The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8097: Master?


Marven Ye said: “Yeah!”

Marven Ye calculated the time carefully, and found that the battle of merit and virtue was too far away, and there was still more than one month left.

With his current cultivation strength, it is obviously not an easy task to win the championship in the Battle of Supreme Merit.

But no matter what, Ye Chen will do his best!

Marven Ye and Tiannv walked hand in hand in the sea of ​​flowers, white petals fluttered in the wind, the sun was warm, and their hearts were also warm.

After walking for a while, the goddess was a little tired, Ye Chen sat down with her arms around her, let her sit on his lap, he hugged her waist from behind, and the two were close to each other.

The goddess said softly: “The battle of merit and virtue is extremely dangerous and difficult. If you want to win the championship, it is really difficult.”

Marven Ye said boldly: “No matter how difficult it is, I will take the top spot, and I must cure you!”

The celestial girl was injured by the ancient sword of celestial sin. It was the killing of the highest artifact. If you want to treat it, you can only get the mysterious red flame good fortune pill, which is also a medicinal pill refined by the Taoist Tianzun.

The goddess was very moved when she saw Ye Chen’s affectionate appearance, and said, “I have prepared a chance, I originally wanted to give it to you in a few years, but now the battle of great merit is imminent, if you want to win the championship, you must We need to increase our strength.”

Marven Ye’s heart moved and said, “What chance?”

The goddess said: “Wait two days, you go to the wishing gods to find Ye Luoer, she will tell you.”

Marven Ye said: “Sister Tiannv, what is the chance, you can tell me today if you don’t, why go around?”

The goddess shook her head gently, looked back at Ye Chen, and said, “I don’t want you to be distracted. For the past two days, just stay with me and don’t think about other things.”

Seeing her gentle and peaceful posture, Ye Chen’s heart swayed, and he kissed her cherry lips lightly, and said, “Okay, these two days, I will only accompany you and don’t think about anything else.”

For the next two days, Ye Chen stayed with the goddess.

On the first day, the goddess was nothing out of the ordinary, chatting and laughing with Ye Chen, kissing and hugging, like a lover in love.

But on the second day, the spirit of the goddess was very bad, her face was extremely pale, and she had no strength to speak, so she could only lean against Ye Chen’s shoulder. .

At night, she couldn’t hold it anymore, she fell asleep in Ye Chen’s arms, and fell into a coma again after being seriously injured.

“Sister Tian!”

Marven Ye screamed, and her heart was aching for a while. Although she knew that with the protection of the Flower of Hope, the goddess would not die for the time being, but her internal injuries were so severe that Ye Chen was really afraid that she would never wake up.

Marven Ye stayed with the goddess for another night, and it was not until the next morning that he recovered a little, thinking of the goddess’s entrustment.

“Sister Tiannv left me a chance, I don’t know what chance it was.”

Marven Ye’s mind moved slightly. Now that the battle of merit and virtue is imminent, if there is an opportunity to improve his strength, he will naturally not miss it.

At the moment, Ye Chen leaned over and kissed the goddess lightly, then left Wanhuazhuang, tore through the void, rushed to the Ice Phoenix Realm, and descended into the Deity of Wishes.

The believers of the Wishing God Sect seemed to have known that Ye Chen was coming, and arranged to welcome the elders.

Seeing Ye Chen coming, the elders bowed and saluted: “I have seen Lord Ye!”

Ye Chen nodded lightly, and at this moment, a figure in Tsing Yi walked out of the wish **** sect, with a face full of joy, and shouted: “Brother Ye!” It was Ye Luoer.


Ye Chen and Ye Luoer were very happy when they met, and they held hands.

“Sister Tian said that she has prepared a chance for me, in your hands.”

Marven Ye said.

“Yes, you come with me.”

Yeluoer nodded lightly and took Ye Chen to the depths of the mountain gate of the God of Wishing, beside the Wishing Immortal Pond.

The surrounding elders and guardians have already retired, and there are only Ye Chen and Ye Luoer around the Wishing Immortal Pond.

Marven Ye’s mind was burning with anticipation, wondering what the chance the goddess left him was.

“Brother Ye, the chance that Lord Tiannv left you is actually related to a supreme powerhouse.”

Yeluoer said.

“What strong?”

Marven Ye asked.

“He is the master of Lord Tiannv, who used to be the leader of the evil sect in the Zihuang Immortal Palace.

Yeluoer said.

“Qianzhu Tianjun, are you willing to leave people?”

Marven Ye was slightly surprised.

Yeluo’er said: “Yes, the leader of the evil sect in the past was Qianzhu Tianjun who was willing to leave. Later, she retired and let Duobao Tianjun succeed him. She is the senior sister of Duobao Tianjun.”

Ye Chen said: “This Qianzhu Tianjun is willing to leave people, is the master of Tiannv sister?”

He never imagined that the goddess originally had a master, and he had a great background, and even once was the leader of the evil sect of Zihuang Immortal Palace.

Ye Luo’er said: “Yes, that Qianzun Tianjun is extremely powerful. He has four apprentices in his life, and Lord Tiannu is the third.”

“Lord Tiannv sent me her will, and told me to tell you, let you go to Qianzhu Tianjun, and ask her to guide you in your martial arts.”

Ye Chen’s face sank, but he didn’t expect the chance arranged by the goddess to look like this.

That Qianzhu Tianjun is willing to leave people, since he was once able to control the evil sect of Zihuang Immortal Palace, and even the master of the goddess, he wants to come to the sky with magical power, which is unfathomable.

However, after all, she came from a wicked sect, and her temperament is also very sinister and eccentric, and she is definitely not a good match.

“Brother Ye, with this jade pendant, you can call Qianzhu Tianjun to come. If you are ready, crush the jade pendant, call Qianzhu Tianjun, and ask her to teach you martial arts.”

Yeluoer took out a jade pendant and handed it to Ye Chen.

When Ye Chen saw a spider carved on the jade pendant, the shape was very weird, and he felt a little hairy, and said, “Luo’er, have you seen that Thousand Spider Tianjun?”

Ye Luo’er said: “I have seen it, but… that Qianzhu Tianjun has a bad temper. Brother Ye, if you want to ask her to teach her martial arts, you should be more respectful and don’t offend her.”

Marven Ye nodded lightly and said, “It’s natural, after all, she is the master of Sister Tiannv, I won’t offend.”

At the moment, Ye Chen squeezed the spider jade pendant into pieces.


After the jade pendant shattered, there was a black aura that disappeared into the void like smoke.

Immediately afterwards, the law of heaven and earth shook, the void tore apart, and a girl descended.

The girl was dressed in a water blue dress, her skin was snow-white, and her appearance was very beautiful, but there was a cold expression between her brows, and she seemed inhumane.

When Ye Chen saw this girl, he was startled, glanced at Ye Luoer, and said, “Luoer, she is the master of Sister Tiannv, Qianzhu Tianjun would like to leave?”

Yeluoer said: “No, her name is Jiang Xiner, she is the youngest disciple of Tianjun Qianzhu, and she is also the junior sister of Lord Tiannv.”

While speaking, Ye Luoer hurriedly took two steps forward and saluted the girl: “Disciple Ye Luoer, I have seen Master Jiang.”

From the appearance, Jiang Xiner is even younger than Ye Luoer, but her actual age is naturally much older. In terms of seniority, she is Ye Luoer’s uncle. Separate male and female.


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