The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8366: Dark Sacrifice

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Ye Chen only felt Wen Shen’an’s breath and was very weak, so he quickly said: “Senior, are you okay?”

Wen Shen’an waved his hand and said, “I’m fine.”

After a pause, he said to the Golden Sheep: “Take the Lord of Samsara to find the Heavenly Soul Emperor. The Lord of Samsara has mastered the essence of freedom. Sooner or later, the Death Cult will be destroyed in his hands, haha… ”

The golden sheep responded: “Yes, master.”

Wen Shen’an nodded, suddenly frowned, and said to Ye Chen: “Lord of Reincarnation, I have something else I want to tell you.”

Ye Chen said: “What’s the matter?”

Wen Shen’an said: “Be careful of the Duobao Tianjun. Half a month ago, I saw him carrying a sarcophagus and quietly burying him in the merit area. I don’t know what his agenda is.”

“Now that I am deducing the secrets of heaven, I feel that the Duobao Tianjun seems to be trying to harm you!”

Ye Chen felt a chill in his heart and said, “Mr. Duobao Tianjun? Sarcophagus? Where exactly is he buried?”

Wen Shen’an said: “I’m not sure of the specific location. If you hold this talisman, if the sarcophagus is near you, you can sense it immediately.”

Wen Shen’an’s spiritual energy gathered together and formed a talisman edict, which he handed to Ye Chen.

He consumed his spiritual energy again, and then he coughed violently. His face became paler, and the wrinkles and signs of wear became more serious.

“Senior, take a good rest.”

Ye Chen accepted the Fu Zhao and said, worried about Wen Shen’an.

Wen Shen An smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter, you go ahead. There will be a successor to Fengshen’s mantle. My mission has been completed. Life and death are no longer important to me.”

Ye Chen thanked him deeply, and then rode the golden sheep and left the cave.

This time he obtained the orthodoxy of Fengshen, which can be said to be a great opportunity.

As Wen Shen’an said, after inheriting the mantle of Fengshen Tianzun, Ye Chen is already invincible on this battlefield.

“The Lord of Reincarnation, the Heavenly Soul Emperor is in the Central Mountain Range, I will take you there right away.”

The golden sheep carried Ye Chen and rushed forward quickly.

“Central Mountains?”

Ye Chen looked into the distance, but unfortunately it was shrouded in black fog and couldn’t see anything.

“The central mountain range can be said to be the territory of the Death Cult. They also want to summon a more powerful existence to come.”

The Golden Sheep Path.

“A more powerful existence?”

Ye Chen was a little curious.

“Yes, Tian Yuhun Emperor is only the tenth-ranked protector in the Death Order. There are many powerful people above him.”

“It’s just those strong people who, because of the restrictions of the rules, find it difficult to come to the real world.”

“Such as top-level protectors code-named Dark Sun, Hourglass, Witch, Wheel of Fortune, Twilight Giant, etc. Their aura is too powerful. Once they come to the real world, they will immediately be inspired by the truth and return to the world again. Returning to Wuwu, there is no way to stay.”

“If those powerful men want to come, they need special rituals. Aeons ago, when the Cataclysm just broke out, the Death God Order arranged a summoning ceremony on the central mountain range to summon the Twilight Giant to come. ”

The golden sheep tells ancient secrets, and its eyes reflect eternal mysteries.

“Twilight Giant?”

Ye Chen whispered this name softly, and he felt a majestic pressure coming down, like the dusk of the gods and the end of the world.

“Yes, Twilight Giant is a code name, just like the code name of Tian Yuhun Emperor, called Tyrant.”

“In the Death Cult, the Twilight Giant ranks sixth, and is much more powerful than the Heavenly Soul Emperor.”

“Once the Twilight Giant arrives, no one in the entire Zihuang Immortal Palace may be able to suppress it, unless the leader personally takes action.”

When the Golden Sheep mentioned this twilight giant, his tone was full of fear.

Obviously, the Twilight Giant is very powerful, so powerful that no one in the entire Zihuang Immortal Palace can defeat him except the Moral Heavenly Lord.


Suddenly, Ye Chen discovered that there was another strange movement in the Samsara Cemetery.

A new tombstone with several cracks.

It is as if a new power has sensed the cause and effect of the Twilight Giant and wants to revive.

The tombstone shook violently, but soon subsided.


Ye Chen was shocked and confused. Could it be that the new power that was about to awaken was actually related to the Twilight Giant?

The Golden Sheep did not see Ye Chen’s strange expression and continued: “I noticed a terrible movement from the Central Mountain Range last night.”

Ye Chen’s heart tightened and he said: “What’s happening? Could it be that the Twilight Giant has arrived?”

Golden Sheep said: “No, the Twilight Giant is too powerful, a hundred times more powerful than the Heavenly Soul Emperor. How could such a terrifying existence come so easily?”

“The summoning ceremony of the Death God Cult has lasted for countless thousands of years, but it has never been successful.”

“The strange movement last night, I think someone is stealing the dark sacrifices of the Death Cult!”

Ye Chen said: “Stealing… dark sacrifices?”

Golden Sheep said: “Yes, some of those dark sacrifices were the divine objects brought out from time and space by the Death God Cult, some were made from the flesh and blood of the war dead after the cataclysm, and some were monsters. The special materials of the beasts, and some of them are rare treasures provided by the inner ghost, and the energy and aura are extremely powerful.”

“But last night, it seemed like someone stole all the dark offerings.”

Ye Chen was secretly surprised and said: “Who is so bold?”

Golden Sheep said: “I don’t know either, but he should be one of your contestants this time.”

Ye Chen’s eyes narrowed. Among the contestants, who had such courage and ability to actually steal the dark sacrifice of the Death Cult.


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