present part of the Dao fruit here, and was slowly transferring power over.

At this moment, under Wang Zesheng’s feet, the holy blood is bright red, which is shocking. However, the real blood has lost its luster, completely lost its vitality, and then burned to ashes.

San Sheng Qi Gu was very strong, but he was still killed, and his remaining fateful net had not completely dissipated, leaving a residual rhyme in the spiritual world.

However, all of these were reduced to background boards. Wang Zesheng chopped him dozens of times, and after he was completely killed, he didn’t even look at him again.

Right now, he’s just staring at deep space, because that’s where the source is.

He already knew that Qi Gu was just prey caught by others.

“One person and one spider materialized here are equivalent to a transfer station along the way?” He pondered, staring at the man in black armor who was already unstable and about to dissipate.

“Let’s have a chat?” He looked at the humanoid body and the **** Fate Spider who had been forcibly condensed here with his “help”.

The man in the black iron armor was indifferent and silent, no longer struggling, waiting for himself to disintegrate, he had already given up this body that now exists in this world.

San Sheng Qi Gu is the fruit of his long years, the carrier of fishing and cultivation, but he was beheaded in one day.

It can be said that he has spent a long time, and the achievements he has achieved are equivalent to being abolished. If he starts all over again, he does not know how long it will take.

Of course, he also has other means, and he didn’t pin all his hopes on this, otherwise, he would really go crazy because of it.

“Brother, let me just say something, let’s have a good communication and get to know each other again. No matter what our roots are, it’s always good to have multiple friends and multiple paths.” The other party communicates.

The man in black iron armor said nothing, his eyes were endlessly cold, he cut off his chance, and after destroying his carrier, he communicated with him again, saying how many friends and how many ways? Hateful!

He really wanted to say, spicy chicken! !

At the same time, the **** Fate Spider on his head was also extremely indifferent, saying nothing, only strong hostility.

“What kind of eyes do you have? Can you speak normally? Can you communicate well?”

At this moment, he was holding a black long knife, looking towards the end of the deep space for a while, and circling around the person and spider in front of him, examining and observing.

“You unscrupulous fisherman, don’t pretend to be serious here, hurry up, or don’t blame me for being rude.” Wang Zesheng threatened.

He knows that this is just a concrete body, and does not involve the core secrets. He wants to talk to the main body of Mohu through the figure in front of him.

However, the other party did not cooperate at all, and ignored him with indifferent eyes.

“Toast, don’t eat fine wine!” Wang Zesheng swung the knife, did not use the blade, but used the side of the knife body as an extension of the slap, and slapped the man’s face twice.

Suddenly, the man’s eyes changed, and he was so cold that it was enough to freeze the universe and a large area of ​​the starry sky, and he was aroused to kill.

The blood-colored spider also emitted a cold light from its childish holes.

Similarly, with a slap, the Fate Spider was also slapped, which was equivalent to being slapped.

“Don’t break it up.” Jiang Yun reminded him.

The two searched here for a long time, and in the end, Jiang Yun was in charge of “helping each other” to stabilize one person and one spider so that they would not disperse.

Wang Zesheng led the way, and according to the weak fate line of one person and one spider, he headed towards the unknown place in deep space, hoping to find more clues.

Jiang Yun said: “Let me guess, you don’t belong to the extraordinary center. Although you have ambitions, you don’t have the ability to make a full-scale expedition?”

She went on to say: “You mentioned that we live in supernatural aquatic plants. If you say that, you have a relatively stable mythical universe over there?

However, she immediately shook her head again and said, “Perhaps, our side is stable, and you are born chasing extraordinary aquatic plants, otherwise why would you chase after them

On this shore, fishing in this extraordinary land? “

“Who are you staring at? You’re not even your real body. You have a really bad temper.” Wang Zesheng slapped the man’s face twice with two “knife slaps”.

Of course, he didn’t forget that it is quite fair to treat fate spiders equally.

“This is interesting. The Transcendent Center is not the only mythical eternal place. Are there other mysterious realms?” Wang Zesheng said.

He thought about it, and said: “Is it difficult for you to fully come over? Is it a problem of the road, or the reason for the supreme law?”

“If it’s the reason for the journey, what can stop the true saint?” Jiang Yun poked the fate spider with the prohibited item flowing with silver light in his hand to see its reaction.

She stared at one person and one spider, and said: “Perhaps, there is only the Land of Eternity, and the road is cut off. There is no myth, no cause and effect, and no fate along the way, so you dare not cross easily, and it is difficult to arrive!”

Wang Zesheng nodded and said: “Well, your real bodies don’t dare to take risks, so you can only divert your Taoism bit by bit. If you want to get close to this shore, use the best means to fish and catch prey, so as to take over part of your Taoism.” Fruit?”

