The Divine Urban Physician Chapter 7785: Opportunity


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The remaining four shackles of his lumbar spine were broken in an instant.

Twelve entrances of life and death, all open!

The number of Ye Chen’s shackles reached ninety-six in an instant!

Ninety-six ways to cut flails, this is already the qualification of a goddess!

Marven Ye was horrified, but he didn’t expect that when the Buddha made a move, he actually helped him open up all the doors of life and death. . .

Now he is left with only the shackles of his skull, the shackles of his eyes, and the shackles of his heart.

“Buddha, you…”

Marven Ye was deeply shocked. How powerful is this Buddha of Truth? He can break through the entrance of life and death for himself without any side effects.

With the complete opening of the entrance to life and death, Ye Chen felt that his combat power was soaring wildly.

In the past, he may still feel difficult when facing Su Daoguang.

But now, Ye Chen has absolute certainty that he can kill the opponent!

The entrance of life and death was opened, and Ye Chen’s strength was a qualitative leap, soaring fiercely.

“Hey, your shackles are so strong.”

“The old man originally thought that at least he could break through the shackles of the skull for you, so that you can become detached in wisdom, penetrate the falsehood, and see the truth. I didn’t expect that it would just open the door of life and death.”

The steady voice of the Buddha fluctuated at this moment.

Because he found that Ye Chen’s skull shackles were still strong.

He made a move just now, just to get through the entrance of life and death.

“The blood of reincarnation, as expected of the heavens, is so powerful.”

The Buddha made a sigh and shocked voice.

Ye Chen hurriedly cupped his hands and said, “Buddha, you have opened the door of life and death for me, I am very grateful, thank you, thank you!”

The Buddha said: “So, can you see the truth now?”

Marven Ye was silent, then shook his head, and said, “No, I don’t know the ultimate truth. Maybe it’s the law of the weak, maybe it’s the order of reincarnation, or maybe it’s the avenue of mercy, I’m not sure.”

The Buddha sighed: “Is this your answer?”

In his voice, there is endless regret.

Marven Ye wanted to say something, but the Buddha’s voice had been silent, and there was no longer any sound.

In the end, in the fog in front of Ye Chen’s eyes, a golden avenue appeared, leading to the top of the mountain.

Marven Ye walked along the golden avenue, step by step to the top of the mountain.

The legendary Great Sanctuary of Truth was built on top of the mountain.

Ye Chen came to the square in front of the temple and looked at the nearby Great Truth Temple, and felt even more solemn, vast and boundless of Buddhism.

After a while, Ye Chen saw Demon Emperor Zhetian, Gui Chen, Su Daoguang and others also walked out of the fog and came to the top of the mountain.

Finally, there are 28 people who can successfully pass the customs and get out of the fog.

Others were trapped in the fog and couldn’t find their way up the mountain.

Then, the fog cleared, and those people stood on the steps in a daze, at a loss.

The Zen master appraised loudly: “The second stage, the truth robbery is over!”

“Anyone who can climb to the top of the mountain has successfully passed the test of the Buddha.”

“Wait for the rest, all are eliminated, all go back!”

This second level is the truth question and answer.

There are only twenty people who can pass the truth question and answer test, and all the others are eliminated.

Those who were eliminated sighed and turned down the mountain helplessly.

Many people murmured, what is the ultimate truth?

The Zen master of the assessment continued: “The last stage, the kalpa of wisdom! The Buddha will personally test your wisdom! If you don’t have a mind of wisdom, you cannot become a son of Buddha!”

When the voice fell, Ye Chen and others were all awe-inspiring, not knowing how to consider wisdom in this last hurdle.

But I heard a desolate and thick voice from the Great Truth Temple, calling: “Su Daoguang, come out.”

It is the voice of the Buddha.

When Su Daoguang heard the words, he hurriedly stood up, cupped his hands, and said, “Listen to the teachings of the Buddha!”

The Buddha said: “If you say the truth of the world, the weak will eat the strong, and the strong will be respected. Then you will have a decisive battle with the Lord of Reincarnation. If you win, the old man will recognize your truth and teach you the supreme Dharma.”


Su Daoguang was stunned, but he didn’t expect that the Buddha actually asked him to fight Ye Chen decisively.

Marven Ye was also stunned. He didn’t expect Buddha to make this arrangement.

The Buddha said: “Master of reincarnation, are you willing to accept the decisive battle? If you win, Lao Na can answer all your questions.”

Marven Ye was excited for a while. He came here to find out the whereabouts of Mozu Wutian’s incarnation of kindness. Since Buddha was willing to answer all questions, it was exactly what he wanted.

Then Ye Chen said: “Buddha, I am willing to fight!”

The Buddha said again: “Su Daoguang, what about you?”

Su Daoguang’s eyes were shining, staring at Ye Chen with a strong murderous intent.

He wanted to take revenge for a long time. This time, the Buddha said, if he can kill Ye Chen, and even get the Buddha’s personal inheritance, it is really a great opportunity.

“Buddha, of course I would!”

Su Daoguang’s voice was firm, he agreed, and with a clang, he drew his long sword.

Looking at his posture of holding the sword, Ye Chen seemed to see Ye Linyuan’s figure.

Su Daoguang, the sixth layer of the Sky Profound Realm is a great consummation, and he is Ye Linyuan’s direct disciple, his strength is absolutely powerful.

But, Ye Chen is not afraid!

At this time, all the entrances of life and death have been opened. Even the mighty Su Daoguang, in his eyes, is nothing more than a dead bone in the grave.

With a sigh, Ye Chenzheng pulled out the Heavenly Sword of Samsara and looked directly at Su Daoguang.

The guests watching at the foot of the mountain were also shocked to see the scene where the two were fighting each other.

“The Lord of Reincarnation is famous, but he is only in the realm of shackles. Could it be that he can go against the Heavenly Monarch of the Sixth Heaven?”

“In this battle, I think the Lord of Reincarnation is likely to lose.”

“Yeah, look at his Heavenly Sword of Samsara, it hasn’t recovered to perfection yet, and there is a lack of sword qi, so he must not be Su Daoguang’s opponent.”

The bursts of discussion reached Ye Chen’s ears.

Marven Ye clenched the Heavenly Sword of Samsara with sharp eyes.

The Devil Emperor, Gui Chen, and other candidates all stepped back.

The Buddha said in a loud voice: “The rest of the people wait, you can bet. Whoever wins will pass the third level and become a Buddhist son of my Great Truth Temple.”

The third level, the test of wisdom, turned out to be such a test.

The candidates present were shocked for a while. This test seems to be much easier than the previous two levels.

There is neither the erosion of the demon nor the cover of the fog, everything is clear.

As long as you bet on the decisive battle between Ye Chen and Su Daoguang, whoever loses will win.

If it was a general slashing realm, fighting against the sixth layer of the Sky Profound Realm, then there is no need to think about it, it is definitely the one who is the strongest who will win.

However, this shackle-killing realm in front of me is the legendary Lord of Reincarnation, so many people present are undecided.

“The Lord of Reincarnation, with great fortune, he may have the possibility of attacking the Heavenly Sovereign.”


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