The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7794: Reconstruction (votes)


“Then today, let’s just die together!”

The voice fell, and the demon ancestor Wutian was swaying his blood, and he planned to explode himself.

He has high hopes for the Demon Emperor. . .

If the Soul Seed explodes and he has no hope of taking his body again, then he will definitely not be able to support his old wreckage, and he will surely die.

Instead of decaying and dying, it is better to explode with vigour and bury the entire world of sentient beings.

For a while, Mozu Wutian’s body swelled, and the magic weapons, weapons, heaven and earth treasures that he had accumulated in his life all swelled up, and exploded with him, destroying everything.


Gui Chen was horrified when he saw this scene.

With a wave of his palm, he subconsciously resorted to a “curse of subjugation”.

That magic spell is a very common Buddhist spell.

But unexpectedly, the magic spell that Gui Chen used fell on Mozu Wutian, and the turbulent qi and blood of Mozu Wutian was actually suppressed back.

Not only that, Mozu Wutian’s swollen soul seed quickly shrank back, and the demonic energy was continuously concentrated.

Under the curse of Guichen, the demonic energy between heaven and earth will cease.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen, Buddha and others were all stunned.

Mozu Wutian looked at Gui Chen and was stunned.

Until this time, he did not notice the existence of Guichen.

Before he came down, his attention was only on Ye Chen and Buddha.

Seeing Gui Chen’s attack now, Mozu Wutian immediately caught a very familiar aura, and he muttered to himself: “Are you… another me?”

After saying these words, the demonic spirit of the Demon Ancestor Wutian was completely suppressed.

The Soul Seed shrank, and the Demon Ancestor Wutian could no longer borrow the body of the Demon Emperor Covering Heaven, and the air flow around his body hummed and quickly dissipated.

The reduced soul species returned to the Demon Emperor’s body.

The Demon Emperor vomited a mouthful of bruised blood with a “Whoo” sound, opened his eyes, and woke up.

He looked at Guichen, who was close at hand, with a bit of daze and shock.

Gui Chen’s ordinary magic spell can suppress the demon ancestor Wutian, making it impossible for him to self-destruct, which is simply incredible.

But when I think of it, Guichen is the other side of Demon Ancestor Wutian, and the Demon Emperor is relieved.

Gui Chen is sluggish. The words of the demon ancestor just now, like a giant hammer, struck his heart, and there are many unfamiliar and familiar, extremely obscure memories in his mind. surge.

He vaguely felt that his life experience must be very extraordinary.

“Mozu Wutian said, I’m another him? This… what’s going on?”

Gui Chen was frightened and confused, and his mood fluctuated.

He was standing on the boat of sin. Originally, the evil spirit of the boat of evil could not hurt him at all, but as he was in a state of disorder at the moment, the evil spirit also roared upwards, and wanted to erode it together with the Devil Emperor.

“Be careful!”

Marven Ye’s eyes are quick, his mind moves, and he controls the boat of sin and does not let the evil spirit spread.

The Devil Emperor reacted very quickly, and immediately jumped down with Gui Chen and returned to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen saw that the Devil Emperor was refreshed and his mental state was much better, and he was no longer as gloomy as before. /

The Demon Emperor glanced at Gui Chen, then smiled and said, “Fortunately, this little brother is helping me. Now, the demonic energy in my body has been greatly dissipated and has shrunk a lot, and it won’t happen again for the time being.”

Before he came to the realm of all living beings, the Demon Emperor’s soul seed was so strong that it was about to devour him.

But at this moment, his soul seed has completely shrunk, and he won’t hurt him again in a short time.

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gui Chen, and said, “Brother Gui Chen, thank you very much.”

Fortunately, there is Guichen’s kindness and support, and the solution of his magic spell, otherwise, the devil emperor will definitely die, and even the entire world of living beings will completely collapse in the self-destruction of the devil ancestors.

Hearing the thanks from the Demon Emperor and Ye Chen, Gui Chen didn’t look happy, instead, he was confused and said, “Brother Ye, I… I’m actually not me, but the incarnation of Demon Ancestor Wutian. ?”

He has now faintly awakened and glimpsed his own terrible background.

Marven Ye’s heart froze, he didn’t dare to answer lightly, and glanced at Buddha.

The Buddha shook his head slightly, but did not want to reveal the truth.

Ye Chen calmed down and said, “Gui Chen, you are who you are, don’t think too much, and don’t be deceived by Mozu Wutian’s words.”

Gui Chen said in a daze: “Really?”

Marven Ye patted his shoulder and said, “You are tired, take a good rest.”

Gui Chen made an “oh” sound, still confused.

Ye Chen nodded slightly and walked lightly to the Buddha’s side. Seeing that the Buddha’s golden body was dim and his breath was slightly dejected, he was quite worried, and said, “Buddha, are you healthy?”

Previously, the Buddha consumed his qi and blood to restore the Holy Grail of human slaughter for Ye Chen, and later was eroded by the supreme will, and his current state is not optimistic.

The Buddha smiled and waved his hand, saying, “It’s okay, Ye Xie Shen came back from the future, and defeated the Supreme Will, and the old man barely survived.”

After a pause, the Buddha narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the world of sentient beings that had almost turned into ruins, and said, “Next, Lao Na wants to rebuild the world of sentient beings, I’m afraid I will be busy for a while.”

Ye Chen nodded and folded his hands: “Buddha, if you need any help from me, please feel free to speak.”

Buddha said: “No need, you have cut off ninety-six shackles now, only four shackles have not been cut off, the old man does not dare to disturb.”

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