The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7833: Human Sovereign Sword, invalid?


Marven Ye and Zhu Yuan were also shocked by the changing scenes before them.

“Underground, something is surging…”

Zhu Yuan sensed the change. . .

Ye Chen nodded lightly and said lightly: “In this world, many strong people should have been buried in the past, and now these creatures may also be revived!”

“Hahahaha, two little guys, it’s fate to come here. You can inherit the burial ground. If you can get the approval of a few old friends in the past, it will be a good talk!”

The voice of the mysterious man reverberates in every corner of the small world.

“Young Master, go pick the medicine!”

Zhu Yuan heard the words, and his eyes were drooling immediately, and he was about to start, but was stopped by Ye Chen.


He pressed Zhu Yuan and looked at the rising sun above the sky, staring for a long time without saying a word.

Although Zhu Yuan does not know why, he is still obedient and obedient. Two tall and straight figures stand quietly, waiting for the big sun!

Not long after, when the golden light in the sky shone down, the whole world was bathed in a sea of ​​light, and Ye Chen and Zhu Yuan’s back were flashing pale gold.


One after another figure rose from the ground, dispelling the endless darkness around him, surging with divine brilliance, as if attracted by the great sun above the void.

“Unexpectedly, in the past, this burial place destroyed so many living beings. Every one of them, compared to the old guys in the Dao City, is less arrogant!”

But now I look around, some are giants with hundreds of thousands of heroic souls!

All these forces were wiped out in the palm of their hands, Ye Chen couldn’t help but stand on end. If history repeats itself again… Daocheng, I am afraid it will shatter at a touch!

Even the so-called imperial clan may not be able to protect themselves.

“Welcome my Lord!”

There was a loud shout, and the souls of hundreds of thousands of heroic spirits flashed with divine brilliance, reaching the sky. Even Ye Chen could clearly feel the killing intent of these warriors who had been dead for thousands of years!

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“My descendants will raise the banner of destroying the heavens again, follow their masters, and pacify the heavens! Back to nothing!”

The figure of the mysterious man appeared, and the rickety body had already been drained of all the blood energy by the five-color altar, and only the skinny corpse laughed and said hoarsely.

The figure standing above the void overlooks the 100,000 living beings, and at a glance, countless firm wills condense into the vast sea of ​​stars, pouring into the great sun transformed by Wenxin!


The whole world began to tremble, roar, and cry.

Wen Xin’s bloodline is changing. In the big day, the looming little girl has faded away a bit of her tenderness, and her eyes have become even more cold!

Hundreds of thousands of heroic spirits are transforming blood for Wenxin, washing the bones and cutting the marrow.

She will become the master of this world and completely control the killing!


“Zhu Yuan, it’s that side!”

Ye Chen’s reincarnation Tianyan found something, greeted Zhu Yuan, and went to the top of the mountain not far away. At the end of the connection with the sun, two creatures stood still.

The whole body is wrapped in golden light, and it is impossible to see the appearance, or even distinguish between men and women.

“Two seniors, the juniors are disturbing!”

It seems that they were extremely surprised by Ye Chen and Zhu Yuan’s visit, and the two creatures looked at them.

“Hundreds of thousands of heroic spirits in this burial place are celebrating the new master, but they are the only ones who see them alone. They feel disappointed, and the world is cold!”

Marven Ye also came here looking for the feeling in his heart, and the same sense of decline that went against the world and did nothing, hit it off.


The two figures heard the words, and one of the mysterious creatures directly attacked Ye Chen!


At the same time, several young Supremes are here.

“Damn, what was that just now!”

Spit blood on the ground, Luo Que looked behind him. In the endless night, only five people still had life and could accompany him to fight.

You must know that those who can follow him, such as Li Wei, are all young geniuses in the world, and now they have lost so many confidants…

Several of their so-called ‘Young Supremes’ are all separate from each other, and they are fighting for each other. Now that they have entered the giant city, they must be at every step.

This ancient giant city is too terrifying. There is no sign of stepping into an illusion. The moment the sound of fighting rings in my ears, I have already been robbed, and I don’t even have time to react. A gust of wind…he can’t break the game!

“In that direction!”

In the direction he sensed, a figure quickly passed by, Luo Que frowned: “Lanya!”

Exactly one of the Young Supremes of his equal name.


“Qian Xuanfeng?”

Another figure passed by, running in the other direction.

Luo Que couldn’t help but glance back at his team, and now he is facing Qian Xuanfeng, and he can’t get any favors!

Immediately interrupted, Luo Que and his group of six pursued in the direction of the five-color altar.

“There have been traces of previous battles here!”

When Luo Que rushed to the center of the altar, the road was uneventful, and it seemed that someone had already taken the lead.

“Is it Lanya? No, it’s that kid brought by the gods…”

Suddenly, Luo Que’s eyes lit up with murderous intent, because it was the jumping clown who had escaped from him repeatedly!


The screen rotates.

Above the vast expanse of the earth, a round of purple sun rises, which is very dazzling. At the center, the figure of Wen Xin, who was still visible before, has disappeared.

The souls of hundreds of thousands of heroic spirits have also exhausted their last traces of divine brilliance, pouring blood for the new master, and crowned king!


As soon as the mysterious creature pointed out, Ye Chen used the Holy Grail of Human Slaughter, but it was impossible to resist!

He wanted to try the Guilty Boat, but it’s even harder to control it now!

In front of the huge gap in cultivation, even the fire of Taoism and the Heavenly Sword of Samsara cannot break through the defense of the person in front of him.

What’s more, this is the dead person who was temporarily awakened by Wen Xin with Pang Bo’s vitality!

It can be seen how terrifying his cultivation base was during his lifetime.

Ye Chen, who flew upside down, did not suffer any substantial damage, but under the stalemate, he even breathed quickly!

“What’s the situation, this feeling of heart palpitations!”

Ye Chen suddenly felt bad, he was sure he was not injured, but this feeling of powerlessness…

“The Holy Sword of the Emperor, kill me!”

Ye Chen drank violently, took out the Holy Sword of the Emperor, and pulled it fiercely.


A small section of the shiny blade was pulled out by Ye Chen.

It’s only a small section, but the sharpness of that small section of the blade is earth-shattering.

The golden sword light, like destroying the tree and pulling the rotten, with the terrifying power of destroying the universe and the world, it is fiercely beheaded.

Words in the real world cannot describe the sharpness of this knife, the sharpness of this knife.

Seeing that the Human Sovereign Sacred Sword in Ye Chen’s hand was actually pulled out, the mysterious creature was slightly surprised, and seemed to be a little interested, and pointed to the Human Sovereign Sacred Sword thoughtfully, and immediately stopped holding it. , use your arms as a sword, and fight with Ye Chen!


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