Speaking of which, he became more interested in where the anglers were, and then he slapped one person and one spider twice.

Both the black-armored man and the Fate Spider wanted to eat him!

“Because the distance is extremely long and the myth is cut off, so your real bodies are moving cautiously in places that cannot be predicted or described?” Wang Zesheng asked again.

The man in the black iron armor was a little angry. What a status he was, even if he didn’t come in real body, he couldn’t stand this kind of anger. How many times did he get slapped along the way? To meet a true saint who is extremely domineering but not particular at all.

“What I said, you don’t have many waves in your eyes, and you don’t have as many emotions as when I slapped you twice. Are there other factors, such as the two tunnels colliding, etc. You need to adapt ? Talk!”


“The supreme being must not be contemptuous and humiliated like this!” Finally, no matter how calm the man could hold his breath, he could bear it to the limit and exploded there.


“An angler like you? Are there several powerful factions, or just a handful of ancient monsters standing at the top of the pyramid?

The supernatural center has been very calm on the surface for the past six months. Apart from the inexplicable travel of Sansheng Qigu and the loss of news, there have been no other major disturbances.

However, in private, there is an undercurrent surging in the realm of the Royal Dao creatures.

Because, a small group of people confirmed that Sansheng Qigu died, and some of the supreme rules left in the world officially began to decline and dissipate.

This is a bit scary. An old saint suddenly disappeared without a sound. I don’t know who did it, which makes some people frightened.

“Where did he go, he traveled for half a year, and then suddenly died suddenly, and hurried to die?” Even Gu Jin was talking to himself.

Half a year after Sansheng Qi Gu Yuan traveled, the supreme rules and dao rhymes he left in the dojo began to collapse rapidly, collapsed, and died suddenly.

“It’s a pity. People suddenly cease to exist. It’s better to sacrifice them in my simulated magic circle.” The deceased also regretted that this suspected target could not be used.

Although it has not been made public, the death of a true saint has caused very serious consequences in a small area.

Part of the true saint is tracing the reason.

Among them, the Mechanical Tengu, who is extremely sensitive to Dao Yun and Yuanshen Qi, and has an unparalleled “sense of smell”, even got a very important commission because of this. A mysterious person paid a lot of money to let him investigate this matter. .

In fact, in a certain small circle, the atmosphere is extremely heavy and tense.

“Qi Gu had an accident, did he accidentally reveal the secret? It’s unforgivable, he was too careless!”

This is a conversation between a pair of supreme beings. Obviously, they are of the same kind and know many secrets.

“Fortunately, he is a single line, not yet a fully mature carrier, can’t leak core secrets, and there will be no irreparable consequences. However, it is indeed a very bad incident.

“Unfortunately, that is a Fate Spider. If it is a perfect body, it is extremely powerful, how many people can fight against it? The fate line was cut off in advance.

“The fate spider has a lot of fate, and its own origin is not very auspicious.

“My generation’s holy road is tortuous, who doesn’t suffer from many disasters? Everyone is just fighting for crossing!”

36 Zhongtian, “You”, one of the most mysterious super-transformed prohibited items, has a hazy figure, as if standing in an eternal unknown place, covered by thick fog.

It is difficult for outsiders to see its real body even if it is close to Chi Chi.

It stands on the 36th heaven, looking down into the distance, across endless time and space, through the decaying bubble universe, it is staring at the turbulent sea of ​​extraordinary light.

At this time, an ancient ship re-realized in the sea brought people a strong sense of oppression. Behind the ship was an extremely powerful creature walking on waves. Connect as one!

“Hey, ‘yes’ won’t walk around anymore, have you made a decision yet?” On 36 Chongtian, in the dojo of the deceased, he stood up and said to himself.

Because, he received a secret message from “Yes”, asking him to go over and talk.

At the same time, Gujin sensed “You”‘s primordial spirit fluctuation, and “You” was also calling him.

The ancient and modern also get up, and go to the “you” dojo that outsiders can’t find at all.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please read the latest chapter content. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu looked around subconsciously, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

As well as my own body…how could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflects his current appearance, he is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looks very handsome.

But the problem is, it’s not him!

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, this appearance is only the age of a high school student…

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don’t tell him that the operation was a success…

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to operate or not, but a fairy technique.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be… that he crossed over?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside which was obviously not well positioned, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title made him silent for an instant.

“Necessary Beast Breeding Manual for Novice Breeders”

“Postnatal care of pet animals”

“Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls”

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are not’s the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu’s eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories flooded in like a flood.


Pet animal breeding base.

Practice pet breeder. The website will be closed soon, download the Star app to provide you with the great **** Chendong’s other side of the deep space



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