The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8101: Winter’s Wrath


His spirit continued to penetrate, looking for Sun Yi in the vast Dead Sea.

Finally, Ye Chen saw the existence of Sun Yi in a dark corner as if it was a spiritual connection.

Sun Yi’s figure is still hot. Ye Chen looks at her body and can recall the full and full feeling of the past.

Many beautiful pictures flashed in Ye Chen’s mind, but at this moment, Ye Chen only cared about Sun Yi’s safety. After seeing her figure, he hurriedly shouted:

“Sun Yi, can you hear my voice?”

At this moment, Ye Chen’s will was violently turbulent, causing the dark water droplets in his palm to tremble like trembling rainwater.

He will pass on his will to Sun Yi and establish communication with the other party.

Sun Yi, who was curled up in the corner, seemed to sense something, opened her eyes, and looked around blankly with a look of doubt and surprise in her eyes.

“Marven Ye, is that you…”

Finally, Sun Yi spoke, her body trembling, she looked around blankly, as if she was looking for something.

But, she can’t find anything, only emptiness and darkness around her.

“It’s me, it’s me!”

Marven Ye was overjoyed, his will continued to pass, and he wanted to communicate with Sun Yi.

However, Sun Yi didn’t seem to notice Ye Chen’s existence. After seeing the darkness and emptiness around her, she gave a wry smile and muttered to herself, “It must be my hallucination, how could Ye Chen be there? Here? Maybe he doesn’t even know my current situation…”

After saying this, she curled up again, burying her head between her knees, lonely and dejected, no longer moving.

Marven Ye was so anxious that he called out several times, but he couldn’t get any response.

His spirit has also reached its limit. He escaped from the sea of ​​​​deva and returned to the real world. He was sweating and his face was pale.

“It seems that the energy of the Heavenly Demon Star Sea under my control is not strong enough.”

Marven Ye looked at a drop of water in his palm, gritted his teeth, and felt a little unwilling.

If the energy of the Heavenly Demon Xinghai he masters is stronger, he may be able to establish communication with Sun Yi smoothly, but unfortunately the energy is not enough now.

If you want to grow stronger, unless you kill Guichen.

However, after this catastrophe, Gui Chen probably won’t face Ye Chen alone again.

It is undoubtedly difficult for Ye Chen to kill him.

While thinking about it, Concubine Chi came over with a letter in her hand, saying:

“Ye Chen, there is a message from Wanhuazhuang, saying that the goddess has woken up.”

Hearing this, Ye Chen was surprised and happy, and said, “Has the goddess woke up?”

Concubine Chi said: “Well, if you want to visit her, go as soon as possible, otherwise, she may fall asleep again…”

Marven Ye thought to himself that Sun Yi could not communicate for the time being, so he could only rely on the future. If the woman woke up today, he would naturally go to visit.

At this moment, Ye Chen was ready to go to Wanhuazhuang.

Concubine Chi said: “I’ll go with you…”

Marven Ye thought about it for a while, then nodded and said, “Yes, but… Miss Chi, if you want to grieve you, stay in the gourd of heaven and earth first. If there is any accident, I will call you out.”

He thought about his meeting with the goddess, most of which were lingering, and there were outsiders watching, after all, it was not very pleasant.

Concubine Chi’s **** body trembled slightly, and her voice was slightly sad: “Okay…”

Marven Ye put her in the gourd, then tore the void, appeared in the moral heaven, and descended into the Wanhuazhuang.

“Master Ye!”

The servants of Wanhuazhuang bowed and saluted when they saw Ye Chen coming.

“Are you there?”

Marven Ye nodded and asked politely.

“Lord Yaoji is busy, and now she is in the Ghost King Realm. I heard that there is a strong man in the Ghost King Realm named Tianchu Saint Ancestor who has killed a lot of people. Her Lady Yaoji is busy solving the problem. .”

The servant replied.

Ye Chen was secretly surprised and thought to himself, “The Holy Ancestor at the beginning of that day really went to the Ghost King Realm. I don’t know what kind of trouble he can make.”

The servant continued: “The villain obeys the decree of Lord Yaoji. As soon as the goddess wakes up, the villain will report to Lord Ye, Lord Ye, please come in, and the goddess will be waiting for you inside.”

Ye Chen’s heart was hot, and he strode into the Wanhuazhuang, and went straight to the flower sea of ​​the Flower of Hope. All the servants and servants withdrew knowingly.

In the white and holy sea of ​​flowers, a figure fluttering in white clothes, independent from the world, graceful like a fairy, skin better than snow, and beautiful appearance, she is the goddess.

“Sister Tian!”

When Ye Chen saw the goddess, he was overjoyed and rushed up with a stride.

The goddess turned around and saw Ye Chen coming, her slightly pale face also showed a sweet and gentle smile, and her eyes were full of nostalgia.

Marven Ye rushed up and hugged the goddess tightly, followed by a passionate kiss.

The goddess’s injuries are not yet healed. She only woke up for a short time at this time, and her body is still very weak. She seemed to be unable to bear such a fierce kiss, and she gasped.

“Sister Tiannv, are you all right?”

Ye Chen loosened his lips and stared into the eyes of the goddess.

The goddess smiled, gently pulled Ye Chen’s hand, put it on her cheek, rubbed it lightly, and said, “I’m fine, I can’t die for the time being, but the internal injury has not been resolved, I’ll be awake for two at most. God, maybe I’m going to sleep again.”

Marven Ye was very distressed, he put his arms around her waist, and said, “Don’t worry, I will win the first place in the battle of merit and virtue, and get the medicine that can cure your injury, so that you can fully recover.”

The goddess said with a smile: “Okay, I haven’t hurt you in vain before, you can walk with me in the past two days.”


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