The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7840: Blood



“Let’s use the martial arts learned here today to destroy the sky!”

In an instant, Ye Chen made a bold move, and the sword embryo written by Xing Chenyun pierced through the void and reached Qian Xuanfeng’s eyebrows.

The silent sword light is like a dragon returning to the sea, even if Qian Xuanfeng is fully alert, he can’t catch the slightest trace. . .

Only on the empty earth, the fragments of time are bursting, and the light rain of reincarnation is falling drop by drop!

Marven Ye directly used the strongest ultimate move that he had just realized. Facing this young Supreme who made him feel a little bit jealous, he couldn’t be too arrogant!

He intends to settle the fight directly!

“Long sleeves!”

Seeing this scene, Qian Xuanfeng lowered the hem of his slender clothes and used his five fingers as a fan to sweep away the void.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were dark, the sun and the moon were dull, and even the Ziyang that Wenxin had transformed into lost her vigor and was suppressed by him!

A world in the palm of your hand!

This guy actually used the power of self-realized exquisite universe to fight against Ye Chen’s reincarnation ultimate move!

This terrifying move actually used the power of the universe to control and reorganize the sword energy that broke the void, repairing the time and space!


The two terrifying forces of the whole world are intertwined, the endless void shatters and reorganizes, and the light and rain in the sky shatters and heals!

Once there is a little bit of life, it is the end of death.


Marven Ye’s sword lingers around the galaxy, and countless stars on it are constantly shattering, and the terrifying killing power that bursts out is unabated!

Qian Xuanfeng’s palm is full of everything, and the power that reverses everything has repaired and connected countless time fragments into a river, and wants to refine this world!

It’s quite similar to Luo Que’s previous methods, but it’s very different!

In the palm of his hand, there is a real prototype of a cosmic vortex, where the aura of chaos is fully displayed. If it is accidentally involved, it will be completely destroyed by the power of desolation!


The space of the burial place was torn apart by the boundless light, the divine radiance was boiling and burning, and the whole burial place was lit up…

As the two forces dissipated, it was once again peaceful.

“You quit here, I can stop pursuing it!”

Qian Xuanfeng’s tone was very calm, and then he looked back at the monument not far away, as well as the entire burial ground.

Ye Chen was startled, this guy’s method seems to be to refine the divine stone to be diligent, and that sturdy dice is also…

If the stone tablet fell into his hands, the consequences would be truly unimaginable.

“The Invincible Young Supreme?”

“But that’s it!”

Marven Ye wrote lightly, at the same time, the sword embryo in his hand was lifted again, flashing the lingering galaxy.

“It’s just a means for you barbarians, my clan’s supernatural powers, you’re not worthy of spying!”

Qian Xuanfeng did not change his face, his calm face was full of calmness, and his restrained charm declared his detached status.

This is an innate self-confidence!

The burial site is very vast, with endless mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, or strange rocks flying in the air, or towering giant peaks towering into the clouds.

But no matter what, it is not as good as the 10,000-meter-long monument, and the horror symbols on it have circulated, and a low humming sound has been emitted, which sounds… like chanting scriptures ?

A stone tablet chanting by itself?

Where the melody surrounds, the ten thousand peaks are pale gold, which is really spectacular.

Outside the mountains, Ye Chen and Qian Xuanfeng faced off. After the previous tentative confrontation, no one has taken the lead in attacking!


Zhu Yuan’s figure swayed and fell not far away, Lan Ya and Qi Tian chased after them, and the three of them were extremely embarrassed.

“Young Master, this formation is too overbearing…”

Rao was a heaven-defying means of transforming three clears in one gas, and he almost cost him half of his life. He fought and killed two young supreme beings.

“Brother Xuanfeng, I…”

Qi Tian blamed himself a little. He led his team to hunt down Zhu Yuan, but two people were killed, which made him… how should he face Qian Xuanfeng?

“You’ll be fine!”

Qian Xuanfeng warned softly, but he didn’t mean to blame.

The battle has come to this point, and besides Luo Que, three of the so-called ten young supreme beings, that is, the nine people on the road, have died.

“These guys are more difficult to deal with one by one!”

Zhu Yuan’s breath was vain and panted.

Ye Chen was silent, his eyes fixed on Qian Xuanfeng, and now Linger has dragged a few people, Zhu Yuan has lost his combat effectiveness, he must fight against three!

There is also the most terrifying Qian Xuanfeng!


There was an explosion in the sky, the space collapsed, and the countless giant peaks were torn apart and dissipated like fragile tissue.

The mirror-like lake and sea are distorted, and the water of the river flows back for nine days, hanging into a natural waterfall that hangs all over the world.

In the center of the void, the power of two spiritual thoughts intertwined and exploded, causing the sky to cry.

“Brother Xuanfeng, I’m angry!”

Seeing this, Lan Ya stood behind her tremblingly, Qi Tian on one side also stared at the high-spirited man in white not far away, and said nothing.

The nine of them, although they are all arrogant and arrogant, but when it comes to the truth, the gap with Qian Xuanfeng… is not a star.

“It’s a long way off. Brother Xuanfeng can crush you ants with just the power of divine sense! In a barbarian land, how dare you think about Yu Haoyue’s brilliance?”

Lan Ya sneered at the side, her chest heaving up and down, revealing large areas of snow-white skin. In the previous battle, several of them were also injured by Zhu Yuan’s methods, and now they are showing a little vitality.

“Tian Diquan!”

The pale-faced Zhu Yuan strongly urged the rune bone in his right hand, and every inch of his body was creaking.


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