The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 8094: The meaning behind


The boat of sin is strong, but with Wu Yao, Ren Feihan and other strong people here, it will naturally not affect anything.

“I’m fine.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly and touched Wu Yao’s hair, but with a thought, the evil spirit of the boat of sin was completely hidden, and even replaced with the holy atmosphere of the fairy koi, it should be for the devil emperor Wedding wishes.

“Marven Ye, thank you very much. If it weren’t for you, my wedding today would probably have been destroyed by Jianmen.”

The Devil Emperor looked at Ye Chen and smiled. Ye Chen also smiled and said, “If it wasn’t for me, if the people from Jianmen dared to come, they would be suppressed by Sister Wu Yao as soon as they met.” As he spoke, he touched Wu Yao’s hair again. Now that the battle is over, he also I have gained a lot,

I feel very relaxed. Ren Feifan said solemnly: “The Demon Ancestor dares to send Gui Chen alone, I guess it is expected that you will fight alone, and no one else will be able to intervene, but no matter what, this time is too dangerous, next time, you Can’t mess around again

! “

It was a bit of a fluke that Marven Ye could win this time.

If Gui Chen’s Dao Heart is stronger, not affected by Ye Chen, and is not dragged into the boat of sin, it is hard to say who will die.

Ye Chen said: “Senior Ren, I know, sorry for worrying you…”

Actually, Ye Chen took the risk to fight alone because of Sun Yi.

But after thinking about it, Sun Yi is extremely important, but because of her, regardless of the overall safety of the Samsara camp, it is also very unfair to others.

Ye Xie Shen stroked his beard and smiled: “No need to be noisy, today is the great day of the Devil Emperor. Since the danger has been resolved, let’s continue to play music and dance!”

The second enchantress smiled charmingly and said, “My concubine wants to show her ugliness and sing and dance for everyone.”

Ye Xie Shen laughed and said: “No problem, you are my future granddaughter-in-law, and today I just took this opportunity to introduce you to everyone.”

The second enchantress laughed happily when she heard Ye Xie Shen’s words.

Everyone laughed, only Ye Chen felt embarrassed.

On Ye Chen’s side, when he was talking and laughing, Gui Chen was extremely embarrassed and fled back to Jianmen.

The disciples of the Sword Sect were all taken aback when they saw that Gui Chen’s hair was scattered, his face was pale, his spiritual energy was scattered, and he came back alone. They knew that the plan to destroy Samsara had failed.

After a brief shock, everyone was lucky again.

At least, it’s already a big happy event for Guichen to come back alive.

Today, I went to Xingyue Realm to take advantage of the opportunity of the Devil Emperor’s wedding to attack and destroy Samsara. This plan was opposed by almost everyone in the entire Sword Sect, and no one agreed.

Because, Demon Ancestor Wutian’s plan is too risky, it can even be said to be reckless, to the point of outrageous recklessness.

He even sent Gui Chen alone, and with a few elders, he dared to make a fuss in the Xingyue Realm. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is completely to let Gui Chen go to die.

At this time, Guichen can come back, and many strong swordsmen are burning incense in their hearts.

Gui Chen escaped from death, but there was no happy expression, his body was still trembling, and the fear of death enveloped his heart.

He returned to the sword gate hall and saw the demon ancestor Wutian.

Today’s Demon Ancestor Wutian, in appearance, is more decadent than negotiating with Ye Chen before.

His legs have been lost, and he can only sit in a wooden wheelchair, with another broken arm, no eyes, and a terrifying appearance.

If it is an ordinary mortal, seeing the demon ancestor without heaven, it will only have horror thoughts.

Only a true cultivator can feel the ever-growing divine will of Demon Ancestor Wutian from this crippled body, which is simply an eternal and immortal soul.

“Ancestor, I lost…”

Gui Chen knelt in front of Mozu Wutian, trembling sadly.


The Demon Ancestor had no sky-piercing eyes, looked at him silently, without blame, his tone was deeply desolate, and he didn’t know what his thoughts were, only desolation.

Gui Chen gritted his teeth, and the fear of death had not dissipated from his heart.

Mozu Wutian: “Do you blame me?”

Gui Chen was stunned for a moment, wondering what Mozu Wutian meant.

Mozu Wutian said: “I will send you out alone to face the reincarnation camp alone, which is equivalent to sending you to death. Do you blame me?”

Gui Chen said: “Ancestor, how can I blame you, all the decisions you make must have deep meaning.”

Mozu Wutian was silent for a while, then he sighed leisurely and said, “Actually, I didn’t send you to death, I just wanted to train you.”

“I have already seen that the shackles of your heart are the fear of death.”

“This time I want you to face reincarnation, I just want to make you feel fear.”

“If you can overcome that fear, you may be able to break through the shackles of your heart on the spot and become the second person after reincarnation to cut all the shackles!”

Gui Chen was stunned and said, “Old Ancestor, you…you want me to feel fear?” Demon Ancestor Wutian said, “That’s right! Unfortunately, you failed, and the shackles of your heart are still there. Existence, you and I merge with Buddha and demon, in fact, you have a second chance to cut the shackles. Once you break through the shackles of the heart, you and I will definitely be able to detach from the Immortal Emperor,

Preaching is supreme! “

Gui Chen felt deeply ashamed and said, “Old Ancestor, it’s because of my poor qualifications, I’m sorry!”

Mozu Wutian sighed again and said: “I can’t blame you, I can only say that the luck of reincarnation is too majestic. If you want to suppress him, it’s hard to beat the sky.” “However, we are angry. Your luck is not bad, I have already calculated that even if you fail, you will not die, so I risked sending you out alone, and I finally got something, at least you understand what your shackles are.”


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