The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7795: Buddha’s reminder


Now Ye Chen’s life and death entrance is completely opened, and the number of shackles has reached ninety-six, which is the realm of shackles of the old goddess.

Now, Ye Chen is only missing four shackles, that is, the shackles of the skull, the shackles of the eyes, and the shackles of the heart!

Ye Chen thought to himself, he has benefited a lot from this time in the world of sentient beings, and it is time to make the final sprint and move towards the breakthrough of the shackles of the heart!

The evil **** Ye returned from the future and brought Ye Chen an infinite vision. . .

In the years to come, Ye Chen has the possibility of ascending to the top of the heavens and ruling everything. He sees the hope of rising, and his heart is naturally full of blood, and it will be of great benefit to cut the shackles of the heart.

“Buddha, then I will say goodbye.”

Ye Chen bowed his hands to the Buddha. Now the world of all living beings has been reduced to ruins, and the spiritual energy of the earth is lost. If he wants to cut off the flail, he can only go outside.

Ye Chen wants to return to the forbidden area to slash the flail. After all, in the forbidden area, with the protection of the four elders of the forbidden area, it will be safer.

And the forbidden area is also the territory of the Martial Ancestor. If outsiders want to make trouble, they also need to pay an extra price.

Buddha took a deep look at Ye Chen, and seemed to have found something. He hesitated for a while, and then nodded slowly: “Go, Lord of Reincarnation, I wish you a smooth break through the shackles of your heart.”

Marven Ye said: “Okay, thanks to the blessing of the Buddha.”

This time, Ye Chen wanted to leave with the Devil Emperor.

“Brother Ye, wait!”

At this time, Gui Chen took a step and stopped Ye Chen.

“Brother Guichen, is something wrong?”

Marven Ye’s heart skipped a beat and asked.

Gui Chen said: “Brother Ye, I also want to go outside to cut the shackles, but the shackles of martial arts have not been cut off yet.”

When Ye Chen heard Gui Chen’s request, his heart suddenly froze.

When Gui Chen said this, his eyes were not as pure as before, but with some hidden emotions.

If he goes outside, what happens if he gets entangled with the demon ancestors, the consequences are unimaginable.

Now the Demon Emperor’s Soul Seed has shrunk, and the Demon Ancestor will no longer be able to take over the parasite in a short period of time.

But Guichen is a more perfect container than the Devil Emperor!


Marven Ye hesitated for a while, not daring to agree for a while.

The Buddha said: “Let him go, Ye Xie Shen just came, and he didn’t give any special explanation. Everything can be done according to the situation.”

If Guichen really affects Ye Chen, the so-called Ye Xie Shen will definitely have a hint.

But just now, Ye Xie Shen was not particularly alert. Whether he wants to come or return to the dust is part of the future layout, and there is no need to forcibly disturb it.

Ye Chen thought the same, and said, “Okay, Guichen, you will go out with me and cut the flail together.”

Gui Chen was overjoyed and said, “Thank you, Brother Ye! Don’t worry, I won’t hinder you.”

Marven Ye nodded, bowed to the Buddha, and said, “Buddha, then we will retire first.”

The Buddha said: “Go, my world of sentient beings, always stand on your side of reincarnation.”

Ye Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then turned around. Just as Ye Chen turned around, the Buddha suddenly found a cloud of black mist around Ye Chen. He thought for a moment, and quickly stopped Ye Chen and said, “Master of reincarnation, wait a minute. Wait!”

Ye Chen was stunned, and asked with some doubts: “What’s the matter, Buddha?”

Buddha stretched out his finger behind Ye Chen and said, “There is a hidden demon behind you that still exists. Do you still have something to deal with before you cut off the flail?”

Ye Chen didn’t know what the Buddha meant. Just as he was about to ask a question, the Buddha said, “Why are you infected with the cause and effect of abandoning the world?”

When Ye Chen heard those four words, Ye Chen was instantly stunned, and even his back was sweating.

But the cause and effect of abandoning the world is not over!

Xiao Qin’s matter has not been resolved yet! The half-year appointment with Soul Code Zun Wang Xiaoyu is also coming.

If he really forgets this matter, Xiao Qin will die, and he will definitely become his inner demon!

How will the shackles of the heart be cut off at that time!

Maybe it will be controlled by Emperor Shitian!

During this period of time, Ye Chen has been delaying Xiao Qin’s affairs, on the one hand to strengthen his strength, and on the other hand to save Xiao Qin. The King Soul Dian Zun left him for half a year, and there was still time.

But now it’s not enough!

He must go to Zhenhunyuan immediately to get Qingyun Shenmu!

In the past, Zhenhunyuan might have been troublesome and even fatal to him, but now, he must be able to get back from Qingyun Shenmu safely.

Thinking of the consequences of forgetting this incident, Ye Chen was afraid to exhale, and then cupped his hands to Buddha: “Thank you Buddha for reminding me, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. Before I cut the flail, I will go to Zhenhunyuan immediately.”

Buddha nodded, but when he heard Zhenhunyuan, his expression was solemn, and he continued: “I understand Zhenhunyuan, this place is unusual, and it has a little connection with Wutian, if you get there, Remember not to expose the atmosphere of reincarnation too much, now that you have broken Wutian’s good deeds, Wutian will be furious, if Wutian finds out that you have gone to Zhenhunyuan, then this may become a place to bury reincarnation.”

Another reminder from the Buddha, made Ye Chen not dare to take it lightly for a moment, and cupped his hands: “Thank you, farewell.”

In order not to be exposed, Ye Chen arranged Demon Emperor and Gui Chen in Wish Tianxing, otherwise they would definitely be discovered by Wutian when they arrived at Zhenhunyuan.

Then is to tear the void, and use the power of the virtual tablet to go towards the soul-suppressing abyss.


Three hours later, the void fluctuated.

An indifferent figure appeared!

This person is none other than Ye Chen!

However, Ye Chen deliberately covered the breath of reincarnation, because he released the Xingtianshui mirror, relying on a clue, and constantly calculated divination.

Although Wutian is extremely powerful, Ye Chen sensed a trace of Wutian’s aura.

Sure enough, the Buddha did not lie to himself.

“Looks like I need to be careful.”

“Now that I have cut off many shackles, many problems should not need to be solved by the power of reincarnation…”

“But even the Buddha didn’t dare to underestimate this place, and I mustn’t be careless.”

As soon as Ye Chen’s words fell, two figures appeared around Ye Chen!

When Ye Chen saw these two people, he was instantly overjoyed!

It’s actually Linger and Yan Xuaner!

Yan Xuan’er seemed to have refined the holy fire, and her breath was much stronger. She looked at Ye Chen and said excitedly: “Master, I’ll help you!”

Marven Ye said to Yan Xuaner: “You have completely refined the holy fire!!”

Yan Xuan’er nodded lightly, her face flushed a little: “You’re almost done, son, you didn’t need me to come out because you had other people to help you, now this is a place without heaven, I may be able to help son to ease a little. “

Marven Ye was extremely satisfied, and then his eyes fell on Linger again, and said, “Linger, you…”

However, before the words were finished, Ling’er said impatiently: “When the stele of the day appeared, I was fine. During this time, I tore through the void and kept looking for the whereabouts of the stele, but unfortunately, there was no Harvest, well, you still have to cut the flail, go get the Qingyun Shenmu as soon as possible.”


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