The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7788: Gifts! (Request a ticket)


“Congratulations, you have become my Dazheng Temple, the new generation of Buddhist disciples.”

The solemn and solemn voice of the Buddha came out. . .

The Devil Emperor took a step back and said, “Thank you Buddha for your protection, but I cultivate devils and do not enter Buddhism.”

The implication is to reject the status of the son of the Buddha and do not need the blessing of the Buddha.

When everyone saw the Devil Emperor’s choice, there was another commotion.

Buddha had no opinion, and said indifferently: “The benefactor has the way of the benefactor, and the old man is not reluctant.”

After a pause, the Buddha said again: “Lord of reincarnation, come in, I know you have many questions, and I can answer them all.”

Excited, Ye Chen glanced at the Devil Emperor.

The Demon Emperor’s eyes were also quite excited. The Soul Seed in his body finally saw hope for a solution.

“Thank you Buddha!”

Ye Chen bowed his hands and thanked him, and walked towards the Great Truth Temple step by step.

Every time he took a step, a golden lotus flower bloomed under his feet, and strands of golden glow lingered around his body, transforming into various visions such as Jinpeng phoenix, unicorn dragon and tiger.

In the end, under countless envious eyes, Ye Chen entered the Great Truth Temple.

There are other Buddhist monks who went down with Guichen and accepted Buddhist baptism.

The Demon Emperor Zhetian held back his mood and waited outside the Great Truth Temple.

Ye Chen entered the Great Truth Temple, looked up, and saw the flags fluttering, the colorful clouds in the sky, the treasure cover flying, the four walls, carved with various ancient Buddha totems, the dome above his head, inlaid with gems, The sun shines through, and it is spectacular.

On both sides of the main hall, there is a golden elephant Arhat, ancient Bodhisattva, immortal flowers in vase, sandalwood incense burner, brilliant brocade tree, incense cloud haze, and there are butterfly-like scriptures floating in the air. The solemn treasures of Buddhism are all displayed.

At the very top of the main hall, there is a giant Buddha sitting cross-legged, with golden light all over his body, the laws of the world are ups and downs, and the universe is empty. The month is turbulent, the stalwart is solemn, and the magical power is boundless.

Ye Chen glanced at it and knew that this giant Buddha was the legendary Buddha of Truth.

Sure enough, it is supernatural and powerful to the point of invincibility.

“In Xia Yechen, I saw Buddha!”

Ye Chen bowed and saluted, thinking that the Buddha of Truth, his cultivation will not be any worse than the ancient emperor Yu Huang.

“Lord of Reincarnation, please take a seat!”

The voice of the Buddha is like a bell, shaking the void.

Under Ye Chen’s body, the blue light converged and turned into a lotus platform.

“Thank you Buddha.”

Ye Chen sat on the lotus platform, face to face with the Buddha.

The Buddha said: “Congratulations, you have become a Buddhist son of my Dazheng Temple. In the future, you and I can explore the truth together and study the eternal and ultimate mysteries of the world!”

Ye Chen said: “Yes! I am deeply honored to be able to study the mysteries of Buddhism with the Buddha.”

Buddha said: “You become a son of Buddha today, Lao Na has a gift for you, please take out the Holy Grail.”

Marven Ye was stunned for a while, and then sacrificed the Holy Grail of Human Slaughter according to his words.

In order to fight against the principle of heaven, Ye Chen exhausted the spiritual energy of the Holy Grail. Today, the human slaughtering the Holy Grail has faded and cracked, and there are many cracks on it, losing all its brilliance.

But Ye Chen didn’t know what the Buddha wanted to do when he asked him to take out the Holy Grail of Human Slaughter.


Suddenly, Ye Chen saw Buddha’s big hand waving out, pointing his finger at the Holy Grail.

A stream of hot blood flowed from the Buddha’s finger and poured into the Holy Grail like a waterfall.

Under the nourishment of the Buddha’s blood, Ye Chen’s people slaughtered the Holy Grail and quickly recovered his spiritual energy. All cracks were repaired, and even bright Buddha lights bloomed. The weather was great.

In the blink of an eye, the originally bleak man slaughtered the Holy Grail and completely recovered his vigor. The golden Buddha’s light bloomed, and the Buddha’s light contained a monstrous murderous aura, such as the evil spirits of Buddhism, the angry eyes of King Kong, and the majesty.

In contrast, the Buddha’s body was shrunken and gray, and his blood seemed to be exhausted.

“Buddha, what are you doing?”

Marven Ye was taken aback. He didn’t expect that Buddha would consume his own blood and restore the Holy Grail for him.

The Buddha smiled lightly and said, “It’s just a little greeting for you, it’s not a respect.”

Marven Ye shook and said, “This…this gift is too big!”

The Buddha took a deep breath, and the light appeared on his body again, but it was not as vast and magnificent as before. He slowly said: “It’s okay, if you reach the top of the heavens in the future, you will even establish reincarnation in no time and space. order, the little sacrifice of Lao Na today will be rewarded with great merit.”

Marven Ye was so shocked that he was speechless. He knew that when the Buddha helped him restore the Holy Grail of Human Slaughter, the consumption of energy and blood was huge, and the sacrifice would never be small.

The Buddha smiled and said, “Lord of Reincarnation, if you have any questions, ask them as soon as possible. After the old man wants to answer them clearly, he will go back to rest.” His tone was full of exhaustion.

Ye Chen froze in his heart, knowing that the Buddha’s energy and blood was too much, and he was tired even talking, so he didn’t dare to talk nonsense at the moment, and straight to the point:

“Buddha, did you ever adopt a baby?”

“That baby is the incarnation of the kindness of the demon ancestor, who was entrusted to you by the old master.”

“I want to know the whereabouts of that baby!”

The Buddha gave an “oh” and said, “Do you want to unlock the Soul Seed of the Demon Emperor?”

Marven Ye said happily: “Exactly!”

I thought that the Buddha was so powerful that he might have seen the secrets and knew his purpose.

Buddha nodded and said, “That baby is born with perfection, and can indeed unlock the soul seed of the devil emperor and son.”

Marven Ye quickly asked, “Buddha, where is the baby?”

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