The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8106: Scarlet Firmament


After a pause, Yan Xingtian said again: “The old lady regards the goddess as her precious daughter. If you insist on entanglement, the old lady will not let you go.”

Marven Ye nodded and said, “I know, I’m ready to face everything!”

Yan Xingtian said in a serious tone: “No, you still don’t know how terrible that old lady is, she loves the goddess, she really loves her like a daughter, any move you approach the goddess is blasphemy in her eyes. !”

Ye Chen’s face sank. Hearing Yan Xingtian say this, it seems that he wants to be with the goddess, and he still has to make a wish to leave people, which is really tricky.

“Senior, why are you with Qianzhu Tianjun?”

Ye Chen asked, he now wants to know how Yan Xingtian and Yuan Liren got together.

If you can rely on Yan Xingtian to suppress the people who wish to leave, that would be the best.

Yan Xingtian smiled, licked his lips again, took a sip of wine, and said: “The woman is still charming now, she was even more beautiful when she was young, and men would like her. I was the number one in the world at that time. A master, naturally falls in love with her at first sight.”

Marven Ye nodded, recalling the appearance and figure of Yuan Liren, it was indeed unique, and when he was young, he looked stunning.

Yan Xingtian sighed and said: “At that time, I was stalking her, she refused to agree to my pursuit, and finally put forward a condition, saying that as long as I can win the first place in the battle of merit and virtue One, and she will marry me.”

Marven Ye’s heart moved, and said, “Senior, since you were the number one expert in the world back then, it would be easy to win the title.”

Yan Xingtian took another sip of wine and said, “I think so too, but unfortunately it happened unexpectedly.”

“In those days, the Supreme Merit Battle was allowed to sign up for participation, but only people from the real world were allowed to sign up. I was born in the realm of gods and did not belong to the real world. In order to get the qualifications, I had to give up the king of gods and gods. identity, naturalized reality.”

When Ye Chen heard this, his eyes widened.

It turns out that Yan Xingtian gave up his status as the king of the gods, in addition to avoiding the edge of the old man, but also in order to get the qualification to participate in the battle of great merit!

As long as he can participate in the Great Merit Battle, with his strength, he can completely win the first place, so as to hold the beauty back.

Yan Xingtian continued: “I took a close friend of mine, his name is Chixiaozi, known as Chixiao Xianzun, I participated in the Taishang Merit War with him, but I didn’t expect that he betrayed me and put me Conspiracy to be injured, cough…cough, that injury, even to this day, has not completely healed, only spirits can relieve my pain.”

Speaking of the end, Yan Xingtian’s tone was desolate, but not angry.

Because it’s been too long since the betrayal of a former friend, no matter how monstrous the anger is, it’s buried in the bottom of my heart.

Ye Chen stared at Yan Xingtian, but did not feel any injuries on his surface, and said, “Senior, you are heartbroken…”

Obviously, the injury Yan Xingtian suffered in those years has actually healed, but what really hasn’t healed is the scar on his Taoist heart!

Compared to the scars on the flesh, the wounds of the Tao’s heart are obviously more difficult to heal.

Yan Xingtian said: “I know, but what really makes me sad is not the betrayal of my friend, but the complaint of the mother-in-law!”

Speaking of this, Yan Xingtian gritted his teeth and was very angry, and said: “I was betrayed and didn’t get the first name. I hope this woman Liren will have pity on me and finally marry me, but I never expected, After getting married, the bright and pretty girl from before has turned into a rambling, rambling woman!”

“She has been complaining all day long, saying that I gave up the throne of the realm king of the God Heaven Realm because I was afraid of the edge of the wild…”

Marven Ye thought: “This is indeed the truth.”

Yan Xingtian said: “She has been babbling all day, saying that I am not as good as Huang Zi, and that I am not a good person, so my friends will betray me, and even, she said that in order to take care of me, she resigned from the evil sect As a leader, I can’t stand saying how much credit I have all day long!”

Yan Xingtian’s tone of speech became more and more intense and resentful. He drank heavily, and after drinking, he completely smashed the wine bowl and jar to the ground.

Marven Ye looked at him blankly, and could probably understand his mood.

I always looked up to the girl I liked, but after getting married, I became a long-winded woman, probably even a man couldn’t bear it.

Yan Xingtian gritted his teeth and said: “Thanks to her, my life after marriage is getting worse day by day, my Dao heart is declining day by day, and the trauma is getting more and more serious. In the end, I couldn’t bear it, so I broke with her completely. Compared to my peak period, my current strength is not as good as when I was at my peak, but at least I will drink again, no one will ramble in my ear, clean and refreshing, haha!” Finally, he laughed.

Ye Chen was silent, looking at Yan Xingtian silently.

Yan Xingtian saw Ye Chen’s eyes and thought he looked down on him, so he snorted and said, “Don’t worry, although my cultivation has gone backwards greatly, it is more than enough to point you out, after all, I have lived countless lives. The characters of the era, when the old man I am in the world, the Yuhuang ancient emperor, the demon ancestors without heaven, Ren Feifei, have not yet been born!”

Speaking of the end, recalling the glory of the past, the tone became heroic again.

Ye Chen couldn’t bear to touch him, so he said casually: “Yes, the demeanor of the predecessors is the same as that of the past.”

Yan Xingtian laughed and said: “Forget it, you have a night’s rest first, tomorrow morning, I will take you to practice, I have to arrange the arrangement tonight, we said a lot of bad things about that woman, she will notice the change in heaven , it might cause trouble.”

Marven Ye thought to himself: “I didn’t say bad things about being willing to leave people.”


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