The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7853: Talent!


Tian Xuexin frowned when she heard the words, and the Shuanghua sword around her waist couldn’t hold back her scabbard. At that moment, the sky was chilled, and snowflakes scattered all over the sky!


With a slight twist of two fingers, a hexagonal snowflake burst, sputtering bursts of killing light directed at Luo Dao!


Numerous pieces of snowflakes exploded together, and the entire space covered by the Taishen Mountain was filled with silver light, and the void was like thin paper being cut inch by inch!

“Good trick!”

Luo Dao laughed and greeted him alone. The stars in his palms were shining brightly, and countless stars were surging in the sky, merging into a galaxy, and the terrifying force of adsorption cut the lingering silver sword light into several segments!

“Astral Cage!”

The stars manifested one by one, breaking out from Luo Dao’s body, and nine stars surrounded Tianxue’s heart. The terrifying coercion caused the space to be constantly rubbed, and dark thunders erupted.

“You’d better think about it quickly, I…”

Luo Dao didn’t say a word, and a blue ice sword just wiped his neck!


In an instant, the sword’s edge is approaching the sky.


Luo Dao’s astrological power was blown up!

A trace of blood oozes from the corner of Luo Dao’s mouth, his pupils gradually dilate, and his shock and anger are constantly changing.

The dark halberd fell from the void, smashing a giant peak in the Taishen Mountains, setting off thousands of meters of dust.

The golden shards turned into meteors and fell, scattering in all directions. The dazzling rays of light surprised everyone behind De Luodao.

“What, this girl has such a trick!”

“Impossible. Although that sword is powerful, it has absolutely no confrontational power…”

“Could it be, the person mentioned by the elders in the clan?”

Dozens of people looked back, and the bright fire phoenix above the void fluttered, and the red wings were magnificent and unusual.

The golden meteor that burst and fell, instantly ignited the feathers of the fire phoenix. It opened its mouth and breathed, and the void distorted in waves, swallowing the nine stars that were besieging Tianxuexin!

“It’s up to you to download the war posts?”

The figure at the center of Huohuang’s eyebrows is full of bright red flames, and his eyes are like torches.

It was Ye Chen who cast the fire of Taoism.

“Marven Ye!”

Tianxuexin, who was at the bottom of Taishen Mountain, exclaimed in surprise when she saw the person coming, and looked overjoyed.

“Crossing the border, are you also worthy?”

The enraged Ye Chen shouted sharply, and the ancient inscriptions of Brahma’s Divine Kung Fu and Arrayed talismans at his fingertips, the light of the sky surged from the sky. .

The power of the Divine Phoenix exploded in an instant, but it was not aimed at Luo Dao and others!

The fire phoenix of ten thousand feet disintegrated, and the root feathers shot to the four corners of the sky, south, south, north and west, with bright red awns that twisted the void.

Whoosh whoosh!


Marven Ye clasped his palms together, and bright red runes echoed from all directions, and they circulated endlessly.

“Huh? It turned out to be the Brahma God of Yuhuang Ancient Emperor!”

Feeling that the will of heaven and earth seemed to be gathered, Luo Dao’s complexion gradually became gloomy.

He didn’t know that this person was actually related to the Yuhuang family in the Taishang world.

“If you dare to come here, you must be ready to be beheaded!”

Ye Chen’s indifferent voice reached the ears of everyone present, Tian Xuexin looked at the man holding the sword embryo in the void with a complicated expression.

Luo Dao laughed angrily and said, “It’s just you?”

Ye Chen blinked and said, “You are from the Luo family, who is that trash Luo Que, who are you?”

He rescued Zhu Yuan at a critical moment, placed him in Wish Tianxing, and learned some information from Zhu Yuan’s mouth.

Hearing the mention of Luo Que, Luo Dao’s eyes were even more angry. With a gloomy face, he stopped talking nonsense and summoned the halberd in his hand to kill Ye Chen!

What Ye Chen is waiting for is this moment. Even if this guy has passed the rules of heaven and earth and has been cut off part of his cultivation, Luo Dao’s actual combat experience will not be affected at all!

Let him be led away by his emotions, so that he can enter the way he has arranged.

This person is not yet qualified to use the trump cards such as the Heavenly Sword of Samsara and the Holy Grail of Human Slaughtering.

Although the sword embryo cast by Xingchenyun has no spirit, it is absolutely unique in the world in terms of hardness.


Luo Dao was secretly surprised, this guy’s weapon is so hard?

“Black Dragon Roar!”

The dark halberd in his hand was thrown straight by Luo Dao, turning into a black dragon roaring, and Xu Ran pierced into the void, terrifying.

Zhu Yuan was defeated by this blow!

The huge dragon head opened its **** mouth, twisted the void under the blessing of the magic for a while, and bit towards Ye Chen.

“Reincarnation destroys the sky!”

Marven Ye waved his sword embryo with his arms up and shouted.

Invisible sword energy surged without any ripples. In the eyes of everyone, this guy was just holding a weird weapon and swiping it in the air!

Even Tianxuexin below did not find any abnormality, and his eyes showed doubts!


I don’t know when the layers of space ripples started, and the hideous black dragon actually let out a wailing, resounding through the world!

A piece of black scales fell off and fell into the ground, shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and melting in a few breaths, leaving a few meters of long insects trying to escape!


The sword embryo in his hand was thrown out, and he was about to slash the black dragon. Seeing this, Luo Dao hurriedly took away the dragon spirit and held a halberd in his hand again.

The corner of Ye Chen’s mouth crossed a smile, he was waiting for this moment!

The figure flashed in an instant, swept to Luo Dao, and said: “Do you know that I am Samsara! My people, Emperor Yu Huang, are not qualified to move!”

Ye Chen waved his iron fist and slammed it hard!

The flesh and blood of the ninety-six slashers fought against the blade, and in the eyes of everyone, it was actually smashing the halberd that Luo Dao relied on!


The halberd of Supreme Divine Might shattered into **** and sputtered. The Taishen Mountain Range was hit by this blow, and it was already riddled with holes. Where is the previous scenery?

“That guy Luo Dao seems to be invincible, should we… shot…”

Among the group of people, someone spoke.

“Just don’t let him die, have you forgotten the instructions of the elders in the clan? If not, it’s the Luo family…”

What is surprising in the eyes of the man who refuted is full of favor and appreciation for Ye Chen!

When the Qian family members spoke, everyone was silent.


The spiritual weapon of his life was destroyed, Luo Dao mouth vomited blood, obviously suffered a lot of trauma, he fluttered wildly, and he no longer looked as calm as before!


Luo Dao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeves. Immediately, the aura of the whole person rose violently, breaking his clothes. Under that stalwart body, countless stars were surging!

“Astral Cage!”

Different from the previous display, Luo Dao’s entire body was completely torn apart, flesh and blood poured into the stars, and the stars became more dazzling!

Shuanghuajian is shaking all the way!

Tianxuexin looked at the sea of ​​stars above the nine heavens, her eyes were tingling, and all seven orifices lost their senses in an instant!

Luo Dao’s bones and bones are the foundation, and the galaxy is formed. Above the sky outside the territory, it is shrouded by a bright galaxy!

He killed ninety, this talent is also extremely terrifying!


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