The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7793: Roar


This power is so powerful and so terrifying that just one look can completely destroy the entire world of beings.

“Is this the Supreme Will?”

Marven Ye was terrified. Although he was roughly certain that there was no so-called will in no time and space, the appearance of this dead face still brought him great pressure. . .

Under the insight of Heaven’s Secret, he instantly knew that this dead face was the existence that claimed to be the supreme will, the creator behind the six worlds of reincarnation!

Even, Ye Chen captured the cause and effect of Martial Ancestor from the dead face.

I want to come to Wuzu to be imprisoned, and it is also related to this dead face!

“Hahaha, the Buddha of truth, the supreme will has come, your death is coming! I see how you can hinder me!”

Mozu Wutian laughed wildly, like a madman, his palm shot out again, and slapped Ye Chen fiercely.

As long as Ye Chen is killed, the ship of sin will fall, and his soul seed will no longer be in danger of exploding.

When Ye Chen saw the Demon Ancestor Wutian’s palm hit, he immediately felt a shocking pressure.

Buddha wanted to help Ye Chen, but under the shroud of the supreme will, he was suffocated, and it was difficult to even protect himself, and it was impossible to protect Ye Chen again.


Marven Ye gritted his teeth, with his current strength, of course, it was impossible to compete against the Demon Ancestor Wutian.

Marven Ye quickly backed away to avoid the killing of the demon ancestor Wutian.

Mozu Wutian’s palm smashed through the void, and continued to chase and kill like a bone-encrusted gangrene.

Marven Ye’s situation was suddenly very dangerous.

“Hahaha, where can you escape?”

Mozu Wutian laughed like crazy, and smashed Ye Chen’s head with a palm.

“It seems that I still have to shoot, Wutian, want to kill the person I like, you are not qualified!”

Suddenly at this time, an old voice sounded in the void.

I saw a mysterious old man who stepped through the void, descended, and gently waved his palm. It was so easy that he repelled Mozu Wutian’s palm.

The Demon Ancestor retreated in terror, only to feel that the mysterious old man’s supernatural powers were so powerful that they were beyond the scope of the real world.

That is definitely a super strong man who proves the truth!

He is an ancient sage at the level of Hongjun Patriarch, Martial Ancestor, and Fairy Jianjia!

“You are… Ye Xie Shen!?”

The demon ancestor was terrified and stared at the mysterious old man.

Looking at the figure of the mysterious old man, Ye Chen also felt very familiar, and his heart was turbulent.

The mysterious old man turned his head and showed a kind and amiable smile at Ye Chen, and said, “Little guy, long time no see.”

“I’m also not sure whether it is good or bad to involve you in this game.”

“Ye Xie…Grandpa, you…you have already proven the truth?”

Ye Chen felt Ye Xie Shen’s breath, which was indescribably powerful. It traveled through the sky and latitude and ran through the ages. It was a terrifying realm beyond reality.

Ye Evil God smiled and said: “Forget it, I’m actually dead. In the end, you are in the world of Wuwu and resurrect me. I’m from the future time and space to come back to help you.”

Ye Chen was stunned, not knowing why, and said, “This… what’s going on?”

Ye Xie Shen said: “You are in the real world, and in the end you have to fight with the ancient emperor Yuhuang.”

“In that final battle, I died.”

“Afterwards, you proved the Tao, you are in charge of the ultimate reincarnation, and you resurrected me.”

“The present me is not the present me, but the future me. I came from the future to save your life.”

Marven Ye was stunned, he probably understood, trembling all over, and said, “Grandpa, so you came back from the future?”

Ye Xie Shen smiled and said: “Yes, in the current time line, I can’t beat the demon ancestor and the supreme will, but the future me is enough.”

Speaking of the end, Ye Xie’s eyes revealed a sharp murderous intent.

As soon as he raised his hand, the Emperor’s Sword in Ye Chen’s body flew to his hand.


Ye Evil God pulled out the holy sword, and with a smear of sword light as vast as the Tianhe, golden light, it rushed to the sky, and with a snort, the dead face hanging in the sky was completely smashed.

The wind, thunder and majesty in the sky were all cut off.

The light of the hob, which lasts forever, shines for thousands of miles, which is spectacular.

Ye Chen was completely stunned. At this moment, Ye Xie Shen pulled out the blade completely, not just a small piece.

But the entire Human Emperor Sacred Sword was pulled out by Ye Xie Shen.

The Human Sovereign Sacred Sword in its complete state has an inconceivably powerful edge, and it actually slashed the Supreme Will back with one slash.

Of course, this is also because the supreme will came to the real world, and it was not able to exert its full strength due to the many restrictions of the rules.

However, this terrifying and terrifying divine might completely shocked Ye Chen.

“Is this the power of sermons?”

Ye Chen looked at Ye Xie Shen’s figure, his blood boiled.

Ye Evil God smiled, put the knife back in its sheath, and returned it to Ye Chen, saying: “The future you will be a billion times stronger than the current me.”

“However, there are thousands of timelines in the future, and there is no timeline for your rise. It’s too difficult.”

“I can’t stay too long and I can’t disturb too much, otherwise the timeline changes with unpredictable dire consequences.”

“I’m waiting for you in the future, goodbye.”

Speaking of the end, Ye Xie Shen let out a sigh and looked at Ye Chen rather reluctantly.

Finally, he opened the river of time, and with a flash, he jumped back to the future world.

From that long river of time, Ye Chen took a glimpse, saw his future, climbed to the top, took charge of the heavens, and even established the laws of order in the infinite time and space, worshipped by the heavens, and surrounded by others. Accompanied by a group of beauties, the goddess has become his concubine, which can be said to enjoy the bliss of the world.

However, this Dzogchen future is accompanied by countless thorns and blood. As long as one wrong step is taken, it will be irreversible.

In that glimpse, Ye Chen was in a trance and saw his future with countless tragic failures.

He couldn’t bear to look at those tragic scenes, he only knew that the fate of failure was very tragic.

For example, today, if Ye Xianshen didn’t save his life across time and space, he would be more fortunate than lucky.

Ye Xie Shen was gone, the supreme will also dissipated, and the world of all beings was devastated, but at last a little bit of the earth’s spiritual energy was preserved, and it was not completely destroyed.

Mozu Wutian, Buddha, and many monks from the Great Truth Temple stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

There are no powerhouses in the future time and space, crossing the long river of time, descending, and turning the tide. If they hadn’t seen this scene with their own eyes, they would not have believed it.

Even Gui Chen, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked around blankly.

The turmoil in the outside world subsided, and the evil spirit of the ship of sin continued to rush towards the Demon Ancestor Wutian frantically.

Mozu Wutian felt that the soul seed was about to explode, his face was constantly twisted, his facial features were constantly twitching, he suddenly gritted his teeth and roared up to the sky:

“If my soul seed explodes, my life will be meaningless.”


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