The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7786: Help me destroy the cycle!


“Hehe, going against the Heavenly Monarch, it is impossible to go against the sixth layer of the Sky Profound Realm. I think he will lose!”

“I think he’s lost too!”

After a period of consideration, many candidates chose to bet on Su Daoguang.

Seeing this, the rest of the candidates followed the crowd. As Su Daoguang won, they were not optimistic about Ye Chen. . .

“Brother Ye, you are the master of reincarnation, I think you can win.”

Gui Chen smiled brightly, but chose to bet on Ye Chen.

Naturally, the Demon Emperor didn’t hesitate and bet on Ye Chen.

In the end, the contestants in the audience, only Gui Chen and Demon Emperor, bet that Ye Chen would win, and everyone else thought that Ye Chen would lose.

The spectators at the foot of the mountain were also agitated. They opened the market directly, took out all kinds of elixir, treasures from heaven and earth, and participated in gambling battles. Almost 90% of them bet on Su Daoguang to win and Ye Chen to win. , very few.

Su Daoguang couldn’t help laughing, the eyes of the audience converged, and even his luck was a bit fiery.

“Lord of Reincarnation, let me see how much you have!”

Su Daoguang shouted violently and took the lead in swinging his sword.

He learned the lessons from the past, and did not underestimate the enemy in the slightest. As soon as he made a shot, he used all his strength, and the sword was fierce and fierce.

“Kendo is in the deep, the abyss is like me, broken!”

The fierce sword energy attacked Ye Chen overwhelmingly.

In an instant, Ye Chen felt that the space in front of him began to distort, as if there was a bottomless abyss that was about to devour everything.

This is obviously Ye Linyuan’s original swordsmanship. Ye Chen captured Ye Linyuan’s cause and effect from the sword energy of the abyss.

Su Daoguang has won the true inheritance of Ye Linyuan, and this sword is extremely powerful.

Fortunately, Ye Chen has opened up all the doors of life and death, and is completely fearless.

“Dou Zi Jue, Samsara Sword Slash!”

Ye Chen shouted, the Dou Zi Jue erupted, and a white battle qi exploded on the blade of the sword, mixed with the breath of the Heavenly Sword of Samsara, turned into a sharp sword qi slash, hitting Su Daoguang directly.


Marven Ye’s sword and Su Daoguang’s sword clashed fiercely, wiping out a series of sparks.

Su Daoguang’s face changed suddenly, he only felt a ferocious force, and he rolled back.

“You boy, your combat power has increased again! Break it for me!”

In danger, Su Daoguang stepped back, unleashing Ye Chen’s power, then dodged, shattered the void, circled behind Ye Chen, and stabbed Ye Chen’s weak air with a sword.

The position of this sword is very precise, and it happens to be the weakest part of Ye Chen’s reincarnation qi machine.

Ye Chen’s face sank, and he thought: “This guy really got the true biography of Ye Linyuan!”

Like Ye Chen, Ye Linyuan came from a family of reincarnation, and he almost became the master of reincarnation, so he is very familiar with the changes in the qi of reincarnation.

Marven Ye felt Su Daoguang’s sword stabbed, his footsteps turned sharply, and he slapped his backhand.

Su Daoguang felt that Ye Chen’s palm was ferocious, and even felt suffocated by his own cultivation of the sixth level of the Heavenly Profound Realm.

“Yuanzi Divine Script, Edict!”

With a wave of his hand, Su Daoguang offered a divine inscription, which was actually one of the thirty-three divine inscriptions, with the character “Yuan”.

As soon as the word abyss appeared, the space seemed to turn into an abyss.

Ye Chen smashed the past with one palm, as if he was trapped in the abyss, but he couldn’t hurt Su Daoguang in the slightest.

“Can you stop it?”

“The eight Buddhas, suppress me!”

Ye Chen drank violently, flipped his palm again, the golden light and Buddha energy burst, and a Buddha pagoda appeared.

The Great Truth Temple is right in front of him. The Buddhist spirit here is so rich that it is boundless, and Buddhist supernatural powers can also erupt with the most powerful power.

Under the blessing of the leylines of the Holy Land of Truth, Ye Chen’s eight Buddha qi, ferocious, golden light, and the unparalleled Buddhist righteousness, rumbled and exploded, completely suppressing Su Daoguang’s Yuan character divine script. .


The gigantic pagoda with a thousand storeys in height, with its mighty power like rolling wind and thunder, slammed towards Su Daoguang’s head.

Ye Chen, who had opened up all the entrances of life and death, this blow was also extremely violent.

Everyone in the audience was deeply shocked when they saw Ye Chen’s offensive.

“A shackled realm can actually explode such a powerful divine might!”

“It’s incredible!”

Numerous shocked voices sounded, and at this moment, Ye Chen was as powerful and invincible as fighting over a Buddha.

“Brother Ye is mighty!”

Gui Chen shouted excitedly, cheering for Ye Chen.

The Devil Emperor has a calm expression. He absolutely believes in Ye Chen’s strength. Ye Chen, who has opened up all the entrances of life and death, is definitely not something Su Daoguang can compete with.

The many candidates who bet on Su Daoguang were horrified. How could they have imagined that Ye Chen would be so ferocious, and a few face-to-face might burst out, like a **** of war who suppressed the world’s invincible.

Su Daoguang also felt deeply fearful, and obviously felt that Ye Chen’s combat effectiveness had taken a qualitative leap compared to the previous time in the Su family.

If before, he still had the possibility of resisting Ye Chen, but now that Ye Chen’s life and death entrance is opened, he has no chance at all.

“Master, help me to destroy reincarnation!”

At the entrance of life and death, Su Daoguang roared in the sky, and his spiritual energy exploded.


On his body, thousands of layers of light flickered, and a stalwart figure appeared.

That is Ye Linyuan’s figure!

Ye Linyuan’s majestic figure enveloped Su Daoguang.

Ye Chen’s Buddha pagoda was smashed hard, but Ye Linyuan flicked his finger and bounced back directly.

Seeing Ye Linyuan’s phantom appearing, the audience was in a commotion.


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